financial security
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2022 ◽  
pp. 089976402110574
Pamala Wiepking ◽  
Christopher J. Einolf ◽  
Yongzheng Yang

There has been a steady increase in research studying the role of gender in prosocial behavior, such as charitable giving and volunteering. We provide an extensive review of the interdisciplinary literature and derive hypotheses about three different pathways that lead men and women to differ in their display of giving and volunteering: pathways through social capital, motivations, and resources. We test these hypotheses across 19 countries by analyzing 28,410 individuals, using generalized structural equation models. Our results support previous research, conducted in single countries, that there are distinct different pathways that lead men and women to engage in giving and volunteering: Women report stronger motivations to help others, but men report more of the financial resources that make giving and volunteering possible. The gendered pathways to giving and volunteering that lead through social capital, educational achievement, and financial security vary by country.

Ольга Іванівна Кремень ◽  
Юлія Вячеславівна Барвітська ◽  
Вікторія Михайлівна Кремень

The article attempts to tackle theoretical and methodological issues related to enhanced understanding of the nature of enterprise financial security as well as the use and the selection of research and methodological tools for its evaluation. An emphasis is put that in the current vulnerable economic environment, domestic enterprises are greatly challenged by a wide range of risks and threats caused by a number of negative effects from external and internal factors. It is argued that the lack of argument and consistency in building a robust financial security framework for business entities might translate into a drop in revenues and profits, loss of liquidity, solvency and financial independence, along with spurring unreasonable amounts of receivables and payables and, consequently, triggering a crisis situation. The purpose of this research is to explore modern analytical, financial, economic and statistical tools to assess the enterprise financial security and to enclose its advantages, disadvantages and applicability in the financial management context. Within the scope of this research, the enterprise financial security is viewed as a particular enterprise state characterized by the most efficient use of resources, profitability, and financial stability which acting together contribute to gaining a successful business performance, eliminating the negative effects from external and internal destabilizing factors over an indefinite period of time. According to the research findings, to assess the enterprise financial security, it is suggested employing a research and methodological toolkit based on the cash flow analysis, evaluation of financial stability, financial indicators, resource-based and functional approach, as well as implementation of integrated indicators. The conclusions of the study resume that given the different criteria and indicators embedded in different approaches (each of them having its pros and cons), to render a comprehensive and informative analysis, using a number of approaches to assess the level of enterprise financial security sounds reasonable enough and thus is strongly recommended.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-123
Lesya Yastrubetska ◽  
Ihor Krupka ◽  
Viktor Kovalenko ◽  
Nataliia Zhmurko ◽  
Olesia Mykuliak

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
Vadim Loktionov ◽  
Elena Loktionova

In the era of globalization the issues of ensuring economic and national security are still relevant for discussion. Financial markets, being one of the driving forces for the global economic development, are sensitive to changes in the socio-economic and political situations. In the rapidly changing world, the security of the national financial market can be ensured by increasing its adaptability, which is, in the general case, the market ability to adapt to stressful events, while working in adverse conditions. The article discusses the features of the national financial market in the context of financial globalization. Using the complex adaptive theory, the main ways of the national financial market development to enhance its adaptability are presented. Keywords. Globalization, financial market, financial security, financial market adaptability, institutional environment.

Vera Shumilina ◽  
Veronika Talanina

This article examines the concept of financial security of the state. The article is also devoted to the consideration of the main problems that act as threats to the financial security of the country. The problem of servicing the state external and internal debt, as well as capital outflow from the country is considered in more detail. Statistical data on the problems voiced are presented. The consequences of ignoring these problems are analyzed

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (00) ◽  
pp. e021015
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Biryukov ◽  
Stepan Alexandrovich Popov ◽  
Elena Vladimirovna Danilova ◽  
Veronica Mikhailovna Sytnik ◽  
Svetlana Blau ◽  

Dentre as questões problemáticas da gestão empresarial, as mais relevantes são as questões da gestão do desenvolvimento inovador das empresas e do controle dos processos de garantia de sua segurança financeira. O objetivo do artigo é identificar os principais componentes da segurança financeira e do desenvolvimento inovador de uma empresa industrial que precisam ser levados em consideração na tomada de decisões gerenciais. Os autores concluíram que a relação entre a prevenção de ameaças de segurança financeira e desenvolvimento inovador de uma empresa tem um caráter dual, que necessita de uma abordagem integrada para sua gestão, com base em sua consideração como duas alavancas de eficiência de gestão inextricavelmente ligadas e mutuamente influenciadas, e a alocação baseada em sua integração da segurança financeira do desenvolvimento inovador da empresa como um assunto de pesquisa separado e objeto de gestão.

VUZF Review ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 103-114
Jolanta Puacz-Olszewska

Pandemics are caused by the negative impact of global threats, we put you at risk in one global world. An effective and efficient mortality tool, bringing also economic and economic successes. The world is currently struggling with the coronavirus (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2, which unfortunately already has pandemic status. Blow it off on yourself, concerned about how it will affect the global recession The aim of the article is to present and compare how governments of countries such as Poland, Germany, and the United Kingdom provide entrepreneurs with financial security in connection with the negative effects caused by COVID-19. At the beginning of the article, it is briefly presented what financial security is, and several measures are distinguished to measure the financial security of enterprises. Then, the financial assistance for entrepreneurs selected to the countries is described. Countries such as Poland, Germany, and Great Britain were selected for the analysis. The most attention was devoted to describing the aid for Polish entrepreneurs. The information used in the article was obtained from the Polish and British GOV portal and from the German ministry responsible for economic policy (BMWi). In the end, support from the government in the analysed countries was compared, and the country is indicated, where entrepreneurs would cope best in the current situation and have the best chance for development. It is also indicated what impact the financial aid of the government has on the development of enterprises.

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