rational model
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2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 143-162
Jiaofeng HUANG

"Jesus-Mozi Dialogue" is an underflow in the revival of Mohism in the Republic of China. Since modern times, the intellectual circles have mostly taken Christianity as the "rational model" of Mohism. When it comes to the best reference for Christianity in traditional Chinese culture, Mohism is always used as an example, which has been discussed in the field of Mohism research. However, in the past, people still paid little attention to the church's view of the "Jesus-Mozi Dialogue" between Mohist School and Chinese Christians, which is a pity. This article attempts to discuss the various viewpoints of Zhang Yijing, Wang Zhixin, and Wu Leichuan on Mohism and "Mohist religion" as examples, and looks forward to giving a clear definition of the literature and the division of school attribution to the results of the "Jesus-Mozi Dialogue".

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
James H Lebovic

Abstract A study of the daily briefings of US presidents by the intelligence community offers a useful test of whether governments can surmount intragovernmental influences in the acquisition and processing of information. A finding that the briefs somehow anticipate events would suggest that governments—their leaders and organizations—rise above political incentives and institutional practices to approach the rationality that realist and liberal scholars attribute to states. This study, thus, examines which countries appear in (the now declassified) daily intelligence briefs of the 1961–(January)1977 period, covering the Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford years. It not only finds evidence that the selection of countries for the briefs favors countries referenced in prior briefs (per the foreign-policy literature) but also finds significant evidence that the appearance of countries, in the briefs, anticipates their increased activity in the period to follow (per a rational model).

Cognition ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 217 ◽  
pp. 104885
Vael Gates ◽  
Frederick Callaway ◽  
Mark K. Ho ◽  
Thomas L. Griffiths

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (166) ◽  
pp. 56-63
S. Ilchenko

This article uses the term “spatial knowledge” to describe methods aimed at obtaining qualitative data on urban space. The study examines the coexistence of formal planning with informal planning practices. This coexistence takes place in the context of changes in current legislation and the growing influence of local communities in urban development planning. This paper describes certain methods for analyzing the "spatial practices" of the local community and examples of interaction between municipal authorities and NGOs. Communication between governmental and non-governmental planning agents explicitly or implicitly influences urban development by gradually transforming the "rational model" that defined planners as neutral analysts. Approbation of methods for obtaining quality data on urban space took place during various workshops at the All-Ukrainian festival "Cities of Ukraine" in Dnipro from 2016 to 2020. Thus, to analyze the manifestations of spatial tactics of citizens, the method of mapping places of artistic action was used. In combination with the method of mapping urban areas with limited access, it provides data on the nature of use (or restrictions on use) of common space. The analysis of property rights with an assessment of developers’ (or tenants’) intentions regarding the main and adjacent land plots was conducted using the mixed methodology. First of all, open sources (cadastral maps) were analyzed to determine the owners of plots. The data obtained were supplemented by information from the town-planning councils where intentions to develop specific sites were stated in the form of various projects. Subsequently, the method of implicit property rights analysis was used in the development concept of the Naberezhna Peremohy area in Dnipro. In general, all these city workshops, as well as practical planning performed in cooperation with a local architectural workshop, are relevant to the inclusion of informal practices in urban development planning. The transformation of the "rational model" of spatial planning requires using not only quantitative but also qualitative data of the place. Characterization of spatial tactics of citizens, identification of places of joint action with the definition of "urban voids" and identification of the main "actors" of spatial development contribute to the effectiveness of planning proposals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Thomas Hörberg ◽  
T. Florian Jaeger

A central component of sentence understanding is verb-argument interpretation, determining how the referents in the sentence are related to the events or states expressed by the verb. Previous work has found that comprehenders change their argument interpretations incrementally as the sentence unfolds, based on morphosyntactic (e.g., case, agreement), lexico-semantic (e.g., animacy, verb-argument fit), and discourse cues (e.g., givenness). However, it is still unknown whether these cues have a privileged role in language processing, or whether their effects on argument interpretation originate in implicit expectations based on the joint distribution of these cues with argument assignments experienced in previous language input. We compare the former, linguistic account against the latter, expectation-based account, using data from production and comprehension of transitive clauses in Swedish. Based on a large corpus of Swedish, we develop a rational (Bayesian) model of incremental argument interpretation. This model predicts the processing difficulty experienced at different points in the sentence as a function of the Bayesian surprise associated with changes in expectations over possible argument interpretations. We then test the model against reading times from a self-paced reading experiment on Swedish. We find Bayesian surprise to be a significant predictor of reading times, complementing effects of word surprisal. Bayesian surprise also captures the qualitative effects of morpho-syntactic and lexico-semantic cues. Additional model comparisons find that it—with a single degree of freedom—captures much, if not all, of the effects associated with these cues. This suggests that the effects of form- and meaning-based cues to argument interpretation are mediated through expectation-based processing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2073 (1) ◽  
pp. 012017
N J Cely-Calixto ◽  
G A Carrillo Soto ◽  
D Becerra-Moreno

Abstract Physics includes the study and investigation of the phases that make up the hydrological cycle, including the estimation of flow rates in river basins, most of which are not instrumented, i.e., they lack historical records of circulating flows. For this situation, the application of hydrological models can allow flow estimates to be made. In the Department of Norte de Santander, Colombia, some watersheds do not have instrumentation for flow measurement or hydrological modeling methodologies appropriate to the site. Therefore, methods such as the modified rational model of Teméz are used, even without knowing the relevance of its applicability to the site conditions. Consequently, for the present research, the Teméz model was validated in watersheds of the Norte de Santander Department to estimate the values of extreme flows with a return period of 100 years. In this sense, 11 watersheds were selected, which contained historical rainfall data greater than 20 years and a drainage network of fewer than 1000 Km2. It was found that the Teméz model overestimates the real flows of the 11 hydrological basins, where the climatological parameters used in the application of the Fhrüling factor and its statistical verification using multivariate regression did not achieve an acceptable correlation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 28-37
Tatiana Saptefrati ◽  

In this article the author analyzes the contribution of neoclassical organizational theories in the development of organizations and their management process. Are identified differences in classical and neoclassical approaches to organization. Are studied behaviorists' research on the rational model of administration based on the role of human behavior in the establishment and functioning of organization. There are studied the theory of systems and the dynamic elements of the organization are highlighted. The paper analyzes the approaches of organizational humanism in the organization and functioning of public administration.

2021 ◽  
pp. 142-149
И.Г. Малыгин ◽  
О.В. Ложкина ◽  
В.А. Онов ◽  
Н.В. Остудин ◽  
М.В. Панкратова

Цель настоящей работы заключалась в повышении эффективности функционирования оперативно-дежурных смен путём системного анализа и синтеза системы организованного управления оперативно-дежурных смен центров управления в кризисных ситуациях. Одной из важнейших задач является задача выбора рациональной модели представления знаний. В статье в виде математической (комбинированной) модели процесса выбора рациональной модели представления знаний реализована подсистема выбора рациональной модели представления знаний. В ходе работы был выделен перечень классификационных признаков и их значений, которые позволяют определить соответствие между задачами должностного лица ЦУКС МЧС России и моделями представления знаний. Для удобства работы с полученными данными был успешно реализован метод свертки критериев. Были получены интегральные показатели по каждой модели: продукционной, фреймовой, логической и модели в виде семантических сетей. Результаты, полученные с упором на специфику современных информационно-аналитических систем, основанных на работе с искусственным интеллектом и базами знаний, способствуют повышению эффективности функционирования органов управления МЧС России при мониторинге и прогнозировании чрезвычайных ситуаций. The purpose of this work was to improve the efficiency of the operation of operational duty shifts by system analysis and synthesis of the system of organized management of operational duty shifts of control centers in crisis situations. One of the most important tasks is the task of choosing a rational model of knowledge representation. In the article, the subsystem of choosing a rational model of knowledge representation is implemented in the form of a mathematical (combined) model of the process of choosing a rational model of knowledge representation. In the course of the work, a list of classification features and the corresponding values of the features were identified, which make it possible to determine whether the solution of the problem of an official of the Center of management in crisis situations of the Ministry of EMERCOM of Russia belongs to the knowledge representation model. For the convenience of working with the received data, the method of convolution of criteria was successfully implemented. Integral indicators were obtained for each model: production, frame, logical, and semantic network models. The results obtained with an emphasis on the specifics of modern information and analytical systems based on artificial intelligence and knowledge bases contribute to improving the efficiency of the management bodies of the EMERCOM of Russia in monitoring and forecasting emergencies.

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