international division
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 118-126
Tetyana Hnatiuk

International business historically and logically arises as a result of the development and deepening of the international division of labor and the formation of the world market. International business is becoming an all-encompassing and pervasive phenomenon of modern civilization. Although there are many examples of international business in which the partners are, on the one hand, a private firm and on the other - a government agency of another country, it is still more typical to consider either inter-firm transactions of this kind, or intra-firm - in the case of if different divisions of the firm are located in different countries and these divisions interact with each other (the most typical in this case - the so-called multinational corporations). International business is based on the ability to benefit from the benefits of interstate (intercountry) business transactions, ie the fact that the sale of this product in another country, or the establishment of a firm of one country of production in another country, or the provision of services jointly by firms etc. provide business parties with more benefits than they would have if they did business in their own countries. This is a key point not only in understanding the nature and specifics of international business itself, but also in explaining the emergence and development of international management as such. Thus, it is a question of motivation of the businessman (manager), and it developed in the context of historical development of a civilization as a whole and its economic kernel - first of all. And definitely the impact of business reputation (goodwill) on the development of such business and its prosperity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0094582X2110608
Leda Maria Paulani

The liberalization of markets for goods and assets that took place beginning in the 1980s, alongside a strengthening of the resulting transnationalization of capital, did not alter the basic hierarchical organization of the global capitalist system. This new dependency, here called “dependency 4.0,” is based on the rent seeking that marks the contemporary wealth accumulation process and ongoing technological progress. Brazil’s incorporation into the international division of labor is emblematic of this type of subordination. A liberalização dos mercados de bens e ativos que teve lugar a partir dos anos 1980 e o fortalecimento da transnacionalização do capital que resultou daí não alteraram o pressuposto fundamental da prevalência de uma organização hierárquica no sistema capitalista mundial. Um novo tipo de dependência a relacionar países centrais e periféricos, dependência 4.0, estaria assentada no rentismo que marca hoje o processo de acumulação e na natureza do progresso tecnológico em curso. O caso do Brasil—a história de sua inserção na divisão internacional do trabalho—é emblemática desse novo tipo de subordinação.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
Almazbek Dooranov ◽  
Aysalkyn Asanova ◽  
Zhyldyzkan Zhumaliyeva ◽  
Olha Pyroh ◽  
Nataliia Duliaba ◽  

In the context of accelerating globalization and integration trends in the world economic system, countries must make efforts to form their advantageous positions in the international division of labour. This can be realized by optimizing the sphere of foreign economic activity of the state. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the areas of improvement of strategic tools to develop the country's export potential. The authors analyzed the theoretical and methodological basis, namely the essence of the country's export potential, its structural elements of the export potential. The authors analyzed the structure of exports of Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine in 2020, highlighted their common features, shortcomings and explained why the specialization of exports is not optimal. The authors found that a systematic approach to developing a country's development strategy requires a specific sequence in the implementation of this process and proposed an algorithm for implementing the concept of developing the country's export potential, and also proposed calculating a comprehensive indicator of export potential, a more detailed description of which will be presented in further studies.

A.I. Loiko

The article describes the dynamics of the evolution of political thinking in international relations from binary oppositions to lateral thinking. This evolution is motivated by the new social reality of regional ecosystems that form the basis of globalization processes. Marlene Laruelle and Kazushige Kobayashi initiated an intellectual discussion on the specifics and prospects of transforming the thinking of political and economic elites at the beginning of the 21st century. The article shows that a new platform for the dialogue of non-like-minded people can play a constructive role in the implementation of the glocalization of ecosystems with the possibility of preserving the historically functioning international division of labor. In such a situation, relations between politics and economics are being transformed. The commercial priorities of transactions and the development of transnational digital platforms integrated into the space of the national regulator come to the fore. Groups of economic trans-regional interests can become the fundamental basis for the annihilation of the conflicting intentions of binary political thinking.

GeoTextos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Wander Luis de Melo Cruz

<p>O progresso técnico e sua difusão pelo território materializa-se na criação de novas redes, sejam elas de transportes, comunicação, distribuição etc. Produto da divisão social, territorial e internacional do trabalho, as redes estruturam e reestruturam as interações entre os indivíduos e o espaço constantemente. Nesse contexto, emerge o e-commerce como uma nova ferramenta de comercialização, marketing e distribuição de mercadorias. O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar o processo de desenvolvimento do e-commerce no Brasil, bem como a relação dele com os serviços logísticos. Para que o e-commerce pudesse, de fato, difundir-se pelo território brasileiro foi necessário que, além das claras seguranças econômica e jurídica, houvesse um razoável aparato de redes e objetos técnicos. No entanto, não só o avanço das redes de comunicação e da melhoria do aparato técnico da população explicam a expansão do comércio eletrônico no Brasil, mas também questões conjunturais advindas das necessidades objetivas, como o caso do impulso dado ao e-commerce pela pandemia do Covid-19. Neste artigo sustentamos o argumento que o estudo da expansão do e-commerce no Brasil pode ser analisado a partir de três eventos: a expansão e a popularização das redes de internet, a difusão do uso de smartphones e os impactos da pandemia do Covid-19.</p><p><span>Abstract</span></p><p>GROWTH OF E-COMMERCE IN BRAZIL: DEVELOPMENT, LOGISTIC SERVICES AND THE IMPULSE OF THE PANDEMIC OF COVID-19</p><p>Technical progress and its diffusion across the territory materializes in the creation of new networks, be they of transport, communication, distribution, etc. A product of the social, territorial and international division of labor, networks constantly structure and restructure interactions between individuals and space. In this context, e-commerce emerges as a new tool for the commercialization, marketing and distribution of goods. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the development process of e-commerce in Brazil, as well as its relationship with logistics services. So that e-commerce could, in fact, spread throughout Brazilian territory, it was necessary that, in addition to clear economic and legal security, there should be a reasonable apparatus of networks and technical objects. However, not only the advancement of communication networks and the improvement of the population’s technical apparatus explain the expansion of electronic commerce in Brazil, but also conjunctural issues arising from objective needs, such as the case of the impulse given to e-commerce by the pandemic of the Covid-19. In this article we support the argument that the study of the expansion of e commerce in Brazil can be analyzed by three events: the expansion and popularization of internet networks, the spread of the use of smartphones and the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.</p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 112-126
Junfu Zhao

One of the key components of U.S.-China strategic competition is the technology war, the essence and implications of which can be further understood in the broader context of the international division of labor and the two countries' internal contradictions. From this front, we can decipher the antagonism between different classes/groups within and across the two countries.

Sim Cameron

This chapter traces the foundations of emergency arbitration, from the historic opposition to, and subsequent rapid rise of, interim measures in international arbitration, of which emergency arbitration represents the pinnacle. The concept of emergency arbitration first appeared in the rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA), and then the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR), which is the international division of the AAA. The ICDR set ambitious standards, providing for the appointment of an emergency arbitrator within one business day of receipt of the application, and for the establishment of a procedural timetable within two business days of that appointment, but otherwise not prescribing any timeframe within which the emergency arbitrator's decision must be issued. As it transpired, the ICDR Rules (2006) not only set the emergency arbitration scene, but they also clearly defined the landscape. Statistics illustrate that emergency arbitration has filled a void in international arbitration, and that it is becoming increasingly popular.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Dina Bolokan

The single story of Moldova as the “country without parents” is unsettling. While it is true that villages in Moldova, as in other post-Soviet regions and global peripheries, are affected by intensive outmigration and labor mobility, the image is incomplete. In this article, I propose a different telling of this story: one that looks at and challenges the structural power relations visible in people’s lives in rural Moldova. It is a telling that points to the overall subsistence crisis in Europe and the relationship between neocolonial entanglements and agricultural care chains. As such, this article aims to bring together reflections on labor migration, well-being in rural areas and the global care economy while seeking to decolonize subsistence production through the abolition of the international division of (re)productive labor.

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