decision strategy
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-22
Yutao Ye ◽  
Junhua Guo ◽  
Lixin Yan

This paper proposes a mixed decision strategy for freight and passenger transportation in metro systems during off-peak hours (MTS-OPH). The definition of the mixed decision strategy is proposed, and fixed and flexible loading modes are considered for different passenger flow volumes. A mathematical model of the MTS-OPH is proposed and solved using an improved variable neighborhood search algorithm. Case studies demonstrate the performance and applicability of the proposed model and algorithm, and the MTS-OPH is discussed for different delivery distances, passenger flows, and metro network types. The proposed strategy is suitable for long-distance delivery, and the proposed model framework can be applied to different types of metro networks with different levels of complexity. The mixed decision strategy provides a decision support tool for metro and freight companies and can propose corresponding solutions according to different passenger flows.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Xuanyu Wang ◽  
Xudong Qi ◽  
Ping Wang ◽  
Jingwen Yang

AbstractWith the development of autonomous car, a vehicle is capable to sense its environment more precisely. That allows improved drving behavior decision strategy to be used for more safety and effectiveness in complex scenarios. In this paper, a decision making framework based on hierarchical state machine is proposed with a top-down structure of three-layer finite state machine decision system. The upper layer classifies the driving scenario based on relative position of the vehicle and its surrounding vehicles. The middle layer judges the optimal driving behavior according to the improved energy efficiency function targeted at multiple criteria including driving efficiency, safety and the grid-based lane vacancy rate. The lower layer constructs the state transition matrix combined with the calculation results of the previous layer to predict the optimal pass way in the region. The simulation results show that the proposed driving strategy can integrate multiple criteria to evaluate the energy efficiency value of vehicle behavior in real time, and realize the selection of optimal vehicle driving strategy. With popularity of automatic vehicles in future, the driving strategy can be used as a reference to provide assistance for human drive or even the real-time decision-making of autonomous driving.

Energy ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 122505
Hongbin Wu ◽  
Jingjie Wang ◽  
Junhua Lu ◽  
Ming Ding ◽  
Lei Wang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Li Yang ◽  
Cheng Chi ◽  
Chengsheng Pan ◽  
Yaowen Qi

Compared with the stable states of the ground networks, the space-ground integrated networks (SGIN) have limited resources, high transmission delay, and vulnerable topology, which make traditional caching strategies unable to adapt to the complex space network environment. An intelligent and efficient caching strategy is required to improve the edge service capabilities of satellites. Therefore, we investigate these problems in this paper and make the following contributions. First, the content value evaluation model based on classification and regression tree is proposed to solve the problem of “what to cache” by describing the cache value of content, which considers the multidimensional content characteristics. Second, we propose a cache decision strategy based on the node caching cost model to answer “where to cache.” This strategy modified the genetic algorithm to adapt the 0-1 knapsack problem under SDN architecture, which greatly improved the cache hit rate and the network service quality. Finally, we propose a cache replacement strategy by establishing an effective service time model between the satellite and ground transmission link, which solves the problem of “when to replace.” Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed strategy in SGIN can improve the nodes’ cache hit rate and reduce the network transmission delay and transmission hops.

Da Li ◽  
Qixiang Zou ◽  
Ke Zhang

AbstractOver these years, correlation filters based trackers have shown edges both in accuracy and speed. However, variations of target appearance caused by heavy occlusion, rotation, background clutters and target deformations are the major challenges for tracking. To solve these problems, many works put on exploiting the power of target representation, such as high-level convolutional features. Nonetheless, these methods make a great compromise between the speed and performance. At the same time, there are few researches on improving the performance of model updater and the ensemble methods. In this paper, a multi-experts joint decision strategy base on kernelized correlation filters is proposed to obtain robust and accurate visual tracking, two trackers with handcrafted features and deep convolutional neural network features are integrated in this framework. We also investigate the mechanism of tracking failure caused by occlusion and background clutters, and propose a novel criterion to evaluate the reliability of samples. Our work includes extending the kernelized correlation filter-based tracker with the capability of handling scale changes as well. The proposed tracker is extensively evaluated on the OTB-2013, OTB-2015 and VOT2015 benchmark datasets. Compared with the state-of-the-art trackers, the distinguished experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Jianjun Bao ◽  
Haibo Wang ◽  
Chen Lv ◽  
Ke Luo ◽  
Xiaolin Shen

Target tracking is currently a hot research topic in machine vision. The traditional target tracking algorithm based on the generative model selects target features manually, which has a simple structure and fast running speed, but it cannot meet the requirements of algorithm accuracy in complex scenes. Compared with traditional algorithms, due to the good performance, the tracking method based on full convolutional network has become one of the important methods of target tracking. However, the RPN-based Siamese network lacks positional reliability when predicting the target area. Aiming at the low tracking accuracy of the RPN-based Siamese network, this paper proposes an improved framework model named IoU-guided SiamRPN (IG-SiamRPN). In the proposed IG-SiamRPN, the IoU-guided branch is first constructed and sample pairs are generated through data augmentation. Then, the Jittered RoI is constructed to train the network to realize the direct prediction of the localization confidence of the candidate area. Subsequently, a target selection method based on predicted IoU scores is proposed, which uses predicted IoU scores instead of classification scores to optimize the target decision strategy of the Siamese network. Finally, an optimization-based fine-tuning method for the Siamese network frame is proposed, which solves the problem of location degradation and improves the performance of the algorithm. Compared with other state-of-the-art target tracking algorithms, experimental results on popular databases demonstrate that the proposed IG-SiamRPN can achieve better performance in both tracking accuracy and robustness.

2021 ◽  
Luca Manneschi ◽  
Guido Gigante ◽  
Eleni Vasilaki ◽  
Paolo Del Giudice

Experiments and models in perceptual decision-making point to a key role of an integration process that accumulates sensory evidence over time. We endow a probabilistic agent comprising several such integrators with widely spread time scales and let it learn, by trial-and-error, to weight the different filtered versions of a noisy signal. The agent discovers a strategy markedly different from the literature "standard", according to which a decision made when the accumulated evidence hits a predetermined threshold. The agent instead decides during fleeting windows corresponding to the alignment of many integrators, akin to a majority vote. This strategy presents three distinguishing signatures. 1) Signal neutrality: a marked insensitivity to the signal coherence in the interval preceding the decision, as also observed in experiments. 2) Scalar property: the mean of the response times varies glaringly for different signal coherences, yet the shape of the distribution stays largely unchanged. 3) Collapsing boundaries: the agent learns to behave as if subject to a non-monotonic urgency signal, reminiscent in shape of the theoretically optimal. These three characteristics, which emerge from the interaction of a multi-scale learning agent with a highly volatile environment, are hallmarks, we argue, of an optimal decision strategy in challenging situations. As such, the present results may shed light on general information-processing principles leveraged by the brain itself.

2021 ◽  
Amir Hosein Hadian Rasanan ◽  
Jamal Amani Rad ◽  
David K. Sewell

According to existing theories of simple decision-making, decisions are initiated by continuously sampling and accumulating perceptual evidence until a threshold value has been reached. Many models, such as the diffusion decision model, assume a noisy accumulation process, described mathematically as a stochastic Wiener process with Gaussian distributed noise. Recently, an alternative account of decision-making has been proposed in the Lévy Flights (LF) model, in which accumulation noise is characterized by a heavy-tailed power-law distribution, controlled by a parameter, α. The LF model produces sudden large “jumps” in evidence ac- cumulation that are not produced by the standard Wiener diffusion model, which some have argued provide better fits to data. It remains unclear, however, whether jumps in evidence accumulation have any real psychological meaning. Here, we investigate the conjecture by Voss et al. (2019) that jumps might reflect sudden shifts in the source of evidence people rely on to make decisions. We reason that if jumps are psychologically real, we should observe systematic reductions in jumps as people become more practiced with a task (i.e., as people converge on a stable decision strategy with experience). We fitted four versions of the LF model to behavioral data from a study by Evans and Brown (2017), using a five-layer deep inference neural network for parameter estimation. The analysis revealed systematic reductions in jumps as a function of practice, such that the LF model more closely approximated the standard Wiener model over time. This trend could not be attributed to other sources of parameter variability, speaking against the possibility of trade-offs with other model parameters. Our analysis suggests that jumps in the LF model might be capturing strategy instability exhibited by relatively inexpe- rienced observers early on in task performance. We conclude that further investigation of a potential psychological interpretation of jumps in evidence accumulation is warranted.

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