hubble diagram
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2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (7) ◽  
Saeed Pourojaghi ◽  
Mohammad Malekjani

AbstractThe cosmography method is a model-independent technique used to reconstruct the Hubble expansion of the Universe at low redshifts. In this method, using the Hubble diagrams from Type Ia Supernovae (SNIa) in Pantheon catalog, quasars and Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRB), we put observational constraints on the cosmographic parameters in holographic dark energy (HDE) and concordance $$\varLambda $$ Λ CDM models by minimizing the error function $$\chi ^2$$ χ 2 based on the statistical Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. Then, we compare the results of the models with the results of the model-independent cosmography method. Except for the Pantheon sample, we observe that there is a big tension between standard cosmology and Hubble diagram observations, while the HDE model remains consistent in all cases. Then we use different combinations of Hubble diagram data to reconstruct the Hubble parameter of the model and compare it with the observed Hubble data. We observe that the Hubble parameter reconstructed from the model-independent cosmography method has the smallest deviation from the Hubble data and the $$\varLambda $$ Λ CDM (HDE) model has the largest (middle) deviation, especially when we keep the observational data point $$226^{+8.0}_{-0.8}$$ 226 - 0.8 + 8.0 at redshift $$z=2.36$$ z = 2.36 in the analysis. On the contrary, in the redshift $$z <1$$ z < 1 , we see that the compatibility of $$\varLambda $$ Λ CDM cosmology and observation is even better than the model independent cosmography method.

Y. Dai ◽  
X.-G. Zheng ◽  
Z.-X. Li ◽  
H. Gao ◽  
Z.-H. Zhu

Jose Beltran Jimenez ◽  
Dario Bettoni ◽  
Philippe Brax

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (8) ◽  
Lorenzo Speri ◽  
Nicola Tamanini ◽  
Robert R. Caldwell ◽  
Jonathan R. Gair ◽  
Benjamin Wang

2021 ◽  
Vol 502 (3) ◽  
pp. 3500-3509
Jin Qin ◽  
Fulvio Melia ◽  
Tong-Jie Zhang

ABSTRACT The cosmic distance duality relation (CDDR), η(z) = (1 + z)2dA(z)/dL(z) = 1, is one of the most fundamental and crucial formulae in cosmology. This relation couples the luminosity and angular diameter distances, two of the most often used measures of structure in the Universe. We here propose a new model-independent method to test this relation, using strong gravitational lensing (SGL) and the high-redshift quasar Hubble diagram reconstructed with a Bézier parametric fit. We carry out this test without pre-assuming a zero spatial curvature, adopting instead the value ΩK = 0.001 ± 0.002 optimized by Planck in order to improve the reliability of our result. We parametrize the CDDR using η(z) = 1 + η0z, 1 + η1z + η2z2, and 1 + η3z/(1 + z), and consider both the SIS and non-SIS lens models for the strong lensing. Our best-fitting results are: $\eta _0=-0.021^{+0.068}_{-0.048}$, $\eta _1=-0.404^{+0.123}_{-0.090}$, $\eta _2=0.106^{+0.028}_{-0.034}$, and $\eta _3=-0.507^{+0.193}_{-0.133}$ for the SIS model, and $\eta _0=-0.109^{+0.044}_{-0.031}$ for the non-SIS model. The measured η(z), based on the Planck parameter ΩK, is essentially consistent with the value (=1) expected if the CDDR were fully respected. For the sake of comparison, we also carry out the test for other values of ΩK, but find that deviations of spatial flatness beyond the Planck optimization are in even greater tension with the CDDR. Future measurements of SGL may improve the statistics and alter this result but, as of now, we conclude that the CDDR favours a flat Universe.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (1) ◽  
Xiaogang Zheng ◽  
Shuo Cao ◽  
Yuting Liu ◽  
Marek Biesiada ◽  
Tonghua Liu ◽  

AbstractIn order to estimate cosmic curvature from cosmological probes like standard candles, one has to measure the luminosity distance $$D_L(z)$$ D L ( z ) , its derivative with respect to redshift $$D'_L(z)$$ D L ′ ( z ) and the expansion rate H(z) at the same redshift. In this paper, we study how such idea could be implemented with future generation of space-based DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (DECIGO), in combination with cosmic chronometers providing cosmology-independent H(z) data. Our results show that for the Hubble diagram of simulated DECIGO data acting as a new type of standard siren, it would be able to constrain cosmic curvature with the precision of $$\varDelta \varOmega _k= 0.09$$ Δ Ω k = 0.09 with the currently available sample of 31 measurements of Hubble parameters. In the framework of the third generation ground-based gravitational wave detectors, the spatial curvature is constrained to be $$\varDelta \varOmega _k= 0.13$$ Δ Ω k = 0.13 for Einstein Telescope (ET). More interestingly, compared to other approaches aiming for model-independent estimations of spatial curvature, our analysis also achieve the reconstruction of the evolution of $$\varOmega _k(z)$$ Ω k ( z ) , in the framework of a model-independent method of Gaussian processes (GP) without assuming a specific form. Therefore, one can expect that the newly emerged gravitational wave astronomy can become useful in local measurements of cosmic curvature using distant sources.

E. A. Balakina ◽  
M. V. Pruzhinskaya ◽  

Observations of supernovae Ia make it possible to estimate the values of cosmological parameters using the Hubble diagram. First of all, such observations give us a value of the Hubble constant, which is one of the most important cosmological parameters. Improving the accuracy of measurements of this parameter is a priority for modern cosmological analysis. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the influence of the peculiar velocities of supernovae Ia on the measurement of the redshift, which is used in constructing the Hubble diagram. We study the contribution of peculiar velocities due to the motion of host galaxies in the gravitational field of galaxy clusters for a cosmological sample of supernovae Pantheon.

Symmetry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 1741
Morgan Le Delliou ◽  
Maksym Deliyergiyev ◽  
Antonino del Popolo

Motivated by the back-reaction debate, and some unexplained characteristics of the CMB, we investigate the possibility of some anisotropy in the universe observed around us. To this aim, we build up a novel prediction for the Hubble law for the late universe from a Bianchi type I model, taken as proof of concept, transcribing the departure of such model from a ΛCDM model. We dicussed the redshift measurement in this universe, and finally formalized the Hubble diagram.

2020 ◽  
Vol 499 (4) ◽  
pp. 5121-5135
M V Pruzhinskaya ◽  
A K Novinskaya ◽  
N Pauna ◽  
P Rosnet

ABSTRACT Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) are widely used to measure distances in the Universe. Despite the recent progress achieved in SN Ia standardization, the Hubble diagram still shows some remaining intrinsic dispersion. The remaining scatter in supernova luminosity could be due to the environmental effects that are accounted for as mass step correction in the current cosmological analyses. In this work, we compare the local and global colour (U − V), the local star formation rate, and the host stellar mass to the host galaxy morphology. The observed trends suggest that the host galaxy morphology is a relevant parameter to characterize the SN Ia environment. Therefore, we study the influence of host galaxy morphology on light-curve parameters of SNe Ia from the pantheon cosmological supernova sample. We determine the Hubble morphological type of host galaxies for a subsample of 330 SNe Ia. We confirm that the salt2 stretch parameter x1 depends on the host morphology with the p-value ∼10−14. The supernovae with lower stretch value are hosted mainly by elliptical and lenticular galaxies. No correlation for the salt2 colour parameter c is found. We also examine Hubble diagram residuals for supernovae hosted by ‘early-type’ and ‘late-type’ morphological groups of galaxies. The analysis reveals that the mean distance modulus residual in early-type galaxies is smaller than the one in late-type galaxies, which means that early-type galaxies contain brighter supernovae after stretch and colour corrections. However, we do not observe any difference in the residual dispersion for these two morphological groups. The obtained results are in the line with other analyses showing environmental dependence of SN Ia light-curve parameters and luminosity. We confirm the importance of including a host galaxy parameter into the standardization procedure of SNe Ia for further cosmological studies.

Marek Demianski ◽  
Elisabeta Lusso ◽  
Maurizio Paolillo ◽  
Ester Piedipalumbo ◽  
Guido Risaliti

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