local scaling
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Xin Duan ◽  
Wei Wang ◽  
Minghui Tang ◽  
Feng Gao ◽  
Xudong Lin

Identifying the phenotypes and interactions of various cells is the primary objective in cellular heterogeneity dissection. A key step of this methodology is to perform unsupervised clustering, which, however, often suffers challenges of the high level of noise, as well as redundant information. To overcome the limitations, we proposed self-diffusion on local scaling affinity (LSSD) to enhance cell similarities’ metric learning for dissecting cellular heterogeneity. Local scaling infers the self-tuning of cell-to-cell distances that are used to construct cell affinity. Our approach implements the self-diffusion process by propagating the affinity matrices to further improve the cell similarities for the downstream clustering analysis. To demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness, we applied LSSD on two simulated and four real scRNA-seq datasets. Comparing with other single-cell clustering methods, our approach demonstrates much better clustering performance, and cell types identified on colorectal tumors reveal strongly biological interpretability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 169
Tengku Natasha Eleena Binti Tengku Ahmad Noor ◽  
James Lian Yoon Chen ◽  
Mohd Safwani Affan Alli ◽  
Mohd Hosni Bin Mahmood

Background: This article discussed the management of pericoronitis for partial eruption of molar on pediatric patients. Purpose: This case report was to discuss how to manage a pediatric patient with a partially erupted second molar by using an electrosurgery method as the last alternative; also, it assessed whether or not the treatment facilitates spontaneous tooth eruption in respect to incomplete treatments. Case: A 9-years-old girl visited the Kuching Armed Forces Dental Clinic with her parents and complained of recurrent swelling on her lower right jaw in the last six months and noticed a tooth-like white lump under it. After a deliberate examination, the dentists came up with a diagnosis of pericoronitis because of a partially erupted second molar. Case Management: In managing a pediatric patient, a systematic desensitization was performed whereby the first visit was more of non-invasive treatment such as oral health instructions, a proper tooth brushing technique, and local scaling and debridement. Operculectomy using the electrosurgery had been carried out in the fourth visit and reviewed after one-week treatment that shows uneventful healing. Conclusion: To prevent and treat oral problems, it is imperative to develop child’s interest and willingness in using dental services. Hence, an early diagnosis is critical, especially as parents seek for the best treatment duration and treatment methods with the least number of consequences. The food impaction and the recurrent swelling because of pericoronitis have a major impact on the patient; therefore, treatment is provided regardless of patient’s age.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 611-653
Zhen Zhang ◽  
Arnab Bhattacharjee ◽  
João Marques ◽  
Tapabrata Maiti

Abstract It is important for demographic analyses and policy-making to obtain accurate models of spatial diffusion, so that policy experiments can reflect endogenous spatial spillovers appropriately. Likewise, it is important to obtain accurate estimates and forecasts of demographic variables such as age-specific fertility rates, by regions and over time, as well as the uncertainty associated with such estimation. Here, we consider Bayesian hierarchical models with separable spatio-temporal dependence structure that can be estimated by borrowing strength from neighbouring regions and all years. Further, we do not consider the adjacency structure as a given, but rather as an object of inference. For this purpose, we use the local similarity of temporal patterns by developing a spatial clustering model based on Bayesian nonparametric smoothing techniques. The Bayesian inference provides the uncertainty associated with the clustering configurations that is typically lacking in classical analyses of large data sets in which a unique clustering representation can be insufficient. The proposed model is applied to 16-year data on age-specific fertility rates observed over 28 regions in Portugal, and provides statistical inference on the number of clusters, and local scaling and shrinkage levels. The corresponding central clustering configuration is able to capture spatial diffusion that has key demographic interpretations. Importantly, the exercise aids identification of peripheral regions with poor demographic prospects and development of regional policy for such places.

Peter J. Forrester

The eigenvalue probability density function (PDF) for the Gaussian unitary ensemble has a well-known analogy with the Boltzmann factor for a classical log-gas with pair potential [Formula: see text], confined by a one-body harmonic potential. A generalization is to replace the pair potential by [Formula: see text]. The resulting PDF first appeared in the statistical physics literature in relation to non-intersecting Brownian walkers, equally spaced at time [Formula: see text], and subsequently in the study of quantum many-body systems of the Calogero–Sutherland type, and also in Chern–Simons field theory. It is an example of a determinantal point process with correlation kernel based on the Stieltjes–Wigert polynomials. We take up the problem of determining the moments of this ensemble, and find an exact expression in terms of a particular little [Formula: see text]-Jacobi polynomial. From their large [Formula: see text] form, the global density can be computed. Previous work has evaluated the edge scaling limit of the correlation kernel in terms of the Ramanujan ([Formula: see text]-Airy) function. We show how in a particular [Formula: see text] scaling limit, this reduces to the Airy kernel.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (14) ◽  
pp. 6541
Luis Espinosa-Anke ◽  
Geraint Palmer ◽  
Padraig Corcoran ◽  
Maxim Filimonov ◽  
Irena Spasić ◽  

Cross-lingual embeddings are vector space representations where word translations tend to be co-located. These representations enable learning transfer across languages, thus bridging the gap between data-rich languages such as English and others. In this paper, we present and evaluate a suite of cross-lingual embeddings for the English–Welsh language pair. To train the bilingual embeddings, a Welsh corpus of approximately 145 M words was combined with an English Wikipedia corpus. We used a bilingual dictionary to frame the problem of learning bilingual mappings as a supervised machine learning task, where a word vector space is first learned independently on a monolingual corpus, after which a linear alignment strategy is applied to map the monolingual embeddings to a common bilingual vector space. Two approaches were used to learn monolingual embeddings, including word2vec and fastText. Three cross-language alignment strategies were explored, including cosine similarity, inverted softmax and cross-domain similarity local scaling (CSLS). We evaluated different combinations of these approaches using two tasks, bilingual dictionary induction, and cross-lingual sentiment analysis. The best results were achieved using monolingual fastText embeddings and the CSLS metric. We also demonstrated that by including a few automatically translated training documents, the performance of a cross-lingual text classifier for Welsh can increase by approximately 20 percent points.

2021 ◽  
J Rogers ◽  
Marc Aurel Schnabel ◽  
Tane Moleta

This paper explores the ideas and mechanics through a case study which generated a reimagined means of inhabiting a speculative immersive environment. Currently, many users reside within virtual environments for their own leisure, work, or any other reason desired from short amounts of time to extreme lengths. This paper shows the generation directly relative to the inhabitant, where gravity, orientation, scale, and locomotion is completely dynamic. Details within this paper experiment with the laws and bounds of the virtual space within a real-time game engine where reimagining the way one inhabits space compared to current norms of real-world inhabitation is possible with creativity and applied knowledge. Escher’s lithograph of Relativity is the driving concept explored within this paper beginning with creating gravitational pulls in multiple directions within the immersive virtual reality environment to accommodate various sources of gravity. The result of the case study demonstrated the generation of new virtual relativity laws reimagining how the virtual space is inhabited, in short, omnidirectional flying, gravitation defined by the inhabitant to geometry relationship, controlled local scaling, and populating space with multiple inhabitants in a unique manner.

2021 ◽  
J Rogers ◽  
Marc Aurel Schnabel ◽  
Tane Moleta

This paper explores the ideas and mechanics through a case study which generated a reimagined means of inhabiting a speculative immersive environment. Currently, many users reside within virtual environments for their own leisure, work, or any other reason desired from short amounts of time to extreme lengths. This paper shows the generation directly relative to the inhabitant, where gravity, orientation, scale, and locomotion is completely dynamic. Details within this paper experiment with the laws and bounds of the virtual space within a real-time game engine where reimagining the way one inhabits space compared to current norms of real-world inhabitation is possible with creativity and applied knowledge. Escher’s lithograph of Relativity is the driving concept explored within this paper beginning with creating gravitational pulls in multiple directions within the immersive virtual reality environment to accommodate various sources of gravity. The result of the case study demonstrated the generation of new virtual relativity laws reimagining how the virtual space is inhabited, in short, omnidirectional flying, gravitation defined by the inhabitant to geometry relationship, controlled local scaling, and populating space with multiple inhabitants in a unique manner.

2021 ◽  
Juan José Martín Sotoca ◽  
Antonio Saa-Requejo ◽  
Sergio Zubelzu ◽  
Ana M. Tarquis

<p>The study of the spatial characteristics of soil pore networks is essential to obtain different parameters that will be useful in developing simulation models for a range of physical, chemical, and biological processes in soils. Over the last decade, major technological advances in X-ray computed tomography (CT) have allowed for the investigation and reconstruction of natural porous soils at very fine scales. Delimiting the pore network (pore space) from the CT soil images applying image binarization methods is a critical step. Different binarization methods can result in different spatial distributions of pores influencing the connectivity metrics used in the models.</p> <p>A combined global & local 2D segmentation method called “Combining Singularity-CA method” was successfully applied improving pore space detection. This method combines a local scaling method (Singularity-CA method) with a global one (Maximum Entropy method). The Singularity-CA method, based on fractal concepts, creates singularity maps, and the CA (Concentration Area) method is used to define local thresholds that can be applied to binarize CT soil images. Combining Singularity-CA (2D) method obtains better performance than the Singularity-CA and the Maximum Entropy method applied individually to the soil images.</p> <p>A new three dimensional binarization method is presented in this work. It combines the 3D Singularity-CV (Concentration Volume) method and a global one to improve 3D pore space detection. Porosity and connectivity metrics of soil pore spaces are calculated and compared to other segmentation methods.</p> <p> </p> <p>Acknowledgements:</p> <p>The authors acknowledge the support from Project No. PGC2018-093854-B-I00 of the "Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades" of Spain and the funding from the "Comunidad de Madrid" (Spain), Structural Funds 2014-2020 512 (ERDF and ESF), through project AGRISOST-CM S2018/BAA-4330.</p>

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