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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
Konsta Rantakangas ◽  
Raija Halonen

The increasing number of the older people is a global phenomenon, and this challenge is also seen in Finland. With the vast development of web-based services, the older people have faced a need to adapt new services as the traditional ‘at-desk’ services are getting rarer and less available. Due to their special needs compared to younger generations, the older people have more challenges to learn and use the modern services available to them. This situation has produced additional requirements to be noted when designing new solutions for the increasing amount of older user groups. The current paper presents an example of such a targeted solution with building a web-based solution for the older people to see what is shown on TV. The solution consists of a mobile application, and special attention was paid on the requirements related to the older people and their age-related restrictions. The output is a prototype, which was built by applying design science research. The age-related requirements for the solution were based on a literature review, and the prototype was planned to be used by the older people watching TV, having enough skills to use a mobile phone, and a television device that was controlled by a remote device.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 220-237
Alexey Portanskiy ◽  
Evgeniy Galchenko ◽  

This article begins with a brief discussion of the background of the USSR/Russia rapprochement with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/World Trade Organization (GATT/WTO) and some of the acute problems of the negotiation process. It is argued that the Russian Federation has received acceptable, balanced conditions of membership. The advantages gained during the first years of WTO membership are listed, both for the national economy and in the foreign arena. However, it is shown that, 10 years later, the benefits of membership are significantly lower in comparison with initial projections. This gap is attributed to the state of the Russian economy and the extinction of the continuing economic model based on the extraction and export of raw materials. The Russian economy needs real structural reforms and modernization, which would change the structure of exports in favour of finished products and modern services. Only in this case can the benefits of WTO membership increase significantly, justifying the original forecast. The article concludes with a discussion of current challenges in the world economy and trade, the crisis experienced by the WTO, and the active position of the Russian Federation on the future reform of the WTO.

Uygun Ortikov ◽  

This article discusses the introduction of new banking services in the management of financial resources of commercial banks, the effective use of digital bookkeeping services, the rational management of bank resources in a pandemic and modern services. Also, in this article discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the digital transformation, how many business owners and organizations are trying to further enhance digital technologies during the pandemic, not only in business, but also on their national government portals. Further intensification of transformations was highlighted and analyzed with statistical data. In addition, the pandemic affects many sectors of the economy, especially the growing demand for online banking services in the banking system and various transactions from mobile applications of banks, the fact that commercial banks offer customers a variety of digital banking services are shown on the basis of data.

А. М. Приходько

The article identifies practical approaches to solving the problem of choosing learning strategies for students of higher education institutions, technical profile in particular, in the context of today’s realities; emphasis is placed on the effectiveness of the use of visual communication, which provides the transmission of ideas and specific information through visual forms; a selection of modern services, platforms and tools of visual communication is presented, which will determine the strategies of teaching students both technical profile and humanitarian profile, etc. Key words: visual communication, learning strategies, services, platforms, visual communication tools

2021 ◽  
Vol 270 ◽  
pp. 01013
Dmitry Izergin ◽  
Michael Eremeev

Development of the information space to an avalanche-like increase in the volume of mobile data on the Internet. The generated digital portraits of users are becoming one of the main products for sale. The high quality of user digital portraits and their number is achieved through the use of intelligent data processing methods and the presence of large data sets. The volume of data processed by mobile devices and the number of modern services that collect various types of information make the issue of ensuring the confidentiality of user information the most important. Existing security mechanisms for mobile operating systems, as a rule, are aimed at neutralizing harmful effects and do not ensure the safety of personal data from legitimate services. The article proposes a model for assessing the risks of compromising personal data on mobile devices based on the correlation analysis of public information about service developers in order to detect the possibility of aggregating data from various sources.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-60
Audia Saraswati ◽  
Diana Prihadini

The intense competition in the Indonesian tourism industry and the number of business hotels in Jakarta that offer more modern services and facilities make customers disloyal. In this situation, companies need to make a special strategy to maintain and increase customer loyalty. Based on these problems, this research focuses on the Marketing Public Relations strategy in increasing customer loyalty. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive analysis method, data collection techniques in observation, interviews, documentation, and literature study. This research is the Public Relations of Sofyan Hotel Cut Meutia in carrying out the marketing public relations strategy activities using six of the seven marketing public relations instruments and using the pull, push, and pass strategy according to Kottler and Keller. These include publications in print and online media, identity media, events, news, sponsorship, and corporate social responsibility. The suggestions given in this study to Sofyan Hotel Cut Meutia are maximizing Marketing Public Relations activities by making innovations, improving hotel services and facilities to customers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-37
Milan Marcinek

. Intelligent transportation systems introduce smart technology to civil transportation infrastructure. Modern services depend on the use of information technology systems. Cybersecurity plays an important role in the ongoing development of information technology. Enhancing cybersecurity and protecting critical information infrastructures are essential to each national security. Nowadays, vehicles are equipped with electronic security systems that automatically call the emergency service operator in case of an accident. This safety system combines different technology in order to ensure vehicle safety. When you are unconscious, the system informs the rescuers where the accident happened. They arrive at the scene of the accident within a few minutes. The introduction of this system in vehicles results from Regulation (EU) 2015/758 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2015 on type-approval requirements for the deployment of the 112 on-board eCall system and amending Directive 2007/46/EC. Nevertheless, there is concern that this could expose connected cars with their passengers to potential risks from online threats. Scientific development for the security of our vehicles has also raised the possibility of misuse of vehicle data. It is seen that e-threats have become the leading threats in the further deployment of e-services in the society of the 21st century.

Stanislav Denysiuk ◽  
Ivan Motyl ◽  
Inna Vartyletska ◽  
Nataliia Symonenko ◽  
Volodymyr Korotaiev

The objective of the article is to analyze international experience in the professional development of private detectives, in order to implement some positive aspects in Ukrainian law. The methodological basis of the research was articulated in a set of general and special scientific methods of scientific knowledge, a saber: historical comparative method and legal method, dialectic, induction method, comparative and legal method, formal and legal method. Based on the analysis of international experience, the education problems of private detectives, as well as those that recycling and advanced training features, whose study is necessary for the full development of the institution of the activity of private detectives in Ukraine, reveals the revelation of modern services for the training of private detectives in Ukraine. In the conclusions, the authors pay special attention to specialists in the activity of private detectives in several countries, where private detectives have a wide range of opportunities and their activity is actually compared to the activity of law enforcement. Finally, the requirements are proposed for candidates for the position of private detective, as well as for the program of their training.

Ralitsa Grozdeva ◽  

From smart cities to smart hotels. The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly changing the way people interact with the urban environment and different accommodation. The introduction of technology in the urban environment now allows us to adapt the experience of residents and collect and analyze user data to make better decisions about efficiency and performance. The use of IoT technology is now making its way into the hospitality industry. Many of the technologies used in smart city management are useful and applicable in the field of tourism, both in terms of improving the quality of services offered and in terms of minimizing costs. As the number of smart cities grows, it will be easier for the hotel industry to adopt technology and become more sustainable. Hotels have long been more than just a place to find a bed for travelers. They are multifunctional sites that provide easy access to food, entertainment, workspace and host the role of business conferences and events. In fact, these are mini-cities that can take advantage of the ubiquity of the smartphone. This article raises the question of how hotels can partner with smart cities by borrowing from them successful practices in order to provide more innovative and modern services and attract more guests and revenue. And all this in parallel with the good practices of global hotel brands.

2020 ◽  
pp. 28-35
A. V. Badina ◽  
M. N. Oreshina

An approach to solving a comlex and urgent problem facing state and near-state agencies has been described: to provide popular modern services to citizens, while reducing operating costs through the use of digital technologies to improve citizen service and develop more effective ways to work. At the moment, this is achievable by developing a unified information base for the provision of public services, based on the creation of a digital citizen profile. A comparative review of international experience in the field of digitalization of the process of interaction between citizens and government structures has been presented. In accordance with the digitalization programs launched in many countries almost simultaneously, many commercial and social projects are being developed. All of them become available when using complex analytical tools for processing Big data and a Unified identification and authentication system.

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