observation unit
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Iis Nawati ◽  
Arief Sadjiarto ◽  
Lelahester Rina

Abstract: This study aims to determine the readiness of facilities and infrastructure in improving the quality of education to face the industrial revolution 4.0. The research used a qualitative descriptive approach at SMP Pangudi Luhur Salatiga. In this study, the analysis unit was used, namely facilities and infrastructure, while the observation unit was the principal, deputy head of the facilities and infrastructure sector, and educators. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation using triangulation techniques. Meanwhile, data analysis was carried out interactively with data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Conclusions from the study: (1) the planning of facilities and infrastructure has been carried out well; (2) the procurement of facilities and infrastructure has not been carried out properly, the priority scale is determined by the foundation not the school; (3) the maintenance of facilities and infrastructure has not been carried out optimally; (4) the elimination of facilities and infrastructure has never been carried out by schools, items that are no longer used are put into school warehouses; and (5) there are developments in facilities and infrastructure in the field of technology, while the human resources that are owned are still not professionally trained. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesiapan sarana dan prasarana dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan untuk menghadapi revolusi industri 4.0. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif di SMP Pangudi Luhur Salatiga. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan unit analisis yaitu sarana prasarana, sedangkan yang menjadi unit pengamatan yaitu kepala sekolah, wakil kepala bidang sarana dan prasarana, dan pendidik. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan pengamatan, wawancara, angket, dan dokumentasi dengan menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Sedangkan analisis data dilakukan secara interaktif dengan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Simpulan dari penelitian: (1) perencanaan sarana dan prasarana sudah dilakukan dengan baik; (2) pengadaan sarana dan prasarana belum dilakukan dengan baik skala prioritas ditentukan oleh yayasan bukan pada sekolah; (3) pemeliharaan sarana dan prasarana belum dilakukan secara optimal; (4) penghapusan sarana dan prasarana belum pernah dilakukan oleh sekolah barang yang sudah tidak digunakan dimasukkan kedalam gudang sekolah; dan (5) adanya perkembangan sarana dan prasarana dalam bidang teknologi, sedangkan sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki masih belum yang terlatih secara profesional.

Blood ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 138 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. 2132-2132
Craig I. Coleman ◽  
Kimberly Snow Caroti ◽  
Khaled Abdelgawwad ◽  
George Psaroudakis ◽  
Samuel Fatoba ◽  

Abstract Background: Although guidelines include direct-acting oral anticoagulants (DOACs) as an alternative to low molecular weight heparins (LMWHs) for treatment of cancer associated venous thrombosis (CAT), specific recommendations for selection of patients for DOAC treatment vary. Recommendations for use of DOACs are driven predominantly by perceptions of risk: benefit ratio (often associated with different cancer subtypes). We sought to assess patient characteristics and temporal changes in DOAC (vs. LMWH) utilization in patients being treated in routine practice for CAT. Methods: This analysis is part of the Observational Studies in Cancer Associated Thrombosis for Rivaroxaban - United States (OSCAR-US) program. OSCAR-US is an ongoing study utilizing longitudinal patient-level medical record data from Optum for 91+ million patients seen at 700+ hospitals and 7,000+ clinics across the US. To be included in the present study, adult patients had to be diagnosed with active (primary or metastatic) cancer, undergone hospitalization, emergency department or observation unit admission associated with a primary International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-9th or -10 th revision diagnosis code for venous thromboembolism (VTE) between January 2013 and September 2020, received a DOAC or LMWH on day 7 of CAT treatment, and been active in the data set for at least 12 months prior to the CAT. Cohort assignment was based upon anticoagulant received on day 7 to increase the study's likelihood of appropriately classifying patients into their intended long-term treatment group. We defined active cancer as any cancer associated with ongoing treatment with chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation, or recent surgery; the presence of metastatic disease (regardless of time from initial cancer diagnosis); or provider encounter with a primary diagnosis code for cancer within the 6 months prior to the CAT. We excluded patients with an alternative indication for anticoagulation use or evidence of anticoagulation during the 12 months prior (per written prescription or patient self-report). For this analysis, year of CAT diagnosis was grouped into three mutually exclusive categories (2013-2015, 2016-2018, and 2019-2020) to represent early DOAC availability for VTE, peri-DOAC CAT trials and post-CAT guideline recommendation periods. Categorical data were reported as percentages, while continuous data were reported as means ± standard deviations (SDs). Chi-square and independent sample t-tests were used to test for differences in characteristics and treatment patterns between cohorts. Results: In total, 95,072 adult patients experiencing a VTE-related hospitalization, emergency department or observation unit visit were identified. Of these, 14,377 (15.1%) met our pre-specified criteria for active cancer; including 84.7% who received a cancer treatment modality within 6-months and/or had metastatic disease (Table). Though a majority (76.0%) of patients received parenteral therapy as their first anticoagulant upon CAT diagnosis; on day 7 of CAT management, 5325 (52.0%) were receiving a DOAC and 4925 (48.0%) a LMWH. Mean age of patients was 65.2±13.7 years, body mass index (BMI) was 29.9±7.7 kg/m2 and 55.9% were women. Pulmonary embolism (PE)±deep vein thrombosis (DVT) was present in 47.2% of patients and more frequent in patients treated with LMWH than a DOAC on day 7 (p<0.001). The most common cancer types were lung (18.3%) genitourinary (13.5%), breast (12.7%) and colorectal (10.5%) (Figure). The proportion of patients treated with a DOAC increased substantially for all cancers over the three time periods evaluated (27.5% to 55.9% to 73.2%, p<0.001). This temporal relationship of increasing DOAC use (vs. LMWH) remained consistent across individual cancer subtypes (p<0.001 for all). Mean anticoagulant treatment duration was 193±143 days for the entire cohort and was longer in patients treated with DOACs vs. LMWHs (226±138 vs. 147±138 days, p<0.001). Conclusions: In this US population, DOACs were increasingly being utilized for the management of CAT patients and for longer treatment durations than LMWHs. The finding of increasing frequency in use of DOACs vs. LMWHs appeared consistent across all major cancer subtypes. Given their common use, future analyses should evaluate the real-world effectiveness and safety of DOACs compared to LMWHs within individual cancer subtypes. Figure 1 Figure 1. Disclosures Coleman: Bayer AG: Consultancy, Honoraria, Research Funding; Janssen Scientific Affairs LLC: Consultancy, Honoraria, Research Funding; Alexion Pharmaceuticals: Research Funding. Abdelgawwad: Bayer AG: Current Employment. Psaroudakis: Bayer AG: Current Employment. Fatoba: Bayer AG: Current Employment. Rivera: Bayer AG: Current Employment. Brobert: Bayer AG: Current Employment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 429 ◽  
pp. 119795
Matteo Paolucci ◽  
Sara Biguzzi ◽  
Chiara Bomprezzi ◽  
Francesco Cordici ◽  
Flavio Di Stasio ◽  

Prologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 237
Yusro Khoyriah ◽  
Eko Harry Susanto

Drinking coffee has become lifestyle of Indonesian people. Coffee is one of the staples most often consumed by Indonesian people. The company that has the largest coffee sales in Indonesia is Starbucks. This research raised the discussion about one of Starbucks promotions, Greener Day. In this there are 2 variables, namely promotion and buying interest variables. In this research writer uses quantitative research collect data with form of survey and using Starbucks in Jakarta as observation unit. Primary data collected by simple random sampling method, and collected by 100 respondents related to Starbucks Greener day promotion. Data analysis using SPSS version 22.0. Based on the results of the research conducted there is a fairly strong level of effectiveness between Starbucks Greener Day Promotion on Instagram to consumer buying interest in Jakarta, because it is at intervals of 0.61-0.80 on the Coefficient of Correlation test results. Through the results of the Partial Influence Significance test (T Test) also showed a significant influence between the Variable Promotion (X) and Buy Interest (Y).Minum kopi sudah menjadi gaya hidup masyarakat Indonesia. Kopi merupakan salah satu bahan pokok yang paling sering dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat Indonesia.  Perusahaan yang memiliki penjualan kopi terbesar di Indonesia adalah Starbucks. Penelitian ini mengangkat pembahasan mengenai salah satu promosi Starbucks yaitu Greener Day.  Didalam ini terdapat 2 variabel,  yaitu variabel promosi dan minat beli.  Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data berupa survei,  dan menggunakan Starbucks di Jakarta sebagai unit observasi. Data primer yang dikumpulkan dengan metode simple random sampling, dan terkumpul sebanyak 100 responden yang berkaitan dengan promosi Starbucks Greener day. Analisis data menggunakan SPSS versi 22.0. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terdapat tingkat efektivitas yang cukup kuat antara Promosi Starbucks Greener day di Instagram terhadap minat beli konsumen di Jakarta, karena berada di interval sebesar 0,61-0,80 pada hasil uji Koefisien Korelasi.  Melalui hasil uji Signifikansi Pengaruh Parsial (Uji T) juga menunjukan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan antara variabel Promosi (X) dan Minat Beli (Y).

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Ivelina Ivanova ◽  
Kaspar Bienefeld

AbstractThe most effective strategy against brood diseases, such as those stemming from infestation by the mite Varroa destructor, is the early detection and removal of sick brood. Recent findings suggest that genes associated with worker bee olfactory perception play a central role in Varroa-sensitive hygiene (VSH). In this study, the odour sensitivity of Apis mellifera drones was examined through proboscis extension response (PER) conditioning. Individuals sensitive/insensitive to the two Varroa-parasitised-brood odours (extract-low and extract-high) were used for breeding. Twenty-one queens from a VSH-selected line (SelQ) and nineteen queens from a nonselected line (ConQ) were single-drone-inseminated with sperm from drones that showed either sensitivity (SenD+) or insensitivity (SenD−) to the two extracts. Individual VSH behaviour in a total of 5072 offspring of these combinations (SelQ × SenD+, SelQ× SenD−, ConQ × SenD+, ConQ × SenD−) was subsequently observed in a specially designed observation unit with infrared light. The results from the video observation were also separately examined, considering the genetic origin (VSH-selected or nonselected line) of the participating queens and drones. While the drone PER conditioning results were not significantly reflected in the VSH results of the respective offspring, the genetic origin of the participating queens/drones was crucial for VSH manifestation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 243-244
Jeffrey Presneill ◽  

Critical care medicine has existed in the world in a recognisable form for about 70years,beginning with the first description of an “anaesthesiologic observation unit” developed for the 1952–1953 Copenhagen poliomyelitis epidemic. Within a very short time, other European and North American reports appeared describing upgraded recovery rooms treating patients with coma, shock or poisoning, and resuscitation emergencies. These new hospital services had elements of triage, rapid treatment and concentrated care, and were soon accommodating an ever larger count of patients with higher levels of acuity within a system formerly designed to care for stable patients.

Rifka C. Schulman-Rosenbaum ◽  
Nina Hadzibabic ◽  
Katherine Cuan ◽  
Donna Jornsay ◽  
Elissa Wolff ◽  

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