poultry farming
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2022 ◽  
Vol 164 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-34
B. Beck ◽  
M. Berberich ◽  
A. Daugschies

Insects ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Aïchatou Nadia Christelle Dao ◽  
Fernand Sankara ◽  
Salimata Pousga ◽  
Kalifa Coulibaly ◽  
Jacques Philippe Nacoulma ◽  

This study aimed to promote the use of termites as feed in traditional poultry farming by developing sustainable and inexpensive termite trapping techniques. Various tests were carried out in Burkina Faso to improve the traditional technique of trapping termites of the genus Macrotermes using a reversed container filled with organic matters. We studied the effect of containers’ types, substrates, habitats, harvesting times, duration of trap deposition, and season on the quantity of termites trapped. Calabashes and terra cotta pots trapped more termites than iron boxes, but calabashes were quickly destroyed by termites. The quantity of termites harvested increased proportionally with the volume of the pot and was higher in a cultivated habitat than in a forest, despite the higher number of termite mounds in the forest. The quantity of termites harvested was lowest in the cold-dry season and highest during the rainy season, however, sizeable amounts of termites were collected throughout the year. Among six substrates and mixtures of substrates tested, maize cobs trapped the highest number of termites and cow dung the lowest. The best time of harvest varied among seasons and, if substrates are abundant, it is more efficient to empty the containers on a daily basis.

2022 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 04014
V.V. Kalitskaya ◽  
A.A. Pustuev ◽  
O.A. Rykalin ◽  
O.V. Mustafina ◽  
I.M. Perminova

This article examines the role of multipliers – subsectors of agriculture, as the core of the agroeconomic system of any region, using the example of the Ural Federal Okrug, and also evaluates their sustainability based on materials from 2010-2015. Three basic subsectors are analyzed as multipliers: grain production, dairy farming and poultry farming. As a result of the author's calculations using the appropriate methods, a conclusion was drawn about the dependence of the basic industries on each other, as well as on the market model in a particular territory.

2022 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 04012
Yulia Kolina ◽  
Nadezhda Momot ◽  
Igor Kamliya ◽  
Aleksey Trebukhov ◽  
Elena Shaganova

The article draws attention to the fact that the vitamin feed additive Introvit A+WS is an effective complex in its composition, consisting of 12 fat-and water-soluble vitamins, 18 essential and replaceable amino acids and 9 macro-and microelements that affect not only stability to various infectious diseases, but also to increase the meat productivity of young poultry. In recent years, industrially produced vitamins have become increasingly widespread, as well as feed additives used as a means of increasing animal productivity, reducing the cost of protein feed and increasing the efficiency of using feed nutrients. The vitamin feed additive Introvit A+WS in the indicated doses under production conditions had a positive effect on the weight gain of broilers and on the preservation of the poultry population, therefore, it shall be widely used in industrial poultry farming.

Mônica Roberta Mazalli ◽  
Rafael Resende Maldonado ◽  
Elizama Aguiar-Oliveira

T. Nanda Kumar ◽  
Anisha Samantara ◽  
Ashok Gulati

AbstractIn the livestock sector in India, poultry farming holds a prominent position owing to its impressive growth led by the private sector. Poultry sector has shown rapid growth, with chicken meat growing at an average annual growth rate of 9% and eggs growing at 6% from 2000–01 to 2018–19 (DAHD DAHD (2020) Basic animal husbandry statistics 2020. Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries. Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare. Government of India). The recent steady growth in domestic demand for chicken meat has made it possible to increase production with a ready market putting India among the top poultry producers in the world. India was the third-largest egg producer after China and the USA with a production of 88 billion eggs and fifth-largest chicken meat producer with a production of 3.5 million tonnes during 2017–18 (FAOSTAT (2018) Food and Agriculture data. Retrieved from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data). This transformation in the poultry sector was led by the commercial poultry industry which contributes about 80% of the total poultry production. The other 20% is produced by the traditional backyard poultry. The broiler industry is concentrated in the southern and western states and accounts for a major share of total output. Similarly, the layer industry is dominated by well-developed states like Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, accounting for nearly 60% of the production (DAHDF (2017) National Action Plan for Egg & Poultry-2022 for Doubling Farmers’ Income by 2022. Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Government of India.). Commercial poultry farming is yet to make a dent in more populous states like Bihar, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (12) ◽  
pp. 2281-2293
Sharip I. SHARIPOV ◽  
Shakhmardan S. MUDUEV ◽  
Bakhu Sh. IBRAGIMOVA ◽  

Subject. The article investigates trends and prospects for poultry farming development at the regional level. Objectives. The purpose is to study the condition of poultry farming in the region, identify development trends, design mechanisms for government support for poultry farming. Methods. The study employs monographic, abstract-logical, statistical, and analytical methods. Results. In the Republic of Dagestan, the poultry production is concentrated in private farm households. This fact reduces the competitiveness of the sub-sector. The study establishes that there is a significant potential for increasing the production volumes of the industry. The bank capital practically does not participate in the modernization of poultry farming in the region, in part because of unfavorable credit history of most economic entities and insufficient collateral. Against the background of low rates of attracting private investment, there is an urgent need for State support for the industry. Conclusions. We propose a set of reasonable measures to stimulate State support for poultry farming in the region, including through improving the forms and methods of scientific and innovative support, linking the forms of the support with the achievement of established development indicators. The paper determines the need for introducing State support to stimulate the industry’s transfer of industrial basis.

2021 ◽  
Madhusudan Neupane (PhD) ◽  
Shree Ram Khanal (PhD)

The study has explored the impact of agriculture radio programs among rural farmers to increase their productivity and quality of life in rural area. It represents the positive effects of radio program on farmers who use to listen agriculture radio program regularly. This qualitative study was carried out by basic observation, focus group discussion, and in-depth interview as data collection tools. The study revealed that agriculture radio program had changed the knowledge, attitudes and practise of the farmers to increase productions. Agriculture radio programs were associated with various factual and fruitful activities, such as planting hybrid rice, off-season vegetables, using modern technique of farming, goat farming, poultry farming etc through agriculture radio programs. Enough resources, technical knowhow and incentives are crucial for the enhancement of the standards of life of farmers as well as their productivity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 446-456
Koffi Francois-Xavier Dzogbema ◽  
Essodina Talaki ◽  
Lamboni Lare ◽  
Abdul Waadjidou Tchabozire ◽  
Komlan Batassé Batawui ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 390-396
Ida Royani Simanungkalit ◽  
Bosker Sinaga

Poultry farming in Indonesia is still not successful in meeting some of the domestic needs, including being vulnerable to attacks by dangerous animal diseases. People are also restless because of dangerous diseases from chickens that can be transmitted to humans due to consuming chicken meat that has been infected with the disease. The case study in conducting research to diagnose free-range chicken disease was carried out at the Bang Ari Chicken Farm on Jalan Jamin Ginting Pamen Complex No.14 Padang Bulan, Medan Baru District, Medan City. The required criteria data is the type of disease and symptoms of the disease that attacks native chickens as well as the treatment actions that will be taken against the diseased chickens according to the disease experienced. This study aims to build a web-based expert system in diagnosing free-range chicken diseases using the certainty factor method. From the case example, the results of the calculation of certainty factor on the symptoms of free-range chickens, the disease that has the largest percentage value is P 7, namely Chronic Cough Disease of 97.50%. The system for diagnosing free-range chicken disease was built using a web-based programming language and MySQL database.

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