correction process
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Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Qiuying Li ◽  
Hoang Pham

This paper presents a general testing coverage software reliability modeling framework that covers imperfect debugging and considers not only fault detection processes (FDP) but also fault correction processes (FCP). Numerous software reliability growth models have evaluated the reliability of software over the last few decades, but most of them attached importance to modeling the fault detection process rather than modeling the fault correction process. Previous studies analyzed the time dependency between the fault detection and correction processes and modeled the fault correction process as a delayed detection process with a random or deterministic time delay. We study the quantitative dependency between dual processes from the viewpoint of fault amount dependency instead of time dependency, then propose a generalized modeling framework along with imperfect debugging and testing coverage. New models are derived by adopting different testing coverage functions. We compared the performance of these proposed models with existing models under the context of two kinds of failure data, one of which only includes observations of faults detected, and the other includes not only fault detection but also fault correction data. Different parameter estimation methods and performance comparison criteria are presented according to the characteristics of different kinds of datasets. No matter what kind of data, the comparison results reveal that the proposed models generally give improved descriptive and predictive performance than existing models.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 779
Daffa Setiawan Suparno ◽  
Miftahurrahma Rosyda

Typing errors or typography are errors made when typing a document or text, typing errors can occur due to mechanical failure or slipping of the hand or finger. Generally, typing errors are something that often occurs when someone is typing and is considered normal, but this typing error in some contexts can change the meaning of the word or even the meaning of the sentence itself, This causes the need for correction again after someone has finished typing, but the correction process is mostly still manually so the results of the correction depend on how carefully someone makes corrections and how many documents will be corrected. Therefore we need a system that can make corrections quickly and accurately, the correction process can be done by various methods, one of which is using the text modeling method. In this study, the test data used 10 documents of the Banggai Regent's important speech, Central Sulawesi. The text modeling method can be combined with other supporting methods such as word2vec, where word2vec will be used as a recommendation for corrected words. This study creates a system that can correct word errors in important speech documents of the Banggai Regent, Central Sulawesi by using text modeling and Word2Vec methods, the results obtained from the system that has been made are the system has good performance and gets maximum test results

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (15) ◽  
pp. 6998
Qiuying Li ◽  
Hoang Pham

Many NHPP software reliability growth models (SRGMs) have been proposed to assess software reliability during the past 40 years, but most of them have focused on modeling the fault detection process (FDP) in two ways: one is to ignore the fault correction process (FCP), i.e., faults are assumed to be instantaneously removed after the failure caused by the faults is detected. However, in real software development, it is not always reliable as fault removal usually needs time, i.e., the faults causing failures cannot always be removed at once and the detected failures will become more and more difficult to correct as testing progresses. Another way to model the fault correction process is to consider the time delay between the fault detection and fault correction. The time delay has been assumed to be constant and function dependent on time or random variables following some kind of distribution. In this paper, some useful approaches to the modeling of dual fault detection and correction processes are discussed. The dependencies between fault amounts of dual processes are considered instead of fault correction time-delay. A model aiming to integrate fault-detection processes and fault-correction processes, along with the incorporation of a fault introduction rate and testing coverage rate into the software reliability evaluation is proposed. The model parameters are estimated using the Least Squares Estimation (LSE) method. The descriptive and predictive performance of this proposed model and other existing NHPP SRGMs are investigated by using three real data-sets based on four criteria, respectively. The results show that the new model can be significantly effective in yielding better reliability estimation and prediction.

Jelena Kalmikova ◽  
Aija Vindece

Today, the pre–school education system is undergoing major changes aimed at improving the quality of education. New approaches, methods, and programmes are being developed.  There is an increased need to introduce innovative technologies that are designed to gain new knowledge, accelerate the process of obtaining knowledge, improve the quality of education, and increase the motivation of children. The development of speech, which includes the ability to clearly pronounce sounds and distinguish them, to control the articulation apparatus, to correctly form a sentence, is one of the most urgent tasks that speech therapists at pre–school institutions should solve.

Aija Ruhmane ◽  
Aija Vindece

Proper speech acquisition plays an important role in the process of speech and language correction for children with insufficient development of the language system. At the beginning of the sound pronunciation correction process, the movements of the articulation apparatus for articulating a certain sound are purposefully mastered. Articulation gymnastics serve as a basis for creating speech sounds - phonemes. Preschool children, when performing articulation gymnastics, it is desirable to add elements of play, diversifying their learning methods. This is very important, because articulation gymnastics will be effective only if the child performs them with joy and full return. The use of bioenergoplasty elements as an opportunity to diversify the articulation apparatus gymnastics provides motivation for preschool children to actively participate in speech therapist classes.

Marina Golovaneva

Dualism is a specific quality of approximation principle. The present research featured the potential of approximation principle for linguadidactics, namely to what degree it can be used to teach Russian as a foreign language and perform correction work in class. The research objective was to assess the efficiency of this principle. The study was based on the method of observation. The article introduces analyses of scientific linguadidactic literature and some typical situations of educational process. The author separates correction work from speech activity, i.e. talking, writing, and reading. The author believes that speech mistakes must be corrected immediately, involving the student in the correction process. Graphic facilities should be used to illustrate the norm. Therefore, in practical linguadidactics, approximation principle should be minimal. Yet, approximation is impossible to avoid in the abovementioned types of speech activity, which hints at the dualism of this principle. Therefore, all errors must be corrected using graphic means, if possible, by both the teacher and the student. Students should be encouraged to participate in the correction process, while the teacher maintains supervisory control.

Kenneth I. Kellermann ◽  
Ellen N. Bouton ◽  
Sierra S. Brandt

A number of corrections were unfortunately missed during the proofing and correction process. The version supplied here has been updated.

Auditor ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 46-52
S. Kolchugin

Th is article analyzes the historical established process of correcting errors in accounting by canceling the fact of economic life. Th e method of «the return corresponding account» described by Luca Pacioli and the method of «the colors corresponding account» proposed by A. Beretti are considered. On the basis of the new defi nition of the fact of economic life, the possibility of three ways to correct errors in accounting is theoretically substantiated.

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