anterior posterior axis
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2022 ◽  
Athena Lin ◽  
Paul Piehowski ◽  
Chia-Feng Tsai ◽  
Tatyana Makushok ◽  
Lian Yi ◽  

Many individual proteins have been identified as having defined positions relative to cell polarity axes, raising the question of what fraction of all proteins may have polarized localizations. We took advantage of the giant ciliate Stentor coeruleus to quantify the extent of polarized localization proteome-wide. This trumpet-shaped unicellular organism shows a clear morphological anterior-posterior axis defined by a circular array of cilia known as a membranellar band at one end, and a holdfast at the other end. Because individual Stentor cells are over a millimeter in length, we were able to cut the cells into three pieces along the anterior-posterior axis, followed by proteomic analysis of proteins enriched in each piece. We find that approximately 30% of all detected proteins show a polarized location relative to the anterior-posterior cell axis. Proteins with polarized enrichment include centrin-like proteins, calcium-regulated kinases, orthologs of SFI1 and GAS2, and proteases. At the organelle level, nuclear and mitochondrial proteins are enriched in the anterior half of the cell body, but not in the membranellar band itself, while ribosome related proteins are apparently uniformly distributed. RNAi of signaling proteins enriched in the membranellar band, which is the anterior-most structure in the cell, revealed a protein phosphatase 2 subunit b ortholog required for closure of the membranellar band into the ring shape characteristic of Stentor. These results suggest that a large fraction of the Stentor proteome has a polarized localization, and provide a protein-level framework for future analysis of pattern formation and regeneration in Stentor as well as defining a general strategy for subcellular spatial proteomics based on physical dissection of cells.

2021 ◽  
Hélène Doerflinger ◽  
Vitaly Zimyanin ◽  
Daniel St Johnston

2021 ◽  
Marshall Axel Dalton ◽  
Arkiev D'Souza ◽  
Jinglei Lv ◽  
Fernando Calamante

The hippocampus supports multiple cognitive functions including episodic memory. Recent work has highlighted functional differences along the anterior-posterior axis of the human hippocampus but the neuroanatomical underpinnings of these differences remain unclear. We leveraged track-density imaging to systematically examine anatomical connectivity between the cortical mantle and the anterior-posterior axis of the in-vivo human hippocampus. We first identified the most highly connected cortical areas and detailed the degree to which they preferentially connect along the anterior-posterior axis of the hippocampus. Then, using a tractography pipeline specifically tailored to measure the location and density of streamline endpoints within the hippocampus, we characterised where, within the hippocampus, these cortical areas preferentially connect. Our results were striking in showing that different parts of the hippocampus preferentially connect with distinct cortical areas. Furthermore, we provide evidence that both gradients and circumscribed areas of dense extrinsic anatomical connectivity exist within the human hippocampus. These findings inform conceptual debates in the field by unveiling how specific regions along the anterior-posterior axis of the hippocampus are associated with different cortical inputs/outputs. Overall, our results represent a major advance in our ability to map the anatomical connectivity of the human hippocampus in-vivo and inform our understanding of the neural architecture of hippocampal dependent memory systems in the human brain. This detailed characterization of how specific portions of the hippocampus anatomically connect with cortical brain regions may promote a better understanding of its role in cognition and we emphasize the importance of considering the hippocampus as a heterogeneous structure.

Brittany Cain ◽  
Brian Gebelein

Metazoans differentially express multiple Hox transcription factors to specify diverse cell fates along the developing anterior-posterior axis. Two challenges arise when trying to understand how the Hox transcription factors regulate the required target genes for morphogenesis: First, how does each Hox factor differ from one another to accurately activate and repress target genes required for the formation of distinct segment and regional identities? Second, how can a Hox factor that is broadly expressed in many tissues within a segment impact the development of specific organs by regulating target genes in a cell type-specific manner? In this review, we highlight how recent genomic, interactome, and cis-regulatory studies are providing new insights into answering these two questions. Collectively, these studies suggest that Hox factors may differentially modify the chromatin of gene targets as well as utilize numerous interactions with additional co-activators, co-repressors, and sequence-specific transcription factors to achieve accurate segment and cell type-specific transcriptional outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Maria Herranz ◽  
Taeseo Park ◽  
Maikon Di Domenico ◽  
Brian S. Leander ◽  
Martin V. Sørensen ◽  

Abstract Background Kinorhynch segmentation differs from the patterns found in Chordata, Arthropoda and Annelida which have coeloms and circulatory systems. Due to these differences and their obsolete status as ‘Aschelminthes’, the microscopic kinorhynchs are often not acknowledged as segmented bilaterians. Yet, morphological studies have shown a conserved segmental arrangement of ectodermal and mesodermal organ systems with spatial correspondence along the anterior-posterior axis. However, a few aberrant kinorhynch lineages present a worm-like body plan with thin cuticle and less distinct segmentation, and thus their study may aid to shed new light on the evolution of segmental patterns within Kinorhyncha. Results Here we found the nervous system in the aberrant Cateria styx and Franciscideres kalenesos to be clearly segmental, and similar to those of non-aberrant kinorhynchs; hereby not mirroring their otherwise aberrant and posteriorly shifted myoanatomy. In Zelinkaderes yong, however, the segmental arrangement of the nervous system is also shifted posteriorly and misaligned with respect to the cuticular segmentation. Conclusions The morphological disparity together with the distant phylogenetic positions of F. kalenesos, C. styx and Z. yong support a convergent origin of aberrant appearances and segmental mismatches within Kinorhyncha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 ◽  
pp. e123-e124
Elisabetta del Re ◽  
Evie Coxon ◽  
Victor Zeng ◽  
Sarah Keedy ◽  
Elena Ivleva ◽  

Spyros Papageorgiou

It was observed that a cluster of ordered genes (Hox1, Hox2, Hox3,…) in the genome are activated in the ontogenetic units (1, 2, 3,…) of an embryo along the Anterior/Posterior axis following the same order of the Hox genes. This Spatial Collinearity (SC) is very strange since it correlates events of very different spatial dimensions. It was later observed in vertebrates, that, in the above ordering, first is Hox1expressed in ontogenetic unit 1, followed later by Hox2 in unit 2, and even later Hox3 in unit 3….This temporal collinearity (TC) is an enigma and even to-day is explored in depth. In 1999 T. Kondo and D. Duboule, after posterior upstream extended DNA excisions , concluded that the Hox cluster behaves ‘as if’ TC disappears. Here the consideration of TC really disappearing is taken face value and its repercussions are analyzed. Furthermore, an experiment is proposed to test TC disappearance. An outcome of this experiment could be the reappearance (partial or total) of TC.

2021 ◽  
pp. 100037
Elisabetta C. del Re ◽  
Victor Zeng ◽  
Ney Alliey-Rodriguez ◽  
Paulo Lizano ◽  
Nicolas Bolo ◽  

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