stationary field
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E.I. Ormeli

Using long-term stationary field studies on the phases of development of spring wheat, a prognostic equation for calculating the yield of a given crop depending on the duration of the growing season with a monthly lead time was derived. Taking into account the hydrothermic factors of the Saratov region, the prognostic equation of the multiple function of the yield of spring wheat from the amount of precipitation for April-May, the average air temperature in May, the amount of precipitation in June, the amount of precipitation in July, and the duration of the growing season was calculated.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-26
Miriam Koktvedgaard Zeitzen ◽  
Trine Brox

Abstract This article explores the anthropometric survey of 5,000 Tibetans by the ethnographer HRH Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark in the northeast Indian Himalayan town of Kalimpong in the 1950s, as part of the Third Danish Expedition to Central Asia. In the context of the crisis created by the Chinese incursion into Tibet in 1950, which pushed thousands of Tibetans into India, stationary field anthropometry, rather than a mobile expedition, became Prince Peter's principal entry into Tibetan worlds. This article explores the scientific paradigms underpinning his anthropometric survey at a time when anthropology had seemingly moved on theoretically and ethically, the historical conditions and contingencies of Prince Peter's research, and the survey's representations of Tibetan peoples and places. We argue that, while Prince Peter's understanding was in essence primordialist, linking particular peoples to particular places, in practice he took a more modernist approach to ‘Tibetaness’ as contingent upon historical processes. The article concludes by reflecting on the potential significance of this vast and unique collection of historic anthropometric data for Tibetans today.

2021 ◽  
Vol 937 (2) ◽  
pp. 022053
E V Chebykina ◽  
P A Kotyak ◽  
T V Taran ◽  
A N Voronin

Abstract The results of changes in agrochemical indicators in an agricultural landscape with sod-podzolic soils against the background of the use of non-traditional fertilizers in the Yaroslavl region are presented. A consequence of the intensive development of poultry farming and greenhouse farming in the region is not only an increase in the volume of basic products, but also the accumulation of production waste, such as poultry manure in poultry farming and used mats of the greenhouse economy. Both types of waste are environmentally hazardous and require special care when disposing of them. One of the options for solving the problem may be the processing of waste into a granular organic-mineral substrate. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of unconventional fertilizers was carried out in a 3-factor stationary field experiment while simultaneously studying the systems of basic soil cultivation and plant protection. The studies have shown that the developed organomineral fertilizer, created from waste chicken manure and mineral mats, does not have a negative effect on the agrochemical indicators of soil fertility and can be recommended for production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 17
Alyssa Squiers ◽  
Kevin B. Strychar

Many fish species use intercoastal jetties throughout their life cycle to migrate to and from the ocean into bays and estuaries. During migration, fish may encounter rock, algae, sand, sea-grass, and coral. Anecdotal information indicates that some migrating fish of intercoastal jetties preferentially select colonies of gorgonian coral (Leptogorgia spp.) vs. any other habitat when encountering a predator.  Since very little information exists regarding Leptogorgia, we focused our study in determining the importance of such coral as fish habitat.  Stationary field sampling was conducted seasonally to determine the abundance of these coral, the type of migrating fish, and the habitat they associated with.  Mesocosm studies were then conducted to determine whether Leptogorgia habitats are important to fish in the presence or absence of a predator.  Five different habitats were compared (rock, algae, sand, Leptogorgia, and seagrass) and 6 species of fish (sergeant major, pinfish, mangrove snapper, spotfin mojarra, pigfish, and red drum). In the field study component, more than 600 colonies of Leptogorgia were observed and 17 different fish species.  The most commonly observed fish were sergeant major, pinfish, mangrove snapper, and spotfin mojarra, however, sergeant majors were the most abundant species using coral as habitat.  The use of mesocosms showed that all fish species significantly selected for structured habitat over non-structured habitat (e.g. sand), but that the fish commonly called ‘sergeant major’ significantly (ANOVA; p ≤ 0.001) selected for Leptogorgia.

2021 ◽  
E.V. Tukmacheva ◽  
O.F. Khamova ◽  

We studied the cellulolytic activity of the winter wheat rhizosphere soil in a stationary field experiment with the application of mineral nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers (N15P23 per hectare of crop rotation area), straw, and seed inoculation. We estimated the crop yield depending on the intensity of cellulose decomposition in the soil. We established that the intensity of cellulose decomposition in the rhizosphere of winter wheat was most affected by the application of mineral fertilizers, as well as the combination of the application of mineral fertilizers, straw, and seed inoculation with the biopreparation rhizoagrin before sowing.

A. M. Ilyushin ◽  
S. A. Kovalevsky ◽  
S. S. Onischenko ◽  
M. G. Suleimenov ◽  

The article presents the results of archaeological research of excavation No 2 at the cult site Toropovo-7A and the single Okunevo-5 mound in the Kuznetsk basin. The fact of repeated use of the soil pit for ritual actions related to the ancestor’s cult and the tradition of remembering the deceased was recorded. When comparing with similar structures, it is concluded that this tradition is characteristic of the population of Kuznetsk Prisalarya in the developed and late Middle Ages. The revealed structural features of the excavated mound and archaeological objects found are described. By analogies, the funeral monument is previously dated to the Mongolian time and assigned to the Shandinian archaeological culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 00177
Salavat Suleimanov ◽  
Ravil Safiollin ◽  
Nikolay Loginov ◽  
Lilia Vafina

This paper presents the ideas of the authors, confirmed by the results of a stationary field experiment on the possibility of widespread use of modern biological products of insecticidal action in the system of protection of the main oilseed crop of the Republic of Tatarstan namely spring rapeseed from such most harmful objects as cruciferous flea, cabbage moth, rape sawfly, flower beetle, secretive proboscis etc. The stationary field experiments were carried out on the basis of the agrarian biological technological park of Kazan State Agrarian University. The laboratory analyzes were carried out at the center of agroecological research of the agronomic faculty. The soils of the experimental site were gray forest, with the following agrochemical indicators: the content of humus according to Tyurin was 3.0%, mobile phosphorus was high (160 mg / kg) and exchangeable potassium was increased (145 mg/kg according to Kirsanov). The objects of research were the crops of spring rape of the Ruyan variety named after V.S. Pustovoyta, biological preparations Nodix Premium, Nodix Insectobact and Nodix Biofungicide. The importance of these studies is explained by the fact that in recent years, the number and resistance of pests of spring rape to chemical insecticides has increased and, accordingly, the chemical load on the environment has also increased. In this regard, the study of promising insecticides of biological origin on spring rape is an urgent task. During the research, it was found that the pre-sowing treatment of seeds with Insectobact (1 l / t of seeds) in combination with a nutrient solution Nodix Premium (0.3 l / t) in terms of the effectiveness of suppressing cruciferous flea bees is equivalent to dressing the seed with a chemical dressing agent Cruiser Rape (15 l / t). t). Moreover, a significant reduction in the chemical load on the environment ensures the use of the same biological products against other pests during the growing season of plants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 03005
O.V. Volynkina

The article shows the effective and potential fertility of leached low-humus, low-power medium-loamy chernozem under the conditions of a stationary field experiment at the Central Experimental Field of the Kurgan Research Institute. Two technologies are characterized. In the first part of the experiment, the crop rotation is corn-wheat-wheat-oats with annual plowing, in the second part-permanent wheat on a stubble background. The first technology was distinguished by a higher effective fertility, a large number of plant residues, due to which its advantage was manifested in the content of humus. The fertilizer increased the productivity of agricultural crops. In increasing crop yields, the use of N40P20 was economically and environmentally optimal. The positive effect of fertilizers on the humus content in the soil layer of 0-20 cm was manifested when applying N50-75Р in the first part of the experiment and N40-60P20 in second part, which was not observed with unilateral nitrogen fertilizer and the use of dozes N25-20P.

A.A. Borin ◽  
A.E. Loshchinina ◽  
V.V. Evseev ◽  
A.V. Kazidubov

In stationary field crop rotation, treatment systems of different intensity of impact on the soil in combination with the use of herbicides were studied. An increase in weediness of crops by flat-cutting and shallow tillage was revealed in comparison with moldboard. The use of herbicides made it possible to reduce the weediness of crops, which contributed to an increase in the yield of crops in crop rotation.

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