fuzzy logic systems
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-7
J. Divakaran ◽  
Somashekhar Malipatil ◽  
Tareeq Zaid ◽  
M. Pushpalatha ◽  
Vilaskumar Patil ◽  

With increasing advancements in the field of telecommunication, the attainment of a higher data transfer rate is essentially a greater need to meet high-performance communication. The exploitation of the fuzzy system in the wireless telecommunication systems, especially in Fifth Generation Mobile Networks (or) 5G networks is a vital paradigm in telecommunication markets. A comprehensive survey is dealt in the paper, where it initially reviews the basic understanding of fuzzy systems over 5G telecommunication. The literature studies are collected from various repositories that include reference materials, Internet, and other books. The collection of articles is based on empirical or evidence-based from various peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, dissertations, and theses. Most of the existing soft computing models are streamlined to certain applications of 5G networking. Firstly, it is hence essential to provide the readers to find research gaps and new innovative models on wide varied applications of 5G. Secondly, it deals with the scenarios in which the fuzzy systems are developed under the 5G platform. Thirdly, it discusses the applicability of fuzzy logic systems on various 5G telecommunication applications. Finally, the paper derives the conclusions associated with various studies on the fuzzy systems that have been utilized for the improvement of 5G telecommunication systems.

С.І. Березіна ◽  
О.І. Солонець ◽  
Кювон Лі ◽  
М.В. Борцова

To solve the applied task of detecting military assets in aerospace images the presented paper investigates the processes of constructing segmented maps of the images. The goal is to develop an information technique for detecting military assets in conditions of uncertainty of initial data. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were formulated: 1) to analyze usability of the existing segmentation methods for automatic detection of military assets in the images; 2) if the existing methods are inapplicable, to develop a new algorithm to solve the problem. In the paper the following methods are used: the methods of digital image processing, the methods of Boolean algebra and fuzzy sets, the methods of statistical analysis. The following results are received. Analysis of the known segmentation methods showed that due to camouflage coloring of the military assets, similarity of their color characteristics to those of underlying surfaces and due to the presence of large number of textured fragments in the images those methods provide segmented maps of poor quality. Among the common problems arising when conventional methods are used there are wrong segmentation, when the received contours do not coincide with the borders of the objects of interest; oversegmentation, when there are a lot of minor segments which produce "litter" objects; undersegmentation, when potentially possible segments are missed etc. As the conventional methods are inapplicable, in the paper it is suggested using the fuzzy logic systems. For each pixel the probability of the fact that the pixel belongs to the object or to the background is calculated. For making decision whether a pixel belongs to the object the production rules based on the chosen most significant factors (probabilistic values of spectral sub-bands, belonging of the neighboring pixels to the object, jumps of brightness in spectral sub-bands on the object's borders) are constructed. Conclusion. The suggested technique ensures high-quality definition of objects' borders, thus considerably increasing the reliability of military assets recognition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 25-30
Vladimir Ilin ◽  
Dragan Simić

One of the most important challenges in modern city life is to enable effective and efficient traffic management system. Recently, computational intelligence methods have become increasingly popular for traffic management system design, application, and monitoring. Computational intelligence methods are often deployed for managing traffic, that is for reducing mileage, congestion, the use of fuels, and environmental impact. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, to present the three main areas in a computational intelligence approach, namely neural networks, fuzzy logic systems, and evolutionary computation. Second, to emphasize their impact on various traffic management domains, including traffic flow forecasting, traffic light control, traffic fatalities prediction, traffic sign detection, and optimization of transportation networks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 25-30
Vladimir Ilin ◽  
Dragan Simić

One of the most important challenges in modern city life is to enable effective and efficient traffic management system. Recently, computational intelligence methods have become increasingly popular for traffic management system design, application, and monitoring. Computational intelligence methods are often deployed for managing traffic, that is for reducing mileage, congestion, the use of fuels, and environmental impact. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, to present the three main areas in a computational intelligence approach, namely neural networks, fuzzy logic systems, and evolutionary computation. Second, to emphasize their impact on various traffic management domains, including traffic flow forecasting, traffic light control, traffic fatalities prediction, traffic sign detection, and optimization of transportation networks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 945 (1) ◽  
pp. 012040
S Narendran ◽  
Bhaskar Rao Yakkala ◽  
J Cyril Robinson Azariah ◽  
A Sivagami

Abstract The process of water purification or water filtration takes several stage approaches. In which, the membrane model process is an important role in filtration. This research work is done by considering double filtration method for filtration process and it is modelled by clustering of Artificial Neural Network and multiple linear regression approach. In this research work, ten different physical parameters and chemical parameters for designing our model. The measurement of groundwater quality for both irrigation and drinking water is a complex process due to various factors such as geology, hydrogeology, biology, etc. With the help of Neural network and fuzzy logic systems approach, we have studied the quality of water in various part of south India. For the process of double filtration process, we have taken rapid sand filter followed by slow sand filter. For the membrane process of water treatment, the membrane chosen for the research are reverse osmosis, microfiltration and nanofiltration.

Xiaojing Qi ◽  
Wenhui Liu

In this article, the problem of adaptive finite-time control is studied for a category of nonstrict-feedback nonlinear time-delay systems with input saturation and full state constraints. The fuzzy logic systems are applied to model the unknown nonlinear terms in the systems. Then, a novel tan-type barrier Lyapunov function is adopted to overcome the problem of full state constraints. By utilizing the finite-time control theory and the backstepping technique, a finite-time fuzzy adaptive controller is designed. The controller can guarantee that the tracking error is adjusted around zero with a small neighborhood in a finite time and all the signals in the closed-loop system are bounded. Finally, two simulation examples are included to verify the validity and feasibility of the control scheme.

Machines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 292
Jelena Ivančan ◽  
Dragutin Lisjak

Process equipment and plant maintenance problems are complex in the oil refinery business, since effective maintenance needs to ensure the reliability and availability of the plant. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a risk assessment tool that aims to determine possible failure modes, and to reduce the ratio of unknown failure modes, by identifying business-critical systems and the risks of their failures. For the identified failure modes, FMEA determines risk mitigation action(s). The goal is to prevent failure and keep assets and plants running at peak performance by providing fully integrated operations, maintenance, turnarounds, modifications, and asset integrity solutions, during all phases of the asset life cycle. This research was based on FMEA use/application in refineries’ units, and proposes the new fuzzy FMEA risk quantification approach method: “four fuzzy logic system”. The model included a pre-assessment, by sets of fuzzy logic systems, that examined the input parameters that affected the variables of severity, occurrence, and detectability. The proposed model prioritized risks better and addressed the drawbacks of the conventional FMEA method.

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