pregnant mother
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 241-249
Siti Mutoharoh ◽  
Dyah Puji Astuti ◽  
Kusumastuti Kusumastuti ◽  
Wulan Rahmadhani ◽  
Phan Trieu Phu MD

Lower back pain is common for pregnant women. The back pain was  caused by the shift of the center of gravity towards the front as the uterus enlarges. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of pregnancy exercise with the addition of Kinesio taping on low back pain in pregnant mother  at third trimester.The study used a quasi-experimental method and it was conducted in a rural area under the coverage area of a puskesmas in Kebumen District. The population in this study wasl pregnant women in the area with a total of 247 pregnant women. This study involved 36 pregnant women in the third trimester selected using a purposive sampling technique with the criteria of primiparous and multiparous, 28-36 weeks of gestation, experiencing low back pain, and no history of comorbidities and complications during pregnancy. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The results showed that pregnancy exercise with the addition of Kinesio taping had a significant effect on reducing low back pain in pregnant mother in the third trimester indicated by a P-value of 0.001.Pregnancy exercise with the addition of Kinesio taping can reduce low back pain in pregnant women in the third trimester.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 116
Marni Marni ◽  
Nita Yunianti Ratnasari

Masa pandemi Covid-19 yang sampai saat ini masih berlanjut maka pemerintah membuat kebijakan PSBB /PPKM Mikro. Kebijakan ini menyebabkan masalah pada perubahan sosial ekonomi. Banyak orang miskin mendadak akibat pandemi, sehingga tidak mampu mencukupi nutrisi/gizi yang bisa mengakibatkan terjadinya stunting pada anggota keluarganya, termasuk keluarga yang mempunyai anak bawah dua tahun (baduta) dan ibu hamil, kurangnya pengetahuan dalam memberikan nutrisi yang tepat pada ibu hamil, menyusui dan anak baduta juga bisa menyebabkan stunting. Perlu peran aktif dari petugas kesehatan namun saat ini petugas mempunyai beban berat dalam menghadapi masalah kesehatan covid-19, sehingga perguruan tinggi diharapkan berkontribusi membantu pemerintah dalam mencegah terjadinya stunting. Tujuan kegiatan: meningkatkan pengetahuan generasi muda tentang cara mencegah terjadinya stunting, memotivasi generasi muda agar berkontribusi dengan memberi penyuluhan kepada masyarakat, terutama yang mempunyai keluarga dengan ibu hamil, ibu menyusui dan anak baduta, berperilaku hidup bersih dan sehat dengan tidak merokok,tidak mengkonsumsi narkoba,� tidak melakukan seks bebas sehingga tidak muncul kehamilan yang tidak diharapkan. Metode penyuluhan dalam kegiatan ini adalah dengan ceramah, diskusi dan tanya jawab, memberikan kuesioner sebelum diberi penyuluhan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan generasi muda tentang pencegahan stunting peran generasi muda, dan setelah diberi penyuluhan diberi kuesioner lagi untuk mengetahui peningkatan pengetahuan pada generasi muda tersebut. Hasil: Skor nilai mean pengetahuan sebelum diberikan penyuluhan adalah 49,3, skor setelah diberikan penyuluhan adalah nilai mean 75,2 sehingga terjadi kenaikan skor mean nilai 25,9. Kesimpulan: Penyuluhan kesehatan ini terbukti meningkatkan pengetahuan para generasi muda dalam mencegah terjadinya stunting.�Covid-19 pandemic period until now still persists then the government makes policy PSBB / PPKM Micro. This policy causes problems for socio- economic change. Many people are suddenly poor due to the pandemic, so they are unable to fulfill their nutrition / nutrition which can lead to stunting in their family members � including families who have a child under two years (baduta) and the mother was pregnant, the lack of knowledge in giving nutrients are right on mothers pregnant, breastfeeding and child baduta also can cause stunting. Health workers need an active role, but currently officers have a heavy burden in dealing with covid-19 health problems, so universities are expected to contribute to assisting the government in dealing with Covid-19 health problems. The purpose of activities: improving knowledge generation youth about how to prevent the occurrence of stunting, motivate generations of youth in order to contribute to give counseling to the community, especially that having a family with a mother pregnant. Mother breastfeeding and child baduta, behaves live clean and healthy by not smoking, not taking drugs, do not pass up sex -free so it does not appear a pregnancy that was not expected. Methods of counseling in activity this is by lectures, discussions and question and answer, giving a questionnaire before given counseling to know the knowledge of adolescents on the prevention of stunting and the role of the generation of young, and after a given extension by the questionnaire again to determine the increase in knowledge on adolescent that. Results: Scores grades mean knowledge before given counseling is 49.3, scores after a given extension is the value of the mean of 75.2 to happen hike score mean value of � 25.9. Conclusion: This health education is proven to increase the knowledge of adolescents in preventing stunting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1293-1296
Ai Kustiani

Background: The prevalence of anemic pregnant women in Indonesia in 2018 was still high which was at 48.9%.  Pregnant women are vulnerable to nutritional problems and other diseases, including being infected with the Covid-19 virus. One of the preventive measures is to eat nutritious foods such as foods that are a source of antioxidants. The use of crackels (catfish crackers and Moringa) as an alternative snack for pregnant women is the right step because crackels contain high nutrients. The research objectives were to develop crackels, to analyze the nutritional content and their organoleptic quality.Methods: This research is an experimental study with substitution treatment of Moringa leaf flour towards catfish crackers conducted at the Laboratory of Mitra Indonesia University and State Polytechnic of Lampung. Six treatments were done with four repetitions. Data analysis used Microsoft Excel 2007 and SPSS for windows version 20. The tests used were non-parametric statistical tests, Anova, and paired sample t test.Result: Crackels formula that has been developed with the best acceptance and quality was formula F1 (3.49) which was derived from the addition of 10 grams of Moringa leaf flour and 30 grams of catfish flour. The best nutritional content of crackels is namely, energy 403 kcal, protein 21.3%, fat 15%, carbohydrates 45.7%, iron 8.32 mg/100g, calcium 29.6 mg/100g, sodium 672 mg/100g, and antioxidants indicated by % inhibition ranging from 32- 35% and IC50 value of 68.34%.Conclusion: The best crackels was the crackels which contain 10 grams of Moringa leaf flour and 30 grams of catfish which are effective as sources of antioxidants for pregnant women with antioxidants indicated by % inhibition ranging from 32- 35% .Keywords: anemic pregnant mother, antioxidant, catfish, crackers, moringa

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 260-262
Peymaneh Nagdi Dorabati ◽  
Mahsa Khoshnam rad ◽  
Mojtaba Hedayat Yaghoobi ◽  
Zohreh Mahmoodi

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 270-274
Urszula Dryja ◽  
Anna Niwald ◽  
Ewa Majda-Stanisławska ◽  

The paper presents a case of a boy who developed the symptoms of congenital toxoplasmosis: hydrocephalus, retinitis, choroiditis and intracranial calcifications (the Sabin–Pinkerton triad). Despite prenatal screening in the first trimester of pregnancy (in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Health), which indicated the diagnosis of asymptomatic primary Toxoplasma gondii infection in the pregnant mother, no antiparasitic therapy was used. The presented serological and imaging findings, as well as specialist consultations confirm the intensified effects of congenital infection in the child. Although the child was put on anti-toxoplasma therapy immediately after birth, he developed severe psychophysical development disorders. The paper discusses recommendations for maternal diagnosis and antiparasitic treatment that could have prevented the full-blown congenital toxoplasmosis in the described patient.

Sana Bashir ◽  
Ipseeta Menon ◽  
Ritu Gupta ◽  
Anubhav Sharma ◽  
Vikram Arora ◽  

Background: Good oral health during pregnancy can not only improve the health of the pregnant mother, but also potentially the health of her child. There is inconclusive and contrasting nature of evidence regarding the effect of pregnancy on oral health. So the purpose of this study was to systematically review the dental considerations during Pregnancy for further investigation. Methods: For the identification of the studies included in this review, we devised the search strategy for each database. The search strategy used a union of controlled vocabulary and free text terms. The main electronic database used to access the studies were PubMed, PubMed Central, Cochrane Review, Embase and Google Scholar. Results: A total of 28 articles fulfilled the criteria and were selected for the review. Some prenatal oral health conditions have adverse effects on the child. Periodontitis is associated with preterm birth, low birth weight infants and high level of cariogenic bacteria in pregnant mother can lead to increased risk of dental caries in the infant. Oral lesions such as gingivitis and pregnancy tumours are benign in nature and require only reassurance and monitoring. Conclusion: It has been suggested that some oral conditions may have adverse consequences on their children awareness related to oral health during pregnancy. Oral health care services should be routinely integrated with prenatal care services for all the pregnant women and specific preventive oral health care program should be made an integral part of antenatal care.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Ahmad Syakirin

The development of the pattern of people's lives that are increasingly rapidly giving various positive or negative impacts from various perspectives. Free association without being based on the order of science and morals will cause damage to the order of life without looking at the prevailing norms. Free relationship or free sex is becoming an increasingly free lifestyle among teenagers or the community, of course this has an impact on the occurrence of unwanted pregnancies which in the end takes an action to have an abortion or abort the fetus in the womb. Abortion is an act that is prohibited in various laws in Indonesia and threatens with strict sanctions from the act of aborting the fetus. There are two legal regulations that both prohibit abortion, the first is in Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health and the second is contained in Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection. Even though these two laws do not have the same name, they have a purpose and carry the same mission and threat of criminal sanctions as seen in the articles of the two laws that regulate. Two different views (dualism) contained in the law provide guidance later in applying criminal acts to abortionists. There are several things that are allowed in this abortion ban, namely an indication of a medical emergency if it is dangerous for the pregnant mother and the second is a victim of rape. The determination of the prohibition of abortion as under the legal umbrella of the two regulations provides evidence that the existence of this life is guaranteed and protected by the state.Perkembangan pola kehidupan masyarakat yang semakin cepat memberikan berbagai dampak positif ataupun negatif dari berbagai sudut pandang. Pergaulan bebas tanpa dilandasi dengan tatanan ilmu dan moral akan menjadi menjadikan rusaknya tatanan kehidupan tanpa melihat lagi norma-norma yang berlaku. Hubungan bebas atau free sex menjadi gaya hidup yang semakin bebas dikalangan remaja ataupun masyarakat, tentu hal ini memberikan imbas akibat terjadinya kehamilan yang tidak dikehendaki dimana pada akhirnya mengambil sebuah tindakan untuk melakukan aborsi atau mengugurkan janin yang ada dalam kandungan. Aborsi merupakan perbuatan dilarang dalam berbagai perundang-undangan yang ada di Indonesia serta mengancam dengan sanksi yang tegas dari tindakan pengguguran janin tersebut. Ada dua regulasi undang-undang yang keduanya sama-sama melarang tindakan aborsi ini, pertama terdapat pada Undang-Undang No 36 Tahun 2009 Tentang Kesehatan dan yang kedua terdapat pada Undang-Undag No 35 Tahun 2014 Tetang Perlindungan Anak. Sekalipun kedua undang-undang ini tidak memiliki nama yang sama akan tetapi mempunyai tujuan dan membawa misi serta ancaman penjatuhan sanksi pidana yang sama seperti terlihat dalam pasal-pasal kedua undang-undang tersebut mengatur. Dua pandangan (dualisme) berbeda yang terdpat dalam undang-undang memberikan petunjuk nantinya dalam menerapkan perbuatan tindak pidana pada pelaku aborsi. Ada beberapa hal yang diperbolehkan dalam larangan aborsi ini yakni indikasi kedaruratan medis apabila membahayakan bagi ibu yang mengandung dan kedua merupakan korban pemerkosaan. Penentuan larangan aborsi sebagaimana di payung hukumi kedua regulasi tersebut memberikan bukti bahwa adanya kehidupan ini dijamin serta di lindungi oleh negara.

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