stress path
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2022 ◽  
Ruqaiya Al Zadjali ◽  
Sandeep Mahaja ◽  
Mathieu M. Molenaar

Abstract Hydraulic Fracturing (HF) is widely used in PDO in low permeability tight gas formations to enhance production. The application of HF has been expanded to the Oil South as conventional practice in enhancing the recovery and production at lower cost. HF stimulation is used in a number of prospects in the south Oman, targeting sandstone formations such as Gharif, Al Khlata, Karim and Khaleel, most of which have undergone depletion. Fracture dimension are influenced by a combination of operational, well design and subsurface parameters such as injected fluid properties, injection rate, well inclination and azimuth, rock mechanical properties, formation stresses (i.e. fracture pressures) etc. Accurate fracture pressure estimate in HF design and modeling improves reliability of HF placement, which is the key for improved production performance of HF. HF treatments in the studied fields provide large volumes of valuable data. Developing standardized tables and charts can streamline the process to generate input parameters for HF modeling and design in an efficient and consistent manner. Results of the study can assist with developing guidelines and workflow and for HF operations. Field HF data from more than 100 wells in south Oman fields were analyzed to derive the magnitude of breakdown pressure (BP), Fracture Breakdown Pressure (FBP), Instantaneous Shut-In Pressure (ISIP) pressure, and Fracture Closure Pressure (FCP) and develop input correlations for HF design. Estimated initial FCP (in-situ pore pressure conditions) is in the range of 15.6 - 16 kPa/mTVD at reservoir formation pressure gradient of about 10.8 kPa/m TVD bdf. However, most of the fields have undergone variable degree of depletion prior to the HF operation. Horizontal stresses in the reservoir decrease with depletion, it is therefore important to assess the reduction of FCP with reduction in pore pressure (stress depletion). Depletion stress path coefficient (i.e. change on FCP as a fraction of change in pore pressure) was derived based on historic field data and used to predict reduction of FCP as a function of future depletion. Data from this field indicates that the magnitude of decrease in fracture pressure is about 50% of the pore pressure change. Based on the data analysis of available HF data, standardized charts and tables were developed to estimate FCP, FBP, and ISIP values. Ratios of FBP and ISIP to FCP were computed to establish trend with depth to provide inputs to HF planning and design. Results indicate FBP/FCP ratio ranges between 1.24-1.35 and ISIP/FCP ratio ranges between 1.1 to 1.2. Developed workflow and standardized tables, charts and trends provide reliable predictions inputs for HF modeling and design. Incorporating these data can be leveraged to optimize parameters for HF design and modeling for future wells.

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Bantayehu Uba Uge ◽  
Yuancheng Guo ◽  
Yunlong Liu

Abstract Ensuring the safety of existing structures is an important issue when planning and executing adjacent new foundation pit excavations. Hence, understanding the stress state conditions experienced by the soil element behind a retaining wall at a given location during different excavation stages has been a key observational modelling aspect of the performance of excavations. By establishing and carrying out sophisticated soil–structure interaction analyses, stress paths render clarity on soil deformation mechanism. On the other hand, column-type soft ground treatment has recently got exceeding attention and practical implementation. So, the soil stress–strain response to excavation-induced disturbances needs to be known as well. To this end, this paper discusses the stress change and redistribution phenomena in a treated ground based on 3D numerical analyses. The simulation was verified against results from a 1 g indoor experimental test conducted on composite foundation reinforced with long and short cement–fly ash–gravel (CFG) pile adjacent to a moving rigid retaining wall. It was observed that the stress path for each monitoring point in the shallow depth undergoes a process of stress unloading at various dropping amounts of principal stress components in a complex manner. The closer the soil element is to the wall, the more it experiences a change in principal stress components as the wall movement progresses; also, the induced stress disturbance weakens significantly as the observation point becomes farther away from the wall. Accordingly, the overall vertical load-sharing percentage of the upper soil reduces proportionally.

Géotechnique ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 1-35
S. L. Chen ◽  
Y. N. Abousleiman

A novel graphical analysis-based method is proposed for analysing the responses of a cylindrical cavity expanding under undrained conditions in modified Cam Clay soil. The essence of developing such an approach is to decompose and represent the strain increment/rate of a material point graphically into the elastic and plastic components in the deviatoric strain plane. It allows the effective stress path in the deviatoric plane to be readily determined by solving a first-order differential equation with the Lode angle being the single variable. The desired limiting cavity pressure and pore pressure can be equally conveniently evaluated, through basic numerical integrations with respect to the mean effective stress. Some ambiguity is clarified between the generalized (work conjugacy-based) shear strain increments and the corresponding deviatoric invariants of incremental strains. The present graph-based approach is also applicable for the determination of the stress and pore pressure distributions around the cavity. When used for predicting the ultimate cavity/pore pressures, it is computationally advantageous over the existing semi-analytical solutions that involve solving a system of coupled governing differential equations for the effective stress components. It thus may serve potentially as a useful and accurate interpretation of the results of in-situ pressuremeter tests on clay soils.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Yong-Zhi Jiu ◽  
Zhen Zhang ◽  
Xiang-Yu Zhang

A model test system for vertical bearing characteristics of the jacked piles in saturated soil foundations under excavation has been introduced. The system device comprises a soil pressure loading system, a model pile loading system, a soil vacuum saturation system, a model box, a model pile, and a control and data acquisition system. The soil vacuum saturation system designed for the model box of this test device can ensure that the saturated soil in the model box can reach a higher degree of saturation. Loading and unloading were conducted on the soil sample in the model box through the soil pressure loading system to simulate the soil excavation so that the soil sample and that in the field have the same stress state and history. The soil consolidation pressure, pile jacking pressure, pile tip force, soil consolidation settlement, and pile displacement at the top were collected and monitored in real time through the control and data acquisition system. This device is used to conduct an experimental study on the bearing characteristics of the jacked piles in saturated silt foundations under excavation. The results indicate that the static load test increases the residual pressure on the tip of the jacked pile while also increasing soil stiffness at pile tip and ultimate tip resistance, thereby increasing the pile top stiffness and ultimate load-carrying capacity. However, when the jacked pile is left undisturbed for the same time, the static load test on the jacked pile does not affect the pile skin friction resistance. There is a better linear relationship between the pile skin friction resistance and the undrained shear strength of the soil under the corresponding stress path during the static load test of the normally consolidated soil and the jacked pile after overburden pressure unloading. There is a good linear relationship between the ultimate resistance and the undrained shear strength of the soil under the corresponding stress path in pile sinking, normally consolidated soil, and during the static load test on jacked pile after unloading.

Mutyala Gowtham Kumar ◽  
Gali Madhavi Latha

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (23) ◽  
pp. 11439
Lijun Sun ◽  
Yicheng Ye ◽  
Binyu Luo ◽  
Nanyan Hu ◽  
Pengcheng Li

An inclined pillar is a typical support structure under compression and shear loads for underground mining. The shear load caused by the inclination of the ore-body affects the bearing capacity of the pillar. At present, there is no systematic investigation on the influence of shear load on the stress state evolution and bearing capacity of the inclined pillar. Additionally, there is still a lack of effective evaluation of the bearing capacity of the inclined pillar in the presence of additional shear load. In this research, the theoretical analysis method is used to solve these problems. First, the compressive and shear load components on the inclined pillar were calculated by the tributary area method, and the average stress state of the inclined pillar, considering the influence of the shear load, was characterized by a series of generalized stress circles. The factors that affect the shear load, such as the area extraction ratio, the inclination of the ore-body, and the in-situ stress ratio, were analyzed, and it reveals that there are three kinds of stress paths of the inclined pillar and their trajectories are straight line, circle, and curve, respectively. Then, a shear strength model was proposed to evaluate the bearing capacity of inclined pillars. The expression of this model is multiplied by a vertical pillar strength model and a dimensionless coefficient that is named the contribution factor of shear load (CFSL). Some cases of inclined pillars were employed to verify the rationality of this model. Finally, the factors that affect the bearing capacity of pillars were analyzed. This investigation presents that the shear load affects the stress path and determines the bearing capacity of the pillar. Therefore, the shear load should not be neglected in pillar design and stability analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (11) ◽  
pp. 04021213
Mincai Jia ◽  
Wensen Luo ◽  
Yunhong Zhou ◽  
Shun Zhao ◽  
Zhen Zhang

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