potential theory
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2022 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
Mouhammed Moustapha Fall ◽  
Ignace Aristide Minlend ◽  
Jesse Ratzkin

AbstractWe construct a foliation of an asymptotically flat end of a Riemannian manifold by hypersurfaces which are critical points of a natural functional arising in potential theory. These hypersurfaces are perturbations of large coordinate spheres, and they admit solutions of a certain over-determined boundary value problem involving the Laplace–Beltrami operator. In a key step we must invert the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator, highlighting the nonlocal nature of our problem.

Fluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Ikha Magdalena ◽  
Kemal Firdaus

In this paper, we formulate a numerical model to study unsteady waves generated by fluid flow over a permeable wavy bed. The model is derived from boundary value problems using potential theory. We solve the model numerically using a finite difference method. As a result, we found that the flow over a porous layer generates wave disturbed by bumps on the porous layer. The simulation also showed that the wave profile shifts from the permeable bed. The results of this study can be incorporated into the design of submerged artificial and natural breakwaters.

2021 ◽  
Taofiq Amoloye

Abstract The three main approaches in fluid dynamics are actual experiments, numerical simulations, and theoretical solutions. Numerical simulations and theoretical solutions are based on the continuity equation and Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) that govern experimental observations of fluid dynamics.Theoretical solutions can offer huge advantages over numerical solutions and experiments in the understanding of fluid flows and design. These advantages are in terms of cost and time consumption. However, theoretical solutions have been limited by the prized NSE problem that seeks a physically consistent solution than what classical potential theory (CPT) offers. Therefore, the current author refined CPT. He introduced refined potential theory (RPT) that provides a viscous potential/stream function as a physically consistent solution to the NSE problem. This function captures observable unsteady flow features including separation, wake, vortex shedding, compressibility, turbulence, and Reynolds-number-dependence. It appropriately combines the properties of a three-dimensional potential function that satisfy the inertia terms of NSE and the features of a stream function that satisfy the continuity equation, the viscous vorticity equation, and the viscous terms of NSE. RPT has been verified and validated against experimental and numerical results of incompressible unsteady sub-critical Reynolds number flows on stationary finite circular cylinder, sphere, and spheroid.

2021 ◽  
pp. 235-256
Richard Fitzpatrick

2021 ◽  
Vol 80 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-98
P. Martin

A classical problem from potential theory (a point source inside a long rigid tube) is revisited. It has an extensive literature but its resolution is not straightforward: standard approaches lead to divergent integrals or require the discarding of infinite constants. We show that the problem can be solved rigorously using classical methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2087 (1) ◽  
pp. 012028
Fei Yu ◽  
Yi Su ◽  
Yuliang Liu ◽  
Haibo Liu ◽  
Fei Duan

Abstract The floating photovoltaic power (FPV) station becomes popular to decrease carbon emission. However, limited research has been done on the dynamic response of the mooring lines of the FPV array. Based on a typical 2.14MW FPV array, this study investigates the displacement of the array and the mooring tension of the mooring lines. The numerical model of the FPV array is built through three-dimensional potential theory with 124 mooring lines. Firstly, the effect of the environment on the response is investigated under wave-only, current-only and wind-only conditions. Then, the tension and motion in the combined environmental loads are analyzed. It is found that the wind load has the greatest influence on the motion and mooring tension on the FPV power station, the effect of wave and current on the response is very limited.

2021 ◽  
pp. 304-318
Zeineb Ben Yahia ◽  
Zagharide Zine El Abidine

This work deals with the existence of positive continuous solutions for a nonlinear coupled polyharmonic system. Our analysis is based on some potential theory tools, properties of functions in the Kato class Km, n and the Schauder fixed point theorem.

В.Ю. Семенова ◽  
Д.А. Альбаев

В статье рассматривается метод определения нелинейных дифракционных сил, действующих на судно в условиях мелководья на основании трехмерной потенциальной теории. Производится оценка влияния относительной глубины водоема Н/Т на данные нелинейные силы. Для нахождения нелинейных сил, требуется определение потенциалов второго порядка малости. Решение основано на методах малого параметра, интегральных уравнений Фредгольма и функции Грина для случая мелководья. Данное решение является новым для отечественной практики. При определении потенциалов второго порядка учитываются нелинейные граничные условия на свободной поверхности жидкости и на смоченной поверхности судна. На основании изложенного метода разработана программа расчета нелинейных сил при различных Н/Т. Приводятся результаты расчетов сил и моментов для трех различных типов судов. Приведено сравнение с расчетами, основанными на двумерной теории. Особое внимание уделяется учету потенциала набегающего волнения второго порядка. Учитывается его вклад в образовании нелинейных дифракционных сил. Приводится сравнение расчетов с учетом влияния данного потенциала и без него. The article discusses a method for determining nonlinear diffraction forces acting on a ship in shallow water conditions on the basis of a three-dimensional potential theory. The influence of the relative depth of the fluid Н/Т on these nonlinear forces is assessed. To determine them, it is necessary to calculate the potentials of the second order of smallness. The solution of the problem is carried out on the basis of small parameter methods, Fredholm’s integral equations and Green’s function for a fluid of limited depth. The presented solution in national practice is new. During the determination of the second order potentials, nonlinear boundary conditions on the free surface of the liquid and on the wetted surface of the ship are taken into account on the basis of methods program was developed, considering various Н/Т. The results of calculations of the forces and moments for three types of different ships are presented. Comparison with calculations based on two-dimensional theory is given. Special attention is paid to taking into account the potential of the second-order of incoming wave. Its contribution to the formation of nonlinear diffraction forces is taken into account. A comparison of calculations with and without the influence of this potential is given

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