personal interview
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Retos ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 667-675
María Martín Rodríguez ◽  
María Isabel Barriopedro Moro ◽  
María Espada Mateos

  Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron analizar la influencia de la edad y tipo de ocupación relacionada con el empleo y la crianza, en las barreras para la práctica de las mujeres adultas en España. La metodología de carácter cuantitativa, se ha apoyado en el uso de la encuesta mediante el empleo de un cuestionario basado en la teoría bio-ecológica de Bronfenbrenner, con ítems individuales, ocupación crianza-hogar, ocupación empleo-tiempo y oferta de actividad física y deporte, a una muestra representativa de 1.731 mujeres adultas españolas (entre 30 y 64 años). Los resultados evidenciaron efecto multivariado de la ocupación en las barreras ocupación-empleo y tiempo (“No soy capaz de generar tiempo para mí”, “empleo” y “horarios incompatibles”). Las mujeres adultas que concilian maternidad y empleo perciben en mayor grado estas tres barreras mencionadas. Además, se evidenció efecto multivariado de la edad y la ocupación, y de la interacción, en las barreras ocupación maternidad-hogar (“Tengo que cuidar de mi/s hijo/as” y “Tengo que ocuparme de las tareas del hogar”). Las madres adultas, empleadas o no, percibieron la maternidad en mayor grado como barrera. En las empleadas que no son madres, las tareas del hogar como barrera tuvieron mayor prevalencia en las mayores de cincuenta años. Estas evidencias deberían considerarse para diseñar innovaciones y adaptar intervenciones, en el ámbito de la actividad física y el deporte, para estos grupos específicos, de mujeres adultas.  Abstract. The objectives of the present paper were to analyze the age and occupation type related to employment and maternity influencing Spanish adult women’s barriers to practice. A quantitative methodology based on the use of the survey was applied to a representative sample of 1,731 Spanish adult women (between 30 and 64 years old) who filled out a questionnaire based on the Bronfenbrenner´s bioecological theory with individual items, occupation maternity-household, occupation employment-time and physical activity and sport provision through a personal interview. The results showed a multivariate effect of the occupation on the occupation-employment and time barriers (“I can´t generate time for myself”, “employment” and “incompatible timetables”). The adult women who combine maternity and employment perceived the three barriers mentioned to a greater extent. Also, there was found a multivariate effect of age and occupation, and of the interaction, on the occupation maternity-household barriers (“I have to take care of my children” and “I have to do the housework”). The adult mothers, employed or unemployed, perceived maternity as a barrier to a greater degree. In employed women who are not mothers, household chores as a barrier showed a higher prevalence in those over fifty years old. These findings should be considered for designing innovations and tailoring interventions in the field of physical activity and sport to fit these targeted groups of adult women.

2022 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 180-182
Himansu Kumar De ◽  
Sivaraman Iyemperumal ◽  
Manoj Kumar Das ◽  
Prabhati Kumari Sahoo ◽  
Pratap Chandra Das ◽  

Under the farmer FIRST project about 400 beneficiary farmers were provided access toimproved agricultural technologies in Khordha district. Skill training and demonstration ofmodules on improved technologies on Crop, Horticulture, Livestock and Fishery wereconducted. Following the DFID framework (1999) the impact on livelihoods of farmerswas measured through finding a comparative position of physical, social, financial, humanand natural assets of the farmers before and after the adoption of the interventions. Astructured interview schedule was developed and data was collected from 87 randomlyselected beneficiaries by personal interview method twice (before i.e., in 2016-17 and afterthe intervention i.e., in 2019-20). The mean value of overall standard of living of adoptedfarmers derived through the addition of the index values of five assets was worked out tobe 2.84 in the post-adoption period against 2.41 in the pre-adoption period. Paired samplet-test indicates the positive and significant impact of the project on the livelihood of thebeneficiaries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
Emmanuel C. Anizoba

This study looks into the African belief about the mystical causes of diseases and the tenets of Western germ theory. Despite widespread Western medical practices, African people still strongly believe in the mystical causes of diseases. This reveals that as far as the African traditional belief is concerned, Western germ theory cannot satisfy the African belief in the causes of diseases. This is as a result of some of the diseases defying Western healing. The study adopts a qualitative phenomenological research design and descriptive method for data analysis. Personal interview forms a primary source of data collection while the secondary source includes library resources. The study observes that some mystical agents in African cosmology, such as witches and sorcerers, ogbanje, and breaking of taboos are responsible for untimely deaths, infliction of diseases to humankind and other related ailments which are believed to be traditional in nature.Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: The study recommends that hospitals and healthcare centres, within and outside Africa, should take into consideration the mystical agents as well as the pathogenic agents for good and efficient healing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 227-234
Cedric Thomas Silveira

Do rapport and information have any bearing on doctors’ preference for high priced products? This was the study undertaken by me. Doctors in urban areas usually do not have the time to develop rapport with the medical representatives and as a result should not accept high priced products. On the other hand information too will not influence prescription of high priced products because they depend upon peer advice, seminars and conferences and evaluation tests. The situation among rural doctors is different wherein they should welcome medical representatives and their information and develop a rapport with them and thereby prescribe high priced products. However it was seen that developing a rapport was not enough for rural doctors to prescribe high priced products as they looked into the affordability of their patients first. However information was accepted and even high priced products were prescribed by doctors. On the other hand urban doctors were not influenced by either rapport or information and depended on conferences, seminars, peer advice and evaluation tests before prescribing high priced products. The study was conducted on 200 urban doctors and 200 rural doctors in Goa. A personal interview was conducted wherein the questionnaire was direct and structured. Pearson’s coefficient of correlation was used to determine if information and rapport had any correlation with doctors prescribing high priced products.

2021 ◽  
Helen Margaret Stephen-Smith

<p>This thesis consists of two surveys. The first attempts to identify the information needs of accountants, consulting engineers, lawyers and pharmacists in an effort to provide direction for the development of library and information services to those professions. A personal interview survey was conducted among a random sample of practitioners from each profession in the Wellington district. It was concluded that all four professions need continuing education opportunities to assist them to obtain improved access to both professional and general information. This need has arisen in part because librarians have not adequately marketed their services. It was further concluded that co-operation from each professional body, practitioners, society as a whole, and librarians is needed so that information centres to meet the needs of practitioners can be established. The second survey attempts to establish a methodology that can be used by librarians of special libraries in the conduct of user surveys which will provide them with evidence of the effect of their services. It also attempts to demonstrate the benefits found by staff in firms where special librarian positions had been established for less than five years. Self-completed questionnaires were distributed to professional staff in six Wellington firms. It was concluded that there are some basic patterns common to the development of new special libraries, and that the employment of a librarian can be of tangible benefit to a firm. Guidelines for those setting up new special libraries are suggested. It is further concluded that application of the user survey methodology established in this thesis would assist librarians of special libraries to assess their existing services, and to change emphases where necessary to meet expressed needs. It is also shown that librarians need to market their services, and understand their role in educating staff to exercise their individual and collective responsibilities as part of a firm's network of information resources.</p>

2021 ◽  
Helen Margaret Stephen-Smith

<p>This thesis consists of two surveys. The first attempts to identify the information needs of accountants, consulting engineers, lawyers and pharmacists in an effort to provide direction for the development of library and information services to those professions. A personal interview survey was conducted among a random sample of practitioners from each profession in the Wellington district. It was concluded that all four professions need continuing education opportunities to assist them to obtain improved access to both professional and general information. This need has arisen in part because librarians have not adequately marketed their services. It was further concluded that co-operation from each professional body, practitioners, society as a whole, and librarians is needed so that information centres to meet the needs of practitioners can be established. The second survey attempts to establish a methodology that can be used by librarians of special libraries in the conduct of user surveys which will provide them with evidence of the effect of their services. It also attempts to demonstrate the benefits found by staff in firms where special librarian positions had been established for less than five years. Self-completed questionnaires were distributed to professional staff in six Wellington firms. It was concluded that there are some basic patterns common to the development of new special libraries, and that the employment of a librarian can be of tangible benefit to a firm. Guidelines for those setting up new special libraries are suggested. It is further concluded that application of the user survey methodology established in this thesis would assist librarians of special libraries to assess their existing services, and to change emphases where necessary to meet expressed needs. It is also shown that librarians need to market their services, and understand their role in educating staff to exercise their individual and collective responsibilities as part of a firm's network of information resources.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
pp. 229-234
Cedric Thomas Silveira

Supervised and unsupervised employees are assumed to be quite different. A supervised employee can always fall back to the supervisor in times of need as compared to an unsupervised employee who has to fend for himself in most times. Wishing to find out as to what keeps supervised as well as unsupervised employees going in an organization, I drew up a questionnaire to be filled up by the employees. The questionnaire had six variables which had to be ranked from 1 to 6, with 1 being the most important and 6 being the least important. The variables were Discipline, Growth, Desire to learn, Organizational skills, Dedication, and Motivation. A total of 100 employees were interviewed, 50 who were supervised and 50 who were not supervised. A personal interview was conducted wherein the questionnaire was direct and structured.  The results were such among the supervised employees growth was ranked first followed by discipline and desire to learn whereas among the unsupervised employees growth was ranked first followed by desire to learn and motivation.

Kimberly Cui Nuevo Toring ◽  
Eugene Escalona Toring ◽  
Jonathan Obinque Nuevo ◽  
Patricio G. Gabuya ◽  
Jimmy Bernabe Maming

Senior citizens are an important sector in society. Some began their new career during the middle age and many continued a long legacy of productivity and passionate social service living a life of commitment. The aims of the study is to assess the senior citizen’s health and social services in Cebu City. The study uses quantitative and qualitative methods. A statistical computation was used to achieve an acceptable accuracy of findings and the qualitative research double-checks the quantitative research. Furthermore, the qualitative method was used to measure the data since it allowed the participants to give in-depth, detailed answers by personal interview. The Researchers explored the participant’s answers, thus clearing any ambiguity before analyzing and publishing the collected data. The study revealed that the level of implementation of social services for senior citizens was well implemented; The level of perception of health services for senior citizens were provided; The management of senior citizens office has the biggest financial appropriation; that there was no correlation between social services and the perception level since both were labeled not significant. To address the gap a substantial budget shall be allocated to the sixty (60) barangays of Cebu City to be incorporated in OSCA budget. A development plan was proposed as the output of the study.

S.M. Shruthi ◽  
N.R. Mamle Desai

Background: The present study was conducted in Uttar Kannada district of Karnataka as a project on integrated farming systems was implemented in this district by University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad during the year 2013-15. It was considered for study in master’s research. Methods: Under the study three taluks viz., Sirsi, Mundagod and Bhatkala were selected with an overall objective of identifying and analyzing and the economics of integrated farming systems. The relevant data collected from primary sources through personal interview method were analyzed by tabular and production function techniques. Four main integrated farming systems followed by majority of the farmers in the study area are selected for study, viz., Integrated Farming System-I,II,III,IV. Result: The study revealed that the total cost under Integrated Farming Systems-III was highest with Rs. 129023, while it was Rs. 115388, Rs.115266 and Rs. 97434 respectively in Integrated Farming Systems-I,II and IV. net farm returns was highest under Integrated Farming Systems-I which was Rs. 86351. In all the different integrated farming systems, the labour and seed cost had significant influence on gross returns. The seed and feed were underutilized, fertilizer, FYM and land were over utilized.

M. Todkar S. R. Jakkawad ◽  
B. Y. Ghuge

The present study on knowledge of Bt cotton growers for control of pink bollworm was conducted in Parbhani district of Marathwada region in Maharashtra State. The data were collected through personal interview with the help of interview schedule by contacting 120 respondents. The data was processed by making primary and secondary tables. The distributional analysis pertaining to age of the farmers indicated that (50.00%) of the respondents belonged to middle age category. It was found that, majority (30.00%) of the respondents belonged to primary education category, majority (54.16%) of the respondents had medium level of area under Bt cotton of respondents, 47.50 per cent of the respondents had semi-medium land holding (2.01 to 4.00 ha), 67.50 per cent of the respondents had medium annual income (Rs.98,000 to Rs 2,98,000). While majority (50.00%) of the respondents had medium level of social participation, 50.00 per cent of the respondents had medium economic motivation, larger proportion (50.00%) of the respondents belonged to medium innovativeness, 41.66 per cent of the respondents had medium risk orientation, 55.00 per cent of the respondents had medium level of farming experience, majority (58.33%) of the respondents had medium level of source of information of source of information, 66.68 per cent of the respondents had medium level source of irrigation, 58.33 per cent of the respondents had medium extension contract.

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