ion binding
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eLife ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Karthik Ramanadane ◽  
Monique S Straub ◽  
Raimund Dutzler ◽  
Cristina Manatschal

Members of the ubiquitous SLC11/NRAMP family catalyze the uptake of divalent transition metal ions into cells. They have evolved to efficiently select these trace elements from a large pool of Ca2+ and Mg2+, which are both orders of magnitude more abundant, and to concentrate them in the cytoplasm aided by the cotransport of H+ serving as energy source. In the present study, we have characterized a member of a distant clade of the family found in prokaryotes, termed NRMTs, that were proposed to function as transporters of Mg2+. The protein transports Mg2+ and Mn2+ but not Ca2+ by a mechanism that is not coupled to H+. Structures determined by cryo-EM and X-ray crystallography revealed a generally similar protein architecture compared to classical NRAMPs, with a restructured ion binding site whose increased volume provides suitable interactions with ions that likely have retained much of their hydration shell.

Darshan Lal Sharma ◽  
Roopali Bhoite ◽  
Karyn Reeves ◽  
Kerrie Forrest ◽  
Rosemary Smith ◽  

Abstract Key message The pleiotropic SNPs/haplotypes, overlapping genes (metal ion binding, photosynthesis), and homozygous/biallelic SNPs and transcription factors (HTH myb-type and BHLH) hold great potential for improving wheat yield potential on sodic-dispersive soils. Abstract Sodic-dispersive soils have multiple subsoil constraints including poor soil structure, alkaline pH and subsoil toxic elemental ion concentration, affecting growth and development in wheat. Tolerance is required at all developmental stages to enhance wheat yield potential on such soils. An in-depth investigation of genome-wide associations was conducted using a field phenotypic data of 206 diverse Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy (FIGS) wheat lines for two consecutive years from different sodic and non-sodic plots and the exome targeted genotyping by sequencing (tGBS) assay. A total of 39 quantitative trait SNPs (QTSs), including 18 haplotypes were identified on chromosome 1A, 1B, 1D, 2A, 2B, 2D, 3A, 3B, 5A, 5D, 6B, 7A, 7B, 7D for yield and yield-components tolerance. Among these, three QTSs had common associations for multiple traits, indicating pleiotropism and four QTSs had close associations for multiple traits, within 32.38 Mb. The overlapping metal ion binding (Mn, Ca, Zn and Al) and photosynthesis genes and transcription factors (PHD-, Dof-, HTH myb-, BHLH-, PDZ_6-domain) identified are known to be highly regulated during germination, maximum stem elongation, anthesis, and grain development stages. The homozygous/biallelic SNPs having allele frequency above 30% were identified for yield and crop establishment/plants m−2. These SNPs correspond to HTH myb-type and BHLH transcription factors, brassinosteroid signalling pathway, kinase activity, ATP and chitin binding activity. These resources are valuable in haplotype-based breeding and genome editing to improve yield potential on sodic-dispersive soils.

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 532
Soojung Lee ◽  
Jason Lin ◽  
Inyeong Choi

The Na/HCO3 cotransporter NBCe1 is a member of SLC4A transporters that move HCO3− across cell membranes and regulate intracellular pH or transepithelial HCO3 transport. NBCe1 is highly selective to HCO3− and does not transport other anions; the molecular mechanism of anion selectivity is presently unclear. We previously reported that replacing Asp555 with a Glu (D555E) in NBCe1 induces increased selectivity to other anions, including Cl−. This finding is unexpected because all SLC4A transporters contain either Asp or Glu at the corresponding position and maintain a high selectivity to HCO3−. In this study, we tested whether the Cl− transport in D555E is mediated by an interaction between residues in the ion binding site. Human NBCe1 and mutant transporters were expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and their ability to transport Cl− was assessed by two-electrode voltage clamp. The results show that the Cl− transport is induced by a charge interaction between Glu555 and Lys558. The bond length between the two residues is within the distance for a salt bridge, and the ionic strength experiments confirm an interaction. This finding indicates that the HCO3− selectivity in NBCe1 is established by avoiding a specific charge interaction in the ion binding site, rather than maintaining such an interaction.

2022 ◽  
Vol 450 ◽  
pp. 214228
Francesca Cutruzzolà ◽  
Alessandro Paiardini ◽  
Chiara Scribani Rossi ◽  
Sharon Spizzichino ◽  
Alessio Paone ◽  

Gels ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Aviva Levina ◽  
Boer Wang ◽  
Peter A. Lay

Transferrin (Tf) is a crucial transporter protein for Fe(III), but its biological role in binding other metal ions and their delivery into cells remain highly controversial. The first systematic exploration of the effect of non-Fe(III) metal ion binding on Tf conformation has been performed by urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (urea-PAGE), which is commonly used for nucleic acids but rarely for proteins. Closed Tf conformation, similar to that caused by Fe(III)-Tf binding, was formed for In(III), V(III) or Cr(III) binding to Tf. In all these cases, metal distribution between Tf lobes and/or the rate of metal release under acidic conditions differed from that of Fe(III)-Tf. By contrast, Ga(III) and V(IV) did not form closed Tf conformation under urea-PAGE conditions. Apart from Fe(III), only In(III) was able to increase the proportion of closed Tf conformation in whole serum. These results suggest that Tf is unlikely to act as a natural carrier of any metal ion, except Fe(III), into cells but can reduce toxicity of exogenous metal ions by binding them in serum and preventing their entry into cells.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Kitty Hendriks ◽  
Carl Öster ◽  
Adam Lange

Ion channels allow for the passage of ions across biological membranes, which is essential for the functioning of a cell. In pore loop channels the selectivity filter (SF) is a conserved sequence that forms a constriction with multiple ion binding sites. It is becoming increasingly clear that there are several conformations and dynamic states of the SF in cation channels. Here we outline specific modes of structural plasticity observed in the SFs of various pore loop channels: disorder, asymmetry, and collapse. We summarize the multiple atomic structures with varying SF conformations as well as asymmetric and more dynamic states that were discovered recently using structural biology, spectroscopic, and computational methods. Overall, we discuss here that structural plasticity within the SF is a key molecular determinant of ion channel gating behavior.

2021 ◽  
Kara K. Grotz ◽  
Nadine Schwierz

Magnesium plays a vital role in a large variety of biological processes. To model such processes by molecular dynamics simulations, researchers rely on accurate force field parameters for Mg2+ and water. OPC is one of the most promising water models yielding an improved description of biomolecules in water. The aim of this work is to provide force field parameters for Mg2+ that lead to accurate simulation results in combination with OPC water. Using twelve different Mg2+ parameter sets, that were previously optimized with different water models, we systematically assess the transferability to OPC based on a large variety of experimental properties. The results show that the Mg2+ parameters for SPC/E are transferable to OPC and closely reproduce the experimental solvation free energy, radius of the first hydration shell, coordination number, activity derivative, and binding affinity toward the phosphate oxygen on RNA. Two optimal parameter sets are presented: MicroMg yields water exchange in OPC on the microsecond timescale in agreement with experiments. NanoMg yields accelerated exchange on the nanosecond timescale and facilitates the direct observation of ion binding events for enhanced sampling purposes.

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