cylindrical cavity
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Géotechnique ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 1-35
S. L. Chen ◽  
Y. N. Abousleiman

A novel graphical analysis-based method is proposed for analysing the responses of a cylindrical cavity expanding under undrained conditions in modified Cam Clay soil. The essence of developing such an approach is to decompose and represent the strain increment/rate of a material point graphically into the elastic and plastic components in the deviatoric strain plane. It allows the effective stress path in the deviatoric plane to be readily determined by solving a first-order differential equation with the Lode angle being the single variable. The desired limiting cavity pressure and pore pressure can be equally conveniently evaluated, through basic numerical integrations with respect to the mean effective stress. Some ambiguity is clarified between the generalized (work conjugacy-based) shear strain increments and the corresponding deviatoric invariants of incremental strains. The present graph-based approach is also applicable for the determination of the stress and pore pressure distributions around the cavity. When used for predicting the ultimate cavity/pore pressures, it is computationally advantageous over the existing semi-analytical solutions that involve solving a system of coupled governing differential equations for the effective stress components. It thus may serve potentially as a useful and accurate interpretation of the results of in-situ pressuremeter tests on clay soils.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 440
Zhanghui Zhai ◽  
Yaguo Zhang ◽  
Shuxiong Xiao ◽  
Tonglu Li

Soil structure has significant influences on the mechanical behaviors of natural soils, although it is rarely considered in previous cavity expansion analyses. This paper presents an undrained elastoplastic solution for cylindrical cavity expansion in structured soils, considering the destructuration effects. Firstly, a structural ratio was defined to denote the degree of the initial structure, and the Structured Cam Clay (SCC) model was employed to describe the subsequent stress-induced destructuration, including the structure degradation and crushing. Secondly, combined with the large strain theory, the considered problem was formulated as a system of first-order differential equations, which can be solved in a simplified procedure with the introduced auxiliary variable. Finally, the significance and efficiency of the present solution was demonstrated by comparing with the previous solutions, and parametric studies were also conducted to investigate the effects of soil structure and destructuration on the cavity expansion process. The results show that the soil structure has pronounced effects on the mechanical behavior of structured soils around the cavity. For structured soils, a cavity pressure that is larger than the corresponding reconstituted soils when the cavity expands to the same radius is required, and the effective stresses first increase to a peak value before decreasing rapidly with soil structure degradation and crushing. The same final critical state is reached for soils with different degrees of the initial structure, which indicates that the soil structure is completely destroyed during the cavity expansion. With the increase of the destructuring index, the soil structure was destroyed more rapidly, and the stress release during the plastic deformation became more significant. Moreover, the present solution was applied in the jacking of a casing during the sand compact pile installation and in situ self-boring pressuremeter (SBPM) tests, which indicates that the present solution provides an effective theoretical tool for predicting the behavior of natural structured soils around the cavity.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (22) ◽  
pp. 7565
Jun He ◽  
Ke Wang ◽  
Jiangang Li

The conductive components of the pyro-breaker in the quench protection system (QPS) have high current density, a large number of electrical contacts and high thermal flux. The water system needs to meet the requirements of cooling and arc extinguishing at the same time. In a previous study, the bottleneck of the steady-state capacity appeared in the barrel conductor of the commutation section, which has a cylindrical cavity. The thermal stability of the commutation section at 100 kA level was simulated in ANSYS/Workbench. The results indicate a certain level of enhancement of the convective heat transfer coefficient of the cavity is required to reach the current capacity. However, the fluid flow inside the cavity is very complex, and the convective heat transfer coefficient is difficult to calculate. In this paper, Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is applied to the optimization of the cooling water system of the pyro-breaker. By studying the enhancement method of convective heat transfer, optimization of the structure and processing method of the water channel are proposed. The convective heat transfer coefficients of the cylindrical cavity in these optimizations were calculated in CFX. A set of optimizations of the cavity, which can meet the requirements of China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR), were obtained and verified by experiments.

Ayad T. Mustafa ◽  
Mohammed M. Hadi

Solar energy reaching Earth can be used as promising renewable energy to overcome the challenges of steam generation processes. Solar concentrators suffer from fine adjustment of solar radiation concentration and high investment cost. Therefore, multi-configuration receivers named the cylindrical cavity receiver, helical receiver, and the absorber-evaporator-tank have been manufactured from the coiled copper tube and brass plates, respectively. Then, they are tested and compared to improve the performance of steam generators. The performance of the absorber-evaporator-tank receiver has been compared with the cylindrical cavity receiver and helical receiver for a period from 10 am to 12 pm. The present investigation shows that the boiling point of water increasing when the pressure of generated steam increases particularly inside the coiled tube, which affects the dryness fraction of the generated steam. The present results show that the efficiency of the absorber-evaporator-tank is greater than the cylindrical cavity and helical receivers for the tested period. It is found that the thermal efficiency for the absorber-evaporator-tank doubles at noon, which indicates an effective solar receiver for generating steam.

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