multivalued mapping
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
Abdullah Shoaib ◽  
Qasim Mahmood ◽  
Aqeel Shahzad ◽  
Mohd Salmi Md Noorani ◽  
Stojan Radenović

AbstractThe objective of this article is to introduce function weighted L-R-complete dislocated quasi-metric spaces and to present fixed point results fulfilling generalized rational type F-contraction for a multivalued mapping in these spaces. A suitable example confirms our results. We also present an application for a generalized class of nonlinear integral equations. Our results generalize and extend the results of Karapınar et al. (IEEE Access 7:89026–89032, 2019).

Chinedu Izuchukwu ◽  
Yekini Shehu

AbstractIn this paper, we present two new inertial projection-type methods for solving multivalued variational inequality problems in finite-dimensional spaces. We establish the convergence of the sequence generated by these methods when the multivalued mapping associated with the problem is only required to be locally bounded without any monotonicity assumption. Furthermore, the inertial techniques that we employ in this paper are quite different from the ones used in most papers. Moreover, based on the weaker assumptions on the inertial factor in our methods, we derive several special cases of our methods. Finally, we present some experimental results to illustrate the profits that we gain by introducing the inertial extrapolation steps.

Irina D. Serova

For a multivalued mapping F:[a; b] × R^m → comp(R^m), the problem of superpositional measurability and superpositional selectivity is considered. As it is known, for superpositional measurability it is sufficient that the mapping F satisfies the Caratheodory conditions, for superpositional selectivity it is sufficient that F(•,x) has a measurable section and F(t; •) is upper semicontinuous. In this paper, we propose generalizations of these conditions based on the replacement, in the definitions of continuity and semicontinuity, of the limit of the sequence of coordinates of points in the images of multivalued mappings to a one-sided limit. It is shown that under such weakened conditions the multivalued mapping F possesses the required properties of superpositional measurability / superpositional selectivity. Illustrative examples are given, as well as examples of the significance of the proposed conditions. For single-valued mappings, the proposed conditions coincide with the generalized Caratheodory conditions proposed by I.V. Shragin (see [Bulletin of the Tambov University. Series: natural and technical sciences, 2014, 19:2, 476–478]).

V.I. Ukhobotov ◽  
V.N. Ushakov

A control problem with a given end time is considered, in which the control vectograms and disturbance depend linearly on the given convex compact sets. A multivalued mapping of the phase space of the control problem to the linear normed space E is given. The goal of constructing a control is that at the end of the control process the fixed vector of the space E belongs to the image of the multivalued mapping for any admissible realization of the disturbance. A stable bridge is defined in terms of multivalued functions. The presented procedure constructs, according to a given multivalued function which is a stable bridge, a control that solves the problem. Explicit formulas are obtained that determine a stable bridge in the considered control problem. Conditions are found under which the constructed stable bridge is maximal. Some problems of group pursuit can be reduced to the considered control problem with disturbance. The article provides such an example.

2020 ◽  
Vol 309 (S1) ◽  
pp. S125-S138
D. A. Serkov ◽  
A. G. Chentsov

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
Khalid Alisawi ◽  
Salwa Salman Abed

Geodesic spaces are convex nonlinear spaces. Convexity is a significant tool to generalize some properties of Banach spaces. In this paper, the characterization of weakly inward was extended to CAT(0) spaces and give equivalent condition for the existence of fixed point for multivalued mapping

U.M. Ibragimov ◽  
D.S. Kurakbayev ◽  
I. Orazov ◽  
E. Nyssanov ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-136
M Tukhtasinov ◽  
Kh Ya Mustapokulov

In this paper, we consider two problems. In the first problem, we prove that if the assumption from the paper [1] and one additional condition on the parameters of the game hold, then the pursuit can be finished in any neighborhood of the terminal set. To complete the game, an ε-positional pursuit strategy is constructed.In the second problem, we study the invariance of a given multivalued mapping with respect to the system with distributed parameters. The system is described by the heat conductivity equation containing additive control terms on the right-hand side.

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