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2021 ◽  
Ellison Luk ◽  
Jean-Christophe Verstraete

Abstract This study analyses the role of conjunctions in clause linkage in Australian languages. Conjunctions are seemingly straightforward clause-linking devices, but they remain under-studied, both for Australian languages and from a broader typological perspective. In this study, we propose a functional definition of conjunctions, as set against other resources for clause linkage. We show that this captures not just the prototypical free-standing elements (the equivalents of if, because, but etc.), but also various types of bound markers with a similar function (bound to clause-scoping positions or predicates). We survey the role of conjunctions in a representative sample of 53 Australian languages, showing that they are not a marginal clause linkage resource in Australia, as seems to be assumed in the relevant literature, but often form a major category within clause linkage systems. We also identify a number of areal patterns, based on the size of conjunction inventories and their morphosyntactic features.

S. Sri Soundarya ◽  
P. Radhika ◽  
D. Srinivasa Reddy ◽  
K. Supriya

Flowers are an integral part of Indian culture and tons of flowers often gets accumulated at religious sites like temples, mosques, churches and gurudwaras due to a number of religious practices and it is also generated in places like wedding ceremonies, flower markets, residential areas, etc. But sadly, most of these flowers often thrown in water bodies and garbage, creating an environmental hazard. Hence, the present study was taken to analyse the floral waste generation pattern and their disposal in the city. A total sample of 62 floral waste generators consisting of 30 temples, 12 function halls and 20 flower shops was selected for the study. Data was analysed and tabulated. The study analysed that the bigger temples contribute to higher floral waste generation, and the festival seasons around the year also generates more floral waste. The function halls don’t generate a constant quantity of floral waste and the usage of flowers highly depends on the budget and theme of the ceremony. The flower markets generate more floral waste if the sales are less in the market. The flowers such as Chrysanthemum, Marigold Jasmine and Rose are generated as major category of floral waste.

2021 ◽  
María Kathia Cárdenas ◽  
Pablo Cazzulino ◽  
Barry Popkin ◽  
J. Jaime Miranda

The production and sales of carbonated soda have doubled in the last two decades in Peru. Such an increase in availability and access to carbonated soda, a major category of SSBs, presents a public health risk. In Peru, 70% of adults are either overweight or obese, and the existing health care system struggles to provide adequate patient care for all the related non-communicable diseases. Peru has had a tax, called ISC tax or “Impuesto Selectivo al Consumo”, of 17% for carbonated soda since 1999. In May 2018, the Peruvian government raised the ISC tax to 25%, an eight percentage points increase, for SSBs that contains 6g of sugar or more per 100 ml to fight against rising obesity and diabetes rates. Then, in June 2019, the ISC was modified for SSBs that contain 0.5 g/100 ml of sugar or less. In this article, we discuss the evolution of the SSBs tax in Peru since its inception, in order to understand the historical context of SSBs taxation and inform future robust monitoring and evaluation of the impact of SSBs taxes, much needed to timely inform decision-makers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
Jeanne Moldenhauer

Reviewing previous FDA Inspection Findings (FDA-483s) and Warning Letters can provide useful information in preparing for audits and regulatory inspections at your facility. While it can be difficult to find specific FDA-483s on the Internet, there is data published by FDA of the specific types of drug, device, and biologics inspections observations for each year. This data is provided in Excel spreadsheets by FDA. It can be useful to re-organize the information into more useful formats for analysis. By year, there is a table of the number of observations in each major category.

2021 ◽  
pp. tobaccocontrol-2020-056173
James F Pankow ◽  
Wentai Luo ◽  
Kevin J McWhirter ◽  
Samantha Gillette ◽  
Joanna E Cohen

BackgroundTobacco companies are offering cigarettes with ‘concept’ descriptor names that suggest sensation and/or flavour properties (eg, Marlboro ‘Velvet Fusion’). Little has been known about the identities and levels of flavour chemicals in such cigarettes.MethodsThirty-three filter cigarette variants from 27 packs (including two sampler packs with four variations each) from Canada and Mexico were analysed (rod + filter) for 177 flavour chemicals plus triacetin, a filter plasticiser and possible flavourant. Five brands of US mentholated filter cigarettes were also analysed.ResultsTwenty-seven of the 33 cigarettes (all were Mexican variants) were categorised as ‘menthol-plus’: significant menthol (3.0–11.9 mg/cigarette), plus varying amounts (0.32–3.4 mg/cigarette) of total other flavour chemicals (TOFCs) (excludes triacetin). For 10 of the 27, TOFCs >1.0 mg/cigarette. For 7 of the 27, the TOFCs profile was categorised as containing total fruit flavour compounds (TFFCs) >1.0 mg/cigarette. One Mexican variant was categorised as ‘menthol-only’ (TOFCs ≤0.15 mg/cigarette). All menthol-plus and menthol-only cigarettes contained one or two optional-crush capsules in their filters (crushed prior to analysis). All five Canadian brand variants were ‘non-flavoured’. All five US brand variants were ‘menthol-only’.ConclusionsAll but one of the ‘concept’ descriptor cigarettes from Mexico were ‘menthol-plus’. While the Canadian cigarettes complied with Canada’s flavour chemical ban, concept descriptors on the packs may increase appeal. Given the scale of the problem posed by menthol alone, health officials seeking to decrease the appeal of smoked tobacco should examine the extent to which ‘concept descriptor’ cigarettes using ‘menthol-plus’ flavour profiling together with artful descriptors are furthering the problem of smoked tobacco.

PMLA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 135 (5) ◽  
pp. 877-894
Robin Bernstein

This essay uses performance theory to intervene in a decades-long debate about a characteristic of children's literature: it is the only major category of literature written by one group (adults) for another (children). According to a contested but tenacious school of thought, this difference between writers and readers embeds top-down power, or adult domination of children, in children's literature. I identify a popular subcategory of children's literature, the “going-to-bed book” (exemplified by Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd's Goodnight Moon), which appears to epitomize and therefore shore up this top-down model. I then read going-to-bed books through function—that is, the ritualistic actions or performances that these books prompt, or script, among child and adult readers. This mode of analysis initially produces seemingly powerful evidence in support of the top-down model of children's literature; but that evidence, as I show by examining two recent best sellers, ultimately unravels.

Muriel Norde

Grammaticalization is traditionally defined as the gradual process whereby a lexical item becomes a grammatical item (primary grammaticalization), which may be followed by further formal and semantic reduction (secondary grammaticalization). It is a composite change that may affect both phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic-pragmatic properties of a morpheme, and it is found in all the world’s languages. On the level of morphology, grammaticalization has been shown to have various effects, ranging from the loss of inflection in primary grammaticalization to the development of bound morphemes or new inflectional classes in secondary grammaticalization. Well-known examples include the development of future auxiliaries from motion verbs (e.g., English to be going to), and the development of the Romance inflection future (e.g., French chanter-ai ‘I sing’, chanter-as ‘you sing’, etc., from a verb meaning ‘to have’). Although lexical-grammatical change is overwhelmingly unidirectional, shifts in the reverse direction, called degrammaticalization, have also been shown to occur. Like grammaticalization, degrammaticalization is a composite change, which is characterized by an increase in phonological and semantic substance as well as in morphosyntactic autonomy. Accordingly, the effects on morphology are different from those in grammaticalization. In primary degrammaticalization new inflections may be acquired (e.g., the Welsh verb nôl ‘to fetch,’ from an adposition meaning ‘after’), and erstwhile bound morphemes may become free morphemes (e.g., English ish). As such effects are also found in other types of changes, degrammaticalization needs to be clearly delineated from those. For example, a shift from a minor to a major category (e.g., English ifs and buts) or the lexicalization of bound affixes (isms), likewise result in new inflections, but these are instantaneous changes, not gradual ones.

2020 ◽  
pp. 157-160
Boaz Huss

The epilogue to the book clarifies that this book took the opposite direction from the ongoing project of exposing the existence of Jewish mysticism and of subjugating Kabbalah and Hasidism to this category. Instead of assuming the universality of mysticism, and presupposing that Kabbalah and Hasidism are Jewish forms of mysticism, the book exposed how these assumptions were formed and the way they shaped the research and practice of Kabbalah and Hasidism. The book explored the historical contexts and discursive processes that shaped the construction of Jewish mysticism uncovered the political and theological presuppositions underlying the academic study of Jewish mysticism and showed how the theological paradigms of the academic discipline have defined the borders of this field, directed the creation of scientific knowledge, and determined the symbolic value of the researched data. The epilogue suggests that relinquishing “mysticism” as the major category for the conceptualization and study of Kabbalah and Hasidism may disengage the research field from theological presuppositions. This can open up the study of social, political, and economic aspects of Kabbalah that scholars of Jewish mysticism have neglected, enable a research of new historical and cultural contexts that were not taken hitherto into consideration, and encourage the study of Kabbalistic movements that were rejected by scholars as insignificant or inauthentic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
Carina Anderson ◽  
Lorna Moxham ◽  
Marc Broadbent

Objective: This study examined registered nurses’ perspectives of being supportive of nursing students and providing them with learning opportunities when on clinical placements. Background: In Australia, as part of their three-year Bachelors degree, undergraduate nursing students undertake a minimum of 800 hours of clinical placement. During these clinical placement hours, nursing students are supervised by registered nurses who are required to be supportive of the students and provide them with learning opportunities. Study design and methods: This study used a grounded theory approach. In this qualitative study there were fifteen registered nurse participants. Thirteen participants were female participants and two were male. Participants were individually interviewed. Transcripts from these in–depth interviews were analysed using constant comparative analysis. Results: The major category, an added extra, emerged from this study. An added extra is about registered nurses’ perception that having a student is an added extra to their daily duties. The major category an added extra is informed by three emergent themes. The first theme was time, the second theme was workload and the third theme was wanting recognition. Discussion: Registered nurses perceived that their workloads tend not to be taken into consideration when they have nursing students. The literature suggests that nursing students often miss out on learning opportunities when they are on clinical placement because registered nurses do not have additional time to effectively support students’ clinical learning. Conclusion: Participants in this study believed being supportive of nursing students and providing them with learning opportunities was an added extra to their daily nursing duties. Findings revealed registered nurses want to be recognised for the extra time and effort they dedicate to students’ learning.

Valentin Vydrin

The Mande language Dan, which is spoken in the West African countries of Guinea, the Ivory Coast, and Liberia, is among the few African languages that distinguish between five tone registers. Metrical feet in this language play a role with respect to nasal harmony as well as tonal and vocalic combinations. This chapter also presents a general overview of simple and complex sentences, with a special focus on locative marking, which constitutes a prominent morphosyntactic feature of Dan nouns, as well as on lability, which is a typologically interesting feature of the other major category in the language, the verb.

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