economic region
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2022 ◽  
A.O. Kazachenko ◽  
N.V. Davydova ◽  
V.A. Burlutsky ◽  
E.S. Romanova ◽  
S. I. Voronov

This study aimed to examine the regularities of the regenerationprocesses of haploid plants, the dependence of in vitro microspore morphogenesis in anther culture on optimization factors, and their efficiency in F1 hybrids of T. aestivumof different ecological and geographicorigin. It was found that heterosis contributed to an increased yield of haploid chlorophyll-bearing regenerants from hybrids obtained from the crossing of parental forms with different responsiveness to androclinia. Results were obtained for the complex optimization of the androgenesis method for the in vitro anther culture of T. aestivum, in order to create diploidized haploid lines (DHL) regardless of the influence of the genotype. The agroecological properties for a complex of economically useful traits were also assessed. DHLs were created that combined high yield (5.1-6.8 t / ha) with lodging resistance (straw height – 60-80 cm) and consistently high grain quality; these were characterized by increased resistance to major leaf diseases in comparison with the standard variety in the conditions of the Central Economic Region of the Non-Black Earth Zone of the Russian Federation. Keywords: spring soft wheat, androgenesis, embyroidogenesis, callusogenesis, diploidized haploids, in vitro, yield and quality

Healthcare ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 140
Arina Vinereanu ◽  
Aneta Munteanu ◽  
Alexandru Stănculescu ◽  
Alexandru Titus Farcașiu ◽  
Andreea Cristiana Didilescu

This study aimed to give an image of the oral health status and treatment needs of intellectually challenged athletes taking part in Special Olympics—Special Smiles (SO-SS) events organized in Romania during 2011–2019 and to find potential associations with socio-economic factors. An observational ecological retrospective study was conducted, and 1860 oral examinations were performed on participants aged 8 to 30 years in nine SS-SO events. Oral examination was performed under field conditions. Percentage of caries-free subjects, mean DMF-T index and its components (D = decayed; M = missing; F = filled; T = teeth), restoration index RI = [F/(F + D) × 100]%, and Plaque Index were calculated for each of the nine groups. Caries-free subjects ranged between 5.90% and 21.70%. DMF-T ranged from 4.27 to 7.71. Higher values for “F” component (range 0.66–1.69) and RI (range 13.02–27.74%) were found in events held in cities from regions with higher reported Gross Domestic Product. Sealants were present in 0 to 8.4% of the subjects. In areas with lower numbers of inhabitants per dentist, more sealants were found (p < 0.001). Romanian SO athletes exhibited relatively poor oral health, limited access to dental treatment, and low level of prevention. Targeted prevention and treatment programs adjusted to specific conditions in each geo-economic region are needed.

Federico Caviggioli ◽  
Alessandra Colombelli ◽  
Antonio De Marco ◽  
Giuseppe Scellato ◽  
Elisa Ughetto

AbstractThis paper provides novel evidence on co-evolution patterns of the technological specialization of innovation activities of firms and academic institutions located in the same European region during the years from 2003 to 2014. We exploit a novel and unique dataset merging data on EU-funded R&D projects, universities, patents, and economic region-level data for a large sample of universities and firms co-located in geographical areas at the third level of the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS3), which correspond to a sub-regional scale of analysis. Our results indicate the presence of substantial heterogeneity across the analyzed EU regions with respect to the co-evolution of industry and academia specializations. In particular, we find that the specialization into a new technological domain is led by the local academic research system only in a few cases. We also document that a number of factors, at both the university and region levels, are associated with convergent or divergent processes in the relative specialization of the innovation activities carried out by firms and universities co-located in the same region.

M.M. Magerramova

The article discusses some issues of assessing the current state and expected changes in agro-climatic resources of the Guba-Khachmaz economic region. Research methods are selected and substantiated. The issues of interpretation of agro-climatic information are considered to determine modern "norms" of agro-climatic indicators and assess the impact of regional climate change on these resources. To assess the impact of climate change on agroclimatic resources, such indicators as the date of the transition of the average daily air temperature above 10 °C in the spring and below 10 °C in the fall, the length of the warm period, the sum of active air temperatures above 10 °C, the sum of precipitation and the hydrothermal coefficient Selyaninov for the warm season. For example, it is shown that with the expected increase in air temperature by 2 °C, the beginning of the warm period will begin in the lowland, foothill and mid-mountain zones by 8-10 days, and in the highlands by 22 days earlier than in the modern period. In autumn, the end of the warm period is expected 11-15 days later; the length of the warm period is expected to increase by 20-23 days in the lowland, foothill and mid-mountain zones and by 37 days in the high-mountain zone. It is also expected that the sum of active temperatures will increase by 581-665 °C for the warm period. It was revealed that the most susceptible to the influence of an increase in global air temperature by 2 °C will be medium and high mountain zones. With an increase in air temperature in the future by 4 °C and a decrease in atmospheric precipitation by 20 %, the frequency of occurrence of the 1st group of drought with height will increase from 6 % to 33 %, the frequency of occurrence of the 2-nd group will change from -14 % to + 50 %, and the first group will decrease by 13-57 %. With an increase in air temperature in the future by 2 °C and a decrease in atmospheric precipitation by 20 %, the frequency of occurrence of various groups of drought will be similar to the previous variant. Also, an assessment was made of possible changes in the frequency of drought with different intensities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (12) ◽  
pp. 2308-2324

Subject. This article explores the socioeconomic relations that arise in the process of formation of interregional clusters. Objectives. The article aims to explore industry specialization and clustering within the territory of the Central Black Earth macroregion. Methods. For the study, I used analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, and the empirical method. Results. Based on the analysis of the industry specialization of the Central Black Earth macroregion’s economy, the article shows the economic and social effects of the implementation of interregional agreements. It proposes to create a chemical and pharmaceutical cluster of the medical industry in this economic region. Conclusions. The chemical and pharmaceutical cluster is of great importance under present-day conditions. It is a driver to boost employment and improve the quality of life of the population.

Thi Nguyen ◽  
Inna Mitrofanova ◽  

The development level of businesses and their competitiveness has a significant effect on the growth of an economic region. The improvement in comparative advantage for regional social and economic development will contribute to the strengthening and expanding possibilities for farm owners as well as to encouraging the authorities of the province to pay a special attention to an accelerated farm transformation in the agriculture of Tay Nguyen region. Farm economy development is considered to be an inevitable trend and its effectiveness does not rely too much on laws and market practice but on the understanding of the regional structure taking into account the demands and peculiarities of this economic agent. Using the methods of descriptive statistics and the analysis of secondary data, this paper is devoted to the analysis of the essence of farm economy of Tay Nguyen region. A special place has analysis of the theoretical basis of economic zones and the identification of comparative advantages of the region in farming development. The results of this empirical research aim to discover the specificity of formation and development of farm economy in the Tay Nguyen region nowadays.

S. A. Hasanova

The article analyzes the labor market in Ganja-Gazakh economic region, the main "State Programs for socio-economic development of the regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan" (2004-2008, 2009-2013, 2014-2018, 2019-2023) to address the employment problems of the population. directions were considered. At the same time, the current situation of employment and unemployment in the region, the interregional distribution of productive forces, the region's infrastructure, the geography of natural resources were studied. Traditional production areas for the region, preferential loans provided to entrepreneurs within the framework of financed investment projects and other issues were discussed. The measures taken to eliminate the negative impact of the global crisis on the regions of Azerbaijan since 2016, the volume of output in key sectors of the economy are reflected. The discrepancy between job supply and demand in the region's labor market, as well as the main problems arising in the process of their coordination were analyzed. The urgency of original issues such as increasing production and exports, attracting effective employment, ensuring regional development by attracting domestic and foreign investment to the regions was brought to attention. The impact of investments in the regions on the development of the non-oil sector on the country's GDP was studied. The enterprises and jobs created in Ganja-Gazakh economic region were discussed within the program. In the end, the results of the analysis were reflected and suggestions were made to eliminate the existing problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 93 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-30
Myroslava Soldak ◽  
Wiesława Caputa ◽  
Lyubomyr Sozanskyy

The article provides a comparative assessment of the innovativeness of Ukrainian and Polish manufacturing. The main types and kinds of innovation in different sectors of the Pridneprovsky Economic Region are identified and each kind of economic activity in the region is rated in terms of intensity and efficiency of development. It was found out that the most promising sector of the Pridneprovsky Economic Region was the engineering industry, where innovation is based on engineering developments and research. The authors provide economic justification for measures to increase intensity and efficiency, and hence the level of innovation of key economic activities of the region. What is required is an innovation-oriented ecosystem that provides conditions for research and development, the formation and development of networks that consolidate activities of research centers and science-intensive industrial production, training of professional staff; reliable protection of intellectual property, the development of industrial clusters; that facilitate access to global sources of technology, knowledge and highly qualified engineering and technical personnel.

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