sediment trap
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M. Bouchkara ◽  
K. El Khalidi ◽  
A. Benazzouz ◽  
N. Erraji Chahid ◽  
I. Joudar ◽  

Abstract. Coastal lagoons are highly dynamic and physically complicated systems. They are environmentally productive and socio-economically valuable. Contemporary global development and management pressures require a better understanding of their dynamics and sustainability. The present study focuses on the problem of water confinement in the Oualidia lagoon (Atlantic coast of Morocco). This lagoon is characterized by an asymmetric tidal propagation, with a shorter duration of the flood (rising tide) than the ebb (falling tide). In the long term, this contributes to the reduction of depths and the confinement of water upstream. After extensive studies, a sediment trap was created in 2011 to trap the finest sediment in the upstream part of the lagoon. This study aims to analyze the morphodynamical and sedimentological changes in the lagoon of Oualidia, after the sediment trap dredging. For this purpose, bathymetric surveys covering 6 years between 2006 and 2012 were analyzed, providing sufficient data to identify the morphological changes that the lagoon has undergone during this period. The data analysis was followed by a study of the lagoon bed dynamics using profile lines extracted from the bathymetric data in a GIS environment. As a result, the findings partly show that over 6 years, an average height of +0.65 m was gained by the lagoon, while the average change in the eroded areas was estimated to be −0.42 m. In addition, the eroded area in the lagoon was estimated to be about 1,513,800 m2 with an erosion volume of 633,383 m3, while the accumulated area found was about 2,699,396 m2 with an accumulation volume of 1,765,866 m3. These changes can be related to the large input of marine sediment, mainly caused by tidal currents and waves, but also to the creation of a sediment trap in the upstream area of the lagoon.

2021 ◽  
Vol 133 ◽  
pp. 108395
Agnieszka Szczerba ◽  
Sergi Pla-Rabes ◽  
Maurycy Żarczyński ◽  
Wojciech Tylmann

2021 ◽  
Gerard J. M. Versteegh ◽  
Karin A. F. Zonneveld ◽  
Jens Hefter ◽  
Oscar E. Romero ◽  
Gerhard Fischer ◽  

2021 ◽  
Gerard J. M. Versteegh ◽  
Karin A. F. Zonneveld ◽  
Jens Hefter ◽  
Oscar E. Romero ◽  
Gerhard Fischer ◽  

Abstract. Long-chain mid-chain diol (shortly diol) based proxies obtain increasing interest to reconstruct past upper ocean temperature and productivity. Here we evaluate performance of the sea surface temperature proxies; long chain diol index (LDI), the diol saturation index (DSI) and the diol chain-length index (DCI), productivity/upwelling intensity proxies: the two diol indices DIR (Rampen et al., 2008) and DIW (Willmott et al., 2010) and the combined diol index (CDI), as well as the nutrient diol index (NDI) as proxy for phosphate and nitrate levels. This evaluation is based on comparison of the diols in sediment trap samples from the upwelling region off NW Africa collected at 1.28 km water depth with daily satellite derived sea surface temperatures (SSTSAT), subsurface temperatures, productivity, the plankton composition from the trap location, monthly PO43− and NO3− concentrations, wind speed and wind direction from the nearby Nouadhibou airport. The diol based SST reconstructions are also compared the long chain alkenones based UK’37 proxy reconstructions (SSTUK). At the trap site, most diol proxies lag wind speed (phase φ = 30 days) and can be related to upwelling. Correlation with the abundance of upwelling species and wind speed is best for the DCI, DSI and NDI whereas the DI and CDI perform comparatively poorly. The nutrient proxy NDI shows no significant correlation to monthly PO43− and NO3− concentrations in the upper waters and a negative correlation with wind-induced upwelling (r2 = 0.28, φ = 32 days) as well as the abundance of upwelling species (r2 = 0.38; Table 4). It is suggested that this proxy reflects upwelling intensity rather than upper ocean nutrient concentrations. At the trap site, SSTSAT lags wind speed forced upwelling by about 4 months (φ = 129 d). The LDI based SST (SSTLDI) correlate poorly (r2 = 0.17) to SSTSAT which we attribute to variability in 1,13 diol abundance unrelated to SST such as productivity. The SSTUK correlates best with SSTSAT (r2 = 0.60). Also amplitude and absolute values agree very well and the flux corrected SSTUK time series average equals the SSTSAT annual average.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 2394
Tatiana A. Belevich ◽  
Irina A. Milyutina ◽  
Aleksey V. Troitsky

This survey is the first to explore the seasonal cycle of microbial eukaryote diversity (<3 µm) using the NGS method and a 10-month sediment trap (2018–2019). The long-term trap was deployed from September to June in the northwestern part of the Kara Sea. A water sample collected before the sediment trap was deployed and also analyzed. The taxonomic composition of microbial eukaryotes in the water sample significantly differed from sediment trap samples, characterized by a high abundance of Ciliophora reads and low abundance of Fungi while trap samples contained an order of magnitude less Ciliophora sequences and high contribution of Fungi. Photosynthetic eukaryotes (PEs) accounting for about 34% of total protists reads were assigned to five major divisions: Chlorophyta, Cryptophyta, Dinoflagellata, Haptophyta, and Ochrophyta. The domination of phototrophic algae was revealed in late autumn. Mamiellophyceae and Trebouxiophyceae were the predominant PEs in mostly all of the studied seasons. Micromonas polaris was constantly present throughout the September–June period in the PE community. The obtained results determine the seasonal dynamics of picoplankton in order to improve our understanding of their role in polar ecosystems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Zhangdong Jin ◽  
Fei Zhang ◽  
Xiangzhong Li ◽  
Jin Wang ◽  
Chenyu Jin

Because the shell substance of an ostracod is derived entirely from the water body where it lives, its chemical compositions are sensitive to aquatic environment and thus have been used to reconstruct past climatic and environmental changes. However, there is controversy about the controlling factors for the different compositions of ostracod shells from various water bodies. In this study, seasonal and interannual variations in daily flux and stable oxygen-carbon isotopic compositions (δ18O, δ13C) for two species of ostracod shells (Limnocythere inopinata and Eucypris mareotica) and their controlling factors are discussed, based on ostracod shell samples collected from a time-series sediment trap from July 2010 through September 2012 and from surface sediments in Lake Qinghai, which were correlated with the state-of-the-art sensing data of the lake water. The results show that the daily flux of L. inopinata shells is an order of magnitude higher than that of E. mareotica. The δ18O and δ13C of both L. inopinata and E. mareotica shells have distinctly interannual and seasonal variations, with species differences. Interannual differences of δ18O for the two species of ostracod shells directly reflect the systematic differences of the summer water temperature between 2010 and 2012. We propose that seasonal variations of both δ18O and δ13C for the two species are affected by the precipitation of authigenic carbonates in microenvironment induced by high water temperature in summers, highlighting their environmental implications in Lake Qinghai.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-74
Romesh Kumar ◽  
G M Bhat ◽  
Yudhbir Singh ◽  
Javid Ahmed Dar

 The field investigation of the reservoir area of Baglihar Hydropower project shows that the sediment budget to the reservoir is controlled by fragile rock type like shales, sandstones, phyllites and slates, soil characteristics, steep hill slopes, rainfall and landslides. The rocks are highly weathered, fissile and micaceous in nature and very sensitive to water absorption.  The analysed sediments are characterised by dominance of sands, silts and clays with lower values of plasticity (14.3PL), liquidity (23.5 LL), cohesion (118) and shear strength (202 Kpa). The slope wash deposits are highly susceptible to landslides and slope failures and directly contribute to the sediment budget in the reservoir. In addition tributaries of Chenab River also bring sediments in the reservoir from the catchment area. The empirical relationship for estimating the long-term reservoir trap efficiency for large storage based on correlation between the relative reservoir size and trap efficiency was simulated in 3D model which shows that the annual sediment trap efficiency of the Baglihar reservoir is of 0.39%. The extrapolation of the calculated values shows that the total sediment load shall increase by 11% in the next 30 years and 20% in the next 50 years and correspondingly 40% in the next 100 years that shall induce corresponding decrease in the reservoir volume over the time.  By applying flushing schemes, life span of the reservoir can be extended. It is estimated that after 100 years the reservoir shall lose ~35.6% storage volume. On further extrapolation, the trap efficiency will decrease from 25.5% after 30 years to 23% after 100 years. The estimated trap efficiency of Baglihar reservoir is 60%, which is greater than that based on numerical results, showing a significant overestimation.

Andrea Farsang ◽  
József Szatmári ◽  
Máté Bartus ◽  
Ádám Tiszlavicz ◽  
Károly Barta

2021 ◽  
pp. 102566
Wentao Ma ◽  
Peng Xiu ◽  
Fei Chai ◽  
Lihua Ran ◽  
Martin G. Wiesner ◽  

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