video playback
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Luis M. Gómez-Laplaza ◽  
Robert Gerlai

AbstractVideo playback is a widely used technique for presentation of visual stimuli in animal behavior research. In the analysis of behavioral responses to social cues, presentation of video recordings of live conspecifics represents a consistently reproducible stimulus. However, video-recordings do not interact with the experimental subject, and thus this stimulus may be inferior in the social context. Here, we evaluated how angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) respond to a video playback of conspecifics versus a live shoal of conspecifics. Using binary choice tests, subjects were presented different stimuli. Time spent close to one versus the other stimulus was considered an index of preference. We found angelfish to prefer a live shoal of conspecifics to an empty tank, and also the video playback of a shoal of conspecifics to a blank screen, although the level of preference in the latter was lower than in the former. These results indicate that video-playback of live conspecifics may be appropriate in angelfish, thus allowing manipulation of specific cues that angelfish may use in quantity discrimination. However, when we directly contrasted a live and a video recorded shoal, both having the same number of members, experimental fish preferred the live shoal. When the choice consisted of a live shoal of four conspecifics versus a video playback of a shoal of nine conspecifics no clear preference emerged. These results imply that video-playback has disadvantages in quantity discrimination studies with angelfish. Exploring procedural and/or technological parameters will verify the suitability of video-recording-based stimulus presentation for future use in angelfish.

2021 ◽  
Daniel Donoghue

<p>Social learning and network analyses are theorised to be of great utility in the context of behavioural conservation. For example, harnessing a species’ capacity for social learning may allow researchers to seed useful information into populations, while network analyses could provide a useful tool to monitor community stability, and predict pathways of pathogen transfer. Thus, an understanding of how individuals learn and the nature of the social networks within a population could enable the development of new behavioural based conservation interventions for species facing rapid environmental change, such as human-induced habitat modification. Parrots, the most threatened avian order worldwide, are notably underrepresented in the social learning and social network literature. This thesis addresses this knowledge gap by exploring social learning and networks using two endangered species of parrot; kākā (Nestor meridionalis) and kea (Nestor notabilis). The first study explores social learning of tool use in captive kea, using a trained kea demonstrator. The results from this experiment indicate that both social learning and play behaviour facilitated the uptake of tool use, and suggests that kea are highly sensitive to social information even when presented with complex tasks. The second study assesses whether wild kākā can socially learn novel string-pulling and food aversion behaviours from video playbacks of conspecific demonstrators. Although there was no evidence to indicate that kākā learn socially, these individuals also show no notable reaction to video playback of a familiar predator. Therefore, these results are likely due to difficulties in interpreting information on the screens, and not necessarily a reflection of their ability to perceive social information. In the final study, social network analysis (SNA) was performed to map social connectivity within wellington’s urban kākā population. SNA indicates that kākā form non-random social bonds, selectively associating with some individuals more than others, and also show high levels of dissimilarity in community composition at different feeding sites. Taken together, these results provide rare empirical evidence of social learning in a parrot species and suggest that even complicated seeded behaviours can quickly spread to other individuals. These findings may also be indicative of the difficulties in conducting video playback experiments in wild conditions, which is an area in need of future research. Overall, these findings contribute to the very limited body of research on social learning and networks in parrots, and provide information of potential value in the management of these species.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Lei Li

With the advent of the information age and the rapid development of communication technology, traditional teaching methods and methods can no longer meet people’s needs for education in the information age. This research mainly discusses the flipped classroom English translation teaching model based on the fusion algorithm of network communication and artificial intelligence. This research proposes an Internet learning platform based on Tencent’s QQ communication software and mobile terminals. This learning platform can meet the learning needs of flipped classrooms, without spending a lot of investment in hardware and software development. This is a relatively ideal Internet learning platform suitable for students to carry out flipped classroom learning. Most of these mobile terminals have functions such as video playback, document reading and editing, wireless network connection, QQ communication, and large-capacity storage. These functions provide support for the smooth implementation of flip class. The video playback function can meet the needs of students to download and watch microvideos. Students can use mobile terminals to watch anytime, anywhere. The document reading and editing function can help students read related learning materials online, including self-study test questions, task lists, and teaching evaluation forms. Under this platform, students and teachers who are participants in the learning process are linked to each other through the QQ of the network terminal. The learning resources are uploaded by the teacher to the group file for students to download and watch. Students use the QQ group to give feedback and discuss difficult problems. This kind of learning network that flexibly chooses the learning time and place according to the individual student’s own situation is very efficient and convenient. After the English translation test, the failure rate of the experimental class was only 3.3%, while in the control class, the failure rate was 8.3%. This research will better integrate the flipped classroom teaching mode and English translation teaching by building a learning exchange platform, which will help improve the quality of teaching.

Jena M Hall ◽  
Jamie S Pyper

Background: Feedback about intraoperative performance remains a cornerstone of surgical training. Video playback offers one potential method for more effective feedback to surgical residents. More research is needed to better understand this method. This study explores the nature of instructional interactions and feedback in the operating room (OR) and when using video playback during post-operative review in obstetrics and gynecology (OBGYN) training. Method: This case study occurred between September 2016 and February 2017. Three OBGYN residents and five OBGYN supervising surgeons were involved in six laparoscopic cases. Intraoperative and video playback dialogues were recorded and analysed, the former deductively using codes identified from published literature, and the latter both deductively, using the same codes, and inductively, with codes that emerged from the data during analysis. Results: 1090 intraoperative interactions were identified within 376 minutes of dialogue. Most interactions were didactic, instructing the resident how to use an instrument to perform a task. Deductive analysis of postoperative video playback review identified 146 interactions within 155 minutes. While the most common interaction type remained didactic, a teaching component was included more often. It became apparent that deductive analysis using the intraoperative codes did not adequately capture the nature and focus of feedback during video playback. Hermeneutic phenomenological analysis identified more dialogic video playback sessions with more resident-initiated questions and reflection. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the nature of feedback during video playback is fundamentally different from that in the OR, offering a greater potential for collaborative and improved learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 897-906
Indra Maulana ◽  
Iwan Shalahuddin ◽  
Taty Hernawaty

ABSTRAK Gagal ginjal kronis merupakan gangguan fungsi renal yang progresif dan irreversibel dimana kemampuan tubuh gagal untuk mempertahankan metabolisme dan keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit sehingga terjadi uremia. Cemas (ansietas) adalah suatu keadaan patologik yang ditandai oleh perasaan ketakutan diikuti dan disertai tanda somatik. Kecemasan juga merupakan respon terhadap suatu ancaman yang sumbernya tidak diketahui, internal, samar-samar, atau konfliktual. Kecemasan salah satunya disebabkan oleh gangguan biologik, seperti penyakit ginjal kronik (PGK) yang membutuhkan hemodialisis. Penderita hemodialisis mengalami kecemasan, salah satunya dapat diakibatkan oleh kronisitas penyakit. Tujuan kegiatan adalah untuk memberikan sebuah  pemahaman  tentang  perlunya  dilakukan perawatan hemodialisa bagi pasien yang menjalani Hemodialisa di RSU Garut. Sasaran utama atau target khusus dari kegiatan ini adalah pasien gagal ginjal kronis yang dilakukan hemodialisa di ruang hemodialisa RSUD dr. Slamet  Garut. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah melalui pemutaran video, ceramah, dan diskusi serta tanya jawab. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2018 di ruang kelas Demonstrasi Kampus Unpad Garut. peserta  yang  hadir  sebanyak 20 orang.  Acara diawali dengan pembukaan oleh kepala ruangan hemodialis,  dan penjelasan tentang kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan. lalu memperkenalkan para pemateri yang hadir. Selanjutnya pemateri  mengajak  peserta  untuk  menyaksikan  tayangan  video  tentang  testimony pasien gagal ginjal kronis dan bahaya gagal ginjal kronis pada tubuh manusia dan dilanjutkan dengan ceramah tentang pentingnya dilakukan hemodialisa pada pasien gagal ginjal kronis. Setelah pemutaraan video dan cermah tersebut selesai, maka dilakukan diskusi dan tanya jawab seputar isi materi kegiatan. Acara ditutup  dengan  pembagian hadiah bagi  tiga orang peserta yang paling aktif selama  mengikuti  kegiatan.  Kegiatan  ini  memberikan  hasil  tentang  pemahaman tentang keuntungan hemodialisa bagi pasien gagal ginjal kronis.  Kata Kunci: Cemas, Edukasi, Gagal Ginjal Kronis, Hemodialisa    ABSTRACT Chronic renal failure is a progressive and irreversible impairment of renal function in which the body's ability to fail to maintain metabolism and fluid and electrolyte balance resulting in uremia. Anxiety (anxiety) is a pathological condition characterized by a feeling of fear followed and accompanied by somatic signs. Anxiety is also a response to a threat whose source is unknown, internal, vague, or conflictual. One of the causes of anxiety is biological disorders, such as chronic kidney disease (CKD) which requires hemodialysis. Hemodialysis sufferers experience anxiety, one of which can be caused by the chronicity of the disease. The purpose of the activity is to provide an understanding of the need for hemodialysis treatment for patients undergoing hemodialysis at Garut General Hospital. The main target or specific target of this activity is chronic kidney failure patients who are undergoing hemodialysis in the hemodialysis room of dr. Slamet Garut. The method used in this activity is through video playback, lectures, and discussion, and question and answer. Activities were carried out in July 2018 in the Garut Campus Demonstration classroom. participants who attended were 20 people. The event begins with an opening by the head of the hemodial room, and an explanation of the activities to be carried out. then introduced the presenters. Furthermore, the speaker invited the participants to watch a video about the testimony of chronic kidney failure patients and the dangers of chronic kidney failure in the human body and continued with a lecture on the importance of hemodialysis in chronic kidney failure patients. After the screening of the video and lecture was completed, a discussion and question and answer were held about the content of the activity material. The event was closed by distributing prizes to the three most active participants during the activity. This activity provides an understanding of the benefits of hemodialysis for patients with chronic renal failure. Keywords: Anxiety, Education, Chronic Renal Failure, Hemodialysis

2021 ◽  
Doga Cavdir ◽  
Chris Clarke ◽  
Patrick Chiu ◽  
Laurent Denoue ◽  
Don Kimber

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Zichuan Yi ◽  
Hu Zhang ◽  
Wenjun Zeng ◽  
Haoqiang Feng ◽  
Zhengxing Long ◽  

Electrowetting display (EWD) is the most potential technology among new electronic paper technologies. It not only has the advantages of electrophoretic display (EPD) technology but also can realize color video playback. Therefore, this technology has been widely studied in recent years. Driving waveform is a voltage sequence which can drive pixels to display gray scales in EWDs. As one of the key technologies, it directly affects the display effect of pixels. In this paper, we give a review of the display principle of EWDs and the research status of driving waveforms. At the same time, the contact angle hysteresis, charge trapping, and oil splitting are also reviewed, which can provide a reference value for designing driving waveforms.

2021 ◽  
Daniel Donoghue

<p>Social learning and network analyses are theorised to be of great utility in the context of behavioural conservation. For example, harnessing a species’ capacity for social learning may allow researchers to seed useful information into populations, while network analyses could provide a useful tool to monitor community stability, and predict pathways of pathogen transfer. Thus, an understanding of how individuals learn and the nature of the social networks within a population could enable the development of new behavioural based conservation interventions for species facing rapid environmental change, such as human-induced habitat modification. Parrots, the most threatened avian order worldwide, are notably underrepresented in the social learning and social network literature. This thesis addresses this knowledge gap by exploring social learning and networks using two endangered species of parrot; kākā (Nestor meridionalis) and kea (Nestor notabilis). The first study explores social learning of tool use in captive kea, using a trained kea demonstrator. The results from this experiment indicate that both social learning and play behaviour facilitated the uptake of tool use, and suggests that kea are highly sensitive to social information even when presented with complex tasks. The second study assesses whether wild kākā can socially learn novel string-pulling and food aversion behaviours from video playbacks of conspecific demonstrators. Although there was no evidence to indicate that kākā learn socially, these individuals also show no notable reaction to video playback of a familiar predator. Therefore, these results are likely due to difficulties in interpreting information on the screens, and not necessarily a reflection of their ability to perceive social information. In the final study, social network analysis (SNA) was performed to map social connectivity within wellington’s urban kākā population. SNA indicates that kākā form non-random social bonds, selectively associating with some individuals more than others, and also show high levels of dissimilarity in community composition at different feeding sites. Taken together, these results provide rare empirical evidence of social learning in a parrot species and suggest that even complicated seeded behaviours can quickly spread to other individuals. These findings may also be indicative of the difficulties in conducting video playback experiments in wild conditions, which is an area in need of future research. Overall, these findings contribute to the very limited body of research on social learning and networks in parrots, and provide information of potential value in the management of these species.</p>

2021 ◽  
Daniel Donoghue

<p>Social learning and network analyses are theorised to be of great utility in the context of behavioural conservation. For example, harnessing a species’ capacity for social learning may allow researchers to seed useful information into populations, while network analyses could provide a useful tool to monitor community stability, and predict pathways of pathogen transfer. Thus, an understanding of how individuals learn and the nature of the social networks within a population could enable the development of new behavioural based conservation interventions for species facing rapid environmental change, such as human-induced habitat modification. Parrots, the most threatened avian order worldwide, are notably underrepresented in the social learning and social network literature. This thesis addresses this knowledge gap by exploring social learning and networks using two endangered species of parrot; kākā (Nestor meridionalis) and kea (Nestor notabilis). The first study explores social learning of tool use in captive kea, using a trained kea demonstrator. The results from this experiment indicate that both social learning and play behaviour facilitated the uptake of tool use, and suggests that kea are highly sensitive to social information even when presented with complex tasks. The second study assesses whether wild kākā can socially learn novel string-pulling and food aversion behaviours from video playbacks of conspecific demonstrators. Although there was no evidence to indicate that kākā learn socially, these individuals also show no notable reaction to video playback of a familiar predator. Therefore, these results are likely due to difficulties in interpreting information on the screens, and not necessarily a reflection of their ability to perceive social information. In the final study, social network analysis (SNA) was performed to map social connectivity within wellington’s urban kākā population. SNA indicates that kākā form non-random social bonds, selectively associating with some individuals more than others, and also show high levels of dissimilarity in community composition at different feeding sites. Taken together, these results provide rare empirical evidence of social learning in a parrot species and suggest that even complicated seeded behaviours can quickly spread to other individuals. These findings may also be indicative of the difficulties in conducting video playback experiments in wild conditions, which is an area in need of future research. Overall, these findings contribute to the very limited body of research on social learning and networks in parrots, and provide information of potential value in the management of these species.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-22
Novita Hasiani Simanjuntak

Covid-19 is still a pandemic, and showing an increase globally. Government policies are needed to assist youth in coping with this disaster by implementing effective measures. Thus, counseling is needed for youth to increase knowledge, know how to protect oneself, protect themselves and others in order to achieve preparedness against this disaster. This Community Service in the form of an outreach entitled "Prevention of Covid-19 on the Youth of GBIS Christ Hope Medan" was carried out online through the zoom cloud meetings application. Participants of the counseling were 23 GBIS Christ Hope Medan Youths. The technical implementation of this community service consists of opening by the MC, counseling, video playback, presenting posters, demonstrating how to wash hands and wearing masks, as well as a QA session, and finally participants filling out feedback via google form. Participants were very enthusiastic and interested in this extension, this can be seen from the feedback given by extension participants via google form. Most of the extension participants thought this counseling went very well (68.75%), and all participants agreed that this extension was very useful for them, because they got more knowledge about prevention, especially by washing hands properly, and increased endurance. The first conclusion is that the topic of counseling presented is in accordance with the needs of the extension participants, because Covid-19 is still a disease that has caused a pandemic with a high mortality rate until now. Second, it can invite young people to be able to further improve personal and environmental hygiene and a healthy lifestyle in reducing Covid-19 transmission and implement health protocols issued by the government to tackle the spread of Covid-19.

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