kernel size
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2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
H.S. Randhawa ◽  
P.D. Brown ◽  
J. Mitchell Fetch ◽  
R. Dhariwal ◽  
T. Fetch ◽  

AAC Perform, an awned hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar, combines high grain yield and good agronomic characteristics with excellent resistance to leaf, stem, and stripe rust. Based on 43 station years of registration trial data from 2017 to 2019, the grain yield of AAC Perform was about 6% higher than AAC Foray and about 12% over AAC Penhold. AAC Perform was significantly shorter than AAC Foray and had straw strength similar to AAC Penhold. It was about two days later maturing than AAC Foray. AAC Perform had similar test weight, smaller kernel size and lower protein concentration as compared with AAC Foray. AAC Perform had milling and baking quality suitable for grades of the Canada Prairie Spring Red wheat market class.

C. P. McCabe ◽  
J. I. Burke

Abstract The effects of three seeding rates (250, 350 and 450 seeds/m2), six applied N rates (40, 70, 100, 130, 160 and 190 kg N/ha) and the application of plant growth regulator on the grain quality of two spring oat cultivars (Husky and Keely) were evaluated at four spring-sown sites over a 3-year period (2016–2018). The same cultivars, seeding rates and five applied N rates (80, 110, 140, 170 and 200 kg N/ha) were evaluated at three winter-sown sites, in 2017–2019. Keely had a significantly higher kernel content (KC) in spring (0.7%) and winter-sown (0.6%) oats. Specific weight (SW) decreased as N rate increased in spring-sown crops (1 kg/hl) with no effect observed in winter-sown oats. Hullability (HB) increased (0.92%) in spring-sown crops as N rate increased with a reduction (0.9%) observed when winter-sown. Increases in grain protein percentage (GPP) were observed in spring (1.8%) and winter (1.2%) sowings in response to N rate. The application of plant growth regulator reduced SW (0.4 kg/hl), GPP (0.3%), KC (0.6%) with no effect on HB. Kernel size was highly responsive too applied N rate, with reductions in grains >2.5 mm and increases in grains of smaller size observed as N rate increased. HB had a marked relationship to kernel size with GP inconsistently linked to SW. The results of this study suggest that cultivar, N rate and PGR application are of importance to milling quality and that changes in grain size in response to agronomic practices contribute to changes in specific weight and hullability.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 2992
Kun Wang ◽  
Dale Taylor ◽  
Yuming Chen ◽  
Jerry Suchy ◽  
Bin Xiao Fu

This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of kernel size and its potential interaction with genotype on durum wheat quality with emphases on kernel physical characteristics, milling performance, and color-related quality parameters. Wheat samples of seven genotypes, selected from the 2018 Canadian durum variety registration trial, were segregated into large (LK), medium (MK), and small-sized kernels (SK). In general, the kernel size greatly affected the durum wheat milling performance. Within a given size fraction, a strong impact of genotype was shown on the test weight of SK and the milling yields of MK and LK. Particularly, the MK fraction, segregated from the genotypes with superior milling quality, had a higher semolina yield than LK from the genotypes of inferior milling quality, inferring the importance of intrinsic physicochemical properties of durum kernels in affecting milling quality. SK exhibited inferior milling quality regardless of the genotypes selected. A strong impact of genotype was shown for the total yellow pigment (TYP) content and yellowness of semolina, while the kernel size had a significant impact on the brightness and redness of the semolina and pasta. Despite SK possessing much higher TYP, the semolina and pasta prepared from SK were lower in brightness and yellowness but with elevated redness.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0260492
Marjan Jafari ◽  
Behrouz Shiran ◽  
Gholamreza Rabiei ◽  
Roudabeh Ravash ◽  
Badraldin Ebrahim Sayed Tabatabaei ◽  

Many studies have investigated the role of miRNAs on the yield of various plants, but so far, no report is available on the identification and role of miRNAs in fruit and seed development of almonds. In this study, preliminary analysis by high-throughput sequencing of short RNAs of kernels from the crosses between almond cultivars ‘Sefid’ × ‘Mamaee’ (with small and large kernels, respectively) and ‘Sefid’ × ‘P. orientalis’ (with small kernels) showed that the expressions of several miRNAs such as Pdu-miR395a-3p, Pdu-miR8123-5p, Pdu-miR482f, Pdu-miR6285, and Pdu-miR396a were significantly different. These miRNAs targeted genes encoding different proteins such as NYFB-3, SPX1, PGSIP3 (GUX2), GH3.9, and BEN1. The result of RT-qPCR revealed that the expression of these genes showed significant differences between the crosses and developmental stages of the seeds, suggesting that these genes might be involved in controlling kernel size because the presence of these miRNAs had a negative effect on their target genes. Pollen source can influence kernel size by affecting hormonal signaling and metabolic pathways through related miRNAs, a phenomenon known as xenia.

Pheonah Nabukalu ◽  
Wenqian Kong ◽  
Thomas Stan Cox ◽  
Gary J. Pierce ◽  
Rosana Compton ◽  

Hamdi Özaktan

Chickpea is consumed after passing through different processes both in fresh and dry forms. Consumers generally prefer large kernels and a kernel size of below 6 mm is not preferred. In the present study, grain size fractions (above 9, 8, 7, 6 mm sieves and below 6 mm sieve) of different chickpea cultivars were determined. Experiments were conducted in randomized blocks design with 3 replications over the experimental fields of the Agricultural Research and Implementation Center of Erciyes University in 2018 and 2019 vegetation seasons without the use of chemical and organic fertilizers. In present experiments, 27 chickpea cultivars registered in Turkey between the years 1991 – 2013 were used. In both years, the greatest size ratios (41.21% in the first year and 35.41% in the second year) were observed for the 8 mm sieve and the second for the 7 mm sieve.

Ye Li ◽  
Shuai Ma ◽  
Qianqian Zhao ◽  
Di Lv ◽  
Baobao Wang ◽  

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 1115
Agusti Romero-Aroca ◽  
Mercè Rovira ◽  
Valerio Cristofori ◽  
Cristian Silvestri

Kernel size is the main hazelnut quality parameter for the consumption market. However, industrial purposes are the main destination for the main hazelnut cultivars. This work aims to identify industrial aptitude relationships to kernel size, and qualitative nut and kernel traits eligible to enhance hazelnut’s commercial value. The qualitative hazelnut traits of cv “Negret” and “Pauetet” were assessed via in-shell and shelled nut sizes for two years. In-shell hazelnuts were tested for weight, shape, percent kernel, yield and shell thickness. Kernels were measured for shape, weight, roasting aptitude, skin color, moisture content and water activity, free acidity, fat content, crude protein, total sugars, minerals, fatty acid composition, α-tocopherol and oil stability. In-shell hazelnut traits significantly differed between cultivars, sizes and storage period. Shell thickness and nut roundness increased almost linearly with nut caliber, whereas kernel percentage decreased. Kernel roundness increased linearly with caliber. The blanching and roasting aptitude of “Negret” increased linearly with caliber, whereas no significant trend was observed for “Pauetet”. Significant differences between cultivars were confirmed for water activity, oil acidity and skin color. Regarding chemical composition, fat content increased linearly with caliber in both cultivars, and α-tocopherol followed the same trend in “Negret”. The sugar content tended to decrease with caliber, whereas crude protein, fiber and minerals did not show any significant relationship with kernel size. Unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids fitted to linear models related to caliber, showing differences between cultivars. Unsaturated fatty acids increased with caliber, whereas polyunsaturated fatty acids decreased, and the oil stability increased linearly with kernel size. These results show that some hazelnut key traits change significantly with kernel size. The linear models presented could be a powerful tool for the confectionery industry to modulate the industrial value of given hazelnut batches.

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