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Published By Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University


2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 80-95
Sergei Alevtinovich Smirnov ◽  

Introduction. The purpose of the article is to consider the consequences of the virtual shift or virtual inversion, which has led to blurring the structure of the act of development proposed within the framework of cultural-historical psychology. In this regard, the problem is the need to develop an alternative to this phenomenon of inversion, and returning a person (both a school student and an adult mediator) their basic roles as subjects of development. Materials and Methods. The conceptual ideas of cultural-historical psychology including the idea of mediation, objective action, the semantic field, the role of an adult as a mediator in an act of development, were used as a methodological background of the research. Results. The article is the second part of the author’s previous publication. The paper considers the concept derived from L. S. Vygotsky’s cultural-historical psychology, which is proposed to be adopted as a basic one in order to build an explanatory model used by the author to describe and comprehend the phenomenon of transformation of the human development process in the new reality of the digital environment. The article introduces the basic principles and provisions, the explanatory model is built on, concerning the role of symbolic-instrumental mediation in human development, the role of an adult as a mediator, the structure of the act of thinking and the act of development, the basic mechanism of mastering a person's behavior, which permeates the formation of higher mental functions. The author compares this explanatory model and the behavioral model used in most modern research investigations that examine the impact of digital technologies on schoolchildren and students. The language of the model of cultural-historical psychology is used to clarify the reality of the current virtual shift (virtual inversion), according to which the main provisions that play the role of supports in the cultural-historical model are subjected to radical revision and transformation, due to which the process of human cultural development is called into question. In this regard, the author proposes to use the resource and project potential of cultural-historical psychology in order to develop new models on its basis, build a new research and project agenda that returns the main ideas of cultural-historical psychology within the framework of a new mixed hybrid reality, where digital technologies are becoming the tools of personal development. Conclusions. In conclusion, the work offers a cultural task for the further development of cultural-historical psychology. It is proposed to restore the adult-student relationship, restore the idea and the role of the semantic field for teaching a subject action, restore children's communities within the new social-digital hybrid reality, where digital technologies do not act as means enslaving students, but as smart mediators-assistants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 142-159
Olga Alexandrovna Latuha ◽  

Introduction. The article presents a review of scholarly literature and the author's assessment of the potential for sustainable development of a medical organization. The purpose of the article is to describe the author's methodology for assessing the potential for sustainable development, and to evaluate the effectiveness of its application in a medical organization. Materials and Methods. The study used the following research methods: comparative analysis, T.L. Saati, and the author’s methodology for assessing the potential for sustainable development of a medical organization. Results. In the process of analyzing the methodology for self-assessment of the maturity on the way to achieving the sustainable development of the ISO 9004 standard organization, the author revealed a number of problems. They include low sensitivity to individual assessment of processes, the lack of a mathematical expression of the level of development for certain areas of activity, and the absence of an integral indicator sensitive to minimal changes. The author describes in detail process of developing her methodology for assessing the potential for sustainable development of an organization and illustrates the application of this methodology within a medical organization for evaluating sustainable development in statics and dynamics. Conclusions. Finally, conclusions are drawn about the ways of applying the author's assessment methodology by the head of the medical organization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 121-141
Alena Aleksandrovna Varakuta ◽  
Pavel Yurievich Shelomentsev ◽  
Elena Vasilevna Andrienko ◽  

Introduction. The authors investigate a wide range of assessment systems in modern education. They analyze and compare changes in educational assessment procedures, taking into account the periodization of their development and modern requirements and standards. The purpose of the article is to identify and clarify various types of assessment systems and assessment procedures in the context of historical development. Materials and Methods. This theoretical research includes analysis, comparison, and generalization of Russian and international studies on the development of assessment systems based on the concept of the historical and socio-cultural determination of education. The study follows systemic, learner-centered and activity-based approaches in order to present the dynamics of the development of educational assessment as a system comprising interconnected parts and socio-psychological factors. Results. The authors clarified the essence of the dual nature of educational assessment as a didactic and socio-psychological phenomenon. They described the relationship between assessment procedures and the quality of modern education. The study identified the main periods in the development of educational assessment based on the criteria for changing the requirements for the content of education, as well as changes in the assessment system regarding tasks, methods, forms of assessment, point scales and methods of motivation. The authors have developed and justified the historical periodization of educational assessment, which includes eight main stages. The main types of assessment including partial assessment, effective assessment, systemic assessment, standardized assessment, formative assessment, summative assessment, evaluation for management, and rating assessment have been identified and described. Conclusions. The article concludes that modern education implements eight main types of assessment, which have been developed in a historical context. At the same time, standardization of education is considered as the main trend in the formation of assessment systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 7-30
Larisa Aleksandrovna Novopashina ◽  
Evgenya Gerbovna Grigorieva ◽  
Darya Vladimirovna Kuzina ◽  
Julia Alexandrovna Cherkasova ◽  

Introduction. The article addresses the problem of assessing teachers’ professional deficiencies. The purpose of the research is to identify the essential factors determining the connection between teachers’ professional deficiencies and learning outcomes of schoolchildren. Materials and Methods. In order to study the relationship between teachers’ professional deficiencies and schoolchildren’s learning outcomes, the authors have developed a model of teachers’ professional deficiencies and followed a comprehensive research approach. The sample consisted of 3375 teachers who were interviewed. The authors analyzed the results of National Examinations (the Unified State Exams) of higher educational institutions applicants from 50 municipalities of the region. The method of factor analysis revealed a stable system of latent properties of teachers’ professional deficiencies affecting learning outcomes. The materials and methods that formed the basis of this study were obtained with the support of Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund for the Support of Research and Scientific-Technical Activities within the framework of the project “Comprehensive study of professional shortcomings and difficulties of teachers of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”. Results. The research findings consist in the developed system of factors obtained by indirect measurements. The content structure and characteristics of teachers’ professional deficiencies determining teaching effectiveness are revealed. It has been established that the selected groups of factors have a specific representation in each subject area. The results of teaching students in various subjects depend on the specifics of teachers’ professional deficiencies. The identified set of factors in the subject areas of “Mathematics”, “Literature”, “History”, “English” has a complex structure of the selected properties and is more diverse than in “Russian”, “Social Studies” and “Biology”. It is established that the theoretical model of teachers’ professional deficits has its own subject expression. Conclusions. Conclusions are drawn about the stability of the identified system of latent properties of teachers’ professional deficiencies, on which the results of schoolchildren's education depend. The authors emphasize that the established connection between teachers’ professional deficiencies and the results of schoolchildren's education contributes to the development of professional development programs and can become the main work of professional development centers for educators.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 179-194
Tatiana Victorovna Ermolova ◽  
Natal’ya Vasil’evna Savitskaya ◽  
Ol’ga Vital’evna Dedova ◽  
Alexandra Victorovna Guzova ◽  

Introduction. The article presents a retrospective analysis of tools for teaching foreign languages in the context of changing educational paradigms, as a reaction to the dominance of the new approach formulated as a result of the evolution of the digital model within foreign language instruction. The purpose of the article is to justify the choice of universal tools for teaching foreign languages, relevant to the modern educational paradigm, the main characteristic feature of which is responsible self-education (learner autonomy). Materials and Methods. To achieve the aim of the study, the following research methods were used: general research methods including dialectical, analysis and synthesis of scholarly literature, comparisons and analogies, reviewing, summarizing information obtained from modern academic sources, and special research methods containing system and comparative analysis, etc. The study was carried out in line with the concept of informatization of education and followed communicative, competence, contextual, learner-centered and activity-based approaches to foreign language instruction. Results. Firstly, the author substantiated the need for accepting the fact that in the conditions of mass industrialization, the educational ecosystem is transferring to a new educational paradigm, consequently, it is necessary to transform the very mechanism of organizing educational process, in particular, foreign language instruction. Secondly, a retrospective analysis of foreign language teaching tools in the context of changing educational paradigms has been conducted, as a reaction to the dominance of the new approach formulated as a result of the evolution of the digital resource model within foreign language instruction, namely SCALL-, MALL- and RALL-approaches. Thirdly, the author has put forward a hypothesis about a universal tool for teaching foreign languages, relevant to the modern educational digital competence paradigm. Conclusions. The author argues that at the present stage, virtual (electronic) educational platforms can be adopted as universal tools for teaching foreign languages relevant to the modern educational paradigm, the main characteristic of which is responsible self-education (learner autonomy), the practice of using those is quite common for Russia, including conditions of autonomous education. In the medium term, mobile training tools can be considered as universal, however, it is necessary to systematize the practice of testing them in educational settings of various levels. In the long term, products ‘generated’ by RALL evolution, including learning tools with artificial intelligence, can be considered as universal tools for teaching foreign languages. Taking into account the fact, that such products as chat bots are just beginning to be used for educational purposes, it is assumed that they will become understandable, adaptive and, as a result, universal digital tools of foreign language instruction including autonomous learning only in the distant future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 96-119
Yury Viktorovich Pushkarev ◽  
Elena Aleksandrovna Pushkareva ◽  

Introduction. The study examines the ambiguous attitude of the scholarly community to the changes occurring in the education system, in general, and to the use of digital technologies within education, in particular. The aim of this study is to reveal the specifics of the educational changes on the basis of a critical review of research investigations, analysis of value factors determining the problems of integration of digital information and communication technologies in education before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and Methods. The research methodology includes the analysis and generalization of international and Russian refereed research literature investigating the problems of information developments of society, virtualization of cognitive processes and the development of education. Results. The research findings indicate the specificity of highly critical attitudes of the scholarly community to the use of digital technologies in education and to the current outcomes of the use of the virtual environment in the educational process. The authors emphasize that, in contrast to the situation of the previous stage, there is a particularly pronounced mediated nature of communication in the virtual space, which, as a consequence, determines the possibility of losing a range of informative elements in the process of communicative exchange. In this regard, the focus of the study is on the issues of formative assessment and feedback in the process of virtual communication in education. The authors clarify and define modern educational changes. They argue that virtualization in modern educational practice is the most important factor influencing, first of all, value orientations of the individual. The content of value orientations is changing as well. Values are being re-estimated; attention is focused on the values of safety and health. In this concern, the main attention is shifted to the following issues: the influence of digital learning on the functional body responses, the safety of educational interaction, individuals’ adaptation to altered conditions, and formation of adaptive developmental mechanisms. Conclusions. In conclusion, the authors summarize the main characteristic features and value factors which determine the problems of integration of digital information and communication technologies in education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 46-60
Elena Aleksandrovna Chereneva ◽  
Xiaoli Li ◽  
Irina Yakovlevna Stoyanova ◽  

Introduction. The authors investigate psychological characteristics of self-regulation in primary schoolchildren with cognitive impairments. The purpose of the article is to identify key determinants of the manifestation of self-regulation as the leading mechanism of adaptation. The results obtained can contribute to developing psychological support programs within school conditions and facilitate adaptive strategies of behavior and components of self-regulation. Materials and Methods. The methodological foundations of the research included leading positions of psychology about the formation of the behavior of children with cognitive disabilities. The research was carried out in the logic of the ascertaining psychological and educational experiment; the material obtained from the collection of empirical data was analyzed and generalized. The sample consisted of 456 schoolchildren aged between 8 and 11 years, who were divided into three groups: NID (normal intellectual development), MR (mental retardation) and MID (mild intellectual disability). The data obtained were interpreted and subjected to statistical analysis using various methods of mathematical and statistical processing: the reliability of differences according to statistical criteria, the F * angular transformation, the criterion for comparing the distribution of Pearson χ2 levels, correlation analysis, and the method of correlation pleiades. Results. The research findings include identifying the main psychological characteristics of self-regulation in primary schoolchildren with cognitive impairment. The research data enabled to develop self-regulation skills in schoolchildren with cognitive impairment. The results obtained are considered as a socio-psychological resource for improving cognitive health in primary schoolchildren. Conclusions. The study concludes that after identifying the psychological characteristics of self-regulation in primary schoolchildren with impaired cognitive health, it is possible to develop programs of psychological assistance for educational settings. The research data can be used within educational settings teaching children with cognitive disabilities to increase the effectiveness of classroom and extracurricular activities and their successful integration into society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 62-79
Sergei Alevtinovich Smirnov ◽  

Introduction. The purpose of this study was to analyze L. S. Vygotsky’s cultural-historical psychology from the perspective of distinguishing the structure of the act of development within its framework and understanding its explanatory potential as a whole. This analysis enables to clarify and understand the essence of the digital and virtual shift. Moreover, it is required in order to overcome the limitations associated with the currently dominant behavioral models, which are used by researchers in their attempts to explain and describe the phenomenon of the influence of digital technologies on people, in particular, on schoolchildren and students. Materials and Methods. The paper considers the concept derived from L. S. Vygotsky’s cultural-historical psychology, which is proposed to be adopted as a basic one in order to build an explanatory model used by the author to describe and comprehend the phenomenon of transformation of the human development process in the new reality of the digital environment. Results. The article introduces the basic principles and provisions, the explanatory model is built on, concerning the role of symbolic-instrumental mediation in human development, the role of an adult as a mediator, the structure of the act of thinking and the act of development, the basic mechanism of mastering a person's behavior, which permeates the formation of higher mental functions. The author compares this explanatory model and the behavioral model used in most modern research investigations that examine the impact of digital technologies on schoolchildren and students. Conclusions. The findings show that the student is presented in the behavioral model as a passive reactive being that reacts to external stimuli. In this sense, a human being is not treated as a personality with highest abilities, but is considered as a function. The proposed model cannot be used to explain and comprehend modern development processes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 31-45
Tatyana Aleksandrovna Garyova ◽  

Introduction. The author investigates the problem of communicative development of children with dysarthria. The purpose of the research is to reveal the characteristic features of the variability of speech and motor processes in children with dysarthria (in particular, with a mild degree of pseudobulbar dysarthria) and to prove the existence of comorbidity levels of the disorders under study. Materials and Methods. The research is based on international and Russian refereed studies into language and speech, movements for organizing the communicative development of children with dysarthria (L. V. Lopatina, O. G. Prikhodko, T. V. Tumanova, T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina, Michael Robb, Kathleen Wermke). The research program was complemented by the application of an innovative technology based on biofeedback - Pablo System. The experimental study was conducted at preschool educational settings in Moscow (the Russian Federation). The sample consisted of 450 older preschool children with dysarthria (with a mild degree of pseudobulbar dysarthria) and a similar number of peers without speech disorders. Results. The article describes a modern interdisciplinary problem of studying speech and language and movement disorders in children with dysarthria (mild degree of pseudobulbar dysarthria, erased dysarthria, minimal dysarthric disorders) in the context of determining their codependency and conjugation. The study revealed variative characteristics of speech and language disorders and movement disorders in children with dysarthria. General and specific errors of speech and language and motor disorders in preschoolers of the experimental group were determined. The levels of comorbidity of speech-language and motor processes in children with dysarthria have been identified and scientifically substantiated. Conclusions. In conclusion, the author summarizes the main features of the variability of speech, language and motor processes in children with dysarthria.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 161-178
Nataliia Evgenjevna Merkish ◽  

Introduction. The article examines the problem of using authentic media texts in the professional foreign language instruction of students studying international relations. The purpose of the article is to identify the main advantages and controversial aspects of using foreign media texts, to propose a step-by-step algorithm for their analysis, as well as recommendations aimed at neutralizing their impact on students. Materials and Methods. For this study, the following methods were used: analysis of scholarly and theoretical literature and authentic teaching materials, survey and questionnaires, analysis of empirical data and their systematization. The empirical study was conducted over two years. The research sample consisted of university students from nine groups (n = 79) studying advanced German as a second foreign language at MGIMO University of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Results. The article summarizes the experience of studying the process of professionally oriented foreign language teaching, built on the basis of authentic media texts. The advantages of their application are revealed: the texts of foreign language media are available, relevant, and diverse in style and genre characteristics. They are considered as a source of cultural and professional-relevant information. Their implementation has a positive effect on the development of all language skills and types of speech, affects the development of verbal and non-verbal speech, and increases motivation. The negative aspects include the following: foreign texts often have an ideological orientation, consequently, they are able to influence the recipient’s opinion, their consciousness and subconsciousness, manipulate ideas about events and phenomena of the surrounding reality. The proposed algorithm for analyzing the media text includes the following stages: evaluating the mass media, analyzing the subject matter of the text, considering the historical period of its writing, identifying the main realities, hypotheses and argumentation of the author, and ideologized structures. The final stages are comparing the source with texts in a foreign or native language, building a personal position, and mastering lexical and grammatical means of expression. Conclusions. As a result of the study, with the aim of using the advantages and leveling the negative impact, recommendations were proposed and an algorithm for analyzing the media text was developed. The implementation of this algorithm allows students to preserve their cultural identity, and prepare for professional communication.

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