response latency
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2022 ◽  
Amin Vafaei ◽  
Milad Mohammadi ◽  
Alireza Khadir ◽  
Erfan Zabeh ◽  
Faraz YazdaniBanafsheDaragh ◽  

The timing of neuronal responses is considered to be important for information transferring and communication across individual neurons. However, the sources of variabilities in the timing of neuronal responses are not well understood and sometimes over-interpreted. A systematic variability in the response latencies of the primary visual cortex has been reported in presence of drifting grating stimulus. Whereas the response latencies are systematically dependent on stimulus orientation. To understand the underlying mechanism of these systematic latencies, we recorded the neuronal response of the cat visual cortex, area 17, and simulated the response latency of V1 neurons, with two geometric models. We showed that outputs of these two models significantly predict the response latencies of the electrophysiology recording during orientation tasks. The periodic patterns created in the raster plots were dependent on the relative position of the stimulus rotation center and the receptive-field sub-regions. We argue the position of stimulus is contributing to systematic response latencies, dependent on drifting orientation. Therefore, we provide a toolbox based on our geometrical model for determining the exact location of RF sub-regions. Our result indicates that a major source of neuronal variability is the lack of fine-tuning in the task parameters. Considering the simplicity of the orientation selectivity task, we argue fine-tuning of stimulus properties is crucial for deduction of neural variability in higher-order cortical areas and understanding their neural dynamics.

Amanda S. Lee ◽  
Greg A. O’Beirne ◽  
Michael P. Robb

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: People who stutter (PWS) are able to anticipate a moment of stuttering. We wished to explore whether this anticipation might be reflected by either unusual word choice and/or delayed word production during a single-word confrontation naming task. METHOD: Nine PWS and nine age- and sex-matched fluent controls completed the single-word confrontation-naming task. Groups were compared on numbers of word-finding and fluency errors, response latency, and naming accuracy, measured against a novel ‘usuality’ criterion. Regression modelling of response accuracy and latency was conducted. RESULTS: The groups did not differ on naming task performance, except for a greater frequency of response latency errors in the PWS group. For both groups, responses containing word-finding or fluency errors were more likely to be non-usual names, and these were associated with longer latencies than accurate responses. For PWS, latency was positively related to participant age, and accuracy inversely related to stuttering severity. CONCLUSIONS: The findings provide insights into word substitution as a generalized behaviour, its function, and associated time-cost. Group-specific relationships imply greater sensitivity in PWS to changing demands and capacities, and highlight the complexity of interactions between physical stuttering behaviour and verbal avoidance.

2021 ◽  
Nicolas Martorell ◽  
Violeta Medan

Fast and accurate threat detection is critically important for animal survival. Reducing perceptual ambiguity by integrating multiple sources of sensory information can enhance threat detection and reduce response latency. However, studies showing a direct link between behavioral correlates of multisensory integration and its underlying neural basis are rare. In fish, an explosive escape behavior known as C-start is driven by an identified neural circuit centered on the Mauthner cell. The Mauthner cell can trigger C-starts in response to visual and auditory stimuli allowing to investigate how multisensory integration in a single neuron affects behavioral outcome after threat detection. Here we demonstrate that in goldfish visual looms and brief auditory stimuli can be integrated to increase C-start probability and that this enhancement is inversely correlated to the saliency of the cues with weaker auditory cues producing a proportionally stronger multisensory effect. We also show that multisensory stimuli reduce response latency locked to the presentation of the auditory cue. Finally, we make a direct link between behavioral data and its underlying neural mechanism by reproducing empirical data with an integrate-and-fire computational model of the Mauthner cell.

Sociobiology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (3) ◽  
pp. e6022
Luiz Carlos Santos Junior ◽  
Emerson Pereira Silva ◽  
William Fernando Antonialli-Junior

In social insects, situations can arise that threaten an individual or an entire colony. When the call for help goes out, different behavioral responses are elicited by signals emitted from nestmates. In ants, the response can be one of redemptive behavior by the worker receiving it. However, little is known about the evolution of this behavior and in which group of ants it manifests. Therefore, this study investigates whether workers of Odontomachus brunneus Patton can act as rescuers, able to detect and respond to calls for help from nestmates. Laboratory experiments were carried out in which the legs of ants were trapped by tape, simulating capture by a predator. Nearby were nestmates able to receive and respond to a request for help. Two experiments were performed: 1. Calls for help were made at different distances, in order to test the response latency. 2. Evaluation of whether rescuers would respond differently to calls for help from nestmates, non-nestmates of the same species, and ants of another species. Finally, evaluation was made of the behaviors of the rescuers when they responded to requests for help from nestmates and ants of another species. It could be concluded from the results that O. brunneus workers respond to signals emitted by workers who may have been captured by a potential predator, prompting the performance of behaviors related to rescue attempts. The signals involved appear to have an optimal range and are species-specific. When exposed to a capture situation, this species transmits audible signals by stridulation, so it is possible that this type of signal may be involved, in addition to chemical signaling.

2021 ◽  
pp. 019459982110255
Madeleine P. Strohl ◽  
Jolie L. Chang ◽  
Christopher D. Dwyer ◽  
VyVy N. Young ◽  
Clark A. Rosen ◽  

Objective To measure the latency of laryngeal adductor reflex (LAR) motion onset at 2 laryngopharyngeal subsites using calibrated aesthesiometers. Study Design Cross-sectional. Setting Academic institution. Methods Twenty-one asymptomatic, healthy subjects (11 male, 10 female) underwent laryngopharyngeal sensory testing with tactile stimuli delivered to the aryepiglottic fold and medial pyriform sinus using 30-mm Cheung-Bearelly monofilaments (4-0 and 5-0 nylon sutures) via channeled flexible laryngoscope. The LAR onset latency, defined as the first visual detection of ipsilateral vocal fold adduction following tactile stimulation, was measured with frame-by-frame analysis of video recordings. Results The overall mean LAR latency across both subsites and stimulation forces was 176.6 (95% CI, 170.3-183.0) ms, without significant difference between subsites or forces. The critical value for LAR response latency prolongation at the .01 significance level was 244 ms. At 30 frames/s video capture resolution, LAR response latency ≥8 frame intervals would indicate abnormal prolongation. Conclusion Aesthesiometer-triggered LAR latency appears to be invariant over an 8.7-dB force range and between the aryepiglottic fold and medial pyriform sinus subsites in controls. Laryngeal adductor reflex latency incongruences between stimulation forces or laryngopharyngeal subsites may serve as pathophysiological features to dissect mechanisms of upper aerodigestive tract disorders. Level of Evidence Level 3B.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Marie Eisersiö ◽  
Anna Byström ◽  
Jenny Yngvesson ◽  
Paolo Baragli ◽  
Antonio Lanata ◽  

When a rider maintains contact on the reins, rein tension will vary continuously in synchronicity with the horse's gait and stride. This continuous variation makes it difficult to isolate the rein tension variations that represent a rein tension signal, complicating interpretation of rein tension data from the perspective of horse-rider interaction. This study investigated (1) the characteristics of a rein tension signal and (2) horse response to a rein tension signal for backing, comparing pressure applied by a bit (bridle), or by a noseband (halter). Twenty Warmblood horses (10 young, 10 adult) wearing a rein tension meter were trained to step back in the aisle of a stable. The handler stood next to the horse's withers, applying tension on the reins until the horse stepped back. This was repeated eight times with the bridle and eight times with the halter. Data analysis was performed using mixed linear and logistic regression models. Horses displaying behaviors other than backing showed significantly increased response latency and rein tension. Inattentive behavior was significantly more common in the halter treatment and in young horses, compared with the bridle treatment and adult horses. Evasive behaviors with the head, neck, and mouth were significantly more common in the bridle treatment than in the halter treatment and the occurrence of head/neck/mouth behaviors increased with increasing rein tension and duration of the rein tension signal. When controlling for behavior, the horses responded significantly faster and to a lighter rein tension signal in the bridle treatment than in the halter treatment. By scrutinizing data on rein tension signals in relation to horse behavior and training exercise, more can be learnt about the horse's experience of the pressures applied and the timing of the release. This can assist in developing ways to evaluate rein tension in relation to correct use of negative reinforcement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. A14-A15
Elle Wernette ◽  
Kimberly Fenn

Abstract Introduction Slow wave sleep (SWS) strengthens memory for studied information, but research on the effect of sleep on information that is not intentionally remembered is scarce. Previous research from our lab suggests sleep consolidates some information that has been encoded incidentally, meaning that it has been acted on but not intentionally remembered. It remains unclear what determines which information is consolidated during sleep after incidental encoding and what aspects of sleep are related to this mnemonic benefit. In two experiments, we test the hypothesis that sleep consolidates strong but not weak memory traces following incidental encoding and assess the relationship between memory performance and sleep attributes. Methods In Experiment 1, we manipulated memory strength within- and between-subjects. Participants rated words one or three times (within) in a shallow or deep incidental encoding task (between). In the shallow task, participants counted vowels in each word; in the deep task, participants rated each word on a scale from ‘concrete’ to ‘abstract’. Following a 12-hour period containing sleep or wakefulness, participants took a surprise memory test. In Experiment 2, participants rated words one or three times in the deep encoding task, received an 8-hour sleep opportunity with partial PSG, and took the surprise memory test. Results In Experiment 1, participants remembered words better after sleep than wake regardless of number of encoding trials, but only after deep encoding. There was not an effect of sleep following shallow encoding. In Experiment 2, SWS correlated negatively with response latency for correctly recognized words encoded once, but not those encoded three times. That is, participants who received more SWS showed faster performance. Conclusion Results suggest sleep consolidated information based on the depth of encoding, and this benefit was related to SWS. This work is broadly consistent with theories of memory consolidation that predict sleep is more beneficial for strong than weak memory traces, such as the synaptic downscaling hypothesis. Support (if any):

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