correct word
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Desi Andriani

This research is conducted to know the use of English in promoting fashion in social media. In social media, many people upgrade their style to sell. They sometimes used English to advertise to attract readers' attention to buy. The research aims to know the use of English in terms of the meaning of language and word order of the English used in promoting fashion. This research is a kind of descriptive research. The researcher took the data from sellers' posts on social media. The data were analyzed based on two variables. They are grammar and word order. The research results showed that the English used to promote fashion is incorrect and does not follow the correct word order and grammar.

Jiaqiang Zhu ◽  
Xiaoxiang Chen ◽  
Fei Chen ◽  
Seth Wiener

Purpose: Individuals with congenital amusia exhibit degraded speech perception. This study examined whether adult Chinese Mandarin listeners with amusia were still able to extract the statistical regularities of Mandarin speech sounds, despite their degraded speech perception. Method: Using the gating paradigm with monosyllabic syllable–tone words, we tested 19 Mandarin-speaking amusics and 19 musically intact controls. Listeners heard increasingly longer fragments of the acoustic signal across eight duration-blocked gates. The stimuli varied in syllable token frequency and syllable–tone co-occurrence probability. The correct syllable–tone word, correct syllable-only, correct tone-only, and correct syllable–incorrect tone responses were compared respectively between the two groups using mixed-effects models. Results: Amusics were less accurate than controls in terms of the correct word, correct syllable-only, and correct tone-only responses. Amusics, however, showed consistent patterns of top-down processing, as indicated by more accurate responses to high-frequency syllables, high-probability tones, and tone errors all in manners similar to those of the control listeners. Conclusions: Amusics are able to learn syllable and tone statistical regularities from the language input. This extends previous work by showing that amusics can track phonological segment and pitch cues despite their degraded speech perception. The observed speech deficits in amusics are therefore not due to an abnormal statistical learning mechanism. These results support rehabilitation programs aimed at improving amusics' sensitivity to pitch.

SinkrOn ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 183-190
Emmy Erwina ◽  
Tommy Tommy ◽  
Mayasari Mayasari

Spelling error has become an error that is often found in this era which can be seen from the use of words that tend to follow trends or culture, especially in the younger generation. This study aims to develop and test a detection and identification model using a combination of Bigram Vector and Minimum Edit Distance Based Probabilities. Correct words from error words are obtained using candidates search and probability calculations that adopt the concept of minimum edit distance. The detection results then identified the error type into three types of errors, namely vowels, consonants and diphthongs from the error side on the tendency of the characters used as a result of phonemic rendering at the time of writing. The results of error detection and identification of error types obtained are quite good where most of the error test data can be detected and identified according to the type of error, although there are several detection errors by obtaining more than one correct word as a result of the same probability value of these words.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (5) ◽  
pp. 451-464
Teodora Valova ◽  

The current article represents some research in the drawbacks and violations of placing the correct word stress by foreign students, coming from other Slav countries, while reading in a loud voice. What is being analyzed is the pedagogical observation as well as the statistical public inquiry that took place between 2017 and 2021 among 54 M.Sc. students from the Department of Medicine at The Medical University – Pleven. All relevant data, based on the research work, differentiate into subcategories the fluctuations in the application of the accent norm. The results from the priority arrangement as regards the five factors, having an impact on the correct oral output, have been summarized according to their difficulty rate from 1st to 5th grade. In the teaching programme, the necessity for distinct accent rules and regulations has been duly reasoned. It is very important, within each and every module, for one to offer additional lexico-grammatical exercises and phonological assignments which could facilitate teaching the Bulgarian word stress and automate its precise use in the verbal communication for medical purposes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 779
Daffa Setiawan Suparno ◽  
Miftahurrahma Rosyda

Typing errors or typography are errors made when typing a document or text, typing errors can occur due to mechanical failure or slipping of the hand or finger. Generally, typing errors are something that often occurs when someone is typing and is considered normal, but this typing error in some contexts can change the meaning of the word or even the meaning of the sentence itself, This causes the need for correction again after someone has finished typing, but the correction process is mostly still manually so the results of the correction depend on how carefully someone makes corrections and how many documents will be corrected. Therefore we need a system that can make corrections quickly and accurately, the correction process can be done by various methods, one of which is using the text modeling method. In this study, the test data used 10 documents of the Banggai Regent's important speech, Central Sulawesi. The text modeling method can be combined with other supporting methods such as word2vec, where word2vec will be used as a recommendation for corrected words. This study creates a system that can correct word errors in important speech documents of the Banggai Regent, Central Sulawesi by using text modeling and Word2Vec methods, the results obtained from the system that has been made are the system has good performance and gets maximum test results

Simone Calcagno ◽  
Riccardo Di Pietro ◽  
Francesco Versaci ◽  
Roberto Garbo

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-75
Margareta Hardiyanti

A spelling error commonly occurs during document writing. It probably happens due to the authors’ vocabulary incompetence or they may strike the improper key in the keyboard. The types of errors that mostly appear such as insertion of an extra letter, deletion of one letter, substitution of one letter, or transposition of two adjacent letters. This study aims to identify the common type of spelling error and it uses the list of common misspelling words submitted by Wikipedia contributors.A brief overview of Levenshtein and N-gram distance techniques is provided to describe the technical approaches that support the author to achieve the purpose of this study.Those two techniques are utilised to predict the correct word of misspellings from the English dictionary.This study shows that Levenshtein works well to correct substitution single letter and transposition two sequenced letters, while N-gram operates effectively to fix the word with letter omission.The overall result is then evaluated by recall measurement to see which technique that works well on correcting the misspellings. Since the recall of Levenshtein is higher than N-gram, it is concluded that the frequency of misspelling words which are correctly fixed by Levenshteinoccurs more often.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
Nur Atheera Mohd Hassan ◽  
Aslina Baharum ◽  
Zaidatol Haslinda Abdullah Sani ◽  
Kent Chau ◽  
Noorsidi Aizuddin Mat Noor

Cognitive impairment includes the lacking ability to remember things, disorientation in remembering the current location, and the struggle to find the correct word. People with dementia (PwD) are often involved in this impairment. With that being said, this project proposes the use of a mobile application to help in improving their cognitive issues. To tackle this problem, features and functionality of a mobile application specifically for dementia users are identified which contributes to the development of a diary application. Identifying and gathering features from previous studies was the initial method. Development of the diary application followed the software development life cycle (SDLC) waterfall method and evaluation of the application was experimented with identified dementia users. The findings of this project are the application set of guidelines gathered from literature into the diary application. Four verified dementia people were involved in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the application. The evaluation of the application includes some good points. Some parts of the application are pointed out for their unsuitable design and suggestions are given to improve the application in the later future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Thalia Hafitsa Mulya ◽  
Dian Novita

The aimed of this study to identify the error in writing descriptive text made by the tenth grade students of SMK Antartika 1 Sidoarjo. The researcher utilizes quantitative research method. The population of this study is the tenth grade students of SMK Antartika 1 Sidoarjo. The researcher uses total sampling as the sampling technique. The researcher takes 34 students of X TPM 2. The data instrument of this study is students’ test result. In this study, the researcher used 3 types of analyzed data based on Miles and Huberman theory. The researcher analyzed the errors made by the students use the theory of Corder (1973). The result showed that The tenth graders’ of SMK 1 Antartika Sidoarjo still made error in writing descriptive text in four kinds of error based on Corder (1973) theory, which are omission, addition, selection, and ordering. The students made error in omission 67 times or 30% of total error, 21 times or 10% made error in addition, 103 times or 47% made error in selection, and 30 times or 13% made error in ordering. The most error the students made is selection error. It means that the students still do not know how to use correct word that is appropriated with the context. The student still translate Indonesia into English directly without considering the context.

Bambang Agus Darwanto ◽  
Pratomo Widodo ◽  
Hesthi Heru Satoto

Abstract: All languages share the same lexical categories such as verb, noun, adjective, and adverb. Unlike English, however, Bahasa Indonesia carries fewer consistent patterns of morphological markers for word categories. A verb, for instance, is marked with the prefix {me-} as in me-nginjak (to step on); however, other verbs do not carry this marker as in makan (eat), tidur (sleep), and tergantung (depend). As for English, the suffix {-ing} or {-ed/-en}, for instance, indicates that the root is a verb regardless of the verb transitivity. This research investigated if the irregularity in the morphological marking of Bahasa Indonesia verbs created problems in acquiring English words. A test of the "word category assignment" (Test 1) was provided to two groups of respondents: undergraduate students of English and doctoral students of Bahasa Indonesia. A "word-in-context translation into English" (Test 2) was given to a group of undergraduates of English. The first was to know if the respondents managed to assign the Bahasa Indonesia words with correct lexical categories, and the second was to know if the words were assigned with correct word categories when translated in English. This was to know if the Bahasa Indonesia and English words received the same word-category. The results show that errors in the assignment of the grammatical categories of the Bahasa Indonesia words were found pervasive among the two groups. And the lexico-grammar behavior seems to give impact on the categorization of the Bahasa Indonesia words when provided in English as also detected in the translation. It is strongly indicative that confusion in the word category assignment of Bahasa Indonesia gives impact on the acquisition of English words.Key words: morphological markers, suffix, word category, language transfer, lexico-grammarAbstrak: Semua bahasa memiliki kategori leksikal yang sama seperti verba, nomina, adjektiva, dan adverbia. Tidak seperti bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Indonesia memiliki pola penanda morfologi yang lebih sedikit untuk kategori kata. Kata kerja, misalnya, ditandai dengan awalan {me} seperti pada me-nginjak; namun verba lain tidak memiliki penanda ini seperti pada makan, tidur, dan tergantung. Sedangkan bahasa Inggris, misalnya sufiks {-ing} atau {-ed /-en}, akar kata (root) adalah kata kerja terlepas dari kata kerja transitivitas. Penelitian ini mencari tahu apakah ketidakteraturan dalam penandaan morfologi kata kerja Bahasa Indonesia menimbulkan masalah dalam mempelajari kata dalam bahasa Inggris. Tes "tugas kategori kata" (Tes 1) diberikan kepada dua kelompok responden: mahasiswa sarjana Bahasa Inggris dan mahasiswa doktoral Bahasa Indonesia. Tes "terjemahan kata-dalam-konteks ke dalam bahasa Inggris" (Tes 2) diberikan kepada sekelompok mahasiswa dari kelompok bahasa Inggris. Tes pertama untuk mengetahui apakah responden berhasil menentukan kata-kata dalam Bahasa Indonesia dengan kategori leksikal yang benar, dan tes kedua untuk mengetahui apakah kata-kata tersebut diberi kategori kata yang benar ketika diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris. Tujuan kedua tes tersebut untuk mengetahui apakah kata-kata dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris memiliki kategori kata yang sama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan dalam pengkategorian gramatikal kata-kata Bahasa Indonesia ditemukan di kedua kelompok. Perilaku lexico-grammar berdampak pada kategorisasi kata-kata dalam Bahasa Indonesia jika diberikan dalam bahasa Inggris seperti yang ditemukan dalam terjemahan. Hal ini menjadi indikasi kuat bahwa kebingungan dalam penetapan kategori kata dalam Bahasa Indonesia berdampak pada pembelajaran kata dalam bahasa Inggris.Kata kunci: penanda morfologi, sufiks, kategori kata, transfer bahasa, lexico-grammar

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