star binary
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2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 07002
Pantelis Pnigouras ◽  
Nils Andersson ◽  
Andrea Passamonti

During the late stages of a neutron star binary inspiral finite-size effects come into play, with the tidal deformability of the supranuclear density matter leaving an imprint on the gravitational-wave signal. As demonstrated in the case of GW170817—the first direct detection of gravitational waves from a neutron star binary—this can lead to strong constraints on the neutron star equation of state. As detectors become more sensitive, effects which may have a smaller influence on the neutron star tidal deformability need to be taken into consideration. Dynamical effects, such as oscillation mode resonances triggered by the orbital motion, have been shown to contribute to the tidal deformability, especially close to the neutron star coalesence, where current detectors are most sensitive. We calculate the contribution of the various stellar oscillation modes to the tidal deformability and demonstrate the (anticipated) dominance of the fundamental mode. We show what the impact of the matter composition is on the tidal deformability, as well as the changes induced by more realistic additions to the problem, e.g. the presence of an elastic crust. Finally, based on this formulation, we develop a simple phenomenological model describing the effective tidal deformability of neutron stars and show that it provides a surprisingly accurate representation of the dynamical tide close to merger.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Jason P. Aufdenberg ◽  
Joseph M. Hammill

Abstract The large, faint Hα emission surrounding the early B-star binary Spica has been used to constrain the total hydrogen recombination rate of the nebula and indirectly probe the Lyman continuum luminosity of the primary star. Early analysis suggested that a stellar atmosphere model, consistent with Spica A’s spectral type, has a Lyman continuum luminosity about two times lower than required to account for the measured Hα surface brightness within the nebula. To more consistently model both the stellar and nebular emission, we have used a model atmosphere for Spica A that includes the effects of gravity darkening as input to photoionization models to produce synthetic Hα surface brightness distributions for comparison to data from the Southern Hα Sky Survey Atlas. This paper presents a method for the computation of projected surface brightness profiles from 1D volume emissivity models and constrains both stellar and nebular parameters. A mean effective temperature for Spica A of ≃24,800 K is sufficient to match both the observed absolute spectrophotometry, from the far-UV to the near-IR, and radial Hα surface brightness distributions. Model hydrogen densities increase with the distance from the star, more steeply and linearly toward the southeast. The northwest matter-bounded portion of the nebula is predicted to leak ∼17% of Lyman continuum photons. Model H ii region column densities are consistent with archival observations along the line of sight.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 241
Tin Long Sunny Wong ◽  
Josiah Schwab ◽  
Ylva Götberg

Abstract Helium star–carbon-oxygen white dwarf (CO WD) binaries are potential single-degenerate progenitor systems of thermonuclear supernovae. Revisiting a set of binary evolution calculations using the stellar evolution code MESA, we refine our previous predictions about which systems can lead to a thermonuclear supernova and then characterize the properties of the helium star donor at the time of explosion. We convert these model properties to near-UV/optical magnitudes assuming a blackbody spectrum and support this approach using a matched stellar atmosphere model. These models will be valuable to compare with pre-explosion imaging for future supernovae, though we emphasize the observational difficulty of detecting extremely blue companions. The pre-explosion source detected in association with SN 2012Z has been interpreted as a helium star binary containing an initially ultra-massive WD in a multiday orbit. However, extending our binary models to initial CO WD masses of up to 1.2 M ⊙, we find that these systems undergo off-center carbon ignitions and thus are not expected to produce thermonuclear supernovae. This tension suggests that, if SN 2012Z is associated with a helium star–WD binary, then the pre-explosion optical light from the system must be significantly modified by the binary environment and/or the WD does not have a carbon-rich interior composition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (2) ◽  
pp. 191
A. M. T. Pollock ◽  
M. F. Corcoran ◽  
I. R. Stevens ◽  
C. M. P. Russell ◽  
K. Hamaguchi ◽  

Abstract The long-period, highly eccentric Wolf-Rayet star binary system WR 140 has exceptionally well-determined orbital and stellar parameters. Bright, variable X-ray emission is generated in shocks produced by the collision of the winds of the WC7pd+O5.5fc component stars. We discuss the variations in the context of the colliding-wind model using broadband spectrometry from the RXTE, Swift, and NICER observatories obtained over 20 yr and nearly 1000 observations through three consecutive 7.94 yr orbits, including three periastron passages. The X-ray luminosity varies as expected with the inverse of the stellar separation over most of the orbit; departures near periastron are produced when cooling shifts to excess optical emission in C iii λ5696 in particular. We use X-ray absorption to estimate mass-loss rates for both stars and to constrain the system morphology. The absorption maximum coincides closely with the inferior conjunction of the WC star and provides evidence of the ion-reflection mechanism that underlies the formation of collisionless shocks governed by magnetic fields probably generated by the Weibel instability. Comparisons with K-band emission and He i λ10830 absorption show that both are correlated after periastron with the asymmetric X-ray absorption. Dust appears within a few days of periastron, suggesting formation within shocked gas near the stagnation point. The X-ray flares seen in η Car have not occurred in WR 140, suggesting the absence of large-scale wind inhomogeneities. Relatively constant soft emission revealed during the X-ray minimum is probably not from recombining plasma entrained in outflowing shocked gas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Jhon Yana Galarza ◽  
Ricardo López-Valdivia ◽  
Jorge Meléndez ◽  
Diego Lorenzo-Oliveira

Abstract Binary stars are supposed to be chemically homogeneous, as they are born from the same molecular cloud. However, high-precision chemical abundances show that some binary systems display chemical differences between the components, which could be due to planet engulfment. In this work, we determine precise fundamental parameters and chemical abundances for the binary system HIP 71726/HIP 71737. Our results show that the pair is truly conatal, coeval, and comoving. We also find that the component HIP 71726 is more metal-rich than HIP 71737 in the refractory elements such as iron, with Δ[Fe/H] = 0.11 ± 0.01 dex. Moreover, HIP 71726 has a lithium abundance 1.03 dex higher than HIP 71737, which is the largest difference in Li detected in twin-star binary systems with ΔT eff ≤ 50 K. The ingestion of 9.8 − 1.6 + 2.0 M ⊕ of rocky material fully explains both the enhancement in refractory elements and the high Li content observed in HIP 71726, thereby reinforcing the planet-engulfment scenario in some binary systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
G. Y. Agazie ◽  
M. G. Mingyar ◽  
M. A. McLaughlin ◽  
J. K. Swiggum ◽  
D. L. Kaplan ◽  

Abstract The Green Bank North Celestial Cap survey is a 350 MHz all-sky survey for pulsars and fast radio transients using the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope. To date, the survey has discovered over 190 pulsars, including 33 millisecond pulsars and 24 rotating radio transients. Several exotic pulsars have been discovered in the survey, including PSR J1759+5036, a binary pulsar with a 176 ms spin period in an orbit with a period of 2.04 days, an eccentricity of 0.3, and a projected semi-major axis of 6.8 light seconds. Using seven years of timing data, we are able to measure one post–Keplerian parameter, advance of periastron, which has allowed us to constrain the total system mass to 2.62 ± 0.03 M ⊙. This constraint, along with the spin period and orbital parameters, suggests that this is a double neutron star system, although we cannot entirely rule out a pulsar-white dwarf binary. This pulsar is only detectable in roughly 45% of observations, most likely due to scintillation. However, additional observations are required to determine whether there may be other contributing effects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (1) ◽  
pp. L19
Samuel D. Tootle ◽  
L. Jens Papenfort ◽  
Elias R. Most ◽  
Luciano Rezzolla

Abstract The lifetime of the remnant produced by the merger of two neutron stars can provide a wealth of information on the equation of state of nuclear matter and on the processes leading to the electromagnetic counterpart. Hence, it is essential to determine when this lifetime is the shortest, corresponding to when the remnant has a mass equal to the threshold mass, M th, to prompt collapse to a black hole. We report on the results of more than 360 simulations of merging neutron-star binaries covering 40 different configurations differing in mass ratio and spin of the primary. Using this data, we have derived a quasi-universal relation for M th and expressed its dependence on the mass ratio and spin of the binary. The new expression recovers the results of Koeppel et al. for equal-mass, irrotational binaries and reveals that M th can increase (decrease) by 5% (10%) for binaries that have spins aligned (antialigned) with the orbital angular momentum and provides evidence for a nonmonotonic dependence of M th on the mass asymmetry in the system. Finally, we extend to unequal masses and spinning binaries the lower limits that can be set on the stellar radii once a neutron star binary is detected, illustrating how the merger of an unequal-mass, rapidly spinning binary can significantly constrain the allowed values of the stellar radii.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (1) ◽  
pp. L14
Ilya Mandel ◽  
Rory J. E. Smith

Abstract GW200115 was the second merger of a black hole and a neutron star confidently detected through gravitational waves. Inference on the signal allows for a large black hole spin misaligned with the orbital angular momentum, but shows little support for aligned spin values. We show that this is a natural consequence of measuring the parameters of a black hole–neutron star binary with nonspinning components while assuming the priors used in the LIGO–Virgo–KAGRA analysis. We suggest that, a priori, a nonspinning binary is more consistent with current astrophysical understanding.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 382
Armen Sedrakian ◽  
Arus Harutyunyan

Finite-temperature equation of state (EoS) and the composition of dense nuclear and hypernuclear matter under conditions characteristic of neutron star binary merger remnants and supernovas are discussed. We consider both neutrino free-streaming and trapped regimes which are separated by a temperature of a few MeV. The formalism is based on covariant density functional (CDF) theory for the full baryon octet with density-dependent couplings, suitably adjusted in the hypernuclear sector. The softening of the EoS with the introduction of the hyperons is quantified under various conditions of lepton fractions and temperatures. We find that Λ, Ξ−, and Ξ0 hyperons appear in the given order with a sharp density increase at zero temperature at the threshold being replaced by an extended increment over a wide density range at high temperatures. The Λ hyperon survives in the deep subnuclear regime. The triplet of Σs is suppressed in cold hypernuclear matter up to around seven times the nuclear saturation density, but appears in significant fractions at higher temperatures, T≥20 MeV, in both supernova and merger remnant matter. We point out that a special isospin degeneracy point exists where the baryon abundances within each of the three isospin multiplets are equal to each other as a result of (approximate) isospin symmetry. At that point, the charge chemical potential of the system vanishes. We find that under the merger remnant conditions, the fractions of electron and μ-on neutrinos are close and are about 1%, whereas in the supernova case, we only find a significant fraction (∼10%) of electron neutrinos, given that in this case, the μ-on lepton number is zero.

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