bound state energy
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2021 ◽  
Ifeanyi Jude Njoku ◽  
Chibueze Paul Onyenegecha ◽  
Chioma J Okereke ◽  
Ekwevugbe Omugbe ◽  
Emeka Onyeocha

Abstract The study presents the thermodynamic properties of the Iodine and Scandium Flouride molecules with molecular Deng-Fan potential. The bound state energy solution of the radial Schrodinger equation is obtained via the formula method. The partition function and other thermodynamic properties are evaluated via the Poisson summation approach. The numerical values of energy of the I2 and ScF molecules are found to be in agreement with results obtained from other methods in the literature. The results further show that the partition function decreases, and then converges to a constant value as temperature increases.

2021 ◽  
Yi-Cai Zhang

Abstract In this work, we investigate the bound states in a one-dimensional spin-1 flat band system with a Coulomb-like potential of type III, which has a unique non-vanishing matrix element in basis $|1\rangle$. It is found that, for such a kind of potential, there exists infinite bound states. Near the threshold of continuous spectrum, the bound state energy is consistent with the ordinary hydrogen-like atom energy level with Rydberg correction. In addition, the flat band has significant effects on the bound states. For example, there are infinite bound states which are generated from the flat band. Furthermore, when the potential is weak, the bound state energy is proportional to the potential strength $\alpha$. When the bound state energies are very near the flat band, they are inversely proportional to the natural number $n$ (e.g., $E_n\propto 1/n, n=1,2,3,...$). Further we find that the energy spectrum can be well described by quasi-classical approximation (WKB method). Finally, we give a critical potential strength $\alpha_c$ at which the bound state energy reaches the threshold of continuous spectrum. After crossing the threshold, the bound states in the continuum (BIC) would exist in such a flat band system.

U. S. Okorie ◽  
A. N. Ikot ◽  
C. A. Onate ◽  
M. C. Onyeaju ◽  
G. J. Rampho

In this study, the Klein–Gordon equation (KGE) is solved with the attractive radial potential using the Nikiforov–Uvarov-functional-analysis (NUFA) method in higher dimensions. By employing the Greene–Aldrich approximation scheme, the approximate bound state energy equations as well as the corresponding radial wave function are obtained in closed form. Also, the expression for the scattering phase shift is obtained in D-dimensions. The effects of the screening parameter and the total angular momentum quantum number on the bound state energy and the scattering states’ phase shift are also studied numerically and graphically at different dimensions. An interesting result of this study is the inter-dimensional degeneracy symmetry for scattering phase shift. Hence, this concept is applicable in the areas of nuclear and particle physics.

2021 ◽  
C. P. Onyenegecha ◽  
E. N. Omoko ◽  
I. J. Njoku ◽  
E. E. Oguzie ◽  
C. J. Okereke

Abstract The study presents the thermodynamic properties of the XI Σ+g state of potassium (K2) dimer with molecular Deng-Fan potential. The bound state energy solution of the radial Schrodinger equation is obtained via the formula method. The partition function and other thermodynamic properties are evaluated. The numerical values of energy are found to be in agreement with results obtained from other methods in literature. The results further show that the partition function increases as temperature decreases, which implies a decrease in the probability of finding a particle in a state with quantum number, n.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 255-263
Bako M. Bitrus ◽  
U Wadata ◽  
C. M. Nwabueze ◽  
E. S. Eyube

In this paper, concept of supersymmetric quantum mechanics has been employed to derive expression for bound state energy eigenvalues of the Tietz-Hulthén potential, the corresponding equation for normalized radial eigenfunctions were deduced by ansatz solution technique. In dealing with the centrifugal term of the effective potential of the Schrödinger equation, a Pekeris-like approximation recipe is considered. By means of the expression for bound state energy eigenvalues and radial eigenfunctions, equations for expectation values of inverse separation-squared and kinetic energy of the Tietz-Hulthén potential were obtained from the Hellmann-Feynman theorem. Numerical values of bound state energy eigenvalues and expectation values of inverse separation-squared and kinetic energy the Tietz-Hulthén potential were computed at arbitrary principal and angular momentum quantum numbers. Results obtained for computed energy eigenvalues of Tietz-Hulthén potential corresponding to Z = 0 and V0 = 0 are in excellent agreement with available literature data for Tietz and Hulthén potentials respectively. Studies have also revealed that increase in parameter Z results in monotonic increase in the mean kinetic energy of the system. The results obtained in this work may find suitable applications in areas of physics such as: atomic physics, chemical physics, nuclear physics and solid state physics

2021 ◽  
pp. 127447
Zhong-Xian Zhuang ◽  
Chi-Shung Tang ◽  
Quoc-Hung Phan ◽  
Nzar Rauf Abdullah ◽  
Vidar Gudmundsson

2021 ◽  
pp. 2150041
U. S. Okorie ◽  
A. N. Ikot ◽  
G. J. Rampho ◽  
P. O. Amadi ◽  
Hewa Y. Abdullah

By employing the concept of conformable fractional Nikiforov–Uvarov (NU) method, we solved the fractional Schrödinger equation with the Morse potential in one dimension. The analytical expressions of the bound state energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the Morse potential were obtained. Numerical results for the energies of Morse potential for the selected diatomic molecules were computed for different fractional parameters chosen arbitrarily. Also, the graphical variation of the bound state energy eigenvalues of the Morse potential for hydrogen dimer with vibrational quantum number and the range of the potential were discussed, with regards to the selected fractional parameters. The vibrational partition function and other thermodynamic properties such as vibrational internal energy, vibrational free energy, vibrational entropy and vibrational specific heat capacity were evaluated in terms of temperature. Our results are new and have not been reported in any literature before.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Yueting Pan ◽  
Haijiao Ji ◽  
Xin-Qi Li ◽  
Haiwen Liu

AbstractWe solve the quasi-bound state-energy spectra and wavefunctions of an NPN-type graphene quantum dot under a perpendicular magnetic field. The evolution of the quasi-bound state spectra under the magnetic field is investigated using a Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin approximation. In numerical calculations, we also show that the twofold energy degeneracy of the opposite angular momenta breaks under a weak magnetic field. As the magnetic field strengthens, this phenomenon produces an observable splitting of the energy spectrum. Our results demonstrate the relation between the quasi-bound state-energy spectrum in graphene quantum dots and magnetic field strength, which is relevant to recent measurements in scanning tunneling microscopy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 51 (5) ◽  
pp. 979-987 ◽  
I. Filikhin ◽  
B. Vlahovic

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 240-251
ES Eyube ◽  
U Wadata ◽  
SD Najoji

We have employed the exact quantization rule to obtain closed form expression for the bound state energy eigenvalues of a molecule in quadratic exponential-type potential. To deal with the spin-orbit centrifugal term of the effective potential energy function, we have used a Pekeris-type approximation scheme, we have also obtained closed form expression for the normalized radial wave functions by solving the Riccati equation with quadratic exponential-type potential. Using our derived energy eigenvalue formula, we have deduced expressions for the bound state energy eigenvalues of the Hulthén, Eckart and Deng-Fan potentials, considered as special cases of the quadratic exponential-type potential. Our deduced energy eigenvalues are in excellent agreement with those in the literature. We have computed bound states energy eigenvalues for six diatomic molecules viz: HCl, LiH, H2, SeH, VH and TiH. Our results are in total agreement with existing results in the literature for the s-wave and in good agreement for higher quantum states. By solving the Riccati equation, we have obtained normalized radial wave functions of the quadratic exponential-type potential, our results show higher probabilities of finding the molecule in the region 0.1 ≤ y ≤ 0.2

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