stellar oscillation
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2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 07002
Pantelis Pnigouras ◽  
Nils Andersson ◽  
Andrea Passamonti

During the late stages of a neutron star binary inspiral finite-size effects come into play, with the tidal deformability of the supranuclear density matter leaving an imprint on the gravitational-wave signal. As demonstrated in the case of GW170817—the first direct detection of gravitational waves from a neutron star binary—this can lead to strong constraints on the neutron star equation of state. As detectors become more sensitive, effects which may have a smaller influence on the neutron star tidal deformability need to be taken into consideration. Dynamical effects, such as oscillation mode resonances triggered by the orbital motion, have been shown to contribute to the tidal deformability, especially close to the neutron star coalesence, where current detectors are most sensitive. We calculate the contribution of the various stellar oscillation modes to the tidal deformability and demonstrate the (anticipated) dominance of the fundamental mode. We show what the impact of the matter composition is on the tidal deformability, as well as the changes induced by more realistic additions to the problem, e.g. the presence of an elastic crust. Finally, based on this formulation, we develop a simple phenomenological model describing the effective tidal deformability of neutron stars and show that it provides a surprisingly accurate representation of the dynamical tide close to merger.

2021 ◽  
Vol 503 (1) ◽  
pp. 603-613
Wenbin Lu ◽  
Jim Fuller ◽  
Yael Raveh ◽  
Hagai B Perets ◽  
Ting S Li ◽  

ABSTRACT The hyper-velocity star S5-HVS1, ejected 5 Myr ago from the Galactic Centre at 1800 km s−1, was most likely produced by tidal break-up of a tight binary by the supermassive black hole SgrA*. Taking a Monte Carlo approach, we show that the former companion of S5-HVS1 was likely a main-sequence star between 1.2 and 6 M⊙ and was captured into a highly eccentric orbit with pericentre distance in the range of 1–10 au and semimajor axis about 103 au. We then explore the fate of the captured star. We find that the heat deposited by tidally excited stellar oscillation modes leads to runaway disruption if the pericentre distance is smaller than about $3\rm \, au$. Over the past 5 Myr, its angular momentum has been significantly modified by orbital relaxation, which may stochastically drive the pericentre inwards below $3\rm \, au$ and cause tidal disruption. We find an overall survival probability in the range 5 per cent to 50 per cent, depending on the local relaxation time in the close environment of the captured star, and the initial pericentre at capture. The pericentre distance of the surviving star has migrated to 10–100 au, making it potentially the most extreme member of the S-star cluster. From the ejection rate of S5-HVS1-like stars, we estimate that there may currently be a few stars in such highly eccentric orbits. They should be detectable (typically $K_{\rm s}\lesssim 18.5\,$ mag) by the GRAVITY instrument and by future Extremely Large Telescopes and hence provide an extraordinary probe of the spin of SgrA*.

2021 ◽  
Vol 502 (2) ◽  
pp. 1633-1646
Simon J Murphy ◽  
Meridith Joyce ◽  
Timothy R Bedding ◽  
Timothy R White ◽  
Mihkel Kama

ABSTRACT HD 139614 is known to be a ∼14-Myr-old, possibly pre-main-sequence star in the Sco-Cen OB association in the Upper Centaurus-Lupus subgroup, with a slightly warped circumstellar disc containing ring structures hinting at one or more planets. The star’s chemical abundance pattern is metal-deficient except for volatile elements, which places it in the λ Boo class and suggests it has recently accreted gas-rich but dust-poor material. We identify seven dipole and four radial pulsation modes among its δ Sct pulsations using the TESS light curve and an échelle diagram. Precision modelling with the mesa stellar evolution and gyre stellar oscillation programs confirms it is on the pre-main sequence. Asteroseismic, grid-based modelling suggests an age of 10.75 ± 0.77 Myr, a mass of 1.52 ± 0.02 M ⊙, and a global metal abundance of Z = 0.0100 ± 0.0010. This represents the first asteroseismic determination of the bulk metallicity of a λ Boo star. The precise age and metallicity offer a benchmark for age estimates in Upper Centaurus–Lupus, and for understanding disc retention and planet formation around intermediate-mass stars.

2020 ◽  
Vol 495 (4) ◽  
pp. 4965-4980 ◽  
Andreas Christ Sølvsten Jørgensen ◽  
Josefina Montalbán ◽  
Andrea Miglio ◽  
Ben M Rendle ◽  
Guy R Davies ◽  

ABSTRACT State-of-the-art stellar structure and evolution codes fail to adequately describe turbulent convection. For stars with convective envelopes such as red giants, this leads to an incomplete depiction of the surface layers. As a result, the predicted stellar oscillation frequencies are haunted by systematic errors, the so-called surface effect. Different empirically and theoretically motivated correction relations have been proposed to deal with this issue. In this paper, we compare the performance of these surface correction relations for red giant branch stars. For this purpose, we apply the different surface correction relations in asteroseismic analyses of eclipsing binaries and open clusters. In accordance with previous studies of main-sequence stars, we find that the use of different surface correction relations biases the derived global stellar properties, including stellar age, mass, and distance estimates. We, furthermore, demonstrate that the different relations lead to the same systematic errors for two different open clusters. Our results overall discourage from the use of surface correction relations that rely on reference stars to calibrate free parameters. Due to the demonstrated systematic biasing of the results, the use of appropriate surface correction relations is imperative to any asteroseismic analysis of red giants. Accurate mass, age, and distance estimates for red giants are fundamental when addressing questions that deal with the chemo-dynamical evolution of the Milky Way galaxy. In this way, our results also have implications for fields such as galactic archaeology that draw on findings from stellar physics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 492 (1) ◽  
pp. 232-244 ◽  
Conor M Byrne ◽  
C Simon Jeffery

ABSTRACT Following the discovery of blue large-amplitude pulsators (BLAPs) by the OGLE survey, additional hot, high-amplitude pulsating stars have been discovered by the Zwicky Transient Facility. It has been proposed that all of these objects are low-mass pre-white dwarfs and that their pulsations are driven by the opacity of iron-group elements. With this expanded population of pulsating objects, it was decided to compute a sequence of post-common-envelope stellar models using the mesa stellar evolution code and to examine the pulsation properties of low-mass pre-white dwarfs using non-adiabatic analysis with the gyre stellar oscillation code. By including the effects of atomic diffusion and radiative levitation, it is shown that a large region of instability exists from effective temperatures of 30 000 K up to temperatures of at least 50 000 K and at a wide range of surface gravities. This encompasses both groups of pulsator observed so far, and confirms that the driving mechanism is through iron group element opacity. We make some conservative estimates about the range of periods, masses, temperatures, and gravities in which further such pulsators might be observed.

Nils Andersson

The ideas behind gravitational-wave asteroseismology are introduced and motivated by a set of phenomenological relations. The impact of general relativity on different classes of stellar oscillation modes is outlined and the emergence of a new family of modes (the w-modes) associated with the dynamcis of spacetime itself is explained. The impact of relevant physics on a given neutron star’s oscillation spectrum is discussed. The instability of the f-mode in fast-spinning neutron stars is considered.

2019 ◽  
Vol 631 ◽  
pp. A48 ◽  
A. M. van Genderen ◽  
A. Lobel ◽  
H. Nieuwenhuijzen ◽  
G. W. Henry ◽  
C. de Jager ◽  

Aims. We aim to explore the variable photometric and stellar properties of four yellow hypergiants (YHGs), HR 8752, HR 5171A, ρ Cas, and HD 179821, and their pulsations of hundreds of days, and long-term variations (LTVs) of years. We also aim to explore light and colour curves for characteristics betraying evolutionary loops and eruptive episodes and to investigate trends of quasi-periods and the possible need for distance revisions. Methods. We tackled multi-colour and visual photometric data sets, looked for photometric indications betraying eruptions or enhanced mass-loss episodes, calculated stellar properties mainly using a previously published temperature calibration, and investigated the nature of LTVs and their influence on quasi-periods and stellar properties. Results. Based on driven one-zone stellar oscillation models, the pulsations can be characterised as “weakly chaotic”. The BV photometry revealed a high-opacity layer in the atmospheres. When the temperature rises the mass loss increases as well, consequently, as the density of the high-opacity layer. As a result, the absorption in B and V grow. The absorption in B, presumably of the order of one to a few 0.m 1, is always higher than in V. This difference renders redder and variable (B − V) colour indexes, but the absorption law is unknown. This property of YHGs is unpredictable and explains why spectroscopic temperatures (reddening independent) are always higher than photometric ones, but the difference decreases with the temperature. A new (weak) eruption of ρ Cas has been identified. We propose shorter distances for ρ Cas and HR 5171A than the accepted ones. Therefore, a correction to decrease the blue luminescence of HR 5171A by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules is necessary, and HR 5171A would no longer be a member of the cluster Gum48d. HR 5171A is only subject to one source of light variation, not by two as the literature suggests. Eruptive episodes (lasting one to two years), of YHGs prefer relatively cool circumstances when a red evolutionary loop (RL) has shifted the star to the red on the HR diagram. After the eruption, a blue loop evolution (BL) is triggered lasting one to a few decades. We claim that in addition to HR 8752, also the other three YHGs have shown similar cycles over the last 70 years. This supports the suspicion that HD 179821 might be a YHG (with a possible eruptive episode between 1925 and 1960). The range in temperature of these cyclic Teff variations is 3000 K–4000 K. LTVs mainly consist of such BL and RL evolutions, which are responsible for a decrease and increase, respectively, of the quasi-periods. The reddening episode of HR 5171A between 1960 and 1974 was most likely due to a red loop evolution, and the reddening after the 1975 eruption was likely due to a shell ejection, taking place simultaneously with a blue loop evolution.

2019 ◽  
Vol 489 (1) ◽  
pp. 1072-1081 ◽  
Mikkel N Lund

ABSTRACT A better understanding of the amplitudes of stellar oscillation modes and surface granulation is essential for improving theories of mode physics and the properties of the outer convection zone of solar-like stars. A proper prediction of these amplitudes is also essential for appraising the detectability of solar-like oscillations for asteroseismic analysis. Comparisons with models, or between different photometric missions, are enabled by applying a bolometric correction, which converts mission-specific amplitudes to their corresponding bolometric (full light) values. We derive the bolometric correction factor for amplitudes of radial oscillation modes and surface granulation as observed by the Kepler, CoRoT, and TESS missions. The calculations are done assuming a stellar spectrum given by a black-body as well as by synthetic spectral flux densities from 1D model atmospheres. We derive a power-law and polynomial relations for the bolometric correction as a function of temperature from the black-body approximation and evaluate the deviations from adopting a more realistic spectrum. Across the full temperature range from 4000 to 7500 K, the amplitudes from TESS are in the black-body approximation predicted to be a factor ∼0.83–0.84 times those observed by Kepler. We find that using more realistic flux spectra over the black-body approximation can change the bolometric correction by as much as ${\sim }30{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ at the lowest temperatures, but with a change typically within ${\sim }5\!-\!10 {{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ around a Teff of 5500–6000 K. We find that after Teff, the bolometric correction most strongly depends on $\rm [M/H]$, which could have an impact on reported metallicity dependences of amplitudes reported in the literature.

2019 ◽  
Vol 488 (3) ◽  
pp. 3463-3473 ◽  
Andreas Christ Sølvsten Jørgensen ◽  
Achim Weiss

Abstract State-of-the-art 1D stellar evolution codes rely on simplifying assumptions, such as mixing length theory, in order to describe superadiabatic convection. As a result, 1D stellar structure models do not correctly recover the surface layers of the Sun and other stars with convective envelopes. We present a method that overcomes this structural drawback by employing 3D hydrodynamic simulations of stellar envelopes: at every time-step of the evolution interpolated 3D envelopes are appended to the 1D structure and are used to supply realistic boundary conditions for the stellar interior. In contrast to previous attempts, our method includes mean 3D turbulent pressure. We apply our method to model the present Sun. The structural shortcomings of standard stellar models lead to systematic errors in the stellar oscillation frequencies inferred from the model. We show that our method fully corrects for this error. Furthermore, we show that our realistic treatment of superadiabatic convection alters the predicted evolution of the Sun. Our results hence have important implications for the characterization of stars. This has ramifications for neighbouring fields, such as exoplanet research and galactic archaeology, for which accurate stellar models play a key role.

2018 ◽  
Vol 617 ◽  
pp. A111 ◽  
J. Schou

Context. Recently our ability to study stars using asteroseismic techniques has increased dramatically, largely through the use of space based photometric observations. Work has also been performed using ground based spectroscopic observations and more is expected in the near future from the SONG network. Unfortunately, the intensity observations have an inferior signal-to-noise ratio and details of the observations do not agree with theory, while the data analysis used in the spectroscopic method has often been based on overly simple models of the spectra. Aims. The aim is to improve the reliability of measurements of the parameters of stellar oscillations using spectroscopic observations and to enable the optimal use of the observations. Methods. While previous investigations have used 1D models, I argue that realistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations, combined with radiative transfer calculations, should be used to model the effects of the oscillations on the spectra. I then demonstrate how to calculate the visibility of the oscillation modes for a variety of stellar parameters and fitting methods. In addition to the methods used in previous investigations, I introduce a singular value decomposition based technique. This new technique enables the determination of the information content available from spectral perturbations and allows this content to be expressed most compactly. Finally I describe how the time series obtained may be analyzed. Results. It is shown that it is important to model the visibilities carefully and that the results deviate substantially from previous models, especially in the presence of rotation. Detailed spectral modeling may be exploited to measure the properties of a larger number of modes than possible via the commonly used cross-correlation method. With moderate rotation, there is as much information in the line shape changes as in the Doppler shift and an outline of how to extract this is given.

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