corrective actions
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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Abdul Kadir ◽  
Taufik Taufik ◽  
Rahayu Rahayu

This study aims to determine and describe the function of controlling the circulation of prohibited cosmetics at the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Kendari City (Central Market Case Study of Kendan City). conclusions/verification. The results showed that Drugs and Food (BPOM) Kendani City in terms of carrying out activities carried out according to previously established standards have been carried out properly, namely carrying out intensification or inspections to places where there are indications that there are prohibited cosmetics containing ingredients.  And the aspect of carrying out monitoring is not optimal because some people who are still unfamiliar with gadgets or applications cannot use BPOM Mobile, this application can be used before buying cosmetics so that they are not only tempted by instant results but also pay attention to whether the cosmetics are safe or not.  Has been carried out properly, supervision through print media and social media to educate the public about choosing cosmetic products that are safe and free of prohibited substances. In terms of taking corrective actions if they get deviations from obstacles, they are not optimal, because there are still some people who are less cooperative if they know of cosmetics containing prohibited substances.

2022 ◽  

It is a School Action Research with two cycles where each cycle consists of four stages; they are Planning, Implementing corrective actions, Observing, and Reflecting. It aims to find out the improvement of teachers’ competencies through Madrasah Teachers Forum known as MGMP. This research was conducted in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pamekasan – East Java, Indonesia. It involved six Mathematic teachers, four Physics teachers and three Biology teachers as research subjects. The results showed that there was an increase in the competencies of the member of teachers forum at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pamekasan. This can be seen from the results of observations in two cycles, as well as on the results of the tests carried out. It can be seen that the results of the posttest significantly increased. In the distribution of the questionnaire conducted to find out teachers' perceptions and opinions on the Madrasah Teachers Forum, the results of the questionnaire were at a value of 85%; thus, teachers felt the direct benefits of the Madrasah Teachers Forum to increase their competencies. Based on the results of the study, the researcher recommends to teachers participating in the Madrasah Teachers Forum to: (1) Utilize Madrasah Teachers Forum activities as an empowerment forum to update and upgrade their professional competencies and (2) Utilize Madrasah Teachers Forum to establish strong solidarity among teachers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 214-219
Malangori A Parande ◽  
Namrata D Mule ◽  
Sangita C Shelke ◽  
Muralidhar P Tambe ◽  
Rupali N Baviskar ◽  

Dengue is fast emerging mosquito borne viral disease. There was sudden outbreak of dengue cases among Medical students and Health Care Workers in tertiary care hospital from September to November 2019. Therefore, outbreak investigation carried out and corrective actions taken to halt the outbreak. Study Objectives are to investigate outbreak of dengue cases in medical students and Health Care Workers and to take corrective actions to halt the outbreak.The outbreak investigations of Dengue cases was done as 28 cases were admitted which includes medical students and Health Care Workers in tertiary care hospital from September to November 2019. A thorough search for breeding sites of Aedes mosquito was done in premises of hospital, college and residential area. 5 teams were made consisting of Sanitary Inspector, interns, resident doctors and lecturer. House to house surveys were done for container index in Resident quarters and employees quarters. Health education on prevention of dengue was given to Medical students and Health Care Workers including interns, resident doctors, undergraduate students. Antilarval measures like abating, fogging and spraying of oildone.The mean age was 27.2 years, ranged for 14-68 years. Males 15(53.5%) and Females 13(46.4%). Out of 28,12(42.8%) Undergraduate students, 9(32.1%) Resident doctors and 7(25%) employees. 22(78.5%) NS-1positivecases and 16(57.1%) IgM dengue positive cases. The most common symptom found in this was fever (100%). Thrombocytopenia was most common abnormal laboratory finding which was present in 22(79%) patients out of 28 patients. Out of 22 patients having thrombocytopenia, platelet transfusion was done to 4 patients. Mean duration of stay in the hospital was 4 days.With the corrective measures taken, no new case of dengue was notified in November 2019 among Medical Students and Health Care Workers.

2021 ◽  
Mohamed Elyas ◽  
Sherif Aly ◽  
Uche Achinanya ◽  
Sergey Prosvirkin ◽  
Shayma AlSaffar ◽  

Abstract Well integrity is one of the main challenges that are facing operators, finding the source of the well problem and isolating it before a catastrophic event occurs. This study demonstrates the power of integrating different reservoir monitoring and well integrity logs to evaluate well integrity, identify the underlying cause of the potential failure, and providing a potential corrective solution. Recently, some Injector/producer wells reported migration of injection fluids/gas into shallower sections, charging these formations and increasing the risk of compromised well integrity. Characterization of the well issues required integration of multi-detector pulsed-neutron, well integrity (multi finger caliper, multi-barrier corrosion, cement evaluation, and casing thickness measurements), high precision temperature logs and spectral noise logs. After data integration, detailed analysis was performed to specifically find the unique issues in each well and assess possible corrective actions. The integrated well integrity logs clearly showed different 9.625-inch and 13.375-inch casings leak points. The reservoir monitoring logs showed lateral and vertical gas and water movements across Wara, Tayarat, Rus, and Radhuma formations. Cement evaluation loges showed no primary cement behind the first barrier casing which was the root cause of the problem. Therefore, the proposed solution, was a cement squeeze. Post squeeze, re-logging occurred, validating zonal isolation and a return of a standard geothermal gradient across the Tayarat formation. Most importantly, the cement evaluation identified good bond from the squeeze point clear to surface, isolating all formations. All these wells were returned to service (injector/producer), daily annular pressure monitoring confirmed that no further pressure build up was seen. Kuwait Oil Company managed to avoid a catastrophic well integrity event on these wells and utilized the approach presented to take the proper corrective actions, and validate that the action taken resolved the initial well integrity issues. Consequently, the wells were returned to service, and the company avoided a costly high probability blowout.

2021 ◽  
Hatem Abdullah Bajuaifer ◽  
Mohammed Abdullah Malki ◽  
Kamarul Amminudin

Abstract This paper covers practical demulsifer and wash water approach followed by Saudi Aramco Khurais producing facility to optimize the chemical and water consumption. This Paper is intended to: Share practical demulsifer and wash water optimization approach. Highlight how this approach enhanced the separation process and how it already helped Saudi Aramco to meet the product quality with minimal operating costs by optimizing operating parameters in the field. The basic idea of the optimization is to relax the oil - emulsified water separation in HPPT by allowing water carry over to the downstream equipment and vessels through minimizing the demulsifer dosage on the production header to increase the retention time. The optimization process includes manipulating different key parameters (controlled variables) which are demulsifer dosing rate (on production header and dehydrator), wash water dosing rate, de-salting train mixing valves differential pressure and transformers voltage with continues monitoring and corrective actions based on the export specification of BS&W and salts within pre-defined internal limits to avoid having off-spec product (Trial and Error) This approach resulted in decreasing the operating costs by reducing overall demulsifer dosage by 50%, and allowing the overall separation efficiency to be increased contributing towards enhanced separation. Various graphs included showing the full impact of optimizing the operating parameters on improved separation in dehydrator. From the water conservation, this process resulted in reducing non-potable wash water consumption for crude washing purposes by more than 20,000 gallon/day without compromising the crude specification. This optimization resulted in cost saving equivalent to around US$ 650,000 due to significant demulsifer reduction. Sustaining such an optimum performance proves to be a challenge and in this regard, the team is focusing heavily on the monitoring efforts that are equipped with the advisory features on what to do should the deviation exist from the stipulated target. This includes, among others, the alerting feature for immediate corrective actions by the team. Overall, this initiative succeeded in maintaining the facility crude quality specifications of BS&W and salts while reducing chemical operating costs, creating positive environmental impacts by saving non-potable wash water while increasing the assets utilization and reliability effectively.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0143831X2110533
Lin Rouvroye ◽  
Hendrik P van Dalen ◽  
Kène Henkens ◽  
Joop J Schippers

Employers are instrumental in the growth of non-standard employment, which exposes predominantly younger workers to higher levels of insecurity. Using an interdisciplinary theoretical lens, this article identifies which considerations, both positive and negative, underlie employers’ decision making with regard to the use of flexible contracts for younger workers and discusses how employers perceive future implications of an increasingly flexible labour market. Findings are based on interviews with 26 managers, HR professionals and directors working in different sectors of industry in the Netherlands: local government, education, health care, retail, corporate services and transport and logistics. While acknowledging benefits to the use of flexible contracts, interviewed employers also reported downsides to this practice. Using flexible contracts complicates retention of young talent, deters investment in training, negatively affects social morale on the work floor and puts pressure on younger workers. Interviewees did not deem employers primarily responsible for monitoring societal consequences of an increasingly flexible labour market and often did not see the bigger picture of how increased flexibility could have negative societal consequences. The findings suggest that corrective actions will not come from the side of employers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 205-212
Ilie NICOLIN ◽  
Bogdan Adrian NICOLIN

Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) techniques were originally developed by the US Military and have been used as techniques for assessing the reliability and effects of equipment failures. However, the first notable applications of FMEA techniques are related to the impressive development of the aerospace industry in the mid-1960s. FMEA is a methodology for systematically analyzing the failure modes of a project, product or process, prioritizing their importance, identifying system failure mechanisms, analyzing potential failure modes and the effects of these failures, followed by corrective actions, which are applied in the stage of conceptual and detailed design of the product. All approaches to FMEA methods in the scientific literature converge to achieve three goals, namely: the ability to predict the type of failure that may occur, the ability to predict the effects of the failure on system operation, and the establishment of the steps to prevent failure and its effects on the system operation. The FMEA for the project of a nose landing gear analyzes the failure modes of the product and their effects in operation, as a consequence of project deficiencies and identifies or confirms critical functions. To apply the FMEA method to the project of the nose landing gear of a military training aircraft, the following steps need to be accomplished: product description and identification of components; identification of functions; identification of potential ways of failure; estimating the frequency of causes of failure; appreciation of the severity of effects; assessment of difficulties in detecting defects; calculation of the Risk Priority Number (RPN); establishing the measures and corrective actions for the analyzed project.

Ramesh Kumar Patel ◽  
Madhu Upadhyay

Transformers make up the main electrical network of the equipment. Failure of a transformer leads to loss of income and affects the reliability of the power supply for consumers. In order to ensure long and trouble-free operation of the transformers, various diagnostic tests are performed and corrective actions are initiated throughout their lifetime. There are many methods to access the residual life of transformers, for example short circuit tests on transformers and areas of application.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (20) ◽  
pp. 6563
Yinfeng Zhao ◽  
Shutang You ◽  
Mirka Mandich ◽  
Lin Zhu ◽  
Chengwen Zhang ◽  

The Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) is designed to take corrective actions after detecting predetermined conditions to maintain system transient stability in large interconnected power grids. However, since RAS is usually designed based on a few selected typical operating conditions, it is not optimal in operating conditions that are not considered in the offline design, especially under frequently and dramatically varying operating conditions due to the increasing integration of intermittent renewables. The deep learning-based RAS is proposed to enhance the adaptivity of RAS to varying operating conditions. During the training, a customized loss function is developed to penalize the negative loss and suggest corrective actions with a security margin to avoid triggering under-frequency and over-frequency relays. Simulation results of the reduced United States Western Interconnection system model demonstrate that the proposed deep learning–based RAS can provide optimal corrective actions for unseen operating conditions while maintaining a sufficient security margin.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 59-67
Karolina CZERWIŃSKA ◽  
Michalene Eva GREBSKI

The study aimed to conduct a cost-value analysis of the production process of a newly introduced batch of external doors in the context of value-added creation and to identify redundant processes that do not create added value and for which appropriate corrective actions could contribute to their elimination. The result of applying improvement actions following the lean management concept was the optimization time nationalized analyzed by eliminating, among others, operations related to unnecessary transport and storage of products. In addition, the optimization production process impacted both shortening the process implementation time and reducing the costs of its implementation. Further activities will be related to the use of the presented methodology to analyze the processes implemented in the company in order to increase their efficiency.

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