Periódico Eletrônico Fórum Ambiental da Alta Paulista
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Published By Anap - Associacao Amigos De Natureza De Alta Paulista


Helder Henrique de Faria ◽  
Andréa Soares Pires ◽  
Paulo Jancar Curi

This work presents the monitoring of the effectiveness of the management of the Morro do Diabo State Park, Sao Paulo, Brazil, during fourteen years (2002-2016), divided into six-time cuts for which management effectiveness indices were obtained. This protected area (PA) of category II of the World Conservation Union is responsible for the conservation of important species of Brazilian biodiversity, especially the leonthopitecus chrysopygus, which until the 1980s was considered the most endangered primate of the planet and which this park has its largest free population in nature. The methodological procedure used was an adaptation of the one proposed by Cifuentes, Izurieta, and Faria (2000), commonly denominated EMAP, an acronym of the initials in Spanish. The results indicate that at the beginning of the analyzed period the AP had reasonable conditions for its management, although it presented difficulties related to planning and administration, problems solved from a joint organizational and local effort, prioritizing actions for results. The management quality standard gradually increased, with a greater perception of the scope of the area's management objectives, since in addition to the ecosystem services resulting from its existence, the PA started to offer real benefits to the community by improving and increasing public use and environmental education, for example. However, the effectiveness of management has decreased to previous levels, having as main factors endogenous aspects of the management system linked to indicators limited to management, with repercussions on other management components.

Tiago Vinicius Silva Athaydes ◽  
Jefferson de Queiroz Crispim ◽  
Mauro Parolin

Sanitation in rural areas in Brazil is still very precarious, with deficits greater than in urban areas. In this sense, the central objective of this research is to evaluate the role of the Municipal Surveillance in the management of water quality in rural properties in the Midwestern region of Paraná, covering the beginning of the monitoring of water quality, the relationship of the Consolidation Ordinance No. 5 of 2017 of the Ministry of Health regarding the choices of parameters on potability indices in relation to the parameters analyzed in the Surveillance, the presence of outbreaks due to diseases arising from the consumption of contaminated water, the demand by residents and the partners who contribute to the realization of these activities. The data were obtained through the application of a semi-structured questionnaire, through the 11th Health Regional Office of Campo Mourão. It was presented that the municipalities have acted in the monitoring of water quality in an uneven way at the beginning of the activities, following the parameters of the Ordinance. The municipalities had demands and demands from residents and counted on the 11th Health Regional Office as the main partner in the monitoring support. Only Iretama presented an outbreak due to the consumption of contaminated water.

Isadora Vitali Lobo ◽  
Juliana Heloisa Pinê Américo-Pinheiro

The treatment and disposal of domestic sewage is one of Brazil's main challenges. Sewage composition varies with the habits of the population and the frequency with which new contaminants are released into the environment. This study is a bibliographical review of the main aspects related to the characterization and composition of sanitary sewage, types of sewage treatment systems and pertinent legislation; and toxicity of domestic effluents. The review was based on publications available on Science Direct, Google Scholar and Scielo, as well as on printed publications, relevant legislation, and normative instructions. The research period adopted for the selection of publications was from 2005 to 2021. We found out that, in addition to the levels of organic matter from domestic sewage, residues from products used in daily life, such as pharmaceuticals and cleaning products, can be found in effluents in concentrations harmful to the environment. Often, the types of treatment used in municipal sewage treatment plants do not efficiently remove these contaminants. Thus, even if sewage is treated to meet the limits required for the physical-chemical and biological parameters established by law, domestic effluent can present a high potential for toxicity to various aquatic species such as microcrustaceans, mollusks and fish. Thus, ecotoxicological analyses represent a remarkable mechanism for indicating the efficiency of removal of emerging contaminants present in treated sanitary effluent, in addition to indicating the deleterious effects caused by these residues to the environment and ecosystems associated with the receiving water body.

Isadora Vitali Lobo ◽  
César Gustavo da Rocha Lima ◽  
José Augusto Di Lollo

Urbanization in hydrographic basins promotes changes in the hydrological cycle through the impermealized areas. Not only surface runoff is increased, reducing infiltration, but also the susceptibility to extreme hydrological events. The objective of this study is to analyze the natural susceptibility of Córregos Barbosa e Barbosinha (Barbosa and Barbosinha Brooks) watershed to flooding. Morphometric parameters of land use and occupation were analyzed, in order to subsidize management and planning in an area of urban expansion. The analysis of land use and occupation was based on the supervised classification method of Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) sensor and Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager sensor (OLI) satellite images dated 1990, 2006 and 2020. Morphometric indices were calculated using the SPRING 5.4.3 software and a SRTM image with a spatial resolution of 30 meters. The results indicate that the natural susceptibility to flooding of the study area is medium to high, and can be intensified by the dynamics of land use and occupation and increasing impervious areas in the basin. Over the period of study, the growth of impervious areas was 133% relative to 1990.

Alexandre Effori de Mello

The objective of this article is to bring to discussion aspects of environmental comfort, built environment and sustainability, given the climate crisis and the urgency to find solutions to the issue. The concepts of ambience, quality of the built environment, environmental comfort and sustainable development are discussed, in addition to principles that can guide Architecture in its search for a built environment that preserves comfort through sustainability. The method used is bibliographical review, and the paper concludes by affirming that while it is not possible do determine the extent to which sustainability principles applied to the built environment can contribute to tackling the climate crisis, there is no other alternative.

Marllon Moreti de Souza Rosa ◽  
Laíse Vieira Gonçalves ◽  
Antônio Fernandes Nascimento Júnior

This paper aims to report and analyze a pedagogical practice developed for Public Health Policies teaching in a course held at the Federal University of Lavras, in the first semester of 2018. For the development of this paper, a class was created and taught in a Public Health Policies teaching course based on the History and Philosophy of Science and Problem-solving Methodology, seeking to understand how these pedagogical strategies contribute to the teaching of this theme and its connection with the environment. At the end of the class, students were asked to evaluate the practice, pointing out the strengths and points to be improved. These feedbacks were organized and analyzed qualitatively through the Content Analysis and, later, were discussed. The results of the analyzes indicate that Environmental Education cannot be conservative of social conditions, but rather present the connection between man and nature, highlighting the link between the exploration of nature and the production of goods. In addition, the History and Philosophy of Science, starting with questions about the reality of students, can enhance the teaching-learning process, since it can avoid fragmentation of knowledge, allowing an approximation of students to scientific knowledge and its social use.

Flávia Costa Grzegowski ◽  
Luciana Nemer Diniz

The article describes the concepts of sustainability in a historical view of the subject. The text assesses the evolution of the Minha Casa Minha Vida program (MCMV) and its relevant production for Social Interest Housing (HIS) in Brazil in this century. The research also lists the impacts of sustainable practices applied to that program. In the methodology, consultations in secondary sources (books, articles and theses) and the research of documents from the state, municipal and federal spheres stand out. This analysis of these documents is responsible for a more precise investigation on the subject. The conclusions highlight how the concept of sustainability applied to housing programs can generate increasingly higher standards of housing, suitable for the target audience.

Gérsica Moraes Nogueira da Silva ◽  
Athos Farias Menezes ◽  
Maria do Carmo Sobral

The Covid-19 pandemic calls into question deficiencies in current public policies and infrastructure of basic services to the population in large urban centers. From health systems, environmental sanitation and social protection, particularly for the low-income population, this opens the debate of the values and priorities at different scales. The research study area are subnormal settlements located in the neighborhoods of Pina and Brasília Teimosa in the Metropolitan Region of Recife. The aim was to assess the sanitary conditions in ZEIS, by conducting semi-structured interviews and assessing secondary data. Among the interviewees, only 56.3% said they had sanitary sewage collection and another 74.4% (n=1041) had access to water supply by Compesa, showing a significant deficit in the provision of basic services. With the pandemic, the necessary production of detailed empirical field data from the perspective of the peripheries faces great scientific challenges. Ensuring access to ideal sanitary conditions is a right for all and is related in an integrated way to multiple SDGs of the 2030 agenda. Demanding safe, adequate and affordable housing, and inclusive and sustainable urbanization, with capacity for planning and management of participatory, integrated and sustainable human settlements.

Gisele Victor Batista

The health crisis at COVID-19 resulted in damage to human life and inevitable economic consequences, requiring immediate responses from governments. In this context, this work carried out an analysis on the Federal Development Strategy of Brazil, 2020 – 2031 in light of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Exploratory methodology was used and descriptive research was used to analyze and interpret the facts, in order to develop concepts and ideas needed to formulate new approaches on the same topic. Thus, an examination was carried out on the actions of economic recovery, according to the Federal Decree, which listed five axes to increase the income and quality of life of the Brazilian population, aiming at sustained economic growth and job creation. This work was complemented with the exploration of the results presented in the V Light Report of Civil Society Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development Brazil, which studied the fulfillment of the goals of Agenda 2030 in Brazil, by the Federal Government. The results achieved showed that the economic growth in the country, today and for the next few years, lacks a national articulation with clear guidelines and defined scopes, whose achievement of the goals established by the UN-SDGs will take place without stagnation and setbacks. The contribution of this study is the urgent need to look at the 2030 Agenda, to ensure social inclusion and sustainable development in Brazil.

Jose Washington Gomes Coriolano ◽  
Lucia Marisy Souza Ribeiro de Oliveira

The present reality of the Pandemic caused by the COVID-19, is characterized by new adaptations in the decrease of the social and economic activities, with the social isolations, in cities and countryside communities, causing a decrease in the commercialization of food by the familiar agriculture, damaging the activities of social organization and rural technical advice in the sustainable development of agricultural activities, by the non-governmental institutions and representative entities of the civil society, in the implementation of public policies assisted to the farmers, having a greater consequence in the social vulnerability and rural poverty. The present article aims to study the effects of the pandemic on family farming in the territory of the backlands from Araripe in the state of Pernambuco, describing the strategies adopted in the social organization of countryside communities, in reducing the social impacts of the pandemic on family farming. Through a bibliographical research, based on academic literature, newspapers and institutional reports, on the activities of rural technical assistance with principles of agro-ecology, developed during the period of incidences of the pandemic.  As a result, technological strategies were identified in the remote media, for the activities of rural technical assistance, organization of marketing of food products from family farming, at home, in greengrocers and emporiums of solidary marketing, assisted by non-governmental institutions, in the development of motivational initiatives for rural families, in overcoming social and economic difficulties, during this phase of social isolation and safety protocols to the health of countryside area families and the entire world population.

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