task context
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2021 ◽  
Rebecca J. Rabinovich ◽  
Daniel D. Kato ◽  
Randy M Bruno

Primary sensory cortex has long been believed to play a straightforward role in the initial processing of sensory information. Yet, the superficial layers of cortex overall are sparsely active, even during sensory stimulation; moreover, cortical activity is influenced by other modalities, task context, reward, and behavioral state. Our study demonstrates that reinforcement learning dramatically alters representations among longitudinally imaged neurons in superficial layers of mouse primary somatosensory cortex. Learning an object detection task recruits previously unresponsive neurons, enlarging the neuronal population sensitive to touch and behavioral choice. In contrast, cortical responses decrease upon repeated exposure to unrewarded stimuli. Moreover, training improved population encoding of the passage of time, and unexpected deviations in trial timing elicited even stronger responses than touch did. In conclusion, the superficial layers of sensory cortex exhibit a high degree of learning-dependent plasticity and are strongly modulated by non-sensory but behaviorally-relevant features, such as timing and surprise.

2021 ◽  
Rui Pedro de Sousa Gomes

Processing musical meter – the organization of time into regular cycles of strong and weak beats – requires abstraction from the varying rhythmic surface. Several studies investigated whether meter processing requires attention, or if it can be both pre-attentive and attentive. While findings on temporal expectation (processing meter per se) indicated benefits of attention, studies on meter processing in a more complex, dual-task context (meter used for temporal orientation) consistently reported pre-attentive processing. Also, while surface-based approaches to meter (meter aided by pattern repetition) showed some benefits of attention, structural approaches (meter not aided by pattern repetition, increased complexity) found pre-attentive-only processing. Therefore, in the present study we hypothesized that pre-attentive processing increases with cognitive load, and we compared surface with structural meter processing. Supporting our hypothesis, we saw improved behavioral performance for surface meter, as well as EEG evidence that structural meter elicits pre-attentive processing (pre-attentive P1) while surface meter does not (attentive-only P1). Our findings highlight the need for increased awareness in approaches to meter processing and support the idea that increased cognitive demand may recruit pre-attentive processing of temporal structure.

2021 ◽  
ijsbrand kramer ◽  
Nathalie Franc ◽  
Francois Maricourt ◽  
muriel Cohen ◽  
Thomas Fau ◽  

We look at group work from a self-determination theory perspective and argue that internalized motivation is the best condition for productive collaboration. A perceived sense of autonomy plays an important role herein. This autonomy is determined by the characteristics of the task and the openness and acceptance of the group. Group dysfunction, or the fear of it, impedes autonomy, even if the task context is fully autonomy supportive. Means of uncovering the functioning of group members could reduce dysfunction or lower the fear of it. Using a full scale intrinsic motivation inventory, we measured the impact of group self-evaluation on the quality of motivation over a 4-year period with a total of 355 participants in a collaborative learning project in high schools (K11). We show that, compared to the control population, students exhibit a much more internalized motivation profile, with effect sizes in the range of medium to large for the different parameters. We conclude that group self-evaluation primes students for autonomous motivation. We suggest that the procedure should be applied systematically in substantial collaborative projects. <br>

2021 ◽  
ijsbrand kramer ◽  
Nathalie Franc ◽  
Francois Maricourt ◽  
muriel Cohen ◽  
Thomas Fau ◽  

We look at group work from a self-determination theory perspective and argue that internalized motivation is the best condition for productive collaboration. A perceived sense of autonomy plays an important role herein. This autonomy is determined by the characteristics of the task and the openness and acceptance of the group. Group dysfunction, or the fear of it, impedes autonomy, even if the task context is fully autonomy supportive. Means of uncovering the functioning of group members could reduce dysfunction or lower the fear of it. Using a full scale intrinsic motivation inventory, we measured the impact of group self-evaluation on the quality of motivation over a 4-year period with a total of 355 participants in a collaborative learning project in high schools (K11). We show that, compared to the control population, students exhibit a much more internalized motivation profile, with effect sizes in the range of medium to large for the different parameters. We conclude that group self-evaluation primes students for autonomous motivation. We suggest that the procedure should be applied systematically in substantial collaborative projects. <br>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
Christina B. Reimer ◽  
Zhang Chen ◽  
Frederick Verbruggen

Rapidly executing novel instructions is a critical ability. However, it remains unclear whether longer preparation of novel instructions improves performance, and if so, whether this link is modulated by performance benefits and costs of preparation. Regarding the first question, we reanalysed previous data on novel instruction implementation and ran Experiment 1. Experiment 1 consisted of multiple mini-blocks, in which participants prepared four novel stimulus–response (S-R) mappings in a self-paced instruction phase. After participants indicated they were ready, one of the four stimuli was presented and they responded. The reanalysis and Experiment 1 showed that longer preparation indeed led to better performance. To examine if preparation was modulated when the benefits of preparation were reduced, we presented the correct response with the stimulus on some trials in Experiments 2 and 3. Preparation was shorter when the probability that the correct response was presented with the stimulus increased. In Experiment 4, we manipulated the costs of preparation by changing the S-R mappings between the instruction and execution phases on some trials. This had only limited effects on preparation time. In conclusion, self-paced preparation of novel instructions comes with performance benefits and costs, and participants adjust their preparation strategy to the task context.

Cognition ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 215 ◽  
pp. 104780
Nadine Lavan ◽  
Jens Kreitewolf ◽  
Jonas Obleser ◽  
Carolyn McGettigan

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (9) ◽  
pp. e0256901
James W. A. Strachan ◽  
Arianna Curioni ◽  
Merryn D. Constable ◽  
Günther Knoblich ◽  
Mathieu Charbonneau

The ability to transmit information between individuals through social learning is a foundational component of cultural evolution. However, how this transmission occurs is still debated. On the one hand, the copying account draws parallels with biological mechanisms for genetic inheritance, arguing that learners copy what they observe and novel variations occur through random copying errors. On the other hand, the reconstruction account claims that, rather than directly copying behaviour, learners reconstruct the information that they believe to be most relevant on the basis of pragmatic inference, environmental and contextual cues. Distinguishing these two accounts empirically is difficult based on data from typical transmission chain studies because the predictions they generate frequently overlap. In this study we present a methodological approach that generates different predictions of these accounts by manipulating the task context between model and learner in a transmission episode. We then report an empirical proof-of-concept that applies this approach. The results show that, when a model introduces context-dependent embedded signals to their actions that are not intended to be transmitted, it is possible to empirically distinguish between competing predictions made by these two accounts. Our approach can therefore serve to understand the underlying cognitive mechanisms at play in cultural transmission and can make important contributions to the debate between preservative and reconstructive schools of thought.

Donna Bryce ◽  
Daniel Bratzke

AbstractBeing able to accumulate accurate information about one’s own performance is important in everyday contexts, and arguably particularly so in complex multitasking contexts. Thus, the observation of a glaring gap in participants’ introspection regarding their own reaction time costs in a concurrent dual-task context is deserving of closer examination. This so-called introspective blind spot has been explained by a ‘consciousness bottleneck’ which states that while attention is occupied by one task, participants cannot consciously perceive another stimulus presented in that time. In the current study, a series of introspective Psychological Refractory Period (PRP) experiments were conducted to identify the determinants of an introspective blind spot; to our surprise, in half of the experiments participants appeared to be aware of their dual-task costs. A single trial analysis highlighted the sensory modality of the two stimuli within the trial as an important predictor of introspective accuracy, along with temporal gaps in the trial. The current findings call into question the claim that attention is required for conscious awareness. We propose a memory-based account of introspective processes in this context, whereby introspective accuracy is determined by the memory systems involved in encoding and rehearsing memory traces. This model of the conditions required to build up accurate representations of our performance may have far-reaching consequences for monitoring and introspection across a range of tasks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Katherine Labonté ◽  
François Vachon

Studies examining individual differences in interruption recovery have shown that higher working memory capacity (WMC) attenuated the negative impact of interruption length on resumption, at least in static contexts. In continuously evolving (or dynamic) situations, however, working memory may not be as central to the effective resumption of a task, especially in the case of long interruptions. One of the main theories of task interruption suggests that dynamic task resumption could depend on a reconstruction of the primary task context, that is, a visual examination of the post-interruption environment. To better define the role of working memory and reconstruction processes in interruption recovery, the current study examined the association between (1) dynamic task resumption following interruptions of various lengths and (2) two cognitive abilities chosen to operationalize the processes under study, namely, WMC and visual search capacity. Participants performed a multiple object tracking task which could be uninterrupted or interrupted for 5, 15, or 30 s while the hidden stimuli continued their trajectory. They also completed tasks measuring the two cognitive abilities of interest. The results revealed that WMC contributed to post-interruption accuracy regardless of interruption duration. On the contrary, visual search capacity was related to faster resumption in the 15-s and 30-s interruption conditions only. Those results show that working memory plays a preponderant role in resumption not only in static, but also in dynamic contexts. However, our study suggests that this mechanism must share the limelight with reconstruction following lengthy interruptions in dynamic settings.

Jose V. Gavidia ◽  
Iris A. Junglas ◽  
Chen-Huei Chou

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