software development model
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2022 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Chandra Maddila ◽  
Nachiappan Nagappan ◽  
Christian Bird ◽  
Georgios Gousios ◽  
Arie van Deursen

Modern, complex software systems are being continuously extended and adjusted. The developers responsible for this may come from different teams or organizations, and may be distributed over the world. This may make it difficult to keep track of what other developers are doing, which may result in multiple developers concurrently editing the same code areas. This, in turn, may lead to hard-to-merge changes or even merge conflicts, logical bugs that are difficult to detect, duplication of work, and wasted developer productivity. To address this, we explore the extent of this problem in the pull-request-based software development model. We study half a year of changes made to six large repositories in Microsoft in which at least 1,000 pull requests are created each month. We find that files concurrently edited in different pull requests are more likely to introduce bugs. Motivated by these findings, we design, implement, and deploy a service named Concurrent Edit Detector (ConE) that proactively detects pull requests containing concurrent edits, to help mitigate the problems caused by them. ConE has been designed to scale, and to minimize false alarms while still flagging relevant concurrently edited files. Key concepts of ConE include the detection of the Extent of Overlap between pull requests, and the identification of Rarely Concurrently Edited Files . To evaluate ConE, we report on its operational deployment on 234 repositories inside Microsoft. ConE assessed 26,000 pull requests and made 775 recommendations about conflicting changes, which were rated as useful in over 70% (554) of the cases. From interviews with 48 users, we learned that they believed ConE would save time in conflict resolution and avoiding duplicate work, and that over 90% intend to keep using the service on a daily basis.

SinkrOn ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 136-146
Titing Magfirah ◽  
Riyadh Arridha ◽  
Sesilia Lanja ◽  
Nuryanti Rumanama

One of the ways to attract students' interest in learning English is to use interactive teaching materials. However, the teaching materials used at State Polytechnic of Fakfak are still in the form printed materials which seem inefficient to be used during the Covid 19 pandemic because the all the teaching process is online. Therefore, one of the solutions to implement mobile learning. Using mobile learning provides the users accessing material through smartphones and learning through mobile learning applications anywhere and anytime. This study aims to develop teaching materials in the form of an Android-based English Learning Application at Department of Informatics Management at the State Polytechnic of Fakfak, West Papua. The method used in this study is the Waterfall method, where a software development model is carried out sequentially, which means that one stage is carried out after the previous stage is completed. With the teaching materials in the Android-based English course, it can help the educators to carry out their duty as a lecturer to handle learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic.  The result of this study is an Android-based English Learning Application that is functionally tested using the Black Box method. Based on the test results, the application is functioning properly. This is proved by the feasibility test using distributed questionnaires to 40 students of the Department of Informatics Management. There are 96% of students stated that the application can be operated easily and is satisfying

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 377-384
Anggi Oktaviani ◽  
Dahlia Sarkawi ◽  
Deny Novianti ◽  
Achmad Chaerul Amri

Currently, companies, organizations and institutions are in dire need of the development of technology and information systems, especially information technology through the internet. The American Indonesian Education Institute, the Cijantung Branch, which until now has not yet been computerized. Currently, the registration process to become a student at the American Indonesian Education Institute Cijantung Branch is still manual, both from filling out forms provided by the American Indonesian Education Institute Cijantung Branch to becoming a student. Usually the data collection process is a bit hampered because the number of applicants is more than customer service and it is too difficult for customer service to read prospective student forms. This causes the service from the customer service of the American Indonesian Education Institute Cijantung Branch is not optimal. This study uses the waterfall model as a software development model. From the research conducted, it is expected to produce a new student acceptance control system that can assist customer service in collecting data on prospective students and managing prospective student forms. The design of the new student admission system is expected to be more effective and efficient. So it's good when registration can be completed in a short time. This system is also expected to minimize data collection errors made by customer service.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 023-031
Monday Eze ◽  
Charles Okunbor

Software Engineering is a branch of Computer Science that evolved as a result of urgent need to deal with decades of software crisis, characterized by low theoretical knowledge and practice of the construction of error-free and efficient software. The introduction of well-organized scientific, engineering and management strategies in the process of software development no doubt led to major breakthroughs, and solutions to software failures. One of the obvious game-changer in this regard is the evolution of Software Development Life Cycle, also known as Software Process Model for driving the different phases of software construction. A sound understanding of the process model is therefore inevitable, not just for software developers, but also to users and researchers. Such a theoretical cum practical understanding will enhance decisions on which process model is best for a particular job or perspective. This invariably, contributes immensely to the probability of success or failure of the project in question. Thus, the necessity for this research. This work presents an unambiguous expository of selected software development model variants. A total of four process model variants were studied, in a theoretical, visual and analytical manner. The variants were analyzed using strength versus weakness (SVW) tabular scenario. This work was concluded by presenting guides towards choice of these models. This research is expected to be a useful reference to software practitioners and researchers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-172
Theresia Yunita Lamawuran ◽  
Paskalis Andrianus Nani ◽  
Frengky Tedy

Abstract: East Nusa Tenggara, especially Oemasi village has rich natural potential so that the people of Oemasi village can produce various kinds of high-quality local crafts and have high selling points. The craft that is produced is usually in the form of woven cloth, scarf, ukulele, and others. The problem experienced by the Oemasi village community in selling crafts is the limited promotional media with conventional methods and the method of selling local crafts via social media also has shortcomings that are stock items that still have to be updated manually and sales history that is still recorded manually. This research aims to engineer the application of local craft sales in East Nusa Tenggara based on android which can be used as an alternative to assist the people of Oemasi village in selling local crafts in East Nusa Tenggara so that sales problems with conventional methods or through social media can be resolved. The software development model used in this research is the Waterfall model.            Keywords: android; East Nusa Tenggara; local craft Abstrak: Nusa Tenggara Timur khususnya desa Oemasi memiliki potensi alam yang kaya sehingga masyarakat desa Oemasi dapat menghasilkan berbagai macam kerajinan lokal yang sangat berkualitas dan memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi. Kerajinan yang dihasilkan biasanya berupa kain tenun, selendang, ukulele dan lain-lain. Permasalahan yang dialami masyarakat desa Oemasi dalam menjual kerajinan adalah terbatasnya media promosi dengan metode konvensional dan metode penjualan kerajinan lokal via media sosial juga memiliki kekurangan yaitu stok barang yang masih harus diupdate secara manual dan history penjualan yang masih dicatat secara manual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merekayasa aplikasi penjualan kerajinan masyarakat NTT berbasis android yang dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif untuk membantu masyarakat desa Oemasi dalam melakukan penjualan kerajinan lokal masyarakat NTT sehingga permasalahan penjualan dengan metode konvensional atau melalui media sosial dapat diatasi. Model pengembangan perangkat lunak yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model Waterfall. Kata kunci: android, kerajinan lokal; Nusa Tenggara Timur

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-26
Arman Arman ◽  
Elizamiharti Elizamiharti ◽  
Nelfira Nelfira ◽  
Fauziah Yovi Yanti

This research is motivated by the high interest and demand for LPG gas among the people in Tanjung Muatiara resulting in LPG gas often experiencing scarcity at several gas bases, all because the people only make reservations at bases in their home environment. To get information about LPG gas supplies, the public must visit bases to directly inquire of LPG gas supplies to the base owner.  For this reason, through this research a website-based online design and application of LPG gas ordering information system was conducted. The system design in this application program uses the PHP programming language and MySQL database. The software development model used in this study is the waterfall SDLC model often also called sequential linear nods or classic life cycles. This study aims to build an information system that can provide information about LPG gas inventories at Teti Tanjung Mutiara Base and implement a website as a medium to promote and place online orders at Teti Tanjung Mutiara so as to facilitate the ordering process by customers.  

Doklady BGUIR ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-36
Y. G. Pavlovich ◽  
I. F. Kirinovich

Changing the user interface always entails risks of decreasing application ergonomics and user churn. The purpose of this work is to find methods for changing the user interface without the need to use and increase the number of active users. Using Alpha/Beta testing and analysis of application metrics, it is possible to include design in each iteration and remotely manage the application configuration, which improves the user interface of the application. The way to integrate the UI modification and adaptation phase into an iterative software development model is proposed in this article. The successful user interface improvement experiments that have improved application metrics are described. In this work, the problem was highlighted, lack of information and control over user purchases, which negatively affected the number of purchases. A hypothesis is put forward that the user must have an effective visualization and control tool in the application. As a result of the experiment, the hypothesis was confirmed by an increase in the number of purchases and user activity. There was also a data security issue in the application, which put users at risk of data loss. An experiment was conducted to change the default value of user settings, which led to an increase of the positive metrics for using the data reservation functionality. The problem of polling users is also considered, which is an important component in the process of improving the ergonomics of an application. The method of remote user polling was used, which allowed to receive quick feedback from users and quickly respond to requests from users. The result of the work is the confirmation of the hypothesis of changes in the user interface in the cycles of the iterative development model, the positive dynamics of application metrics, as well as the satisfaction of users with the changes.

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