noncommutative phase space
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2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (9) ◽  
pp. 771
I. Haouam

We study the Pauli equation in a two-dimensional noncommutative phase-space by considering a constant magnetic field perpendicular to the plane. The noncommutative problem is related to the equivalent commutative one through a set of two-dimensional Bopp-shift transformations. The energy spectrum and the wave function of the two-dimensional noncommutative Pauli equation are found, where the problem in question has been mapped to the Landau problem. In the classical limit, we have derived the noncommutative semiclassical partition function for one- and N- particle systems. The thermodynamic properties such as the Helmholtz free energy, mean energy, specific heat and entropy in noncommutative and commutative phasespaces are determined. The impact of the phase-space noncommutativity on the Pauli system is successfully examined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
pp. 230-241
Ilyas Haouam

In this paper, we obtained the three-dimensional Pauli equation for a spin-1/2 particle in the presence of an electromagnetic field in a noncommutative phase-space as well as the corresponding deformed continuity equation, where the cases of a constant and non-constant magnetic fields are considered. Due to the absence of the current magnetization term in the deformed continuity equation as expected, we had to extract it from the noncommutative Pauli equation itself without modifying the continuity equation. It is shown that the non-constant magnetic field lifts the order of the noncommutativity parameter in both the Pauli equation and the corresponding continuity equation. However, we successfully examined the effect of the noncommutativity on the current density and the magnetization current. By using a classical treatment, we derived the semi-classical noncommutative partition function of the three-dimensional Pauli system of the one-particle and N-particle systems. Then, we employed it for calculating the corresponding Helmholtz free energy followed by the magnetization and the magnetic susceptibility of electrons in both commutative and noncommutative phase-spaces. Knowing that with both the three-dimensional Bopp-Shift transformation and the Moyal-Weyl product, we introduced the phase-space noncommutativity in the problems in question.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (1 Jan-Feb) ◽  
pp. 84
A. A. Safaei ◽  
H. Panahi ◽  
H. Hassanabadi

The Schrödinger equation in noncommutative phase space is considered with a combination of linear, quadratic, Coulomb and inverse square terms. Using the quasi exact ansatz approach, we obtain the energy eigenvalues and the corresponding wave functions. In addition, we discuss the results for various values of  in noncommutative phase space and discuss the results via various figures.

Makoto Nakamura ◽  
Hiroshi Kakuhata ◽  
Kouichi Toda

Noncommutative phase space of arbitrary dimension is discussed. We introduce momentum-momentum noncommutativity in addition to co-ordinate-coordinate noncommutativity. We find an exact form for the linear transformation which relates a noncommutative phase space to the corresponding ordinary one. By using this form, we show that a noncommutative phase space of arbitrary dimension can be represented by the direct sum of two-dimensional noncommutative ones. In two-dimension, we obtain the transformation which relates a noncommutative phase space to commutative one. The transformation has the Lorentz transformation-like forms and can also describe the Bopp's shift.

2020 ◽  
Vol 60 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-121
Ilyas Haouam

In this article, we studied the system of a (2+1) dimensional Dirac equation in a time-dependent noncommutative phase-space. More specifically, we investigated the analytical solution of the corresponding system by the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant method based on the construction of the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant. Knowing that we obtained the time-dependent Dirac Hamiltonian of the problem in question from a time-dependent Bopp-Shift translation, then used it to set the Lewis- Riesenfeld invariant operators. Thereafter, the obtained results were used to express the eigenfunctions that lead to determining the general solution of the system.

Leila Khiari ◽  
Tahar Boudjedaa ◽  
Abdenacer Makhlouf ◽  
Mohammed Tayeb Meftah

The purpose of this paper is the description of Berry’s phase, in the Euclidean Path Integral formalism, for 2D quadratic system: two time dependent coupled harmonic oscillators. This treatment is achieved by using the adiabatic approximation in the commutative and noncommutative phase space

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