verb conjugation
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Željko Vrabec

Nadezhda Fedotova

This article aims to explain why the dialectal identification of the Selkup texts compiled by Nikolaj Grigorovskij in the 19th century is still open. It also provides preliminary results on the isoglosses within the Southern dialectal group and strategies on how to address this problem. In order to advance the research, the first Selkup books of the 19th century (1879) have been converted into a digital annotated corpus of texts. Their analysis has revealed language features which, on the one hand, are accurately verified by Selkup material of the 20th century (on the example of the verb conjugation and the noun declension paradigms and the main Selkup isoglosses identified by Helimski. On the other hand, it has shown that the dialectal phenomena are insufficiently described. The article also gives the combined variant of Grigorovskij’s biography existing as fragments in different sources. Kokkuvõte. Nadežda Fedotova: Esimeste N. P. Grigorovski sölkupi raamatute taust ja teaduslik potentsiaal. Siinse artikli eesmärk on välja selgitada, miks on siiani lahtine 19. sajandil Nikolaj Grigorovski poolt kogutud sölkupi tekstide murdeline määratlus. Ka annab artikkel esmased tulemused isoglosside piiride kohta lõuna-sölkupi murdegrupis ja pakub strateegiaid sellele probleemile lähenemiseks. Uurimisteema arendamiseks on esmalt esimesed 19. sajandi sölkupi raamatud (1879) viidud digitaalse tekstikorpuse kujule. Tekstianalüüs on välja toonud keelelised tunnused, mida ühest küljest kinnitavad ka 20. sajandi sölkupi materjalid (seda verbi pöördeliste ja noomenite käändeliste paradigmade põhjal ning põhiliste sölkupi isoglosside põhjal, mille on välja toonud Helimski 2004). Teisalt aga näitab analüüs, et murdelised nähtused on ebapiisavalt kirjeldatud. Artikkel sisaldab ka erinevates allikates esinevatest fragmentidest kokku kombineeritud varianti Grigorovski bibliograafiast. Аннотация. Надежда Федотова: История и перспектива исследования первых книг на селькупском языке Н. П. Григоровского. Целью статьи является выявление причин, в связи с которыми проблема определения диалектной принадлежности первых селькупских текстов, собранных в XIX веке Николаем Григоровским, остается открытой. В статье даны предварительные варианты изоглосс, позволяющие отличить южную диалектную группу селькупского языка от других диалектных групп. С тем чтобы углубить исследование, первые селькупские книги XIX века (1879) были оцифрованы и преобразованы в аннотированный корпус текстов. Анализ на основе данного корпуса позволил обнаружить языковые явления, которые, с одной стороны, точно совпадают с селькупскими материалами, зафиксированными в XX веке (на примере парадигм спряжения селькупских глаголов и склонения существительных, а также с основными изоглоссами, предложенными Хелимским [Xelimskij 2004]). С другой стороны, они демонстрируют диалектные явления, которые недостаточно подробно описаны в литературе. В статье также предложена наиболее полная версия биографии Григоровского как компиляция из различных источников.

Anna Vulāne

The Latgalian written language, based on Latgalian vernaculars of the High Latvian dialect, began to develop at the start of the 18th century in Latgale. Many sacred and secular works, press publications, teaching aids, and several texts for grammar norms and spelling were published. Only when the print prohibition was lifted at the beginning of the 20th century, the intellectuals of Latgale could focus on the preparation of Latgalian written grammar and the development of orthographic norms. The purpose of this article is to characterise the morphological system of the verb detailed in Miķelis Bukšs’ „The Grammar of Latgalian Language” in the context of the Latgalian written language by evaluating the usability of the material for the development of morphology in part 2 of the „Atlas of Latvian Dialects”. The work was published during exile in 1973, where refuge was taken not only by multiple Latgalian culture workers but also by the Latgalian language itself, as it was once again banned in Latvia in the second half of the 20th century. The Grammar consists of 9 chapters. The verb is mentioned in multiple chapters, with a significantly wider description of the verb conjugation and conjugatable participle system provided. The overview of the system largely corresponds to the description of verbs in Latgalian written language grammar. The author has used a few variants of subdialects, mainly from his native North Latgale. However, it is evident that the author had limited factual information about dialects, therefore, the work contains multiple disputed claims about the prevalence of certain language phenomena. It can be concluded that, although this work has made an important contribution to the development of Latgalian written language and theoretical description of its constituent parts as well as to the development of linguistic terminology, it contains a limited amount of linguistic information that can be used to describe verb forms in the morphological section of the atlas.

Zaqiatul Mardiah ◽  
Nur Hizbullah ◽  
Awaliyah Ainun Niswah

Noyer (1997) utilized blocking and extended exponence to encode pronouns in the conjugation of imperfect verbs in Arabic. His findings were criticized by Stump (2001) and Xu (2010), because the formulation was considered too complex. Xu (2010) offered a unified integrated account based on Optimality Theory while still relying on blocking and extended exponence. However, their for-mulation only focuses on the pronouns of imperfect verb conjugations. So far, the optimality of conjugations of perfective Arabic verbs which are also complex in nature, have not been considered yet in their studies. This study extends the work of Xu (2010) by developing the formulation of the optimal forms of the suffix pronouns of the Arabic perfective verb conjugations. The results of study reveal that several exponences which in different situations, each can realize several assingments. Instead, there is an assignment that is realized by more than one exponence

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 184
Mantasiah R ◽  
Yusri Yusri ◽  
Arlian Fachrul Syaputra ◽  
Femmy Angreany ◽  
Hasmawati Hasmawati

The purpose of this study was to investigate the verb conjugation process of German, Bahasa, and English. This study used a contrastive analysis which is one of approaches in applied linguistics. Data consisted of words and sentences in German, Bahasa, and English, and were analyzed descriptively. This article is a preliminary study which aims to do need analysis in developing German grammar book based contrastive analysis approach. Finding shows that there are 4 factors causing verb of a sentence should be conjugated: 1) Verb Conjugation Adjusted with Person as Subject,  2) Verb Conjugation Adjusted with active-passive voice sentence, 3) Verb Conjugation Adjusted with tenses of sentence, 4) Verb Conjugation Adjusted with quantifier factor of sentence subject.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 692-699
T. V. Pashkova ◽  
A. P. Rodionova ◽  

Introduction: the proposed article is the systematization of types of verb conjugation in the Karelian language based on the Livvi and Ludic dialects, as well as an analysis of the classification of verb types in closely related Karelian languages (Finnish and Vepsian). Objective: to consider the classification of types of lexical stems and conjugation of verbs in the Livvi and Ludic dialects and offer the extended classification based on the experience of other related languages. Research materials: data from dictionaries, grammars and the dialect corpora of the Karelian language. Results and novelty of the research: the article describes the verb’s types of stems and conjugation in the Karelian language in a comparative aspect with closely related languages (Finnish and Vepsian languages), identifies the differences and common features in the types of verbs. Based on the studied material, the classification is proposed for the types of verbs in the Livvi and Ludic dialects of the Karelian language. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that we proposed to introduce into linguistic usage the classification of verbs’ stems, which is closely related to the types of verb conjugation in the Livvi and Ludic dialects of the Karelian language, based on systematized information about the typologies of one and two-stem verbs in the Karelian language.

2019 ◽  
pp. 329-348
Šime Demo ◽  
Nathalie Tassotti

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