technological aspect
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Elina Leonidovna Sidorenko ◽  
Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Khalizeva

  This article is dedicated to the analysis of the system of offences related to the illicit circulation of digital securities in the Russian Federation. Special attention is given to the peculiarities of the mechanism of constructing the system of offences in the sphere of digital economy. The article analyzes the basic FATF acts pertinent to digital assets; examines the alarm signals in using such assets to launder proceeds acquired by illegal means or used to finance terrorism. The author reviews recommendations on application of risk-based approach in the process of creating due legal regulation of digital assets in the FATF member-states (including Russia). As a research task, the article aims to determine which acts associated with the illicit circulation of digital securities are the subjected to criminalization, as well as the composition of these offences considering the technological aspect of the mixed (economic and technological) nature of such assets. The corresponding draft federal laws “On the Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation” and “On the Amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses”, developed by the Ministry of Finances of the Russian Federation, comprise the legislative normative framework for this research. The conclusion is made on the reception (accounting) of recommendations for further development of such regulation in the Russian Federation.  

Dr. Sachi Gupta

Our aim is to provide a comprehensive summary of the evolution of indoor navigation technologies. Indoor navigation is a system that is used to locate the exact locations inside a campus. To provide a technological aspect of indoor positioning systems, there are a wide range of technologies and approaches. This system does not use the GPS (Global Positioning System) and any other Internet technologies. The aim is to create an app that would show the users a navigation route in the real world via mobile device’s screen. This can be beneficial to citizens in their day to day life as it allows the user to precisely navigate to a specific location in an architecture they have never been to before, such as an airport terminal, a classroom or the library in a campus, malls/retail store to navigate the customers to the items they would like to purchase etc. The created framework ought to give, progressively, valuable route data that empowers a user to settle on reasonable and convenient choices on which course to continue in an indoor space.

Jae-Yong Choung ◽  
Hye-Ran Hwang

In recent years, Korean firms have struggled with slowdowns of both these world-first developments and their export to overseas markets. Despite technological development process, however, important questions remain with respect to how non-technological capabilities such as organizational, regulatory, and financial innovation affect accumulation and failure. To address these concerns, the key components of a conceptual framework for investigating non-technological capabilities for transition consist of the existing government, R&D organizations, and inter-firm relations. We analyze the performance and limitations of non-technological capabilities in the process of transition from the catch-up system to the innovation-based system in Korea. Using the case study of system rather than mass products, we hope that this research can contribute to the understating of non-technological features of energy-sector transitional dynamics in Korea. Finally this research would provide a new approach to the challenges from a non-technological aspect and can also provide differentiated science and technology policy strategies for the catch-up economies.

Sahil Hans ◽  
Shaik Maqsad ◽  
Aditya Narayan Swami ◽  
Ashish Kumar

By this research, we want to display the key factors of how effective blogging as technology is. We collected information curated by several researchers on the same for understanding their point of view as well. By doing this we found out what makes blogging the best way of sharing information online. We also analyzed the technological aspect of modern-day blogging which includes modern technologies being used, privacy rules and control as well as data analytics. By these approaches, we showed how blogging is not only the best medium for sharing information but can also help in other fields as well like marketing, education, data analysis, community development. With this research, we also wanted to highlight the downsides of using blogging or micro-blogging.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 1991
Martin Hoffmann ◽  
Somayeh Malakuti ◽  
Sten Grüner ◽  
Soeren Finster ◽  
Jörg Gebhardt ◽  

Industrial Cyber–Physical System (CPS) is an emerging approach towards value creation in modern industrial production. The development and implementation of industrial CPS in real-life production are rewarding yet challenging. This paper aims to present a concept to develop, commercialize, operate, and maintain industrial CPS which can motivate the advance of the research and the industrial practice of industrial CPS in the future. We start with defining our understanding of an industrial CPS, specifying the components and key technological aspects of the industrial CPS, as well as explaining the alignment with existing work such as Industrie 4.0 concepts, followed by several use cases of industrial CPS in practice. The roles of each component and key technological aspect are described and the differences between traditional industrial systems and industrial CPS are elaborated. The multidisciplinary nature of industrial CPS leads to challenges when developing such systems, and we present a detailed description of several major sub-challenges that are key to the long-term sustainability of industrial CPS design. Since the research of industrial CPS is still emerging, we also discuss existing approaches and novel solutions to overcome these sub-challenges. These insights will help researchers and industrial practitioners to develop and commercialize industrial CPS.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Tika Widiastuti ◽  
Eko Fajar Cahyono ◽  
Siti Zulaikha ◽  
Imron Mawardi ◽  
Muhammad Ubaidillah Al Mustofa

Purpose This study aims to formulate a strategy for optimizing zakat governance in zakat institutions in East Java Province by identifying priority problems, creating solutions and developing strategies. Design/methodology/approach This qualitative research uses the analytical network process method. Ten respondents representing practitioners, academics, associations and regulators were selected for their expertise in zakat governance. The data were processed using Super Decision software program and Excel. Findings Priority issues in optimizing zakat governance found in this study are lack of information on Mustahik’s needs and development to Muzakki and the low motivation and ability of Mustahik to develop. Improving the quality and capacity of Amil’s, especially in the technological aspect, is a priority solution. The priority strategy considers intensification (by developing Amil’s ability to use technology) and extensification (by increasing Amil’s numbers who master technology). Practical implications The results highlight the urgency of increasing Amil’s capacity and capability in technology-based zakat management. Zakat institutions need to prepare for management’s transformation toward zakat technology as one of the priorities in optimizing zakat governance. Originality/value Problems, solutions and strategies for optimizing zakat governance are collected by connecting it to the Zakat Core Principles, namely, the ninth principle of collection management and the tenth principle of distribution management. Further, for identifying problems, solutions and strategies, four aspects must be considered of Amil, Muzakki, Mustahiq and other supporting elements to present better policies to optimize zakat governance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 387-410
Alok Sagar Gautam ◽  
Nishit Pathak ◽  
Taufiq Ahamad ◽  
Poonam Semwal ◽  
A. A. Bourai ◽  

Sura I. Al-Ayed ◽  
Ahmad Adnan Al-Tit

The aim of this study is to explore factors affecting the adoption of blended learning strategy. Data was collected using a questionnaire consisting of 42 items, distributed to a random sample of 174 faculty members of Saudi Electronic University and Qassim University. IBM SPSS was used to conduct data analysis. Supporting research hypothesis indicates that student, institutional and learning variables had significant influences on the adoption of blended learning strategy. Considering the findings, it was concluded that the adoption of a blended learning strategy depends not only on the technological aspect of the learning process but also on people, i.e., students who are engaged in the process and motivated teachers who possess the required knowledge and skills. The most important implication of this research is that policy and decision makers in business educational schools are requested to consider factors that had a significant effect on the adoption of blended learning. In doing that, the research contributes to the blended learning knowledge via highlighting the key variables that encourage or hinder the adoption of blended learning strategy.

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