plane harmonic wave
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B. D. Guenther

A description of the solution of the wace equation is described as a wave that propagates without change. The set of parameters needed to describe a wave are: period, frequency, wave number, wavelength, and phase velocity. We will use a plane harmonic wave In 3 dimensions in all of our discussions and use complex notation to make the math simplier. We show we are justified in using such a simple wave by the fact that Foourier Theory allows us to construct any wave as a series of hamonics of the plane wave. The theory also will be needed in our discussion of defraction and imaging. There are a few topics that are more difficult and are marked. Their discussion can be skipped without loss of understanding of the general theory of optics.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
K. Vytovtov ◽  
O. Pischin

Plane harmonic wave propagation along an interface between vacuum and a semi-infinite uniaxial anisotropic medium is considered. It is shown that there is a bulk wave within an anisotropic medium in this case. It is also proved for the first time that a reflected wave must propagate perpendicularly to an interface. Moreover, a reflected wave is absent in the case of ordinary wave propagation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Konstantin Vytovtov ◽  
Said Zouhdi ◽  
Rostislav Dubrovka ◽  
Volodymyr Hnatushenko

Electromagnetic properties of an anisotropic stratified slab with an arbitrary orientation of the anisotropy axis under an oblique incidence of a plane harmonic wave are studied. The dependence of the eigenwave wavenumbers and the reflection coefficient on an anisotropy axis orientation and frequency is investigated. For the first time, the expression for the translation matrix is obtained in the compact analytical form. The controlled two-way dual-frequency (duplex) isolator based on the above described slab is presented for the first time. It is based on the properties of the anisotropic structure described here but not on the Faraday effect.

2014 ◽  
Vol 92 (6) ◽  
pp. 488-496 ◽  
Mohamed I.A. Othman ◽  
Ya Qin Song

A reflection of a plane harmonic wave at the interface of thermo-microstretch elastic half space is studied. The formulation is applied to generalized thermo-elasticity theories, the Lord–Şhulman and Green–Lindsay theories, as well as the classical dynamical coupled theory. Using potential function, the governing equations reduce to ten differential equations. Coefficient ratios of reflection of different waves with the angle of incidence are obtained using continuous boundary conditions. By numerical calculations, the variation of coefficient ratios of reflection with the angle of incidence is illustrated graphically in magnesium crystal micropolar material under three theories. Also the effect of frequency and rotation on the coefficient ratios of reflection is illustrated graphically in the context of Lord–Shulman theory.

2011 ◽  
Vol 78 (6) ◽  
K. Ghazaryan ◽  
R. Ghazaryan ◽  
O. Hachkevych ◽  
P. Marzocca

This paper deals with the magnetoelastic interactions for a structure consisting of two elastic current carrying superconducting substrates, separated by a gap (vacuum). The two elastic substrates, which have no acoustic contacts, are coupled by a magnetic field generated by the deformations of the substrates. The surface magnetoelastic waves of Rayleigh type, decaying exponentially with distance from substrates surfaces, are studied. For a plane harmonic wave the dispersion equation is derived and solved to obtain the coupled wave frequencies. The magnetomechanical coupling effects are investigated in detail and simulations show that the magnetoelastic coupling effect is quite significant when the gap relative thickness is rather small. The existence of two surface gap waves with two different velocities is shown. In superconducting media the constitutive relations of magnetic field and electrical current of primary nondeformed state are given by means of London’s equations.

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