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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Carme Montserrat ◽  
Joan Llosada-Gistau ◽  
Marta Garcia-Molsosa ◽  
Ferran Casas

The subjective well-being of children in residential care is a relevant issue given the practical implications for improving the lives of these children who live in contexts of vulnerability. The question addressed in this respect was: “How does this well-being change over the years”? Thus, the aim of this study was to compare the subjective well-being displayed by adolescents aged 11–14 in residential care in Catalonia (north-eastern Spain) in 2014 to that displayed by adolescents in residential care in 2020. To this end, 572 responses to a questionnaire adapted from the Children’s Worlds project (364 from 2014 and 208 from 2020) were analysed with respect to the life satisfaction items. In both 2014 and 2020, the questionnaires had the same wording, and data were disaggregated by gender. No significant differences in means were observed between most of the life satisfaction items in 2014 and 2020, with the exception of satisfaction with friends and classmates and the area where you live, with lower means for these items in 2020. There is a discussion of the possible influence of COVID-19 on these results, while the overall stability of these children’s subjective well-being over the years is highlighted.

2022 ◽  
Vol 40 (S1) ◽  

Drugs are a true menace to our society today. “Drug use on the rise” is an increasingly common headline in newspapers and it is well-known that this is the case. With the topic of drugs becoming more and more common in popular media, youngsters are especially influenced to try drugs. This is not a new problem, as such, and has been a relevant issue in modern society. Coupled with this, the internet plays a huge role in spreading information about emerging drugs (such as synthetic and ‘designer’ drugs). [2] This paper aims to understand the role of the internet’s Deep Web [3] and Bitcoin (and other Crypto currencies) in dealing drugs online.

Amparo Rosa Montellanos SOLIS ◽  
Johnny Félix Farfán PIMENTEL ◽  
Janet Meluzka García RIVEROS ◽  
Luis Carmelo Fuertes MEZA

This article provides an analysis, review of the different bibliographic sources about cooperative work as a fundamental strategy for the acquisition of competences, which strengthens interpersonal relationships, construction of new knowledge, attitudes and the management of skills such as communication, autonomy, leadership, decision-making, motivation in primary school students since at this level, learning depends not only on a single student but on the effort of the group as a whole to achieve the expected purpose. At present it is a relevant issue since it is a strategy that seeks methodological, active, participatory, dynamic change, awakens the interest of students to discover, learn, innovate, internalize, consolidate learning cooperatively working in small groups to expand their learning, seeking the benefit of all in which they assume the role of protagonists of their own learning developing in different contexts, work in a climate of satisfaction, understanding, respect and tolerance. In the first instance, the different conceptions about cooperative work by recognized authors are made known. Second, information is provided on the characteristics, importance of cooperative work, the structure used by the teacher to carry out the activities. Finally, significant contributions of cooperative.

2022 ◽  
pp. 162-171
Chabi Gupta

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve even beyond a second wave, there is an urgent need for business organisations to rethink and reconfigure their strategies for long-term sustainability beyond the pandemic. Many organisations are already making changes in the way they run their businesses and the way they make decisions to emerge stronger. It can be observed that the pandemic has seriously affected the way business organisations are being operated. However, this research suggests during the discussion that what is required is a transformational change rather than a directed one for any business organisation. In the current scenario, AI is being seen as a key enabler for business organisations to be on the path to recovery. What the ‘modus operandi' beyond the pandemic will be is a relevant issue for businesses indicating further need of research in this area. Using financial analytics and AI in combination will bring in a transformational change that might be viewed as the ‘game changer' for businesses beyond the pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4 (114)) ◽  
pp. 28-37
Igor Lutsenko

This study relates to the field of verification of cybernetic estimates of the use of reserves as criteria for the effectiveness of transformative class systems with a continuous supply of a technological product. The task set here attracted even more attention after the advent of improved approaches that make it possible to automatically change the control trajectories of technological systems in real time. In such cases, the assessment of the current status of the process and the efficiency of stock management has become an integral part of the operation of the management subsystems. Therefore, the development and verification of cybernetic assessment of effectiveness for such control systems is a relevant issue. The first stage of the reported research involved the development of a cybernetic model of operation with distributed parameters. Four formal features have been proposed. Finding integral functions of these features has made it possible to obtain an idea of some quantitative characteristics of the process while finding the second time-dependent integral characteristic has made it possible to represent the physical and cybernetic parameters of the process. At the second stage, formulas for calculating the main assessment indicators were proposed; their verification was carried out under three different control trajectories, which showed the adequacy of the devised approach. The final step was to develop three variations of the efficiency formula, which is calculated at set points in time throughout the entire production cycle. Thus, cybernetic assessment of the effectiveness of the use of reserves makes it possible to formalize and fully automate the processes of optimization and adaptation of the functional systems of an enterprise

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 168-176
V.V. Boyko ◽  
A.G. Krasnoyaruzhsky ◽  
A.L. Sochnieva

The treatment of non-specific chronic pleural empyema with bronchial fistulae remains one of the most relevant issues in thoracic surgery. The question about the treatment phasing of bronchial fistulae associated with chronic pleural empyema is yet to be answered. Is it reasonable to seal a bronchial fistula before or after the sanitation and obliteration of the residual pleural cavity? The choice of bronchial fistula sealing technique is also a relevant issue because, in spite of the multitude of techniques, there is still no single doctrine. The terms of traditional and minimally invasive techniques aimed at bronchial fistula sealing and pleural cavity obliteration are not defined, either. This article summarises the opinions of leading authors presented in the literature concerning the solution of this complex, life-threatening problem.

Т.Г. Мухина ◽  
А.В. Паули

В статье рассматривается актуальная проблема формирования готовности кадет к осознанному выбору военной профессии в условиях кадетского образования. Анализ отчетов о результатах самообследования федеральных государственных казенных общеобразовательных учреждений кадетского типа за 2019 и 2020 годы показал, что количество кадет-выпускников, поступивших в военные вузы, невысоко, а оставшихся после первого года обучения в военном вузе — с каждым годом снижается по причине их низкой адаптации и самоопределенности в дальнейшей военной службе. Все это актуализирует проблему формирования готовности кадет к осознанному выбору военной профессии в условиях кадетского образования. В статье приводятся результаты анализа психолого-педагогической литературы, позволившего авторам выявить сущность, содержание и структуру готовности к деятельности в целом и готовности кадет к осознанному выбору военной профессии в частности. Дается авторское определение готовности кадет к осознанному выбору военной профессии как интегративного качества личности, которое включает в себя положительную установку, целостную систему ценностно-ориентированных, когнитивных, эмоционально-волевых, операционно-поведенческих характеристик личности, способствующих осознанному выбору военной профессии. Описываются педагогические условия формирования данной готовности, критерии и показатели ее сформированности с учетом специфики подготовки кадет в образовательных учреждениях кадетского типа. По мнению авторов, обобщенные результаты данного исследования могут послужить некоторыми ориентирами в организации индивидуализированной и дифференцированной профориентационной работы с кадетами. The article treats a relevant issue of ensuring cadets’ readiness to make a conscious choice of a military career. The analysis of cadets’ self-assessment that was held in federal military schools in 2019-2020 shows that the number of cadets who apply to military universities is rather low and the number of students who drop out of a military university after their first year is constantly increasing, which can be explained by cadets’ low readiness to make a conscious choice of a military career. The article defines cadets’ readiness to make a conscious choice of a military career as the entirety of personality traits and positive guidelines, a comprehensive system of values, and a comprehensive system of cognitive, emotional, volitional and behavioural characteristics which enable one to make a conscious choice of a military career. The article describes educational conditions that serve as a prerequisite for the formation of cadets’ readiness to make such a choice. It analyzes criteria that can be used to assess whether cadets are ready to make a conscious choice. The authors believe that the results of the research can be used as guidelines for individual and differentiated instruction of cadets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (4) ◽  
pp. 1340-1360
Jan Eeckhout

Thomas Philippon’s The Great Reversal: How America Gave Up on Free Markets is a remarkable piece of research that draws our attention to a timely and relevant issue: the rise of market power and its macroeconomic implications. The book documents the facts, offers a number of hypotheses to explain those facts, and discusses the policy interventions needed to remedy market power. This essay reviews the contribution of the book, especially the conceptual and empirical foundations that lead to the main conclusions. The main virtue of the book is to offer a wealth of facts and implications that highlight the different aspects of the evolution of market power. This essay also considers instances that permit an alternative viewpoint. First, I maintain that the reliance on concentration indices to measure market power can be misleading. Second, the essay argues that to date there is no evidence that bestows a different experience in the evolution of market power in Europe compared to the United States. Third, the book gives most air time to antitrust and merger review as the main cause. While antitrust is relevant, technological change is at least as, if not more, important for the observed rise of market power. This essay manifests that technological change has fundamental implications for welfare and therefore for policy intervention. (JEL D24, E22, G31, G34, K21, L13)

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. e0111-e0111
Ramo Barrena ◽  

Aim of study: To understand how a consumer’s decision-making process on wine choice varies when faced with labels introducing either a scratch-and-sniff strip or a Thermo-sensitive indicator as a novelty. Area of study: Navarre (Spain). Material and methods: This study applies the laddering survey method based on means-end chain theory to link product attributes to consumption benefits and values pursued. Main results: In the context of these sensory innovations in labeling, the brand name of a product ceases to be of importance in this sector, with the new label becoming the relevant issue, associated with quality and aspects related to social wine consumption. In addition to this, these innovations make the decision-making process more complex by including more aspects of consumers’ personalities. Research highlights: For innovative labeling introducing sensory cues, the complexity of consumers’ selection process increases, the wine brand loses importance and the label design gains importance as a signal of quality. Labeling innovations could be a great opportunity for wine companies with low marketplace positioning to improve their position and obtain better results in a highly competitive market.

José Gómez Galán ◽  
Olga Figueroa Miranda ◽  
Cristina Lázaro Pérez ◽  
Martínez López Jo´sé Ángel

Environmental protection has become, especially in recent decades, a relevant issue thatconcerns people and that is very present in the European and international political agendas.One of the most useful means of raising awareness of the environment and the fight againstclimate change is environmental education. However, this is a specialty not yet speciallydefined, which in the educational fields is offered in different ways (as an independent subject,tangential to others, within science education, etc.). This work aims to defend the need for aninterdisciplinary environmental education that can be presented in any subject. It presents,through a qualitative and descriptive methodology, the theoretical analysis of innovativeeducational practice in the context of secondary education and from the perspective of severalspecialties, focused on the description of the passage in the Europe of the Middle Ages. Theresult offered is a model of classroom programming, articulated through a didactic monographthat is the basis of the practice, which is offered as an example for implementing newproposals for instructional design of environmental education from an interdisciplinaryapproach. The presence of environmental problems in any subject and theme offers the bestframework for the awareness processes so necessary today.

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