systematic desensitization
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2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 169
Tengku Natasha Eleena Binti Tengku Ahmad Noor ◽  
James Lian Yoon Chen ◽  
Mohd Safwani Affan Alli ◽  
Mohd Hosni Bin Mahmood

Background: This article discussed the management of pericoronitis for partial eruption of molar on pediatric patients. Purpose: This case report was to discuss how to manage a pediatric patient with a partially erupted second molar by using an electrosurgery method as the last alternative; also, it assessed whether or not the treatment facilitates spontaneous tooth eruption in respect to incomplete treatments. Case: A 9-years-old girl visited the Kuching Armed Forces Dental Clinic with her parents and complained of recurrent swelling on her lower right jaw in the last six months and noticed a tooth-like white lump under it. After a deliberate examination, the dentists came up with a diagnosis of pericoronitis because of a partially erupted second molar. Case Management: In managing a pediatric patient, a systematic desensitization was performed whereby the first visit was more of non-invasive treatment such as oral health instructions, a proper tooth brushing technique, and local scaling and debridement. Operculectomy using the electrosurgery had been carried out in the fourth visit and reviewed after one-week treatment that shows uneventful healing. Conclusion: To prevent and treat oral problems, it is imperative to develop child’s interest and willingness in using dental services. Hence, an early diagnosis is critical, especially as parents seek for the best treatment duration and treatment methods with the least number of consequences. The food impaction and the recurrent swelling because of pericoronitis have a major impact on the patient; therefore, treatment is provided regardless of patient’s age.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-109
Samereh Asadi Majareh ◽  
Leila Moghtader ◽  
Seyedeh Maryam Mousavi ◽  

2020 ◽  
pp. 88-106
Leslie Margolin

“Docile Bodies” focuses on behavioral sex therapists who were contemporaries of Masters and Johnson, including Joseph Wolpe, Arnold A. Lazarus, William Hartman, and Marilyn Fithian. This chapter shows how they valued intercourse for women partnered with men, much as Masters and Johnson did, not for what it means to women, but as a behavior that is intrinsically natural and healthful. This chapter shows that for Masters and Johnson’s contemporaries, intercourse was not only mandatory for heterosexuals; it was the unstated, unrecognized foundation of sexuality and sex therapy. Topics covered include systematic desensitization, typical hierarchies of sex scenes, and when sex therapists prescribe intercourse.

2020 ◽  
Syafryadin ◽  
Joko Nurkamto ◽  
Dwi Anggani Linggar Bharati ◽  
Januarius Mujiyanto

This study was designed to investigate whether Speech Training with Systematic Desensitization could improve the students’ speaking competence or not. This study used an experimental design. The population of this study was all fourth semester students in the English Department in one of Universities in Kendari of academic year 2015/2016. The instruments of this study were speech test, observation checklist, interview guidline and note taking. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The finding of this study was mean score of Speech Training with Systematic Desensitization Technique was 67.36 for pretest and 79.80 for posttest. It indicated that the students’ speaking competence got improvement because the increasing of mean score of speech test from pretest to posttest. Thus, Speech Training with Systematic Desensitization Technique could increase the students’ speaking competence. Keywords- Speech training, Systemathic Desensitization, speaking competence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-53
Rossy Sintya Marthasari ◽  
A. Marlinata ◽  
Reny I’tishom

Background: Vaginismus described as persistent or reccurent difficulties for woman to allow vaginal entry of a penis, a finger or there is often avoidance and anticipation, fear or experience of pain, along with variable involuntary contraction of pelvic muscle. Reviews: Vaginismus can lead to unconsummated marriage, and also can be hidden caused of infertility. Vaginismus can be categorized as primary (lifelong), patient has never experiences non painful intercourse or secondary (acquired), patient has previously normal but now experience pain. Vaginismus should be considered as part of differential diagnosis in patient who has no satisfaction in sexual intercourse or do not tolerate penetration.  Diagnosis is made by making a good history taking. A variety of intervention have been suggested in some case report study. Effective treatment to vaginismus include sex education, psychosexual therapy, systematic desensitization, anxiolytic and Botulinum Toxin (botox). While there are few controlled studies on the management of vaginismus, they are limited and poorly designed. Summary: Goal of treatment is not only to achieve pregnancy but also increase quality of life. Either natural or assisted, vaginismus is still have to be cured. A great teamwork is required to successfull therapy.

Kelsey Thomas ◽  
Correy Dowd ◽  
Joshua Broman-Fulks

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