perinatal health care
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R. Van Damme ◽  
A.-S. Van Parys ◽  
C. Vogels ◽  
K. Roelens ◽  
G. Lemmens

A protocol for the screening, detection and treatment of perinatal anxiety and depressive disorders Importance. With a prevalence of 20%, mental health problems are considered as one of the most frequent complications during pregnancy and the postnatal period. Despite their high prevalence, these mental health problems often remain underdiagnosed and undertreated. Objective. The protocol aims to offer perinatal health care workers (health care and mental health care workers) a framework helping them to detect and discuss depressive and anxiety complaints of women during the perinatal period (up to 1 year after childbirth) and to refer them for treatment. Evidence acquisition. The protocol, which was based on international guidelines and recent scientific evidence, was developed by an interdisciplinary task force taking into account concerns about its daily practicability and current perinatal health care. Results. The protocol guides staff through a psychosocial assessment, a stepped screening, a clinical assessment and treatment steps. It is currently being implemented throughout Flanders (Belgium) with support of the Flemish Ministry of Welfare, Public Health and Family. Conclusion. Integrating mental health screening and treatment in standard perinatal care will improve the mental health care for women, their partners and their offspring.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 449-460
Malachynska Mariya ◽  
Petro Kuzyk ◽  
Oleg Diegtiar

The main value of both the national economy and the global community is the human being. Therefore, the strategy of sustainable development is focused on the primary factors that ensure human development and the realization of man's divine inalienable right to a full life. The central link in the realization of this right is the organization of the system of medical care, primarily for mothers and children. Perinatal care determines the level of socio-economic development of the country in the global environment and is determined by the perspective of the modern international economy in terms of acceptability of generations, determines the level of competitiveness of national production and its final consumption. The conducted research characterized the goals and objectives of the WHO to implement the strategy of sustainable development, namely that every woman, every child, and adolescent anywhere in the world could realize the right to health. This goal national governments must achieve by the end of 2050. Therefore, from the perspective of this concept, an assessment of perinatal health care was carried out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Loredana Cena ◽  
Matteo Rota ◽  
Stefano Calza ◽  
Barbara Massardi ◽  
Alice Trainini ◽  

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is strongly changing the way most people live their lives, and disrupting specialist healthcare systems. Such public health disruptions have resulted in significant collateral damage with particular implications for vulnerable populations, including the perinatal population. This Study aims to estimate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Italian maternal and perinatal health care services. A questionnaire was designed to evaluate the COVID-19 impact on Italian maternal and perinatal healthcare facilities and their activities and provision of services from March to May 2020. The survey was completed by hospital-based and community-based Italian maternal and perinatal healthcare facilities. Most of these were located in Lombardy or Veneto (the most affected Italian regions). 70% of all facilities reported that the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic negatively influenced the functioning of one or more aspects of the perinatal service; only 28.4% of facilities all over the country continued to provide outpatient routine visits and examinations as usual; 23.4% of facilities became understaffed during the index period due to various reasons such as ward transfer and sick leave. This is the first Italian study, and among very few international studies that describe the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on antenatal and postnatal healthcare facilities and their provision of activities and services. Our findings confirm that healthcare systems even in high-income countries were not entirely prepared to handle such a global health emergency; indeed, specialized maternal and perinatal healthcare services have been disrupted by this global health emergency.

Marianna Mazza ◽  
Emanuele Caroppo ◽  
Giuseppe Marano ◽  
Daniela Chieffo ◽  
Lorenzo Moccia ◽  

Interpersonal violence in the perinatal period is frequent and should be considered a prominent health issue due to the risk of escalation of violence and the significant impact on mothers’ parenting after childbirth. Domestic violence during pregnancy can be associated with fatal and non-fatal adverse health outcomes due to the direct trauma to a pregnant woman’s body and to the effect of stress on fetal growth and development. Emotional violence is a risk factor for prenatal and/or postpartum depression. Recent studies focusing on abusive situations during peripartum and possible preventive strategies were identified in PubMed/Medline, Scopus, Embase, and ScienceDirect. All of the available literature was retrospectively reviewed with a special attention to peer-reviewed publications from the last ten years. Results of the present narrative review suggest that perinatal health care professionals (general practitioners, gynecologists, obstetricians, psychologists, psychiatrists) should promptly detect interpersonal violence during and after pregnancy and provide health care for pregnant women. It seems pivotal to guarantee psychological care for abused women before, during, and after pregnancy in order to prevent the risk of depressive symptoms, other mental or physical sequelae, and mother-to-infant bonding failure. There is an urgent need for multifaceted interventions: programs should focus on several risk factors and should design tailored care pathways fitted to the specific needs of women and finalized to support them across the lifespan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. e2034549
Lindsay K. Admon ◽  
Jamie R. Daw ◽  
Tyler N. A. Winkelman ◽  
Katy Backes Kozhimannil ◽  
Kara Zivin ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Julia Nadine Doetsch ◽  
Sandra C. S. Marques ◽  
Thomas Krafft ◽  
Henrique Barros

Abstract Background The WHO identified the importance of macro-socioeconomic determinants and political context as interlinked key factors affecting healthcare quality and health equity. As a response to the recent economic and financial crisis, Portugal approved in 2011 the Economic Adjustment Programme (EAP) to obtain financial assistance from the Troika in order to reduce public debt. This study aims to analyse the impact of the economic crisis and the EAP on perinatal healthcare quality for very preterm (VPT) and/or very low birth weight (VLBW) infants, as perceived by healthcare professionals and experts, within the health administrative regions of the two major metropolitan areas in Portugal. Methods A qualitative approach was applied to receive an in-depth understanding and accomplish perspective variability. A purposive sampling technique was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twenty-one healthcare professionals and experts between October 2018–July 2019. Inductive thematic analysis was performed which encompassed a five-step categorization procedure. Data analysis was undertaken by utilizing Nvivo2011 software. Evolved themes were then associated with WHO’s Quality Standards on Maternal and New-born Care. A framework on the impact of macro-socioeconomic determinants on perinatal health care quality was developed. Results Although participants did not perceive the quality of perinatal care had deteriorated, the analysis of their accounts on work experience revealed that it was indeed adversely modified in all WHO Quality Standards. Health care provision was perceived as detrimental in five main areas: 1) Availability of human resources; 2) Functional referral systems; 3) Competent and motivated human resources; 4) Emotional support; and 5) Essential physical resources available. Policy reforms by the EAP resulted in reduced timeliness of care, increased waiting times, cuts in sequence and duration of consultations, and deficiencies in follow-up care for VPT/VLBW infants and their mothers. The EAP directly influenced working environment of healthcare professionals by causing stress, burnout, work absence, and brain drain. Conclusion An interrelation between macro-socioeconomic determinants and perinatal health care quality was disclosed. The economic crisis and EAP have adversely modified equitable perinatal health care quality for VPT/VLBW infants and their mothers. Our findings underlined the negative impact of austerity policies on vulnerable populations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (3) ◽  
pp. 761-766
Raisa O. Moiseienko ◽  
Nina G. Gojda ◽  
Olena O. Dudina ◽  
Nataliya M. Bodnaruk

The aim: To realize analysis and assessment of completeness and efficacy in the field of perinatal aid regionalization in Ukraine. Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis has been carried out as well as assessment of inculcation steps concerning regionalization of perinatal health care in Ukraine according to the data of state and branch statistics and monitoring (in 2013-2017). The methods used here are systemic approach, bibliography method, and statistical data evaluation. Conclusions: It is shown the modern globally acknowledged three-level system of perinatal health care has been organized and functions in Ukraine, perinatal tertiary level centers are now act in the majority of regions. The perinatal health care realization during these last years is shown to be able to assure the providing of adequate perinatal aid taking into consideration the calculated data concerning the pregnant women concentration with high perinatal risks in third level institutions; these patients include pregnant women with heart defects (63.2-69.9%), circulatory system defects (48.5-50.5%), diabetes mellitus (46.7-53.3%); in institutions of the second-third levels, there are 74.2- 83.0% of patients with severe gestoses. According to functional possibilities of perinatal aid institutions of different levels, they assure 62%-64.5% of births with body mass 500-999 g and 53.9%-55.3% of ones with body mass 1000-1499 g in perinatal clinics of the third level; it guarantees the survival of newborn babies with body mass 500-999 g and 1000-1499 g during their first 168 h reaching 60.1–65.1% and 89.4%-90.4%, respectively. Efficacy of perinatal aid regionalization is confirmed by a positive tendency of perinatal mortality index; it has become significantly lower: in 2010, the perinatal mortality reached 10.54 cases per 1,000 of newborn alive and dead babies, this index having dropped to 8.89 in 2019. The maternal mortality levels have also decreased from 23.5 up to 14.9 cases per 100,000 of babies born alive. Perinatal aid regionalization in Ukraine is being realized according to international strategies permitting to provide effective perinatal aid to patients at each level of its provision depending on patient's need.

CMAJ Open ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. E377-E382
Hana Mijović ◽  
Devon Greyson ◽  
Emily Gemmell ◽  
Marie-Ève Trottier ◽  
Maryline Vivion ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 100053 ◽  
Matthew S. Pantell ◽  
Rebecca J. Baer ◽  
Jacqueline M. Torres ◽  
Jennifer N. Felder ◽  
Anu Manchikanti Gomez ◽  

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