social challenges
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Els D. Bakker ◽  
Ingrid S. van Maurik ◽  
Arenda Mank ◽  
Marissa D. Zwan ◽  
Lisa Waterink ◽  

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic poses enormous social challenges, especially during lockdown. People with cognitive decline and their caregivers are particularly at risk of lockdown consequences. Objective: To investigate psychosocial effects in (pre-)dementia patients and caregivers during second lockdown and compare effects between first and second lockdown. Methods: We included n = 511 (pre-)dementia patients and n = 826 caregivers from the Amsterdam Dementia Cohort and via Alzheimer Nederland. All respondents completed a self-designed survey on psychosocial effects of COVID-19. We examined relations between experienced support and psychosocial and behavioral symptoms using logistic regression. In a subset of patients and caregivers we compared responses between first and second lockdown using generalized estimating equation. Results: The majority of patients (≥58%) and caregivers (≥60%) reported that family and friends, hobbies, and music helped them cope. Support from family and friends was strongly related to less negative feelings in patients (loneliness: OR = 0.3[0.1–0.6]) and caregivers (loneliness: OR = 0.2[0.1–0.3]; depression: OR = 0.4[0.2–0.5]; anxiety: OR = 0.4[0.3–0.6]; uncertainty: OR = 0.3[0.2–0.5]; fatigue: OR = 0.3[0.2–0.4]; stress: OR = 0.3[0.2–0.5]). In second lockdown, less psychosocial and behavioral symptoms were reported compared to first lockdown (patients; e.g., anxiety: 22% versus 13%, p = 0.007; apathy: 27% versus 8%, p < 0.001, caregivers; e.g., anxiety: 23% versus 16%, p = 0.033; patient’s behavioral problems: 50% versus 35%, p < 0.001). Patients experienced more support (e.g., family and friends: 52% versus 93%, p < 0.001; neighbors: 28% versus 66%, p < 0.001). Conclusion: During second lockdown, patients and caregivers adapted to challenges posed by lockdown, as psychosocial and behavioral effects decreased, while patients experienced more social support compared to first lockdown. Support from family and friends is a major protective factor for negative outcomes in patients and caregivers.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Allison M. H. Foy ◽  
Rebekah L. Hudock ◽  
Ryan Shanley ◽  
Elizabeth I. Pierpont

Abstract Background RASopathies are genetic syndromes that result from pathogenic variants in the RAS-MAPK cellular signaling pathway. These syndromes, which include neurofibromatosis type 1, Noonan syndrome, cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome, and Costello syndrome, are associated with a complex array of medical and behavioral health complications. Despite a heightened risk for social challenges and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), few studies have compared different aspects of social behavior across these conditions. It is also unknown whether the underlying neuropsychological characteristics that contribute to social competence and socially empathetic (“prosocial”) behaviors differ in children with RASopathies as compared to children with nonsyndromic (i.e., idiopathic) ASD. Methods In this cross-sectional, survey-based investigation, caregivers of preschool and school-aged children with RASopathies (n = 202) or with idiopathic ASD (n = 109) provided demographic, medical, and developmental information about their child, including psychiatric comorbidities. For children who were able to communicate verbally, caregivers also completed standardized rating scales to assess social competence and empathetic behavior as well as symptoms of hyperactivity/inattention and emotional problems. Results As compared to children with idiopathic ASD, children with RASopathies were rated as demonstrating more resilience in the domain of empathy relative to their overall social competence. Similarities and differences emerged in the psychological factors that predicted social behavior in these two groups. Stronger communication skills and fewer hyperactive-impulsive behaviors were associated with increased empathy and social competence for both groups. Greater emotional challenges were associated with lower social competence for children with RASopathies and stronger empathy for children with idiopathic ASD. Among children with RASopathy and a co-occurring ASD diagnosis, socially empathetic behaviors were observed more often as compared to children with idiopathic ASD. Conclusions Findings suggest that the development of social behavior among children with RASopathies involves a distinct pattern of strengths and weaknesses as compared to a behaviorally defined disorder (idiopathic ASD). Identification of areas of resilience as well as behavioral and social challenges will support more targeted intervention.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Emma Groves ◽  
Rachel Collinson ◽  
Amy Hegarty ◽  
Elshiema Hamad ◽  
Tyler-Dee Asadi ◽  

Schwartz Centre Rounds (SCRs) provide a structured forum for staff from all disciplines to meet and discuss the difficult emotional and social challenges that arise in caring for patients. Research into the implementation of SCRs has shown that staff who attend report increased insight into the emotional and social aspects of care; greater understanding of the roles of their colleagues; improved teamworking and decreased feelings of isolation and stress. However, little research has explored the implementation of SCRs within forensic settings, and no research has focused solely on the experiences of panel members. Three focus groups were facilitated with participants who had participated in a SCR panel within a forensic mental health service. Semi-structured interviews were carried out, audio-recorded and subsequently transcribed. Interpretive phenomenological analysis was utilised to analyse the transcripts, and four key themes were identified. These themes were: feeling vulnerable, the importance of validation, exposure to intense emotional experiences and improved understanding and connection. We conclude that SCRs can be an emotionally challenging but rewarding experience, with the potential to enhance teamworking and general well-being. Limitations and recommendations for future research are also discussed.

2022 ◽  
Cameron Murray

• In a world of unequal wealth and incomes, market provision of housing usually fails to provide quality housing options to young and low-income households. Like other necessary goods characterised by monopoly, like healthcare and pharmaceuticals, access to them via pricing creates inherent social challenges.• Historically, the social challenge of unequal access to housing was solved with public intervention to offer non-market housing at lower regulated price to first time buyers and renters.• The proposed HouseMate program is a 21st century housing supplier, copying the best features of Singapore’s successful housing system. • It will sell new homes to eligible Australian citizens at construction cost price, offering them a discounted mortgage, with purchasers able to pay deposit and repayments using their compulsory super contributions. • This new housing alternative will operate in parallel with the private purchase and rental markets. HouseMate owners will have all the rights and obligations of private homeowners, but with a mandatory occupancy period. • The design of HouseMate addresses all the key housing policy challenges in Australia, includingohigh deposit hurdles for first homebuyers,ouncertainty and high rents for low-income households,oyounger households tying up income in super when homeownership is a higher priority for retirement, oprice effects and inefficiencies of demand-only subsidy programs to homebuyers (like FHB grants) and renters (NRAS payments), and olimited innovation of design and construction in private housing markets.• If secure, low-cost housing via homeownership is a policy priority, there is no reason not to try the HouseMate program.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Daniel Casquero ◽  
Andrés Monzon ◽  
Marta García ◽  
Oscar Martínez

In recent decades cities have applied a number of policy measures aimed at reducing car use and increasing public transportation (PT) patronage. Persuasive strategies to change mobility behavior present notable limitations in economic and logistical terms and have only minor impacts. The smartphone has emerged as a promising tool to overcome these challenges, as it can host persuasion strategies through mobility apps. Simultaneously, Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) schemes could open up new possibilities for addressing both sustainability goals and the needs of urban travelers. This paper carries out a literature review to identify the key elements of mobility apps that foster more sustainable travelers’ choices. The findings show that some persuasive strategies such as eco-feedback, rewards or social challenges are effective because they are well received by users. From the users’ point of view, the perceived barriers (e.g., usability, privacy) relate negatively to app adoption, and it is considered useful to include functional needs such as real-time information (e.g., to avoid congestion), cost savings (e.g., customized multimodal packages), comfort (e.g., crowding on public transport) or health (e.g., calories burned). We have found that a proper design of multimodal travel packages based on (i) financial incentives and (ii) environmental awareness, could help increase public transport patronage and reduce private car use.

2022 ◽  
pp. 341-364
Rendani Tshifhumulo

Growing up for many African people has been marked by rites of passage. Vhavenda girls attend various initiation schools that served as rites of passage from one stage to another. The purpose of this study was to explore the initiation schools attended by Vhavenda girls for knowledge preservation. The study is qualitative where data was collected from 15 traditional knowledge holders purposefully using interviews as a tool to collect data. The study revealed that girls attended different schools at various stages from Musevhetho, followed by Vhusha then Domba, which is divided into Tshikanda, Ludodo, and Tshilalandoima. All these schools served a critical purpose on the development of a girl child through to adulthood stage. Knowledge shared in the school covered mostly life skills and human physiology. With the introduction of formal schools, the former was discarded and labeled barbaric leaving a void and opening a door to many social challenges faced by girl children within the Vhavenda community members.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1307-1328
Emmanuel N. A. Tetteh

The equilibration that underscores the internet of things (IoT) and big data analytics (BDA) cannot be underestimated at the behest of real-life social challenges and significant policy data generated to redress the concerns of epistemic communities, such as political policy actors, stakeholders, and the citizenry. The cognitive balancing of new information gathered by BDA and assimilated across the IoT is at the crossroads of ascertaining how the growing increases of such BDA can be better managed to transition from the big data state of disequilibration to reach a more stable equilibrium of policy data usefulness. In the quest for explicating the equilibration of policy data usefulness, an account of the curriculum-based MPA policy analysis and analytics concentration program at Norwich University is described as a case example of big data policy-analytic epistemology. The case study offers a symbolic ideology of an IoT action-learning solution model as a recommendation for fostering the stable equilibration of policy data usefulness.

2022 ◽  
pp. 478-492
Zeshan Hyder ◽  
Keng Siau ◽  
Fiona Nah

The implementation of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and autonomous technologies in the mining industry started about a decade ago with autonomous trucks. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and autonomous technologies provide many economic benefits for the mining industry through cost reduction, efficiency, and improving productivity, reducing exposure of workers to hazardous conditions, continuous production, and improved safety. However, the implementation of these technologies has faced economic, financial, technological, workforce, and social challenges. This article discusses the current status of AI, machine learning, and autonomous technologies implementation in the mining industry and highlights potential areas of future application. The article presents the results of interviews with some of the stakeholders in the industry and what their perceptions are about the threats, challenges, benefits, and potential impacts of these advanced technologies. The article also presents their views on the future of these technologies and what are some of the steps needed for successful implementation of these technologies in this sector.

2022 ◽  
pp. 447-457
Viktoria Quehenberger ◽  
Karl Krajic

AbstractThis chapter focuses on aged and highly aged patients who have long and rather comprehensive contacts with healthcare institutions of long-term care, either in residential aged care or in community-dwelling. Therefore, it is well accepted in the literature that a salutogenic orientation and health promotion measures could contribute to the quality of life, well-being, and health of this group. Furthermore, a good sense of coherence (SOC) can be considered as a positive resource for coping with the physical, mental, and social challenges and transitions related to aging.But the state of descriptive research on salutogenesis focusing not only on residents but also somewhat less so on community dwellers is still scarce and has mostly been conducted in few countries. Concerning intervention research only very few studies have specifically applied salutogenic principles to promote positive health among older people.In light of this scarce research situation, the authors make recommendations for further research in this relevant and growing area of health care.

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