short baselines
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Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (24) ◽  
pp. 8318
ChienZheng Yong ◽  
Robert Odolinski ◽  
Safoora Zaminpardaz ◽  
Michael Moore ◽  
Eldar Rubinov ◽  

The recent development of the smartphone Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) chipsets, such as Broadcom BCM47755 and Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 embedded, makes instantaneous and cm level real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning possible with Android-based smartphones. In this contribution we investigate the instantaneous single-baseline RTK performance of Samsung Galaxy S20 and Google Pixel 4 (GP4) smartphones with such chipsets, while making use of dual-frequency L1 + L5 Global Positioning System (GPS), E1 + E5a Galileo, L1 + L5 Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) and B1 BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) code and phase observations in Dunedin, New Zealand. The effects of locating the smartphones in an upright and lying down position were evaluated, and we show that the choice of smartphone configuration can affect the positioning performance even in a zero-baseline setup. In particular, we found non-zero mean and linear trends in the double-differenced carrier-phase residuals for one of the smartphone models when lying down, which become absent when in an upright position. This implies that the two assessed smartphones have different antenna gain pattern and antenna sensitivity to interferences. Finally, we demonstrate, for the first time, a near hundred percent (98.7% to 99.9%) instantaneous RTK integer least-squares success rate for one of the smartphone models and cm level positioning precision while using short-baseline experiments with internal and external antennas, respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. L28
Michael D. Johnson ◽  
Yuri Y. Kovalev ◽  
Mikhail M. Lisakov ◽  
Petr A. Voitsik ◽  
Carl R. Gwinn ◽  

Abstract We report results from the first Earth-space VLBI observations of the Galactic Center supermassive black hole, Sgr A*. These observations used the space telescope Spektr-R of the RadioAstron project together with a global network of 20 ground telescopes, observing at a wavelength of 1.35 cm. Spektr-R provided baselines up to 3.9 times the diameter of the Earth, corresponding to an angular resolution of approximately 55 μas and a spatial resolution of 5.5R Sch at the source, where R Sch ≡ 2GM/c 2 is the Schwarzschild radius of Sgr A*. Our short ground baseline measurements ( ≲ 80 Mλ) are consistent with an anisotropic Gaussian image, while our intermediate ground baseline measurements (100–250 Mλ) confirm the presence of persistent image substructure in Sgr A*. Both features are consistent with theoretical expectations for strong scattering in the ionized interstellar medium, which produces Gaussian scatter-broadening on short baselines and refractive substructure on long baselines. We do not detect interferometric fringes on any of the longer ground baselines or on any ground–space baselines. While space-VLBI offers a promising pathway to sharper angular resolution and the measurement of key gravitational signatures in black holes, such as their photon rings, our results demonstrate that space-VLBI studies of Sgr A* will require sensitive observations at submillimeter wavelengths.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 2340
Teng Xiao ◽  
Qingsong Yan ◽  
Weile Ma ◽  
Fei Deng

Structure from motion (SfM) has been treated as a mature technique to carry out the task of image orientation and 3D reconstruction. However, it is an ongoing challenge to obtain correct reconstruction results from image sets consisting of problematic match pairs. This paper investigated two types of problematic match pairs, stemming from repetitive structures and very short baselines. We built a weighted view-graph based on all potential match pairs and propose a progressive SfM method (PRMP-PSfM) that iteratively prioritizes and refines its match pairs (or edges). The method has two main steps: initialization and expansion. Initialization is developed for reliable seed reconstruction. Specifically, we prioritize a subset of match pairs by the union of multiple independent minimum spanning trees and refine them by the idea of cycle consistency inference (CCI), which aims to infer incorrect edges by analyzing the geometric consistency over cycles of the view-graph. The seed reconstruction is progressively expanded by iteratively adding new minimum spanning trees and refining the corresponding match pairs, and the expansion terminates when a certain completeness of the block is achieved. Results from evaluations on several public datasets demonstrate that PRMP-PSfM can successfully accomplish the image orientation task for datasets with repetitive structures and very short baselines and can obtain better or similar accuracy of reconstruction results compared to several state-of-the-art incremental and hierarchical SfM methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 428
Lingyue Cheng ◽  
Wei Wang ◽  
Jingnan Liu ◽  
Yifei Lv ◽  
Tao Geng

Satellite chip shape distortions lead to signal tracking errors in pseudorange measurements, which are related to the receiver manufacturers, called receiver-related pseudorange biases. Such biases will lead to adverse effects for differential code bias (DCB) and satellite clock estimation, single point positioning (SPP) and precise point positioning (PPP) applications with pseudoranges. In order to assess the characteristics of receiver-related pseudorange biases for global positioning system (GPS), Galileo navigation satellite system (Galileo) and BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS), seven short baselines from the Multi-GNSS experiment (MGEX) network are tested. The results demonstrate that there are significant inconsistences of pseudorange biases according to satellites, frequencies, receiver and antenna types. For the baselines using the same receivers of TRIMBLE, pseudorange biases are within ±0.2 ns with the same antennas, while they increase to ±0.6 ns with the different antennas. As for baselines with mixed receiver types, pseudorange biases can reach up to 2.5 ns. Among GPS/Galileo/BDS, Galileo shows the smallest pseudorange biases, and the obvious inconsistences of pseudorange biases are observed between BDS-2 and BDS-3, and Galileo in-orbit validation (IOV) satellites and full operational configuration (FOC) satellites. In order to validate receiver-related pseudorange biases, we carry out relative positioning experiments using short baselines. The results show that the RMS values of position errors are reduced 12.6% and 11.4% in horizontal and vertical components with biases correction. The impacts of receiver-related pseudorange biases on wide-lane (WL) ambiguity are also discussed. The results indicate that the percentage of the fractional parts within ±0.1 cycles have an obvious increase with the pseudorange biases correction, and RMS values of the fractional parts are reduced 28.9% and 67.6% for GPS and BDS, respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 253 ◽  
pp. 11011
Mária Slavíčková ◽  
Vyacheslav Belov ◽  
Jan Broulím ◽  
Victor Brudanin ◽  
Viatcheslav Egorov ◽  

The new experiment S3 devoted to the study of reactor antineutrinos was designed and constructed as a common activity of IEAP CTU in Prague and JINR (Dubna). The S3 detector is a compact, highly segmented polystyrene-based scintillating detector composed of 80 detector elements with a gadolinium neutron converter between elements layers. A positron and a neutron are produced in an inverse beta decay initiated with an electron antineutrino in the detector. A modular multi-channel fast ADC was developed for the data acquisition for the whole 80-channel S3 detector and the 4-channel cosmic veto system. The detector meets very strict safety rules of nuclear power plants and can be installed in a chamber located immediately under the reactor. The close vicinity from the reactor enables to study neutrino properties with a higher efficiency, to investigate neutrino oscillations at short baselines and try to verify the hypothesis of a sterile neutrino. The details of the design and construction of the S3 detector, as well as properties of the modular multi-channel fast ADC system, and first tests of the device are presented.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Yunbin Yuan ◽  
Xiaolong Mi ◽  
Baocheng Zhang

AbstractThe BeiDou navigation satellite system with global coverage (BDS-3) has been fully operational since July 2020 and provides comprehensive services to global users. BDS-3 transmits several new navigational signals based on the signals inherited from the BeiDou navigation satellite (regional) system (BDS-2). Previous studies focused on the positioning performance of BDS-2 plus BDS-3 and that of combining BDS-3 and other Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs), but there was no in-depth discussion on the positioning performance of the BDS-3-only. In this contribution, the BDS-3-only Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) positioning is analysed using the data collected in zero and short baselines in Wuhan, China. The RTK model based on Single-Differenced is first presented, and the BDS-3-only RTK positioning in cases of single and dual-frequencies is evaluated with the model in terms of the empirical integer ambiguity resolution success rates and positioning accuracy. Our numerical tests suggest two major findings. First, the positioning performance for the B1I and B3I retained from BDS-2 and the new frequency B1C is comparable, while that for the new frequency B2a is poorer. Second, the positioning performance of the new frequency combination of the B1C + B2a is not as good as that of the B1C only, owing to the unrealistic stochastic model used.

Sensors ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (17) ◽  
pp. 4882
Yinghao Zhao ◽  
Letao Zhou ◽  
Wei Feng ◽  
Shaoguang Xu

Since the observation precision of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) carrier phase is on the order of millimeters, if the phase ambiguity is correctly solved, while calibrating the receiver inter-frequency bias, time synchronization on the order of tens of picoseconds is expected. In this contribution, a method that considers the prior constraints of the between-receiver inter-frequency bias (IFB) and its random variation characteristics is proposed for the estimation of the between-receiver clock difference, based on the uncombined GNSS carrier phase and pseudorange observations of the zero and short baselines. The proposed method can rapidly achieve the single-difference ambiguity resolution of the zero and short baselines, and then obtain the high-precision relative clock offset, by using only the carrier phase observations, along with the between-receiver IFBs being simultaneously determined. Our numerical tests, carried out using GNSS observations sampled every 30 s by a dedicatedly selected set of zero and short baselines, show that the method can fix the between-receiver single-difference ambiguity successfully within an average of fewer than 2 epochs (interval 30 s). Then, a clock difference between two receivers with millimeter precision is obtained, achieving time synchronization on tens of picoseconds level, and deriving a frequency stability of 5 × 10−14 for averaging times of 30,000 s. Furthermore, the proposed approach is compared with the precise point positioning (PPP) time transfer method. The results show that, for different types of receivers, the agreement between the two methods is between −6.7 ns and 0.2 ns.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (17) ◽  
pp. 2727
Ruijie Xi ◽  
Qusen Chen ◽  
Xiaolin Meng ◽  
Weiping Jiang ◽  
Xiangdong An ◽  

We propose a multiple global navigation satellite system (multi-GNSS) differential phase kinematic post-processing method, expand the current Track ability, and finely tune processing parameters to achieve the best results for research purposes. The double-difference (DD) phase formulas of GLONASS are especially formulated, and the method of arc ambiguity resolution (AR) in post-processing is developed. To verify the feasibility of this AR method, a group of static baselines with ranges from 8 m to 100 km and two kinematic tests were used. The results imply that 100% of ambiguities in short baselines and over 90% in long baselines can be fixed with the proposed ambiguity resolution method. Better than a 10-mm positioning precision was achieved for all the horizonal components of those selected baselines and the vertical components of the short baselines, and the vertical precision for long baselines is around 20 to 40 mm. In the posterior residual analysis, the means of the residual root-mean-squares (RMSs) of different systems are better than 10 mm for short baselines and at the range of 10–20 mm for baselines longer than 80 km. Mostly, the residuals satisfy the standard normal distribution. It proves that the new method could be applied in bridge displacement and vibration monitoring and for UAV photogrammetry.

R. Song ◽  
J. Wu ◽  
T. Li ◽  
F. Hu

Abstract. Synthetic aperture radar, capable of imaging the Earth surface from space in nearly all-weather conditions and high spatial resolution, has shown its outstanding capability for a variety of ground mapping applications. With well-controlled orbits of the new generation SAR satellites, high accuracy absolute localization with multiple SAR images has been demonstrated and become one of the hot spots with increasing attention. In this paper, high-resolution Spotlight-mode TerraSAR-X images acquired from the single orbit track were applied to 3D absolute positioning of three triangular trihedral corner reflectors. In order to overcome the limitation imposed by the acquisitions with very short baselines, a height constraint was introduced and the sub-meter accuracy was derived after carefully compensating for the known error sources, such as atmospheric delays and solid earth tide shifts.

Sensors ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (16) ◽  
pp. 4375
Veton Hamza ◽  
Bojan Stopar ◽  
Tomaž Ambrožič ◽  
Goran Turk ◽  
Oskar Sterle

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology is widely used for geodetic monitoring purposes. However, in cases where a higher risk of receiver damage is expected, geodetic GNSS receivers may be considered too expensive to be used. As an alternative, low-cost GNSS receivers that are cheap, light, and prove to be of adequate quality over short baselines, are considered. The main goal of this research is to evaluate the positional precision of a multi-frequency low-cost instrument, namely, ZED-F9P with u-blox ANN-MB-00 antenna, and to investigate its potential for displacement detection. We determined the positional precision within static survey, and the displacement detection within dynamic survey. In both cases, two baselines were set, with the same rover point equipped with a low-cost GNSS instrument. The base point of the first baseline was observed with a geodetic GNSS instrument, whereas the second baseline was observed with a low-cost GNSS instrument. The results from static survey for both baselines showed comparable results for horizontal components; the precision was on a level of 2 mm or better. For the height component, the results show a better performance of low-cost instruments. This may be a consequence of unknown antenna calibration parameters for low-cost GNSS antenna, while statistically significant coordinates of rover points were obtained from both baselines. The difference was again more significant in the height component. For the displacement detection, a device was used that imposes controlled movements with sub-millimeter accuracy. Results, obtained on a basis of 30-min sessions, show that low-cost GNSS instruments can detect displacements from 10 mm upwards with a high level of reliability. On the other hand, low-cost instruments performed slightly worse as far as accuracy is concerned.

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