soil functions
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2022 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 105951
Yahya Kooch ◽  
Neda Ghorbanzadeh ◽  
Yakov Kuzyakov ◽  
Nadine Praeg ◽  
Elham Ghaderi

Cristiano Franceschinis ◽  
Ulf Liebe ◽  
Mara Thiene ◽  
Jürgen Meyerhoff ◽  
Damien Field ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 841
Martha Lustosa Carvalho ◽  
Felipe Bonini da Luz ◽  
Renato Paiva de Lima ◽  
Karina Maria Vieira Cavalieri-Polizeli ◽  
João Luís Nunes Carvalho ◽  

Removing sugarcane straw to increase bioenergy production can generate significant income to the industry. However, straw contributes to the regulation of soil functions and consequently supports the provision of ecosystem services, such as water flow regulation. Thus, straw removal may hinder the provision of these services, especially in mechanized sugarcane production systems, which have soil compaction problems due to machinery traffic. In this study, we assess a six-year experiment in Brazil with four rates of straw removal: 0 Mg ha−1 (TR), 5 Mg ha−1 (HR), 10 Mg ha−1 (LR), and 15 Mg ha−1 (NR) remaining straw. Using attributes, such as soil bulk density, porosity, water infiltration, runoff, saturated hydraulic conductivity and available water-holding capacity, as indicators of key soil functions, we calculated a soil-related ecosystem service (ES) index for water flow regulation provision. The ES index revealed that water flow regulation was low regardless of the straw management (0.56, 0.63, 0.64 and 0.60 for TR, HR, LR and NR, respectively). It can be a consequence of soil compaction caused by machinery traffic throughout the successive cycle, whose straw was unable to mitigate this issue. Thus, by the end of the sugarcane cycle (sixth ratoon), straw removal had little effect on soil physical and hydraulic indicators, and consequently had little impact on the provision of the soil-related ES associated with water flow regulation. Nevertheless, straw management should be planned to consider other functions and soil-related ES benefited by straw retention.

Soil Systems ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 5
Klaus von Wilpert

Mankind expects from forests and forest soils benefits like pure drinking water, space for recreation, habitats for nature-near biocenoses and the production of timber as unrivaled climate-friendly raw material. An overview over 208 recent articles revealed that ecosystem services are actually the main focus in the perception of forest soil functions. Studies on structures and processes that are the basis of forest soil functions and ecosystem services are widely lacking. Therefore, additional literature was included dealing with the distinct soil structure and high porosity and pore continuity of forest soils, as well as with their high biological activity and chemical soil reaction. Thus, the highly differentiated, hierarchical soil structure in combination with the ion exchange capacity and the acid buffering capacity could be described as the main characteristics of forest soils confounding the desired ecosystem services. However, some of these functions of forest soils are endangered under the influence of environmental change or even because of forest management, like mono-cultures or soil compaction through forest machines. In the face of the high vulnerability of forest soils and increased threads, e.g., through soil acidification, it is evident that active soil management strategies must be implemented with the aim to counteract the loss of soil functions or to recover them.

Andrew W. Rate

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Mehdi Fikri ◽  
Catherine Joulian ◽  
Mikael Motelica-Heino ◽  
Marie-Paule Norini ◽  
Jennifer Hellal

In the context of climate change and biodiversity loss, rehabilitation of degraded urban soils is a means of limiting artificialization of terrestrial ecosystems and preventing further degradation of soils. Ecological rehabilitation approaches are available to reinitiate soil functions and enhance plant development. However, little is known about the long-term stability of rehabilitated soils in terms of soil functions when further natural or anthropogenic perturbations occur. Based on rehabilitated urban soils, the present study sought to evaluate the resistance and resilience of soil functions linked to carbon cycling and phosphate dynamics in addition to nitrogen cycling and related microbial communities after a heat and drought stress. A laboratory experiment was conducted in microcosms under controlled temperature conditions, with four contrasted soils collected from a rehabilitated urban brownfield; an initial, non-rehabilitated soil (IS), a technosol with a high organic matter level (HO), and two technosols with less organic matter (LO1 and LO2), together with their respective controls (no stress). Changes in potential denitrification (PDR), nitrification (PNR) rates, and their interactive relationships with soil microbial activities and soil physicochemical properties were determined following a combined heat (40°C) and drought stress period of 21 days. Measurements were carried out immediately after the stress (resistance), and then also 5, 30, and 92 days after soil rewetting at 60% water holding capacity (resilience). Microbial activities involved in soil functions such as carbon cycling and phosphate dynamics proved to be of low resistance in all soils except for IS; however, they were resilient and recovered rapidly after rewetting. On the other hand, the microbial activities and gene abundances that were measured in relation to nitrogen cycling processes showed that for denitrification, activities were more rapidly resilient than gene abundances whereas for nitrification the activities and gene abundances were resilient in the same way. Results suggest that, unless the soils contain high amounts of organic matter, microbial communities in imported soils can be more vulnerable to environmental pressures such as drought and heat than communities already present. This should be considered when rehabilitating degraded soils.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0260933
Rachel L. Rubin ◽  
Kate A. Ballantine ◽  
Arden Hegberg ◽  
Jason P. Andras

Microbial communities are early responders to wetland degradation, and instrumental players in the reversal of this degradation. However, our understanding of soil microbial community structure and function throughout wetland development remains incomplete. We conducted a survey across cranberry farms, young retired farms, old retired farms, flooded former farms, ecologically restored former farms, and natural reference wetlands with no history of cranberry farming. We investigated the relationship between the microbial community and soil characteristics that restoration intends to maximize, such as soil organic matter, cation exchange capacity and denitrification potential. Among the five treatments considered, flooded and restored sites had the highest prokaryote and microeukaryote community similarity to natural wetlands. In contrast, young retired sites had similar communities to farms, and old retired sites failed to develop wetland microbial communities or functions. Canonical analysis of principal coordinates revealed that soil variables, in particular potassium base saturation, sodium, and denitrification potential, explained 45% of the variation in prokaryote communities and 44% of the variation in microeukaryote communities, segregating soil samples into two clouds in ordination space: farm, old retired and young retired sites on one side and restored, flooded, and natural sites on the other. Heat trees revealed possible prokaryotic (Gemmatimonadetes) and microeukaryotic (Rhizaria) indicators of wetland development, along with a drop in the dominance of Nucletmycea in restored sites, a class that includes suspected mycorrhizal symbionts of the cranberry crop. Flooded sites showed the strongest evidence of wetland development, with triple the soil organic matter accumulation, double the cation exchange capacity, and seventy times the denitrification potential compared to farms. However, given that flooding does not promote any of the watershed or habitat benefits as ecological restoration, we suggest that flooding can be used to stimulate beneficial microbial communities and soil functions during the restoration waiting period, or when restoration is not an option.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Philippe C. Baveye ◽  
Estelle Dominati ◽  
Adrienne Grêt-Regamey ◽  
Hans-Jörg Vogel

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