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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Janne Fauskanger ◽  
Nina Helgevold ◽  
Mercy Kazima ◽  
Arne Jakobsen

PurposeThe aim of the study is to better understand how lesson study (LS) contributes to challenging teachers' views of mathematics teaching and learning.Design/methodology/approachThis study is part of a wider ongoing project aiming at improving primary mathematics teaching in Malawi through professional development (PD) of teachers using a LS model. The units being analyzed are teachers' written reflections and lesson plans. The analytical approach is qualitative content analysis.FindingsInitially, the participating Malawian primary teachers report traditional views of mathematics teaching and learning. After having participated in a LS cycle, they reported on the need to work on how to involve and create space for learners' participation in mathematic lessons and highlight the importance for learners to discover mathematics on their own.Research limitations/implicationsThis is a small-scale study due to LS being quite new in the Malawian context and the need to test before possible upscaling.Practical implicationsThe paper includes a description on how LS might contribute to challenging Malawian teachers' views of mathematics teaching and learning; this can be valuable information for others who are attempting to use LS in a similar context.Originality/valueThis paper fulfills an identified need to learn more about how LS might contribute to challenging teachers' views of mathematics teaching and learning worldwide.

2022 ◽  
pp. 81-102
Sara Cerqueira Pascoal ◽  
Laura Tallone ◽  
Marco Furtado

This chapter intends to describe the case of the MIEC virtual exhibition as well as reflect upon the relevance of ICT, namely Google Arts and Culture, for the promotion of cultural heritage tourism. In this vein, the authors will first approach the issues of cultural tourism and ICT, exploring how virtual exhibitions and digitization have become an important tool to empower institutions and audiences. Secondly, the authors will present, discuss, and assess the project-based learning (PBL) activities, starting with the presentation of the platform, its advantages and disadvantages for learning and teaching. Then, the authors will analyze some of the results obtained from a pedagogical perspective by scrutinizing students' surveys and opinions. These results will also report on the research outcomes of the project, and an accountability of its marketing purposes will be proposed. The chapter will finally put forward the limitations of this ongoing project and intended future research, suggesting how similar projects can be implemented, managed, and assessed.

2022 ◽  
pp. 37-46
Pio Abad

This paper focuses on an ongoing project that began in 2012, entitled The Collection of Jane Ryan & William Saunders. This project is an attempt to reconstitute the Marcos Collection. Sourced from auction catalogues, museum archives, and scant government records, their lavish inventory of commissioned portraits, jewellery, Regency silverware, and old master paintings is reproduced as photographic installations, postcards, and three-dimensional prints. Reconstruction, in this instance, becomes a sustained democratic gesture, allowing an increasingly forgetful public to access a collection that has remained unavailable through a systemic failure by successive post-dictatorial governments to institutionalize collective acts of remembering.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 217
Yu-Fang Lin ◽  
Tzu-Yin Chang ◽  
Wen-Ray Su ◽  
Rong-Kang Shang

Taiwan is in a hazard-exposed area where people often suffer through typhoons, earthquakes, and landslides, and must face the challenges of environmental and climate changes in ongoing and future developments. Taiwan has implemented an integrated and interdisciplinary project, which is titled Civil IoT Taiwan, for better disaster risk management and risk communication with all stakeholders by cooperating closely with authorities, scientists, and industry. The purposes of this project are to raise public risk awareness to reduce disaster damage and loss and sustainably increase the social, economic, and environmental impacts. For measuring the social impacts of the Civil IoT Taiwan, the social return on investment (SROI) is an evaluation tool to demonstrate the outcomes and impacts of Civil IoT Taiwan to measure its social effects. The SROI ratio of this project is 1.12. Civil IoT Taiwan has just implemented the first development stage in establishing infrastructure for monitoring and sensing; thus, the significant changes and impacts on society, economics, and the environment will be evaluated in the next phase. This ongoing project will also involve more stakeholders for more sustainable and resilient environmental governance in future development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 91 (2) ◽  
pp. 5-12
Paolo Pedrini ◽  
Fernando Spina

[Conceived by the National Ringing Centre ISPRA and MUSE (Trento, formerly MTSN), the Alps Project was launched in 1997 in order to understand the post-breeding migration strategies of birds across the Italian Alps. The project is realized thanks to the support offered by MUSE and several institutions at a local scale, not to mention the collaboration of over one hundred ringers. In more than twenty years, 40 stations located in sites of passage (alpine and pre-alpine passes) and stop-over (valley floors and slopes) have taken part in the project, leading to a dataset of 666,471 ringed individuals and 191 species (as to 2017). After a first exploratory phase (1997-2002), in which the migration was investigated in its many aspects of specific composition and spatial-temporal variation, the project has been restricted to a smaller number of stations since 2007. Those stations are characterized by working in a standardized and continuous way during the whole period (August-November) or during the migration period of the intra-Palearctic species (end of September-October). In this paper we describe the aims, protocols and organizational aspects of the project, with a special focus on monitoring trends and changes in the long-term phenology. This ongoing project (2021) is part of the ISPRA national ringing plan to monitor bird migration across the country].   [Article in Italian]

Silvia Boumova ◽  
Peter Boyvalenkov ◽  
Maya Stoyanova

We propose two methods for obtaining estimations on the minimum distance and covering radius of orthogonal arrays. Both methods are based on knowledge about the (feasible) sets of distance distributions of orthogonal arrays with given length, cardinality, factors and strength. New bounds are presented either in analytic form and as products of an ongoing project for computation and investigation of the possible distance distributions of orthogonal arrays with parameters in doable ranges.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 37-59
Maks Sipowicz

Scholars have long recognised that Mary Astell builds her feminist critique of society on a foundation of Cartesian views about human nature and the passions. At the same time, the full extent of the influence of Descartes’ view of embodiment on the solution Astell proposes in her Serious Proposal to the Ladies is only beginning to come to light. In this paper, I contribute to this ongoing project by arguing that Astell builds on Descartes’ ideas by addressing a blind spot in his view, namely, that that the embodied self is socially situated, and that therefore, our social context plays a crucial formative role in the development of our passions. In doing so, I show Astell extends Cartesian philosophy beyond an egalitarian feminist critique of society, but also to a positive political theory offering a solution to the problems she identifies. Thusly, Astell shows the political potential of Cartesian philosophy as a framework for social critique and to seek solutions to the problems such a critique can bring out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Nicola Gabellieri ◽  
Francesco Geri ◽  
Andrea Marco Raffaele Pranzo ◽  
Paolo Zatelli

Abstract. The paper presents an ongoing project devoted to the study, the analysis and the representation of epidemiological data related to CoViD-19 spread in the territory of the Province of Trento (Italy), both for scientific and communication purposes. In this broader context, the construction of a digital cartography tool as a WebGIS to allow local communities understanding of epidemiological spread is presented. Data have been supplied by the local Provincial Health Authority; statistic have been processed in order to develop municipality scale vector polygonal coropleth and point maps in order to show affected, health and death rate distribution. A timeline allows the representation of changes and dynamics from Spring 2020 to the current date. The database provides “on-the-fly” data to the production scripts of maps and time charts. These scripts querying the database produce a geographic file in the geojson standard interchange format. This file is read by the javascript scripts based on the leaflet libraries for the production of the final maps. In a similar process, scripts based on the chart.js library produce the graph of the data temporal variation, automatically reading dates and interval time of analysis. A custom procedure was developed to allow the periodic update of the dataset. New information is added to the database by uploading an external spreadsheet. The study presents the methodology to develop and assess the WebGIS for managing, visualize and analyse Coronavirus diffusion. Future implementation of the WebGIS will expand the used data and allow the comparison with social and environmental factors.

Bosniaca ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (26) ◽  
pp. 72-80
Ismet Ovčina ◽  
Mehmed Kardaš ◽  
Muamera Smajić

Zbog svojih jedinstvenih i rijetkih kolekcija, Specijalne zbirke Nacionalne i univerzitetske biblioteke Bosne i Hercegovine (NUBBiH) su nezamjenjiv izvor za mnogostruke istraživačke projekte i naučne radove. Već dugi niz godina NUBBiH ulaže napor da putem svojih projekata naučnoj zajednici pobliže predstavi vrijedne kolekcije Specijalnih zbirki. Da bi se korisnicima osigurao brži i lakši pristup građi, a ujedno i zaštitili originalni dokumenti od njihovog daljeg propadanja, građa koja je obuhvaćena projektima digitalizira se i prezentira kroz Digitalne kolekcije NUBBiH. U ovom radu predstavit ćemo jedan takav projekt, a to je projekt zaštite i prezentacije Arhiva poljičkih isprava iz Zbirke Aleksandra Poljanića te ćemo prikazati dosadašnje rezultate, kao i krajnje ciljeve ovoga projekta. = The Special Collections of the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina (NULBIH) are an irreplaceable source for multiple research projects and scientific papers. For many years, NULBIH has been strengthening efforts to present values of Special Collections to the scientific community through its projects. To provide users with faster and easier access to the material, and at the same time to protect the original documents from their further deterioration, the materials covered by the projects are digitized and presented through the Digital Collections portal of the National and University Library of BIH. In this article, we will present the ongoing project “Protection and presentation of the Poljica Documents Archive from the Collection of Aleksandar Poljanić” and so far, the results and ultimate goals of this project.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Megan Craig

Abstract This essay examines the relationship between William James’s radical empiricism and Gilles Deleuze’s transcendental empiricism by considering how dominant technologies of locomotion and travel in their respective historical times influenced their thinking and the style of their prose. Highlighting the imagery of trains and ground movement in James and planes and flight in Deleuze, I suggest that each constructs an empiricism that resonates with and reacts to the emerging forms of mass movement in his own time. The essay serves as an invitation to read James and Deleuze together with attention to the aesthetic qualities of their writing and as united in an ongoing project of honing philosophy to the pace of its time.

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