round sphere
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Ko Sanders

AbstractWe consider solutions of the semi-classical Einstein–Klein–Gordon system with a cosmological constant $$\Lambda \in \mathbb {R}$$ Λ ∈ R , where the spacetime is given by Einstein’s static metric on $$\mathbb {R}\times \mathbb {S}^3$$ R × S 3 with a round sphere of radius $$a>0$$ a > 0 and the state of the scalar quantum field has a two-point distribution $$\omega _2$$ ω 2 that respects all the symmetries of the metric. We assume that the mass $$m\ge 0$$ m ≥ 0 and scalar curvature coupling $$\xi \in \mathbb {R}$$ ξ ∈ R of the field satisfy $$m^2+\xi R>0$$ m 2 + ξ R > 0 , which entails the existence of a ground state. We do not require states to be Hadamard or quasi-free, but the quasi-free solutions are characterised in full detail. The set of solutions of the semi-classical Einstein–Klein–Gordon system depends on the choice of the parameters $$(a,\Lambda ,m,\xi )$$ ( a , Λ , m , ξ ) and on the renormalisation constants in the renormalised stress tensor of the scalar field. We show that the set of solutions is either (i) the empty set, or (ii) the singleton set containing only the ground state, or (iii) a set with infinitely many elements. We characterise the ranges of the parameters and renormalisation constants where each of these alternatives occur. We also show that all quasi-free solutions are given by density matrices in the ground state representation and we show that in cases (ii) and (iii) there is a unique quasi-free solution which minimises the von Neumann entropy. When $$m=0$$ m = 0 this unique state is a $$\beta $$ β -KMS state. We argue that all these conclusions remain valid in the reduced order formulation of the semi-classical Einstein equation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (5) ◽  
Krai Cheamsawat ◽  
Sebastian Fischetti ◽  
Lucas Wallis ◽  
Toby Wiseman

Abstract We compare the behavior of the vacuum free energy (i.e. the Casimir energy) of various (2 + 1)-dimensional CFTs on an ultrastatic spacetime as a function of the spatial geometry. The CFTs we consider are a free Dirac fermion, the conformally-coupled scalar, and a holographic CFT, and we take the spatial geometry to be an axisymmetric deformation of the round sphere. The free energies of the fermion and of the scalar are computed numerically using heat kernel methods; the free energy of the holographic CFT is computed numerically from a static, asymptotically AdS dual geometry using a novel approach we introduce here. We find that the free energy of the two free theories is qualitatively similar as a function of the sphere deformation, but we also find that the holographic CFT has a remarkable and mysterious quantitative similarity to the free fermion; this agreement is especially surprising given that the holographic CFT is strongly-coupled. Over the wide ranges of deformations for which we are able to perform the computations accurately, the scalar and fermion differ by up to 50% whereas the holographic CFT differs from the fermion by less than one percent.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
Shai M. Chester ◽  
Rohit R. Kalloor ◽  
Adar Sharon

Abstract We consider the sphere free energy F(b; mI) in $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 6 ABJ(M) theory deformed by both three real masses mI and the squashing parameter b, which has been computed in terms of an N dimensional matrix model integral using supersymmetric localization. We show that setting $$ {m}_3=i\frac{b-{b}^{-1}}{2} $$ m 3 = i b − b − 1 2 relates F(b; mI) to the round sphere free energy, which implies infinite relations between mI and b derivatives of F(b; mI) evaluated at mI = 0 and b = 1. For $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 8 ABJ(M) theory, these relations fix all fourth order and some fifth order derivatives in terms of derivatives of m1, m2, which were previously computed to all orders in 1/N using the Fermi gas method. This allows us to compute $$ {\partial}_b^4F\left|{}_{b=1}\right. $$ ∂ b 4 F b = 1 and $$ {\partial}_b^5F\left|{}_{b=1}\right. $$ ∂ b 5 F b = 1 to all orders in 1/N, which we precisely match to a recent prediction to sub-leading order in 1/N from the holographically dual AdS4 bulk theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
Joseph Minahan ◽  
Usman Naseer ◽  
Charles Thull

We study the free energy of four-dimensional CFTs on deformed spheres. For generic nonsupersymmetric CFTs only the coefficient of the logarithmic divergence in the free energy is physical, which is an extremum for the round sphere. We then specialize to N=2N=2 SCFTs where one can preserve some supersymmetry on a compact manifold by turning on appropriate background fields. For deformations of the round sphere the cc anomaly receives corrections proportional to the supersymmetric completion of the (Weyl)^22 term, which we determine up to one constant by analyzing the scale dependence of various correlators in the stress-tensor multiplet. We further show that the double derivative of the free energy with respect to the marginal couplings is proportional to the two-point function of the bottom components of the marginal chiral multiplet placed at the two poles of the deformed sphere. We then use anomaly considerations and counter-terms to parametrize the finite part of the free energy which makes manifest its dependence on the Kähler potential. We demonstrate these results for a theory with a vector multiplet and a massless adjoint hypermultiplet using results from localization. Finally, by choosing a special value of the hypermultiplet mass where the free energy is independent of the deformation, we derive an infinite number of constraints between various integrated correlators in N=4N=4 super Yang-Mills with any gauge group and at all values of the coupling, extending previous results.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (10) ◽  
Sebastian Fischetti ◽  
Lucas Wallis ◽  
Toby Wiseman

Abstract We examine the renormalized free energy of the free Dirac fermion and the free scalar on a (2+1)-dimensional geometry ℝ × Σ, with Σ having spherical topology and prescribed area. Using heat kernel methods, we perturbatively compute this energy when Σ is a small deformation of the round sphere, finding that at any temperature the round sphere is a local maximum. At low temperature the free energy difference is due to the Casimir effect. We then numerically compute this free energy for a class of large axisymmetric deformations, providing evidence that the round sphere globally maximizes it, and we show that the free energy difference relative to the round sphere is unbounded below as the geometry on Σ becomes singular. Both our perturbative and numerical results in fact stem from the stronger finding that the difference between the heat kernels of the round sphere and a deformed sphere always appears to have definite sign. We investigate the relevance of our results to physical systems like monolayer graphene consisting of a membrane supporting relativistic QFT degrees of freedom.

2020 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-205
Tomasz Zawadzki

Abstract We prove that every conformal submersion from a round sphere onto an Einstein manifold with fibers being geodesics is—up to an isometry—the Hopf fibration composed with a conformal diffeomorphism of the complex projective space of appropriate dimension. We also show that there are no conformal submersions with minimal fibers between manifolds satisfying certain curvature assumptions.

Mónica Clapp ◽  
Alberto Saldaña ◽  
Andrzej Szulkin

Abstract We study an optimal $M$-partition problem for the Yamabe equation on the round sphere, in the presence of some particular symmetries. We show that there is a correspondence between solutions to this problem and least energy sign-changing symmetric solutions to the Yamabe equation on the sphere with precisely $M$ nodal domains. The existence of an optimal partition is established through the study of the limit profiles of least energy solutions to a weakly coupled competitive elliptic system on the sphere.

José Edson Sampaio

Abstract In this paper we present a classification of a class of globally subanalytic CMC surfaces in ℝ3 that generalizes the recent classification made by Barbosa and do Carmo in 2016. We show that a globally subanalytic CMC surface in ℝ3 with isolated singularities and a suitable condition of local connectedness is a plane or a finite union of round spheres and right circular cylinders touching at the singularities. As a consequence, we obtain that a globally subanalytic CMC surface in ℝ3 that is a topological manifold does not have isolated singularities. It is also proved that a connected closed globally subanalytic CMC surface in ℝ3 with isolated singularities which is locally Lipschitz normally embedded needs to be a plane or a round sphere or a right circular cylinder. A result in the case of non-isolated singularities is also presented. It also presented some results on regularity of semialgebraic sets and, in particular, it proved a real version of Mumford's Theorem on regularity of normal complex analytic surfaces and a result about C1 regularity of minimal varieties.

Mathematics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 444
Muhittin Evren Aydin ◽  
Adela Mihai

In the present note we introduce a Pythagorean-like formula for surfaces immersed into 3-dimensional space forms M 3 ( c ) of constant sectional curvature c = − 1 , 0 , 1 . More precisely, we consider a surface immersed into M 3 c satisfying I 2 + II 2 = III 2 , where I , II and III are the matrices corresponding to the first, second and third fundamental forms of the surface, respectively. We prove that such a surface is a totally umbilical round sphere with Gauss curvature φ + c , where φ is the Golden ratio.

Ernst Kuwert ◽  
Julian Scheuer

Abstract Kuwert and Schätzle showed in 2001 that the Willmore flow converges to a standard round sphere, if the initial energy is small. In this situation, we prove stability estimates for the barycenter and the quadratic moment of the surface. Moreover, in codimension one, we obtain stability bounds for the enclosed volume and averaged mean curvature. As direct applications, we recover a quasi-rigidity estimate due to De Lellis and Müller (2006) and an estimate for the isoperimetric deficit by Röger and Schätzle (2012), whose original proofs used different methods.

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