solid works
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Hussein Mohammed Ali ◽  
Yasir Hashim ◽  
Ghadah Alaadden Al-Sakkal

<p><span>This study presents the model, design, and construction of the Arduino based robotic arm, which functions across a distance as it is controlled through a mobile application. A six degree of freedom robotic arm has been designed and implemented for the purpose of this research. The design controlled by the Arduino platform receives orders from the user’s mobile application through wireless controlling signals, that is Bluetooth. The arm is made up of five rotary joints and an end effector, where rotary motion is provided by the servomotor. Each link has been first designed using solid works and then printed by 3D printer. The assembly of the parts of the robot and the motor’s mechanical shapes produce the final prototype of the arm. The Arduino has been programmed to provide rotation to each corresponding servo motor to the sliders in the designed mobile application for usage from distance.</span></p>

Sayyed Ibrahim Yusuf

Abstract: Piezoelectric energy harvesting is the new upcoming green and clean energy which works on piezoelectric principle. The lost energies are being captured and restored by the transducer and piezoelectric sensor in to a battery. The vibrations and motions caused by humans and machines will be used and stored in battery are being used by the small and low power electronic component and wireless technology, starts being to develop recently and so, necessary steps are taken to develop and find a new power source from harvesting technique. The power and energy from different sources are commonly used and simple power harvesting circuits will replace the power supplies which is currently used. These materials harvest small amount of energy which are ignored and wasted in the surrounding but this energy can be useful for powering the small electrical components in a system. The research made to accumulate the power through this method and sources so an estimate amount of energy can be produced and stored. At the end of this project, the outcomes should be a stable power source to charge a battery and light a bulb of small watt and further can be used for multiple tasks and applications. Keywords: Energy harvesting, Piezoelectric sensors, Solid works Analysis

N Balasubramanyam

Abstract: Diamond tools are currently being used by an increasing number of architects, miners and construction engineers because they are faster and easier to use than older, more traditional instruments like sledge hammers and pneumatic and hydraulic jacks. Bridge and highway surfaces are cut with diamond asphalt and concrete cutting machines to provide for quick, clean, and easy section removal and replacement. The entire cost is reduced since diamond tools take less time and manpower The experiment is carried out to validate the performance of diamond saw blades by taking into consideration characteristics such as normal force, tangential force, cutting speed, cut depth, and peripheral velocity. In present exploration work we are introductory phase of plan conclusion of a jewel device cutting edge with various segmental like 8,12,16,20 corn meal by utilizing Solid works programming we are planning the apparatus cutting edge after that we are imported in Ansys Software for Analysis reason. Computing the necessary qualities for examination and estimations of earthenware tiles likewise are some other stone molecule. Another power model of cutting is presented and inferred numerical demonstrating for chip thickness. Identical chip thickness to coarseness space proportion is gotten from the new power model another outspread opening like profile is presented. Fragmented sort jewel saw sharp edge with the measurement of 400 mm and different portion, for example, 8, 12, 16 and 20 are planned in Solid works effectively. An examination study between existing roundabout outspread space and cone like opening is done to decide deformity, stress dispersion, vibration and temperature conveyance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 311
Febri Budi Darsono ◽  
Akhmad Nurdin ◽  
Rahmat Doni Widodo ◽  
Rusiyanto Rusiyanto

<p>Desain kekuatan turbin air <em>propeller</em> berdasarkan ketahanan terhadap pembebanan gaya aksial dari air. Pembebanan gaya aksial pada turbin air <em>propeller</em> menyebabkan tegangan bending pada sudu dan berpotensi terjadi kegagalan sudu pada struktur turbin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk membandingkan kekuatan modifikasi desain geometri turbin air <em>propeller</em>, yaitu penambahan <em>fillet</em> pada sisi <em>hub</em> sudu dan penambahan ketebalan sudu. Pengambilan data penelitian ini dengan Metode Elemen Hingga menggunakan Solid Works Simulation 2016 dan pembebanan pada sudu dengan tekanan statik. Hasil akhir penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa modifikasi desain geometris dengan penambahan ketebalan sudu lebih meningkatkan faktor keamanan dibandingkan penambahan fillet pada sisi <em>hub</em> sudu.</p>

Andrii Kychma ◽  
Yurii Novitskyi ◽  
Rostyslav Predko

The analysis of conditions of long operation of driving mechanisms of technological sites of firing and grinding at cement production is carried out in the work. Typical variants of mutual arrangement of crown pair elements in case of rectilinear axis of rotation of technological unit body and axial beating of gear ring, as well as variant of mutual arrangement of crown gear elements in case of curved axis of rotation of rotary unit body are considered. A technique for determining the total angle of skew of the teeth of the crown pair, taking into account the errors of manufacture and the relative position of the wheels of the open gear. On the basis of experimental data the dependences of the total skew angle of the teeth of the crown pair as a function of the rotation angle of the gear crown are constructed and the possible range of the total skew angle under different operating conditions of the considered large rotating units is determined. To assess the stress-strain state of the elements of the ring gear mounted on the furnace body, a solid model was created in the software environment Solid Works Simulation. As an example, the dependences of the change in the magnitude of the deformation of the teeth of the toothed crown in the plane of action of a uniformly distributed normal force are determined. Practical recommendations for improving the design of the crown gear pair are offered. Keywords: rotary kilns; mills; crown gear; toothed crown; the angle of skew of the teeth; finite element method

2021 ◽  
Vol 2131 (4) ◽  
pp. 042088
A V Grishchenko ◽  
M A Shrajber

Abstract This article analyzes the problem of increasing the reliability of AC traction electric machines installed on traction rolling stock. In the course of the study, a finite element model of thermal processes was built, and the thermal state of an asynchronous traction motor (ATED) of a diesel locomotive was studied in the Solid Works program. The basic method for studying thermal processes in ATED was the finite element method (FEM), as well as the basic equations of heat transfer and the theory of heating a multicomponent solid. The constructed finite element model of the ATED rotor of a diesel locomotive makes it possible to determine the dependence of the temperature values of the rotor elements on the current flowing through them. The obtained values of the temperature distribution of the ATED squirrel-cage rotor are recommended to be taken into account in the design, manufacture and testing of AC electric machines of diesel locomotives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 850 (1) ◽  
pp. 012029
Vaishnav Madhavadas ◽  
Dibyarup Das ◽  
Kaustubh Anand Mohta ◽  
S. Senthur Prabu

Abstract Fins are widely used to enhance the amount of heat transfer by improving the rate of convection heat transfer. Fins are also known as extended surfaces, i.e., extrusions from the object surface. There are numerous kinds of fins, and based on the shape and size, the amount of heat transfer through the fins will differ. Heat transfer depends upon the geometry of the fin and depends upon a number of factors such as the nature of the fin surface, the ambient temperature; the velocity of the air, etc. In this present study, the systematic review is carried out by critically analyzing the different types of fin profile such as plain rectangular fin, wavy fin, circular pin fin, and rectangular pin fin to increase the fins efficiency. The outcome from this study reveals that the heat transferred by the fins is mainly dependent on the fins profile (type and shape), length, angle, and surface area. Alongside the orientation of the fins, porosity, thermo-geometry also affects the fins’ efficiency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2095 (1) ◽  
pp. 012049
Yinlong Tang ◽  
Huadong Song ◽  
Yating Yu ◽  
Jun Zhang ◽  
Wenguang Hu ◽  

Abstract The force states of driving wheels are different when the self-propelled pipeline crawler moves in the pipeline, so it is difficult to carry out accurate theoretical analysis and calculation on the force and output torque values of each driving wheel in horizontal, climbing and turning conditions of the crawler. Due to the complex mechanical properties of pipeline sealing and the limitation of visualization, it takes a long period and high cost to develop the robot in pipeline by experimental means. With the gradual application of virtual simulation means, the complicated dynamic analysis and solution process in the past has become relatively easy. In this paper, Solid works is used to establish a simplified model of the crawler, and ADAMS is used to analyze and simulate the dynamics of the crawler. The force of the multi-wheel driven pipeline crawler is given under the condition of horizontal, climbing 35° and turning, which provides the necessary analysis method and theoretical basis for the design optimization and improvement. Finally, the horizontal, climbing and bending motion performance of the crawler is verified by comprehensive pipeline experiment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 850 (1) ◽  
pp. 012028
Harshita Pant ◽  
Divyanshi Shukla ◽  
Shriya Rathor ◽  
S. Senthur Prabu

Abstract A fin is an extended part of an object whose purpose is to raise the rate of heat transfer mainly by convection. The heat flow in any object depends on the surface area, temperature difference, and convection coefficient. As convection coefficient cannot vary after a certain limit and temperature difference depends on the process, the way to increase the rate of heat transfer is to increase surface area which was done by adding fins. In this study, steady-state thermal analysis is performed on different types of fins and fins of different heights by using Solid works simulation. Different materials of fins are also used to verify results as the rate of heat transfer is independent of material. Aluminum 6061 and Copper is used as material for rectangular and cylindrical pin fins. In comparison, rectangular pin fin has a high rate of heat transfer as compared to copper pin fin, and also the rate of heat transfer is directly proportional to the height of the fins irrespective of the profile.

G.Prasad and Dr.K.Vasantha Kumar

In any automobile the power is transmitted from one shaft to another by using chain drive. Chain drive consists of chain, driving sprocket and driven sprocket. The driving sprocket is connected to engine output shaft, which transfer power to driven sprocket by chain. Further this driven sprocket transfer power to drive shaft. The design and material selection of this chain drive plays a vital role in efficient running of the automobile. Present the material used for chain drive is mild steel. This paper involves increases the strength of the Pulsar 180cc chain drive by selecting the different materials (AISI 1050 steel, EN 8 steel, EN 32 steel, EN 19 steel and C45 steel). In this the Pulsar 180cc chain drive designed through reverse engineering approach and detailed finite element analysis is carried out to calculate stresses and deflections on the chain drive. Later the analysis is extended to fatigue analysis to estimate the life of the chain drive and the dynamic analysis is carried out to calculate stresses and deflections on the chain drive when it is in motion. SOLID WORKS software is used for doing 3D model of chain drive and ANSYS is used for doing finite element analysis.

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