silicide formation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 204 ◽  
pp. 116504
Hannes Zschiesche ◽  
Claude Alfonso ◽  
Ahmed Charaï ◽  
Dominique Mangelinck

2021 ◽  
Vol 314 ◽  
pp. 289-294
Philippe Garnier ◽  
Marine Audouin ◽  
Christian Pizzetti ◽  
Virginie Loup ◽  
Laurence Gabette ◽  

During silicide formation, unreacted NiPt metals is traditionally removed either by aqua regia (ESH concern) or SPM. This latter can easily degrade the device yield in HKMG (High K Metal Gate) nodes if the metal gates (usually TiN based) aren’t perfectly encapsulated. First some new characterizations are presented to better understand the NiPt metal alloy removal, then a new solution is given to be able to remove this alloy without degrading HKMG materials.

Гасан Абакарович Мустафаев ◽  
Арслан Гасанович Мустафаев ◽  
Валерий Александрович Панченко ◽  
Наталья Васильевна Черкесова

Ионная имплантация ионами отдачи или ионное перемешивание, основанное на внедрении требуемой примеси из поверхностных слоев при передаче им кинетической энергии первичного пучка, имеют большие перспективы для получения структур и соединений с заданными свойствами. В процессе масштабирования сверхбольших интегральных схем паразитное сопротивление межсодинений и неомический характер контактов являются ограничивающими факторами. Перспективными материалами для использования в системах металлизации являются силициды тугоплавких металлов. В работе проведено исследование по внедрению ионов фосфора в систему молибден-кремний. Полученные результаты демонстрируют возможность формирования силицида молибдена при пониженной температуре, применением имплантации ионов, вызывающих ионное перемешивание. Разработанная технология позволяет достичь однородной границы раздела силицида с кремнием, и необходимые электрофизические характеристики метализации и омических контактов. Из-за заглубления границы раздела в объем полупроводника снижается влияние состояния поверхности кремния на параметры омических контактов, в результате обеспечивается их необходимая стабильность и воспроизводимость. Ion implantation with recoil ions or ion mixing based on the introduction of the required impurity from the surface layers during the transfer of the kinetic energy of the primary beam to them have great prospects for obtaining structures and compounds with desired properties. In the process of ranging of very large scale integrated circuits, the parasitic resistance of interconnections and the nonohmic nature of contacts are the limiting factors. Refractory metal silicides are promising materials for use in metallization systems. In this work a study was carried out on the introduction of phosphorus ions into molybdenum-silicon systems. The results obtained demonstrate the possibility of the molybdenum silicide formation at a low temperature using implantation of ions that cause ionic mixing. The developed technology makes it possible to achieve a homogeneous interface between the silicide and silicon with the necessary electrophysical characteristics of metalization and ohmic contacts. Due to the deepening of the interface into the bulk of the semiconductor, the effect of the silicon surface state on parameters of ohmic contacts decreases. As a result their necessary stability and reproducibility are ensured.

2020 ◽  
Vol MA2020-02 (59) ◽  
pp. 2915-2915
Tsuyoshi Murakami ◽  
Yoshiharu Sakamura ◽  
Koichi Uozumi ◽  
Masatoshi Iizuka

2020 ◽  
Vol 98 (10) ◽  
pp. 33-46
Tsuyoshi Murakami ◽  
Yoshiharu Sakamura ◽  
Koichi Uozumi ◽  
Masatoshi Iizuka

Materialia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 100528 ◽  
Paolo Badalà ◽  
Simone Rascunà ◽  
Brunella Cafra ◽  
Anna Bassi ◽  
Emanuele Smecca ◽  

Nanomaterials ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Nele Berger ◽  
Ayoub Laghrissi ◽  
Yee Yan Tay ◽  
Thirumany Sritharan ◽  
Jacek Fiutowski ◽  

Interdiffusion between Si substrate and nanorod arrays of Au, Pt, and AuPt nanoalloys is investigated at temperatures lower than the AuSi eutectic temperature. When the nanorod is pure Au, Si diffusion from the substrate is very rapid. Au atoms are completely replaced by Si, converting the nanostructure into one of Si nanorod arrays. Au is diffused out to the substrate. The Au nanorod arrays on Si are unstable. When the nanorod is pure Pt, however, no diffusion of Si into the nanorod or any silicide formation is observed. The Pt nanorods are stable on Si substrate. When the nanorods are an alloy of AuPt, interesting interactions occur. Si diffusion into the nanorods is rapid but the diffusing Si readily reacts with Pt forming PtSi while Au diffuses out to the substrate. After annealing, nanophases of Au, Pt, PtSi, and Si may be present within the nanorods. When the Pt content of the alloy is low (12 at%) all Pt atoms are converted to silicide and the extra Si atoms remain in elemental form, particularly near the tip of the nanorods. Hence, the presence of Au accelerates Si diffusion and the ensuing reaction to form PtSi, a phenomenon absents in pure Pt nanorods. When the Au content of the alloy is low, the Si diffusion would cease when all Au atoms have diffused out of the nanorod, thereby arresting the silicide formation resulting in excess Pt in elemental form within the nanorod. This is a technique of making Si nanorods with and without embedded PtSi nanophase consisting of heterojunctions which could have unique properties.

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