energy component
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 2
Jialin Li ◽  
Xinting Yu ◽  
Ella Sciamma-O’Brien ◽  
Chao He ◽  
Joshua A. Sebree ◽  

Abstract In Titan’s nitrogen-methane atmosphere, photochemistry leads to the production of complex organic particles, forming Titan’s thick haze layers. Laboratory-produced aerosol analogs, or “tholins,” are produced in a number of laboratories; however, most previous studies have investigated analogs produced by only one laboratory rather than a systematic, comparative analysis. In this study, we performed a comparative study of an important material property, the surface energy, of seven tholin samples produced in three independent laboratories under a broad range of experimental conditions, and we explored their commonalities and differences. All seven tholin samples are found to have high surface energies and are therefore highly cohesive. Thus, if the surface sediments on Titan are similar to tholins, future missions such as Dragonfly will likely encounter sticky sediments. We also identified a commonality between all the tholin samples: a high dispersive (nonpolar) surface energy component of at least 30 mJ m−2. This common property could be shared by the actual haze particles on Titan as well. Given that the most abundant species interacting with the haze on Titan (methane, ethane, and nitrogen) are nonpolar in nature, the dispersive surface energy component of the haze particles could be a determinant factor in condensate−haze and haze−lake liquid interactions on Titan. With this common trait of tholin samples, we confirmed the findings of a previous study by Yu et al. that haze particles are likely good cloud condensation nuclei for methane and ethane clouds and would likely be completely wetted by the hydrocarbon lakes on Titan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 935 (1) ◽  
pp. 012015
N N Kuzmina ◽  
O Yu Petrov ◽  
V G Semenov ◽  
V V Boronin

Abstract The research is devoted to the study of the influence of the modern antioxidant of the flavonoid group ‘Dihydroquercetin’ as part of the feed combination on the hematological profile and biochemical parameters of the blood of broiler chickens of the KOBB-500 cross. The content of hemoglobin and erythrocytes in the blood of broilers receiving dihydroquercetin increased, which indicates an increase in the intensity of redox processes in the body. The number of leukocytes in all groups was normal, but in the experimental groups their decrease was noted, which indicates the therapeutic and immunostimulating effect of the drug. Evaluation of protein metabolism by the content of total protein and the fraction of albumin in the blood serum showed its positive dynamics within the normal physiological values, which characterizes an increase in the intensity of assimilation processes in the bird’s body. The metabolism of carbohydrates was assessed by the content of glucose in it, and a decrease in its level indicates its increased consumption as an energy component for metabolic processes associated with intensive growth of chickens. An increase in the activity of alkaline phosphatase by 1.3-1.8 times is associated with the active growth of chickens.

2021 ◽  
Vol 946 (1) ◽  
pp. 012020
A S Borisov ◽  
K V Kirillov

Abstract Analysis of natural sea surface oscillations was performed in order to determine maximal spectral energy components in sea waves in the area of Terpeniya Bay. It has been found out that maximal components appear at periods of 5 and 8 seconds and reach energy of 3 · 106 cm2·s during storms. During calm weather maximums can be observed in the range of swell waves, herewith maximums exist at periods of 12 and 15 seconds. Energy of these maximums doesn’t go upper then 8 · 105 cm2·s and 3 · 105 cm2·s accordingly. Maximum components in the infragravity band of energy spectrum were estimated as well. Two steady energy peaks were determined at periods of 75 and 135 seconds, which are most probably relate to edge waves in considered water area.

X.-B. He ◽  
P.-H. Thomas Tam ◽  
G.-B. Long ◽  
P. S. Pal ◽  
Z. Yong.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (5) ◽  
pp. 93-107
Y.S. Chernozomov ◽  

The possibility of using renewable energy sources (RES) for the production of hydrogen fuel, in particular solar radiation energy, without using the stage of generating electricity is considered. A mathematical model of a reflector with anisotropy of electrodynamic properties is presented. According to the analysis, using the described model, conclusions were drawn about the possibility of using this effect to ensure the transmission capacity of the energy component of solar radiation with partial or complete retention of polarization. Based on the data obtained, variants of collimating optical systems of energy concentrators are proposed that are potentially capable of realizing the photolysis process.

2021 ◽  
Nicholas E Bishop ◽  
Phil Wright ◽  
Martin Preutenborbeck

Abstract BackgroundPress-fitted implants are implanted by impaction to ensure adequate seating, but without overloading the components, the surgeon, or the patient. To understand this interrelationship a uniaxial discretised model of the hammer/introducer/implant/bone/soft-tissues was developed. A parametric analysis of applied energy, component materials and geometry, and interaction between implant-bone and bone-soft-tissue was performed, with implant seating and component stresses as outcome variables. ResultsTo reduce stresses without compromising seating, the following outcomes were observed: Less energy per hit with more hits / Increase hammer mass / Decrease introducer mass / Increase implant-bone resistance (eg stem roughness). Material stiffness and patient mechanics were found to be less important.ConclusionsThis simple model provides a basic understanding of how stress waves travel through the impacted system, and an understanding of their relevance to component design.

Crystals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 877
Yu Zhang ◽  
Weizhou Wang

The existence of the π···π stacking interaction is well-known. Similarly, it is reasonable to assume the existence of the σ-hole···σ-hole stacking interaction. In this work, the structures, energies, and nature of the face-to-face σ-hole···σ-hole stacking interactions in the crystal structures have been investigated in detail by the quantum chemical calculations. The calculated results clearly show that the face-to-face σ-hole···σ-hole stacking interactions exist and have unique properties, although their strengths are not very significant. The energy component analysis reveals that, unlike many other dispersion-dominated noncovalent interactions in which the induction energies always play minor roles for their stabilities, for the face-to-face σ-hole···σ-hole stacking interaction the contribution of the induction energy to the total attractive energy is close to or even larger than that of the electrostatic energy. The structures, energies, and nature of the face-to-face σ-hole···σ-hole stacking interactions confined in small spaces have also been theoretically simulated. One of the important findings is that encapsulation of the complex bound by the face-to-face σ-hole···σ-hole stacking interaction can tune the electronic properties of the container.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 161-176
Olga Vladislavovna Balberova ◽  
Elena Gennadyevna Sidorkina ◽  
Ksenia Sergeevna Koshkina ◽  
Judit Kopkáné Plachy ◽  

Introduction. Nowadays, the theory of sports does not contain clear criteria for assessing sports fitness, which would reflect the model characteristics of competition performance. The article presents the research results on the functional state of athletes with different training process specifics as model characteristics of competition performance. The aim of the research is to identify and describe the model characteristics of competition performance as the main criterion for evaluating sports training in the theory of sports. Materials and Methods. Energy component of athletes’ functional fitness was studied in 80 qualified athletes (Candidates for Master of Sports, Masters of Sports, International Masters of Sports), specializing in running short, medium and long distances during the period of training for competitions. The study of the energy component was conducted using the inventory developed by B. F. Vashlyaev et al. (‘A method for evaluating physical performance based on minute volume of breathing dynamics ratio to increasing load power’). This method allows to identify which source of energy is used by the athlete while taking a cycle ergometer testing. Results. The authors identified the model characteristics of functional fitness in athletes with different training specifics, based on the energy component. The study provides physiological grounding from the point of view of appropriate interaction of energy supply systems. The key regulatory mechanisms associated with the metabolic reactions activation of adenosine triphosphate molecules production are described. Conclusions. Model characteristics of athletes' competition performance, obtained in this research, can be used by coaches in order to manage sports training effectively. Moreover, the identified model characteristics can be used as the main criteria for evaluating sports training in sports theory.

2021 ◽  
Brian Post ◽  
Celeste Atkins ◽  
Amiee Jackson ◽  
Phillip Chesser ◽  
Alex Roschli ◽  

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